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6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

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maybe also related to event init handlers (or whatever):

I don't get any blood squirts or markers anymore. But since I have some issues with other mods, too, I won't complain. Seems there are some compatibility problems. Any estimate on a new update?

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crap, i just installed the latest and i too am not able to enjoy the tracers. i was on a previous version and used the arma effect AND was able to see the tracers

but since i installed the latest 6th pack i lost the tracers.

does anyone know what addons conflict with the lastest 6th pack?

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crap, i just installed the latest and i too am not able to enjoy the tracers. i was on a previous version and used the arma effect AND was able to see the tracers

but since i installed the latest 6th pack i lost the tracers.

does anyone know what addons conflict with the lastest 6th pack?

Try swapping the order you have my mod and the tracers in the mod line. Or even putting them in the same mod folder.

Also the tracers don't always work if you have just 1 unit in the editor. So if you're testing them that way then add another unit.

What other mods have you got running?

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Hopefully in the next days, work has kept me busy still but also some personal reasons have kept me from devving, it's all settling down atm.

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hey Maddmatt, thanks bro... i swapped the order of my mod folders and it worked, im back on the tracers and using your effects as well, no impacts.

thanks guys.

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For full changelog and Pack Info, check our renewed wiki at the BIKI biggrin_o.gif



SIX_Misc Changes

[*] Made the pack compatible with ExtendedInitEventhandlers by Solus, v1.01 included with the package.

[*] Changed the Sides Array to use side objects instead of strings

SIX_CRDS Changes

[*] Cleaned up CRDS considerably, only starting certain scripts on units after they get hit, instead of spawning scripts at start that wait for conditions

[*] Volume Tuning... AGAIN...

SIX_Blood Changes

[*] Slightly Tuned settings, but still need to figure out what is causing slowdowns on some computers

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hmmm ... sickboy:

- posting allot at Bis forum -> yes

- supporting other mods -> yes

- making some own mods -> yes

@sickboy: have you sold your bed??? wink_o.gif

thx for 0.3


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Hehe wink_o.gif I wish I could sell my job smile_o.gif

Detected an error after playing for hours 'n hours... When Blood and CRDS are enabled, there is double amount of health taken so you die very very quickly from bloodloss ... Sry...

I have updated the package on the server, aswell as made a copy and added "f" to the rar, just to be sure so you dont get the old version from cache:


(Only SIX_CRDS.pbo is updated)

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I am encountering a problem using with v0.3 Tracers  (both the original and “f†versions) on some servers that is puzzling me.  For background, I followed the install instructions to the letter, left all .pbo’s in place and have not edited any .hpp files, all of my difficulty settings are on default, and I disabled all other mods.  I also repeated the install process several times.

I tried to use v.03 on four different dedicated multiplayer servers in a variety of missions and tracers worked fine on two of them but not at all on the other two.  I attempted to use tracers on rifles, MGs, and vehicles to make sure the problem wasn’t contained to a certain class of weapons.  When tracers did work, sometimes rifles didn’t (which I assumed was because the server config had rifle tracers disabled) but otherwise it was all or nothing with v.03.  Here is the kicker: when I did a complete fresh reinstall of the v.02, tracers worked fine on ALL of the servers (and I had no problems before using v.02)

On the primary server I play on, I know at least two other people for whom v.03 tracers do not work but v.02 do so I am assuming that it is not just me.  My initial thought is that there is some other server specific setting that is inhibiting tracers (since it worked on some but not on others).  Is this possible or is there something else to consider?  

I am happy to enter this in the bug tracker but I wanted to make sure there wasn’t something simple I was missing first.  Thanks!

BTW, the new Blood and CRDS aspects seem to be working great…I continue to love this mod!

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Hi guys,

Since I updated to v0.3/v0.3f I'm having problems with my game's sounds (music and FX). Older versions were running flawless, it could be this ExtendedINIT thing?


Btw, I'm using Chammy's Sound Mod also and never had problem with the Sound Mod and older 6thSense versions.

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Never mind.... all fixed now.. tried so many things that I'm not sure what was causing and neither what solved the problem...

Great job again sickboy!

Thanks guys.

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@loyalguard, I will try to look into it asap.

@Figadas, nice that you resolved ur issues smile_o.gif

@Zander, you would need to unpbo SIX_Tracers.pbo, and edit the green.paa texture to become yellow, and repack the pbo

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@Zander, you would need to unpbo SIX_Tracers.pbo, and edit the green.paa texture to become yellow, and repack the pbo

You could also use the cfgmaterial color settings, if you know how... That's what was done in StarWars mod.

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@loyalguard, I will try to look into it asap.

@Figadas, nice that you resolved ur issues smile_o.gif

@Zander, you would need to unpbo SIX_Tracers.pbo, and edit the green.paa texture to become yellow, and repack the pbo

ok thanks

if anyone did it already, please share.

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@ Sep. 29 2007,14:08)]
@Zander, you would need to unpbo SIX_Tracers.pbo, and edit the green.paa texture to become yellow, and repack the pbo

You could also use the cfgmaterial color settings, if you know how... That's what was done in StarWars mod.

where is it located ?

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ok thanks i did the modification, i prefere it now.

can i post the modified pbo sickboy ?

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Don't see any reason why. But you can post the modified texture so others could integrate it if they like it.

As the project is being developped on every few weeks its not handy to have multiple textured versions available :P

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