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smiley nick

Afghanistan Arrives to ArmA

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Unfortunately our good friend and talented community member "Deanosbeano" left the forum some time ago. However i am posting this on behalf of him and everyone else.

Deanosbeano and solus have been hard at work once again, and have managed to actually put custom islands into our beloved ArmA. Not only that, they are fully textured to some extent. (pending tools)

For those who said its impossible i post here today, correcting such comments, and i hope everyone with the same commitment and enthusiasm will also hack this pbo to pieces and get cracking on their own islands.

I am very proud to of been a part of this project and a huge huge huge thanks to all those involved which are...

1.) Solus

2.) GranQ

3.) Snakeman

4.) mcnools

5.) orcanweb

6.) Ian

7.) SmileyNick

This is the community as i know it, and lets hope it stays like it.  (sharing)

There will be a "how too" guide following in a few hours.

And on a added note, i have just been told that solus has got a surprise in store for you, something about a old classic...  whistle.gif

A casual reminder

The work here is all WIP and is at beta stage still, it will be down to the mission makers and a editor upgrade to bring life to the island as in any mission you play.

Happy playing and good luck!

Version build - 1.5 patch and Beta's +

Any constructive feedback also welcome, including MP smile_o.gif

Link-Clicky -ArmA info

Mirror - LWR Mirror

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i just want to stress out the fact of running the custom islands with the beta. If not it will most likely give you a CTD.

Not tried with afghanistan but malden gave ctd if not used with the beta patch.

Now, its not much but really good work with afghanistan. Hopefully the community will soon have some tools that can speed up the process.

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Yep i tested both with 1.05 and 1.07Beta, It was only working with the betapatch, with 1.05 i had an ctd.

Buuuut, great work, even without any buildings or vegetation. notworthy.gif

Those "strechings" in the SE, S and SW could be used as firing ranges very well.

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Hi guys would really love to try this good looking map, but am unable to as it keeps on crashing me to the desktop, with that do you want to send error crap lol.

Ive tried making it its own mod & also droping it in to my add-ons folder & still does it, am i doing some thing wrong & if so can some one help.... yours BOSS.......:)

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weeeeeee yay.gifyay.gif


Wish you all Good inspirations for the project!!! firefoxlover.gif

edit: yup, CDT. cant wait to test it right.

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good job all involved,have been waiting for the first custom island for arma notworthy.gif

looking forward to having a look & to see how it was done  wink_o.gif


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GranQ did say use the Beta patches. Unless you're both getting the CTD's with them too.

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yes 2 ctd's here with 505 version running the beta 1.07

crashed after 30 secs too 1min while flying the planes a10,av8

didn't ctd when i was flying a LB but might have been lucky.

But the pilots out there are going to like this map biggrin_o.gif

Seems realy vast!


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To me, setting Terrain detail to anything below normal gave me decreased preformance and loss of textures on distant landscapes.

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I like it! =)

With the Editor Update I made my own towns and it fit quite well.

Keep up the good work! =D!

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Super sweet! So is anyone going to start working on a BOA (Bases over Afghanistan) map with roads and stuff?

PS: How do u make roads and buildings again???

Do u need the G85 Editor Update??

Edit: O god, good luck gettin any buildings on map... it seems like every other 1 with the g85 up crashes the game

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wow this is amazing so much fun for just spawning platoons of tanks and having battles. 1.06 US version works without CTD

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I would like to know just how he did it. It needs more features to me, but it most likely a tool limitation I think.

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I would like to know just how he did it. It needs more features to me, but it most likely a tool limitation I think.

in short.. go to this thread:

Slx island

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Really a great job with the new island guys, the community keeps amazing doing so many things without the "needed" tools!!


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Thanks for the bug reports.

We are not really sure what the problem is, but it seems that using 1.07beta with NO mods, seems to work.

On the other hand try putting it in your addons folder as a standalone addon.

Also due to the size and the "Bodged job" (as it where) there could be many reasons.

Try lowering your terrain detail, or raising it, also try changing your texture detail.

But keep the reports coming, im sure we will figure it out.


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This is a fine job you have done !

Addons are no prob for me



All Sara-DRY-Islands

And i have no CDT´s flying half an hour trough the Hils :-)

Think there are some Helo Dogfights to go next time ;-)


We need i "climb booster" for our Helos because the only thing that crashed here are: ähm SOME Apaches whistle.gif

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Congratulations of getting the first textured island into ArmA, great work everybody.

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Yea that map is bloody sweet very nice, just need some buildings & some roads & a few missions to go with it lol.

Nice job maybe very well done indeed,also a black hawk down map next would be sweet as well, or even a jungle one would also be wicked,like maybe convert the small map in to a thick tropical forest.

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Thanks for the hard work and sharing guys thumbs-up.gif .... *off for some nap-of-the-earth flying* biggrin_o.gif

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Hey guys,

THANKS for this,i havnt tried it yet but im goin to tonite cant wait,Im glad you can all work together on such projects thats what sets the ARMA\OFP community apart from any other,as i come from the gtr2 community and more or less everyone is always at each others throats,apart from a few people who actually know the score.

THANKS for the work guys,much appreciated.

All the best


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i found something you need to fix...

I got in a Humvee and i went down a hill with no bumps and all of a sudden i died?

you need to change damage controls or something.. becuase i cant drive a humvee without dieing.

i have a video which i will upload soon that shows what i mean. and the motorcycle is okay because it cant really balance itself in hills.

anyway i love the map!! I have been waiting for a Lebanon map even more but Afghanistan is still awesome. I hope you can make HUGE city's. Can you use the buildings in vbs1. Not thus army pack buildings of course. I hope you will add new units and some Taliban units. The units in arma need to have more of a baggy messy look on their uniforms for example


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