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New 3rd person camera view

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well ive been looking through the .hpp files and i think the camera is bound to the head bone but not sure how to get the cam to be bound to the 3rd pv head bone!

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It's really nice, in GR2 it was called 2nd Person :P but I really like this as it's gives you that extra situal awareness that you lose in 1st person but I really don't like playing in 3rd as it just ruins the realism for me, somehow with this camera view it gains that bit of realism for this mode smile_o.gif

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this view gives the best of both worlds as it were, like first person but not, and half way to 3rd person, its nice smile_o.gif

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After playing with it for a while, I've figured that it's much too close. The camera needs to be a tiny bit father from the player.

I would do this, but I have no knowledge in these verses.

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Ok ill move it back a little bit and then you can try that but not tonight as im not at home but will do tommorrow when ive finished work smile_o.gif

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I get an error about compiling vertex shader? O.o

please help.. this really looks awesome.

btw.. i am using 1.04

and im not planning on getting the 1.05 patch, i had it.. and it caused me some serious issues >.<

SO if this is currently not compatible.. any chance someone could make it compatible? huh.gif

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On Topic: Haven't had chance to test this yet as my ArmA is unplayable until my new graphics card arrives, however from the screenshots I think it (the camera) should be a little further away.

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Pretty creative addon, it does look cool, but since the camera is fixed to that position it doesn't work that well when looking in in some directions.

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Jumping on the "move it away a bit" bandwagon, maybe to about a distance where their waist is at the bottom of the screen, then it'll be great thumbs-up.gif

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Looks good, IMHO it is better then the original. I'm gonna try this tonight. Keep the good work smile_o.gif

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biggrin_o.gif jees thanks for the good replys and general interest on my mod! As its my first im supprised i havent been flamed about it yet!

But as im back from work now ill move it back for you guys!

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Hey dude, the length from the player is perfect. Now it just needs to go a little more to the right. When you do certain animations, your body goes in the way of the crosshair.

What file do you edit in the bin.pbo to get to the camera details? I'd like to give it a try and give you some input for future releases.

Got a video of it up.


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for me there is an error when I try to use this mod

" Circular addon dependency in 'CAAir' " and the game does not start

does someone know it ? banghead.gifhelp.gif

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awesome work!! notworthy.gif

looks like the Ghost Recon 3 or Bio Hazard 4 thumbs-up.gif

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Very good, i'm getting used to it. biggrin_o.gif

The advantage is when you zoom from 3rd view to ironsight, it keeps the target in sight/line so you don't have to adjust. I like it, but think people will not accept it becouse you can't look over the corners like with the original view.

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The 3rd person character is spanning the rifle without aiming. I mean character's head and torso don't move even if both arms are spanning the rifle from right to left.

I saw the crosshair was block by character head and left shoulder when it aims left side.

This could be a game character animation problem, I guess. wink_o.gif

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This is brilliant, hedcrusha! Thanks a lot.

Version 0.3 is much better. Still you've to set


or less in order to avoid the helmet blocking your line of sight.

Nonetheless 3rd person view feels much better now. It reduces the advantage it had in comparison to 1st person to a minimum. If your addon could become a standard, maybe fewer servers would restrict the view. I'd really welcome this as I prefer 3rd person.

Good job!

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Thanks! I prefere 3rd person too thats why i made this to give me that up close and personal feeling. I never use the floating zone im afraid so i do appoligise to all who do that it does go over the head and obstructs the aiming.

But i wish there was a way of making it so that i could add leaning to my view. Maybe by scripting?

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I prefere 3rd person too thats why i made this to give me that up close and personal feeling.

That's why I won't buy Xbox 360 for GRAW 2.

Armed Assault has it already thanks for your work. tounge2.gif

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