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About tylerdurden

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. tylerdurden

    Vista and ArmA 2

    I run also ArmA in Windows 7 beta. I can confirm huge performance boost over XP. I have much more fps in 7 than XP and harddrive performance feels much better. My computer is E6600 2gb 1950 pro. Also there is huge fps boost over XP in Eve online, about 20-30%. I think Vista is public beta and windows 7 is patch.
  2. tylerdurden

    FDF Mod 1.0 for ArmA

    I had also same problem in same mission. It was really annoying. I had to complete mission without saving. I had same problem in next mission also, but not everytime. Bug was in both Arma 1.14 and 1.15 beta. Computer is Siemens industrial pc: E6600 with 8600GT installed, 2Gb ram and windows XP. Arma doesn't have any other mods or addons.
  3. tylerdurden

    Modelling with solidworks?

    Thanks for all for good advises. I'm interested in modelling for ArmA and try to find proper tools for me. I just was curious why people will not use CAD for game modelling. Obviously high polycount is one reason, but maybe it can be handled. I am also interested to hear, if any others have experience converting from CAD-models to game models. At this time I have not any experience for 3DS or Oxygen. I'll try to make me more familiar with them and learn more 3D-modelling, when I have more time and motivation. Maybe closest thing for them was Real3D at good, old Amiga. Badly, there is too much time for those days, so I can't remember much of that. This is maybe little offtopic, but it's my topic, so I have to ask, have anyone ever used Real3D or do you know that?
  4. tylerdurden

    Head movement

    Hmmm, I don't have any use for it. Pretty expensive for under my beer pint.
  5. tylerdurden

    Merry christmas from finland

    Ever wondered where the Father Christmas is coming from??? Answer: It comes here. Are you ready for the truth? Merry Xmas for everyone.
  6. tylerdurden

    Merry christmas from finland

    Ever wondered where the Father Christmas is coming from??? Answer: It comes here. Are you ready for the truth? Not for people afraid of fat naked men (ie NSFW). Merry Xmas for everyone.
  7. tylerdurden

    Arma beta patch 1.09 - released

    Wow. I love this!!! I can confirm 100% performance improvement at North Sahrani!!! Specs: Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 2gigs of RAM Asus X1950 Pro 256mb
  8. tylerdurden

    Head movement

    I agree that some players get motion sickness even in present ArmA, but this could be disabled option in graphic settings. If it is done right, it will not affect so much gameplay, that disabling it gives handicap for player. I meant head movement in game should only affect in x y z coordinates of head, not angles of head. Maybe we can better accomplish it so player's head will move and tilt, but eyes in game will compensate head's tilting. Just like IRL. This will simulate natural eyes/brain correction to angle of view, because in real life eyes are "locked" by brain where you are looking. EDIT: Basically Bohemia's motion capture technique should do this, but maybe it's lack of animations, why it doesn't feel so real. Anyway, in vehicles players head (and body) will not move, so there is area for improvement. Here is one example in lack of head movement in vehicle:
  9. tylerdurden

    Head movement

    I'd like to see reaction of external forces for head movement in ArmA II. What I mean, for example, when you are flying plane or chopper and if you are tight cornering, it would be nice to see reaction of G-forces for player's (why not AI's also) head movement. If you are tight turning to right, player's view must move a little left (or direction where G-force is affecting). I don't mean player's head must be like ragdoll's head, but if you make fast turn, your head must move a little opposite direction, before your neck muscles reacts to G-force. Also turbulences and G-force's produced vibrations should shake your head when you are flying. Same thing for driving land vehicle (bumpy terrain/road) and running. Also recoil would add some head movement. For example at now when you are running in arma, whole body is jumping, but head is not moving relative to body. It shouldn't be big deal to code and will not affect performance. I repeat, I talk only very little head movement. Contrast to present ArmA, where your head is nailed to your body (except when turning your head). Also, eyes will correct angle of your head, but vertical and horizontal movement of your head are still there. In videos you don't of course see that effect of eye movement. That's reason why headcam videos will not look exactly the same, than it looks in your eyes. I think small "free" movement of head will not heart gameplay, but will add very much more realistic feel. Look at those videos very accurate, I don't mean, when they are turning their heads, but reaction of external forces. Note a very small amount of head movement, but head is not nailed to body.
  10. tylerdurden

    More displays?

    How you can use dual display in arma? I had dual displays some time ago, but not now, so I can't test.
  11. tylerdurden

    Modelling with solidworks?

    I never have used Catia, but I have undertood it is very similar to Solidworks. Draw a 2D sketch, extrude, etc. Actually Catia is also made by Dassault systemes, like SolidWork. I think modelling buildings, vehicles, weapons and other geometric things, 3D-CAD is best way. I they model real-life planes, weapons and buildings with Solidwork or Catia, why it is bad modelling them for game? I agree, CAD is not tool for modeling any organic models.
  12. tylerdurden

    Modelling with solidworks?

    Looks like I hit sore place in game modelling... Ok, I know, if we have tool, which is intended for making model for specific game, it is maybe mostly way without problems. I will not argue anything, because I don't really know, but, I like to know and that's why I ask you people one thing: If I make model with 3 particular methods, how O2's produced .P3D file differs between these methods? -I will make some model in Oxygen 2 and save it in .P3D -I will make exactly the same model with same measures in 3DS MAX, save it in .3DS, import it in Oxygen 2 and save it in .P3D -I will make exactly the same model with same measures in SolidWorks, save it in .sldprt, convert it using for example Right Hemisphere's Deep Exploration to .3DS, import it in Oxygen 2 and save it in .P3D If anyone have answers, please answer and argue what happens and why.
  13. tylerdurden

    Is there an autorun?

    Sometimes I stick pen or screwdriver between keyboard W and my monitor and go for smoke.
  14. tylerdurden

    Modelling with solidworks?

    Ok. Thanks for info. I foresaw something like this. I have to make some study for this. Didn't never done game modelling, but I like to learn.
  15. tylerdurden

    Modelling with solidworks?

    Sure, I know that, but I just wonder why it is bad? I haven't made any models for games. Has it something to do with model's forms or something which makes CAD bad for game modelling? I have to convert some .P3D to .SLDPRT see how it looks in SolidWorks. By the way, is there any method to measure performance of 3D-model in ArmA/O2?