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lethal bikes

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is it just me or are the moterbikes (in multiplayer) totally lethal ?

you can be doing 10mph down a level concrete road and all of a suddern the bike decides to kill you.

is this intentional ? - they're almost useless ;-/

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They could be more like in OFP, these bikes feel just wrong.

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Well, from what I've seen, at least you can do wheelies in ArmA, something I have never seen in OFP... wow_o.gif

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BUZZARD @ April 10 2007,02:33)]Well, from what I've seen, at least you can do wheelies in ArmA, something I have never seen in OFP...  wow_o.gif

How do I do wheelies?

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I would also like to know how to do it.I`ve seen pictures of it and tried it like hell but to no avail

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Drive over a small hill or an object so that you land on your rear wheel, then hold full throttle.

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Motorbikes have there advantages. One time playing MP OFP I was driving at a bad guy and he shot me but the bike keep goin killing him becuase he was infront of a wall. smile_o.gif Not the best way to kill someone but it was effective

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the bike psychics are the worst, yes the worst I have seen in my entire gaming life.

Try to drive offroad for a while with, let's say a 450 and you'll notice how weird the ArmA psychics are.

1: They are way to weak. Try to make a hill climb and you'll see what I mean. Pressing E should make a wheelie and and it should be gone in a few seconds but the way they accelerate reminds me of trimmed mopeds.

2: They handle TERRIBLE. It's like they didn't weight more than a couple of kilos. It bounces up and down, side to side and trying to drive down a hill will be your death. While the Humvee can go down the hill at the highest peak at the northern island without any problems.

3: Motorcycles doesn't turn like that. They just don't. Just take a drive with a MC and you'll see.

the wheelie is a bug, just drive onto a small rock or jump an

land on the rear wheel and you can wheelie forever. Not very

realistic if you ask me tounge2.gif

But sure, in real life you can't go 70 mp/h down a hill cuz you

might hit a small rock and fall off. But that's not the problem in ArmA.

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Seriously, worst physics in the game. I can be driving along a straight road, not leaning to the side or anything, then i will catapult off the bike for NO reason. Ever played Evolution 1.0 at the beginning of the map? Remember 'WTF how did i die?!' etc etc because people just get killed by their bikes. REALLY needs improvement.

I dont think it needs to be really realisitic compared to the other vehicles.. but still.. stop the auto kill crap.

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I died on Evolution after spawning and taking a Bike to drive to the Hummvee, was'nt even going fast over the runway ... and its not the first time its happened either icon_rolleyes.gif

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Yup me too very disappointed with the motorcycles in ArmA. One of the first things I had to play with when I got the game but oh boys was I disappointed... waiting for FDF Mod ArmA version to fix it, hopefully *crosses fingers* if BIS doesn't have the motivation to do any better with the motorcycles that is.

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Maybe the developers want to teach us that motorcycles are dangerous. wink_o.gif

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Maybe the developers want to teach us that motorcycles are dangerous. wink_o.gif

More chance of surviving a headshot than taking a 1km bike ride in evolution.

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Maybe the forced fell from bike is to compensate the lack of injury when you drive straight into an empty car at full speed.

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Well, I don't have ArmA but I also remember that the default OFP motorcycle had a suspension from hell that would make you go bonkers very easily...

Thankfully such great addons like STT's KLR 250 exist to correct it... And the Troublemaker's hog bikes are the true kings of the road! biggrin_o.gif

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Malden Troublemakers rock.

But you can't compare OFP versus ArmA biking, Victors red bike drove as if the street where uneven. In ArmA you are pulled from bike like SLA had spanned invisable wires across the street at neck level.

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I have to admit, I haven't had any problems with the bike, except that the view is a little wobbley. I've never been thrown from my bike for no reason at all.

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I have to admit, I haven't had any problems with the bike, except that the view is a little wobbley. I've never been thrown from my bike for no reason at all.

Nor me. In any case the coolest vehicle in OFP was the push-

bike. Bring back the push-bike! smile_o.gif

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maybe its an online-only problem (which i suspect).

i cant go 200 meters without being chucked off, usually to my death.

maybe if someone fraps'ed it youd see how bad it can be, yesterday i got chucked off 4 times moving 1000 meters.

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If you think the motorcycle physics is bad, try the aircraft rofl.gif Obviously, the BIS programmers responsible walk to work and avoid taking any form of motorized transport where possible, thus they have little idea of the real world....or it's just plain poor workmanship. You take your pick.

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The Arma aircraft (and tanks) are best used as scenery.

"Ooh, lookit the nice airplane flyin' over!"

With the current "flying tank" bugs one could also equally as

truthfully say "Ooh, lookit the nice T-72 flyin' over!"   rofl.gif

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I have to admit, I haven't had any problems with the bike, except that the view is a little wobbley. I've never been thrown from my bike for no reason at all.

Nor me. In any case the coolest vehicle in OFP was the push-

bike. Bring back the push-bike! smile_o.gif

I'm a fan of the OFP unicycle myself smile_o.gif remind me sometime to put up the screenies of my unicycle tank-tossing mini-game biggrin_o.gif

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