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Patch 1.08

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Quote[/b] ]

dx10, like dual core support, is never going to happen.

He is right, save this for Game2 wishlist.

To multicore:

I told in one reply what a colleague (experienced in programing SW explained to me. He told me programing SW in a real efficient way to really utilize and benefit from multi core is rare knowledge (dunno if present inside BI) and you better start the coding from the scratch instead of trying to convert the old engine.

But I am somehow sure BI will go for multicore in Game2, I can not see any other possibility to reach the performance expected at the release time whenever it will be.

For 1.08 I would just bagging to solve TT 2166 and getting the graphic in general under control. Rest can be saved for following patches.

Stability of the core comes for me before addon fixing and new features.


I would sign of course the suggestions from Balschoiw if they do not delay the 1.08 behind the middle of next month.

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5. Free optional visible cursor to target when in vehicles

6. No center-reset of mouseposition when driving, flying vehicles (this has been asked for numerous times now, it´s getting old, really) Currently it´s impulse steering, not consistent vector steering that would make steerring much more smoother and consistent.

Oh yes, thats needed  ...

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Quote[/b] ]6. No center-reset of mouseposition when driving, flying vehicles (this has been asked for numerous times now, it´s getting old, really) Currently it´s impulse steering, not consistent vector steering that would make steerring much more smoother and consistent.

I get the impression they improved it with 1.07. At least for me it is more fluid, checked the mouse settings, it is as in 1.05+.

Basically the ability to switch in the control option between center/non-center would solve the issue for everyone.

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Quote[/b] ]6. No center-reset of mouseposition when driving, flying vehicles (this has been asked for numerous times now, it´s getting old, really) Currently it´s impulse steering, not consistent vector steering that would make steerring much more smoother and consistent.

I get the impression they improved it with 1.07. At least for me it is more fluid, checked the mouse settings, it is as in 1.05+.

Basically the ability to switch in the control option between center/non-center would solve the issue for everyone.

well a little bit but thats not we talking about, take car as example, if you think a mouse as a joystick, then you may see it as your hands on your wheels, it makes a hold lot different to your style of driving as you are doing what you suppose to do when driving a car IRL, you could drive it normally or having fun on oversteering your car or prevent crashing into a tree turning into a giant fireball due to understeers cause by auto center

in another way, its just like the freeaim you have on your gun

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Oh, I know what you mean, I was trying to explain that a small mouse correction is not answered immediately with a rapid "centering" as in 1.05. It feels less "pulsed". I play from time to time OFP so I can compare directly and I prefer the OFP way at least for all ground vehicles.

But making it selectible would serve also those guys which are started with ArmA and got used to the steering.

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But making it selectible would serve also those guys which are started with ArmA and got used to the steering.


Excuse the pun on your nick.

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dx10, like dual core support, is never going to happen.

Why are you saying that ? We'll see a lot of titles supporting both DX9 and 10 this year.

ArmA could be one of them.


letme see, crysis is dx10 only, halo2 is vista(therefor dx10) only, any others?

edit:wait i make a mistake, how could you possibly put 2 different code into a single engine? confused_o.gif

well, fs-x are dx9 going on dx10.... and are getting dual core support...

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Wishes (not in general for 1.08 as I do want to see bugs fixed and performance tuning first)

1. Render to texture channel (for overlays, monitors, security cams, HUD´s, etc)

2. Internal BIS update for editor to unlock all buildings and objects ingame with proper naming.

3. Further improvement of AI pathfinding. (Still tanks sometimes are block stupid when driving in a town or village)

4. Scripting command to disable/reenable shouted AI voicemessages

5. Free optional visible cursor to target when in vehicles

6. No center-reset of mouseposition when driving, flying vehicles (this has been asked for numerous times now, it´s getting old, really) Currently it´s impulse steering, not consistent vector steering that would make steerring much more smoother and consistent.


7. In the editor: that we can choise the time for unit to lose weapon in watter.

8. script for team kill and cheater auto kick or banned

9. Animation: when you are prone on hill, bug for the nec need to be corriged


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Hi, i've voted for the performance improvements because with my

dear 700€ P4 3.000Mhz, 1Gb of 433Mhz DDR-RAM and a HD at 7200rpm.

I've SERIOUS, performance problems, memory feedind until dissapear,

LOD swithing issues from the higher to the lower LODs on the ArmA

models, ALL... the ArmA models... units, cars, trees, choppers, planes,

tanks, buildings and everything. On the spanish 1.05 version, that

makes the 49'65€ that i paid for it, be just a pure and simple waste

of money and a robbery from BIS to me. Because this is not what

i though that i was paying for, and this... is something that my PC,

should be able of handle without die until the CTD/CTS point or

just loose all the memory until the manual reset point.

Improve the performance... "please...". Let's C ya

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Well IMO we need the netcode optimised or something like multi core support to help with server load.. cause we were promised huge battles online.. at the mo we're only at BF2 sorta standard... I think that needs improving.


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Lets have ONE button for crouching and standing, it makes no sense using more keys then necessary..

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Quote[/b] ]Lets have ONE button for crouching and standing, it makes no sense using more keys then necessary..

I wish we still had the OFP keys. Q for crouch and Z for lying. Plus I liked that load up anyway.

And to keep on topic I would love to see a performance fix. My computer Is just above the specs but I cant play the game with Very Low settings and 699 VD.

Once they have fixed the performance, then they can fix the bugs. Then hopefully the game might be enjoyable.

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Better performance is must. I think there is much left, which could be optimized. AI should be much better too. These are most important things at now.

Content from VBS2 would be great thing, especially new tracers. Why not? They are ready there. Why not put them to ArmA? I have understood that BIS have full rights both ArmA and VBS2... Am I wrong???

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I voted Perfor but i like to add

that bugs fixs are good and content when the time is right is a nice gift i think biggrin_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Realistic tracers. I'm tired of the green laser beams icon_rolleyes.gif

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I'm running a Core2Duo E6600, GeForce 7950GX2, 2GB of DDR2 and 2x 250GB hard drives in RAID 0. Game runs pretty smooth even with a lot of bells & whistles on. Though, performance enhancements are always welcome.

I'd prefer bug fixes over performance fixes any time, though.

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I'd like to have more events for sounds to be played. aircraft gear and flaps share the same effect as it seems, the damage sound effects (the beep sounds) should be changed and more events for fuel leaks or tail rotor failures should be made available without community scripts.

Not really important, but sounds enhance the environment and atmosphere.

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Without a second of hesitation: Performance improvement!

I haven't played ArmA properly since I got it, the day it came out (only to try new addons and patches) simply because I can't enjoy it, running the way it does.

I bought a new system just for ArmA ( AMD XP 3800, 1gbDDR, 7800GT with 512mb ) and the best I get, even with medium/low settings is 25 fps average, which I don't find acceptable.

Every patch that has been released so far has bought hope, only for it to vanish the second I read the list of changes.

I just don't understand how BIS can choose to change things like adding support for an Xbox controller ( crazy_o.gif ) over improving the way the game runs... huh.gifsad_o.gif

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I would prefer some performance fixes and some improvements like:

# Robust tracer modelling accurate tracer/ball ratio and ‘dim tracers’ that bloom through NVG

# The Map Samawah for mission in middle-eastern terrain

# Wide selection of ADF and USMC units and vehicles

# A range of middle-eastern unit and vehicle representations

# Fully functional UAV simulation

# Multiple fully functional gunner positions per vehicle

# The new vehicle interaction interface from VBS2

# Accurate vehicle animation depicting functionality of doors, hatches and more

# Interact and manipulate objects...i.e. traffic cones, CP signs, road spike strips.

# Completely new Real Time Editor that can edit in 3D mode in addition to 2D mode.

# NATO marker generation and marker overlay system

That is a great start that makes the disapointed community happy again.

greetz, kev

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I would prefer some performance fixes and some improvements like:

# Robust tracer modelling accurate tracer/ball ratio and ‘dim tracers’ that bloom through NVG

# The Map Samawah for mission in middle-eastern terrain

# Wide selection of ADF and USMC units and vehicles

# A range of middle-eastern unit and vehicle representations

# Fully functional UAV simulation

# Multiple fully functional gunner positions per vehicle

#  The new vehicle interaction interface from VBS2

# Accurate vehicle animation depicting functionality of doors, hatches and more

# Interact and manipulate objects...i.e. traffic cones, CP signs, road spike strips.

# Completely new Real Time Editor that can edit in 3D mode in addition to 2D mode.

# NATO marker generation and marker overlay system

That is a great start that makes the disapointed community happy again.

greetz, kev

You just asked for ArmA to be magically transformed into VBS2. Somehow I don't think that's gonna fly.

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It what we all wished for to be in ArmA from the start, it was said it was going to be better than 1.96 res.. but as of now we had crap loads missing, loadsa units missing too.

JUst fix the damm bugs, and give us the tools in the mean time, we will finish where you stopped :/

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Quote[/b] ]Lets have ONE button for crouching and standing, it makes no sense using more keys then necessary..

I wish we still had the OFP keys. Q for crouch and Z for lying. Plus I liked that load up anyway.

And to keep on topic I would love to see a performance fix. My computer Is just above the specs but I cant play the game with Very Low settings and 699 VD.

Once they have fixed the performance, then they can fix the bugs. Then hopefully the game might be enjoyable.

You can do this, I don't remember the exact commands, but you can set Z to prone and Q to "up". I have it set that way except instead of Q and Z I use ALT and C since Q is used to leaning now. Otherwise my control scheme is the same as OFP.

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Yeah, there are two commands for Prone. One is "Go Prone" which is only prone and the other toggles prone/standing position. Same for crouch. It toggles between crouching and standing position, and the other command, if I remember correctly, is "Stand up"

Could be vice versa, don't know exactly at the moment.

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