dmarkwick 261 Posted July 4, 2007 ***UPDATE*** Sickboy has updated the @SIX_ addons yet again for us, despite not being able to post he'd like for people to have access to it, here's the link: And here's part of the changelog: Quote[/b] ]v0.2RC1SIX_Misc Changes # Added SIX_allI and allV (Infantry and Vehicle Arrays) to the unitarrays script SIX_Blood Changes # Removed checks for vehicles/infantry, making use now of updated SIX_Misc Arrays # Rewritten some scripts and functions # Rewritten Multiplayer component, should work flawless now # Models and Textures updated by Garlay, Materials Configured. Removed Shadow settings. # Lag caused by wrong Model Setup and Scripts should be history now # Added SIX_Blood.hpp . Blood now fully configurable for SinglePlayer, aswell as Mission Configurability like the Tracers # Corrected settings, Players + AI should die by Bloodloss overtime SIX_CRDS Changes # Removed checks for vehicles/infantry, making use now of updated SIX_Misc Arrays SIX_Tracers Changes # Removed checks for vehicles/infantry, making use now of updated SIX_Misc Arrays *edit* I can vouch for the blood addon being much improved, I can crank the settings up further now, very little FPS hit, and road texture bug is gone. I spent a nice hour of so injuring civilians, waiting 20 minutes then hunting them down via blood trails. Now you can hunt down those pesky AI that get away from you - as long as you injure them first Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmitri 0 Posted July 5, 2007 Blood trails sure add a lot to 1 vs 1 sniper matches Great work Sickboy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maddmatt 1 Posted July 5, 2007 Great, already downloaded Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TrunkzJr 0 Posted July 5, 2007 Great mod, love how the blood splats when your shot. But when your bleeding non stop, the blood splats look all the same in size and shape i think and just doesn't feel right. Maybe make a random thing happen so it comes in different shapes and sizes depending on length or how bad, etc. Make more bleeding maybe when running also. Also, after standing wounded in the same spot for 5min+, it doesn't really look like a pool of blood, just images one over another. Other then that, this is a great mod, has lots of potential, great job sickboy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
william1 0 Posted July 5, 2007 excellent work with the last version , no lag practically and everything works as it should , the Arma missions are becoming a lot of fun ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted July 5, 2007 Great mod, love how the blood splats when your shot. But when your bleeding non stop, the blood splats look all the same in size and shape i think and just doesn't feel right. Maybe make a random thing happen so it comes in different shapes and sizes depending on length or how bad, etc. Make more bleeding maybe when running also. Also, after standing wounded in the same spot for 5min+, it doesn't really look like a pool of blood, just images one over another. Other then that, this is a great mod, has lots of potential, great job sickboy. That's a human player problem AI units don't stay still long enough to cause that. If the objects used can be somehow changed to just textures, I can supply some nice textures to use on a random basis. I don't know the limitations of textures vs objects though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted July 5, 2007 @sickboy had a run with v0.2RC1 for a day now, everything is ok except there is some little tiny bug, that when the player gets hit not by bullets but by sharpnels of grenade or exploding vehicles, the option to use medikits does not appear, although the blood textures are displayed on the uniform of the player. Can you check this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
william1 0 Posted July 5, 2007 maybe a bug : when the player is on board of a chopper and the chopper is reached by enemy fire the player begins to make breath noises like if he was injuried although he is not , maybe a CDRS issue , i haven't tried with other vehicles but i suppose it will happen aswell Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stun 5 Posted July 5, 2007 I have just started using the tracer and misc addons and have been trying it with the single player version of evolution. The tracers are amazing compared to the stock bis ones. Unfortunately I have been getting the save game crash to desktop problem with the latest 0.2 version and the previous version. I assume this has something to do with the use of alot of global variables or whatever they are called in evolutionsp? Is there any solution on the horizon? I really don't want to have to revert to the rubbish bis tracers in order to play evolutionsp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunney 0 Posted July 5, 2007 @sickboyThank u so much for the "@SIX_Blood" thing U can read my dreams man!!!! Love u!  ^^ Its it possibe that u can add that "ArmA Group Link II Plus!, The ULTIMATE AI enhancement" because its very nice when the AI say something like that "Grenade"or "GET some" "enemy tank" and many more! Pleas can u make that in in future   @SIX_AI_enhancement or something like that ------- Edit: Oh and something what i forget to say, And now we need to wait for "Sakura-chan" bloody effects and ArmA will Greater and Greater and i hope u can make a @SIX_bloody_effects to when its realise. Look here: Your Always:  Sickboy did say he would be working on his own AI enhancement when he gets back after the holidays. I'm not sure if it will just be for his AI-Manager, which is not SP compatitble. Or something else that you could use in SP missions, which I would love =p. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IronTiger 0 Posted July 5, 2007 @Gunney Nice to hear that! I hope that the russians (i men the opfor units) will talk in russian language Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted July 6, 2007 If anybody's interested in different configs for blood settings, I have mine as per below. Basically I narrow the blood dispersal to give more directional spurt, alter the particle size up but have fewer particles (blood spatter objects are not the same thing as particles). I get a good experience with these settings, the particles can be seen from further away which is good when shooting at those pesky AI when they lie down in long grass/bushes, you can see a spurt of blood squirt up when you hit. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class SIX_BloodCfg_SP { class Configuration { auto_loop = 1; // 0 disable, 1 enable auto_refresh = 30; // time in seconds to check for new units on the Map particle_dirshift = 15; // Maximum direction shift ( Degrees ) particle_minspeed = 5; // Minimum speed ( Horizontal ) particle_maxspeed = 10; // Maximum speed ( Horizontal ) particle_maxvertspeed = 3; // Maximum vertical speed particle_minvertspeed = -2; // Minimum vertical speed particle_spreadfactor = 2; // Factor to spread blood within limits defined above particle_maxsize = 0.1; // Maximum size of particles particle_minsize = 0.08; // Minimum size of particles particle_number = 30; // Number of blood particles particle_color = [0.1,0,0,1]; // Colour of blood particles particle_disable = 0; // Disable blood particle // SET DEFAULT OBJECT SETTINGS particle_spawn_chance = 0.5; // Percentage chance of showing blood textures at all particle_damage_proportional = 1; // Make the number of blood particles proportional to the damage being inflicted? object_life = 3600; // Time that blood textures hang around for ( Before disappearing ) object_list[] = {"SIX_Blood_Splash1","SIX_Blood_Splash2","SIX_Blood_Splash3","SIX_Blood_Splash4"}; // List of blood texture objects object_list_chance = [0.05,0.225,0.325,0.4]; // Percentage chance of showing each blood texture object ( Must add up to 1 ) object_maximum = 600; // Maximum number of blood objects allowed object_disable = 0; // Disable Blood objects? bleeding_list[] = {{"SIX_Blood_Splash3","SIX_Blood_Splash3","SIX_Blood_Splash2"}, {"SIX_Blood_Splash4","SIX_Blood_Splash3","SIX_Blood_Splash2"}, {"SIX_Blood_Splash1"} }; // List of blood objects to be used for bleeding units ( In order of size = severity ) bleeding_damage[] = {0.33,0.66,1}; // List of the amount of damage to use each of the objects in ("bleeding_list" call SIX_fBlood) bleeding_pause[] = {{0.5,8},{0.5,5},{0.5,3}}; // How many seconds between bleeding for damaged units? bleeding_disable = 0; // Disable bleeding? bleeding_life = 1200; // Time that bleeding textures hang around for ( Before disappearing ) bleeding_bloodloss_damage[] = {{0,0},{0,0.1},{0.05,0.2}}; // Damage from bloodloss per minute bleeding_bloodloss_disable = 0; // Allow damage from bloodloss }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maddmatt 1 Posted July 6, 2007 I hope that the russians (i men the opfor units) will talk in russian language Why would they speak Russian? The Opfor units in ArmA are not Russian. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted July 6, 2007 If anybody's interested in different configs for blood settings, I have mine as per below. Basically I narrow the blood dispersal to give more directional spurt, alter the particle size up but have fewer particles (blood spatter objects are not the same thing as particles). I get a good experience with these settings, the particles can be seen from further away which is good when shooting at those pesky AI when they lie down in long grass/bushes, you can see a spurt of blood squirt up when you hit.<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class SIX_BloodCfg_SP { class Configuration { auto_loop = 1; // 0 disable, 1 enable auto_refresh = 30; // time in seconds to check for new units on the Map particle_dirshift = 15; // Maximum direction shift ( Degrees ) particle_minspeed = 5; // Minimum speed ( Horizontal ) particle_maxspeed = 10; // Maximum speed ( Horizontal ) particle_maxvertspeed = 3; // Maximum vertical speed particle_minvertspeed = -2; // Minimum vertical speed particle_spreadfactor = 2; // Factor to spread blood within limits defined above particle_maxsize = 0.1; // Maximum size of particles particle_minsize = 0.08; // Minimum size of particles particle_number = 30; // Number of blood particles particle_color = [0.1,0,0,1]; // Colour of blood particles particle_disable = 0; // Disable blood particle // SET DEFAULT OBJECT SETTINGS particle_spawn_chance = 0.5; // Percentage chance of showing blood textures at all particle_damage_proportional = 1; // Make the number of blood particles proportional to the damage being inflicted? object_life = 3600; // Time that blood textures hang around for ( Before disappearing ) object_list[] = {"SIX_Blood_Splash1","SIX_Blood_Splash2","SIX_Blood_Splash3","SIX_Blood_Splash4"}; // List of blood texture objects object_list_chance = [0.05,0.225,0.325,0.4]; // Percentage chance of showing each blood texture object ( Must add up to 1 ) object_maximum = 600; // Maximum number of blood objects allowed object_disable = 0; // Disable Blood objects? bleeding_list[] = {{"SIX_Blood_Splash3","SIX_Blood_Splash3","SIX_Blood_Splash2"}, {"SIX_Blood_Splash4","SIX_Blood_Splash3","SIX_Blood_Splash2"}, {"SIX_Blood_Splash1"} }; // List of blood objects to be used for bleeding units ( In order of size = severity ) bleeding_damage[] = {0.33,0.66,1}; // List of the amount of damage to use each of the objects in ("bleeding_list" call SIX_fBlood) bleeding_pause[] = {{0.5,8},{0.5,5},{0.5,3}}; // How many seconds between bleeding for damaged units? bleeding_disable = 0; // Disable bleeding? bleeding_life = 1200; // Time that bleeding textures hang around for ( Before disappearing ) bleeding_bloodloss_damage[] = {{0,0},{0,0.1},{0.05,0.2}}; // Damage from bloodloss per minute bleeding_bloodloss_disable = 0; // Allow damage from bloodloss }; }; So this means that particles are the paticles "exiting" the body of a hit soldier and splatter are the objects on the ground like in the screens above? I would like to reduce the size the splatters (on the ground). Is this possible somehow? BTW. I altered my blood cfg to smaller and fewer particles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted July 6, 2007 So this means that particles are the paticles "exiting" the body of a hit soldier and splatter are the objects on the ground like in the screens above?I would like to reduce the size the splatters (on the ground). Is this possible somehow? BTW. I altered my blood cfg to smaller and fewer particles. I think you are correct of the particles/objects thing. I noticed that objects appear where particles land so lowering the number of particles has probably already reduced the spatter objects, but I'm guessing there. Looking at the hpp file I cannot see anything that specifically controls number of blood objects shown per hit, but I can see that you can make more of one object more likely than others, so if you can find out which object in the object_list is the smallest blob then you can alter the ratios in the object_list_chance array to favour that object. It's not the same as limiting objects per hit, but it will reduce the larger blobs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted July 6, 2007 Yes that's a good idea. I guess I have to depbo the six_blood.pbo to see which of the six_blood_splash objects is the smallest. Somehow I can't depbo sickboys SIX_blood.pbo, it's strange cause I'm using the same tool. (cpbo 2.03) And I can depbo other files but not sickboys Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted July 6, 2007 Yes that's a good idea. I guess I have to depbo the six_blood.pbo to see which of the six_blood_splash objects is the smallest.Somehow I can't depbo sickboys SIX_blood.pbo, it's strange cause I'm using the same tool. (cpbo 2.03) And I can depbo other files but not sickboys Try setting the object_list_chance like this: object_list_chance = [1,0,0,0]; And then object_list_chance = [0,1,0,0]; object_list_chance = [0,0,1,0]; object_list_chance = [0,0,0,1]; successively until you've identified the smallest object. Don't know about the PBO sorry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maddmatt 1 Posted July 6, 2007 Somehow I can't depbo sickboys SIX_blood.pbo, it's strange cause I'm using the same tool. (cpbo 2.03) And I can depbo other files but not sickboys Eliteness can do it, you can find it here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted July 7, 2007 @Madmatt I knew Eliteness but apparently I had an old version not working for me. I downloaded using your link and now it works. Thanks mate! @DMarkwick After toying around I found out that the six_blood_splash1 - 4 are in ascending sequence. Meaning: the 1 ist the smallest and 4 is the biggest. I set it now to 0.45,0.325,0.125,0.1 and the blood objects on the ground are a lot smaller and IMO looking a lot more realistic than the huge blood splatter in default. @sickboy When you get back from holidays try my settings and maybe you find ok. IMO the default settings are too bloody..:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoFFeN 0 Posted July 7, 2007 Hey guys. I have used the Beta Tracers for weeks now, and they have worked great. Today I installed the "pack1". I got it to work like 50% aka only the tracers are working correctly. I have messed in the editor these last couple of days by making a big battle where Blackhawks are transporting troops behind enemy lines. After I installed the pack I began getting some problems. The chopper won't begin to fly when the troops have gotten in it "Waypoint problems?"... It did work before, but not anymore after useing the pack. I use the PMC desert island Addon btw, If that is important... Can anyone write down the correct "Target Line (ArmA shortcut)" for the pack with Tracers 0.1, Misc 0.1, Editor Update 0.5 and with the FDF 1.1 Mod included. I'm a bigtime noob when it comes to that stuff. You guys couldn't just release the latest Tracers as a stand alone though like the beta tracers, or...? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted July 7, 2007 Hey guys. I have used the Beta Tracers for weeks now, and they have worked great. Today I installed the "pack1". I got it to work like 50% aka only the tracers are working correctly. I have messed in the editor these last couple of days by making a big battle where Blackhawks are transporting troops behind enemy lines. After I installed the pack I began getting some problems. The chopper won't begin to fly when the troops have gotten in it "Waypoint problems?"... It did work before, but not anymore after useing the pack. I use the PMC desert island Addon btw, If that is important... Can anyone write down the correct "Target Line (ArmA shortcut)" for the pack with Tracers 0.1, Misc 0.1, Editor Update 0.5 and with the FDF 1.1 Mod included. I'm a bigtime noob when it comes to that stuff. You guys couldn't just release the latest Tracers as a stand alone though like the beta tracers, or...? As I understand it, the addons are modular. If you just want the tracers, you should just install the @Misc and the @Tracers folders. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoFFeN 0 Posted July 8, 2007 ^I tried your suggestion and it's still messed up. I did get the chopper to fly this time, but it took about 4-5 minutes before it takes off, and it can't follow it's waypoint either. The chopper circles around the waypoint and then suddenly decide to land after circleing around for 4-5 minutes...Woot? I played again on the PMC Island. I don't get the same error on Rahmadi however, but its still messed up there also. Instead of the squad boarding the Blackhawk they just walt towards the unload waypoint... My guess is that the "Misc" stuff is the problem maybe? ---- So stand alone Tracers without misc, ftw. Please... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kroky 1 Posted July 8, 2007 Hey guys, looks like Solus will come up with a Giga Mod for ArmA with @SLX, which includes, modified smoke and blood effects! Look here!: Any chance sickboy and Solus could work together to make an ubermod? Cause a lot of features seems to be very similar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grodin 0 Posted July 8, 2007 I hope that the russians (i men the opfor units) will talk in russian language Why would they speak Russian? The Opfor units in ArmA are not Russian. Cos fighting units that use russian equipment, russian uniforms, russian vehicles, and who look like russians anyway, but for some reason talk english, is bit absurd. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CameronMcDonald 147 Posted July 8, 2007 Yeah, but North Sahrani != Russia. And not all of their uniform is Russian, only the helmets, webbing/pouches and boots are (or were, in the case of the helmets) in Russian use. The camo scheme and body armour are fictional and American, respectively. Judging from the place's names the predominant language is Spanish, so I'd say give 'em Spanish lingo if possible. Problem is it's not quite that easy to grab Spanish voice files. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites