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KilJoy -SFG-

Evolution V3.0

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@cls81 It is lack of fuel. Only engineers can get points for repairing things but if you want to use a broken land vehicle you need only fill it with fuel to get it moving, then you can drive it to a repair truck or farp to fully fix it. If its a helicopter your going to have to bring both a fuel truck and a repair truck to get it moving unless you are an engineer who can make a farp near any repair truck to fully service the vehicle.

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@ Aug. 18 2007,20:10)]There haven't been pilots in evolution for a good while now. And when there was, pilots had to have the points too. Maybe you played a modded version.

I had someone join my server who was able to recruit several AI teammates right away before even reaching the first rank. I don't know how he did this, I decided not to make an issue out of it, since there was nobody else in the server anyway at the time.

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@ KilJoy: Tonite on the =dB= ArmA Evo Coop 3.0 server, we (four of us) decided to team up to conduct side missions with two towns still occupied by SLA on the map.

After entering both the Transfer Hut and Mission HQ buildings, selecting Request Transfer, then clicking the Join button, to join a squad, we all saw the following text message:



Any ideas on why this could occur to all of us? We even disconnected from the server, restarted ArmA, rejoined, and it happened again. Then we did a system reboot, rejoined the server and duplicated the error of not being able to join any squad member.

All of us were able to recruit AI since we were Majors and Colonels with available slots in our squad.

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I did red somewhere that VD can be changed in Evolution by going recruit building, but I really never found the option.

Where is it?

I mean...if could have 5km of VD in a tank or a chopper it could be really fantastic.

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It's the wood-house right next to the airport control tower or whatever you call it. You can ask for transfer or increase viewdistance (and change terrainlevel and such).

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Edit: I didn't see Kiljoy's reply until after I posted...

Sorry for asking but how do you repair vehicles?

I see them marked on the map and drive there in a repair truck but i cant get them 100% fixed or driveable.

Do you need to be a engineer to fix them or is it a lack of fuel?

I play as the fighting classes since the support are already taken. Plus i rather help my self than others wink_o.gif

As long as the vehicle needing repair is close enough to the repair truck AND you are in the driver's seat of the vehicle needing repair, you should be ok (with a few exceptions)...I bet the lack of fuel is the primary culprit.

I have attached below a small excerpt from a guide I wrote for playing Evo 3.0. This is the section on Repair & Refuel Trucks and should answer all your questions:

Quote[/b] ]Repair Trucks & Refuel Trucks

Repair and refuel trucks can be driven by any rank player (and BluFor A.I.). Any vehicle that is recoverable (on it's belly and not at sea) can be repaired as follows:

1. Park the fuel truck near the vehicle

2. Get in the Driver's seat of the vehicle

3. You will then see "Repairing" or "Servicing" on your screen and the damage/armor status of the vehicle will be seen to increase in the upper left corner of the screen.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must sit in the driver's seat of a vehicle in order to repair it. However, if you do not have a high enough rank to drive the particular vehicle you cannot sit in the driver's seat. There is a workaround for this however. While the vehicle is empty, get in the driver's seat and you will be rejected. Then get into any other seat in the vehicle (gunner/back). Wait a few moments and you should be able to get into the driver's seat to repair or repair from another seat.

Once repaired, a vehicle can then be refueled (if so needed) in a similar fashion:

1. Park the fuel truck near the vehicle.

2. Get in the Driver's seat of the vehicle

3. You will then see "Refueling" on your screen and the fuel level of the vehicle will be seen to increase.

You should always repair a vehicle before refueling it as some damaged vehicles will leak fuel and waste your prior refueling efforts. Please also note that there are ammo trucks that can also re-arm vehicles (and infantry) out in the field as well.

I hope that helps!

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can you fix the viecles for rearming when refueling and going to farp with a half emty unit it only rearms upto 100

mabe replace it with a new one so it has full ammo and AI will enter it

need some sort of work around with half used units

regards russin

ps i find myself checking units ammo before repairing it if half the ammo was used i Destroy the unit then refuel it tounge2.gif

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can you fix the viecles for rearming when refueling and going to farp with a half emty unit it only rearms upto 100

I've never had that problem before...

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...do the service vehicles respawn?

I've never seen it happen, but sure they do, right?

Also, can we have more than one A10 please?

Also also, how come it takes vehicles longer to respawn the longer the mp has been running? Is there some script not ending or something?

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Ka-50 doesn't attack unless provoked. Usually it does flyby, and it is easy to shoot with a stinger. I want it to be very nasty and mean son of mrs.b :P

Su-34 does a lot of aerobatics than engaging us. I'd like to see him very ruthless and mean to us humans biggrin_o.gif

I crap my kecks every time a kamov or su-34 flys over!

Neither will deliberately attack inf AFAIK, although I've seen plenty of people blown to little pieces by standing too close to an idling vehicle - you can guarantee that if you're in a vehicle and they're showing up red on the radar they've seen you. Sometimes they do just seem to just ignore you, but other times they'll disappear out of sight, do a big banking turn and suddenly come bombing in from behind you with a rocket strafe. crazy_o.gif

I had an crazy experience the other day flying a UH-60 I'd repaired back to base - an enemy jet flew past fairly close and started banking round to follow me. I tried to dive down into a valley to shake him off but he just homed in like an angry poodle and started spraying cannon fire at me (the tracers look lovely but not when they're hosing past your cockpit).

Anyway I thought I'd make it but instead of overshooting me he flew straight into the back of the chopper and crashed it right into a dense forest up in the mountains...

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I crap my kecks every time a kamov or su-34 flys over!

Neither will deliberately attack inf AFAIK, although I've seen plenty of people blown to little pieces by standing too close to an idling vehicle - you can guarantee that if you're in a vehicle and they're showing up red on the radar they've seen you. Sometimes they do just seem to just ignore you, but other times they'll disappear out of sight, do a big banking turn and suddenly come bombing in from behind you with a rocket strafe.  crazy_o.gif

I had an crazy experience the other day flying a UH-60 I'd repaired back to base - an enemy jet flew past fairly close and started banking round to follow me. I tried to dive down into a valley to shake him off but he just homed in like an angry poodle and started spraying cannon fire at me (the tracers look lovely but not when they're hosing past your cockpit).

Anyway I thought I'd make it but instead of overshooting me he flew straight into the back of the chopper and crashed it right into a dense forest up in the mountains...

Oh no! the SLAgs employ kamikaze pilots !! crazy_o.gif

And yes Kamovs will occasionally kill a car or two. I guess Infantry is too small and fast to hit.

As i said earlier, I’ve only ever had one experience with a Su35, when i bomber out a building in front of the house I was sniping out of. Awesome sight, let me tell you.

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Try taking a few shots at the su34 or kamov and see what happens. I've tried both and both times they've made a bee line for me and shot me dead. If you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone, unless your in or near a vehicle.

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@ Aug. 18 2007,23:31)]
I have a question: how come I see guys driving Abramses without proper rank (like Corporal or something). How is this possible? huh.gif

hacks, ban them

I saw this going on earlier, the guy was being a smart ass about it so he didn't say how but apparently there is a way of piloting vehicles outside of your rank 'without cheating' as he put it. Apparently it has nothing to do with hacking or modifying files, and anyone can do it.

Then again he might be full of poo, but the way he was carrying on I gather he'd found out something clever no one else has thought of.

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Actualy this exploit is quite well known, I've tried it myself and its not a hack. I told Jiljoy how to reproduce it as well as another less known exploit which I won't talk about. Got enough BS going on with the first one already wink_o.gif. I'm pretty sure kiljoy will come up with something for those in the following versions.

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It's not a hack but it's still cheating and should be treated accordingly. It's been increasing lately, especially with the A10.

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when your all by yourself that bug exploit can help though. just hop in the vehicle you want and have at it. but when other players are on the server... well that crap just ain't cool. band.gif

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Evolution drives me nuts... do the dudes just respawn or what? I spent at least 2 hours just killing dudes in the first town... :S

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Yes, they respawn if all BLUEFOR units leave the city area (marked grey on map). To fix this send an AI soldier inside city area, make him prone in some bushes and order him to hold fire.

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@ Sep. 04 2007,11:28)]Yes, they respawn if all BLUEFOR units leave the city area (marked grey on map). To fix this send an AI soldier inside city area, make him prone in some bushes and order him to hold fire.

Yeah I found that out yesterday. The hard way.. banghead.gif But on the plus side, I made Captain in Paraiso pistols.gif

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Regarding enemy AI re-spawn when friendlies exit the gray zone issue, hopefully this will be resolved in the next version as KilJoy himself said way back on page ten of this thread:

Quote[/b] ]People in small groups need not worry about having ai in the zone in the next version because when you leave a city a record is made of remaining troops and when you return it will only spawn from record. An option might be to restock the city under certain conditions or a time limit for those who like a more persistent game. But for now you could actually pick away at it as a single player. and eventually concur a town.

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It's not a hack but it's still cheating and should be treated accordingly. It's been increasing lately, especially with the A10.

Well... It bugs the hell out of me. I sometimes (quite often actually) manage to get to colonel and get access to all the cool stuff. It takes several HOURS of playing quite often unless someone is kind enough to let you gun in an AH-1Z or an Abrams, and when some punk comes waltzing in and grabs an AH-6 (thats the one with rockets) and then tells me 'oh I'm not cheating I'm just being a really clever smart arse aren't I cleverer than you for not spending 2 hours getting my rank up'... I get a little maaaad. banghead.gif

What's worse is when I turn round and tell him that the hosts of this server he's playing on won't like what he's doing and would ban him for certain if they were there, everyone then leaps to his defence with 'oh hes being all right about it, he just wants to ferry troops like he said, leave him alone drop it'. Am I the only one playing Evo who doesn't know these exploits?? The amusing thing is as soon as I dropped it with good grace and everyone stopped paying attention to him, he jumped in an M1A1 (this was still at pvt rank mind) and decided to drive to Corazol in it....

Anyway I'm not bothered about whether the exploits are there and whether its possible to fix them, but I'd be nice to see a little support in cracking down on ppl that use them to take the piss.

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amen Ezekiel, amen smile_o.gif

Anyways, not sure if this has been suggested , but if possible it would be great if vehicle transport was implemented into Evolution.

You know, like in the stock "cti" mission that came with arma....


*editx2: Sorry that was all wrong, what i meant was rts4

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amen Ezekiel, amen smile_o.gif

Anyways, not sure if this has been suggested , but if possible it would be great if vehicle transport was implemented into Evolution.

You know, like in the stock "cti" mission that came with arma....


*edit: Sorry that was all wrong, what i meant was kp-cti if my memory does not fail me again that is....

Yeah, some dick was playing the other day and took both Black Hawks and both Cobras and crashed them on top of the high mountains to the North.

Also, off topic i know, but I have an issue with my "stcok CTI"...there is no AI! None atall! No Blluefor, Opfor or Independant! and there is no option to turn them back on. All since i upgraded to 1.08.

Any way, back on topic; I have been known to take the A10 for a spin, but didn't know it upset people (untill that guy stuffed the choppers on the mountains for us), so I don't do it any more. There must be a way to prevent the act...

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I all.

I really like your Coop missions. But there are a few things that you should improve.

For example;

-You have all the work to repair and refuel units and then just came a guy with a higher rank and grab all... And you didnt even get points for that.

-Helicopters, planes should be piloted by a pilot unit and they progress in rank has they do Ins, Extr, MEDEVAC, EVACs and so on gaining points and get acess to A10 and AV8.

-Medics are fine and engineers too.

-Snipers units should be able to have sniper (M24) instantly as well as Specs Ops the M4A1 SD and MP5SD...

And so on and on...

So for the quick reply but I dont have time for more now.

Best regards to all and thank you for your amazing Coop missions.


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