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petition for wood camo

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Hello BIS and ArmA fans!

"Important request incoming"

The war on Sahrani has increased.

BLUFOR and OPFOR forces are having hard fights on whole Sahrani since some months now.

BLUFOR units are attacking North-Sahrani and got heavy damage while they were trying to get their foots on the North-Sahrani territory.

The leaders of the BLUFOR army were investigating why the BLUFOR units got smashed back so easily by the OPFOR troops.

And they think they found the reason.

The soldiers got just the desert camo uniforms which are really helpful in desert areas like Rahmadi, but on North-Sahrani the BLUFOR units are just an easy target for the nice covered OPFOR troops.

The BLUFOR forces are sending out a request to the uniform developers for wood camo uniforms to get a chance in this war.

Some small parts of the BLUFOR troops got already wood camo uniforms, but this Addons are only available for some special parts and not for the public wars.

To be able to fight under even circumstances the whole Armed Assault need to have patched with wood camo uniforms for the BLUFOR troops.

The OPFOR forces have some similar problems.

They thought they can overrun Rahmadi in a few weeks, but they got pressed back to their own territory.

So they are trying to get desert camo uniforms for their whole troops now.

But again only some small parts of the whole OPFOR forces were able to get desert camo uniforms as Addons and the main public wars are still missing the needed uniforms.

They are trying now to get the whole Armed Assault patched with desert camo uniforms for the OPFOR troops to get the chance to unify whole Sahrani under OPFOR government.

So its up to us soldiers now to speak up and tell the Armed Assault developers that we need these uniforms!

We need your voice in that matter.

Make a statement and pray that our help request will be heard and accepted.

Vote for BLUFOR wood camo units and OPFOR desert camo units in one of the next patches!!!


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1. It has already been done via mods (see zerg's woodland pack and Relliki's SLA desert pack amongst others)

2. The BLUFOR troops have ACU camo which is designed to work in all environments (it just doesnt really seem to work)

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1. It has already been done via mods (see zerg's woodland pack and Relliki's SLA desert pack amongst others)

Yeah i know that, but what u mean are Addons, and if someone dont has this Addons then he cant play the maps which got Addons inside.

So the thing i and many others want, is to have these uniforms within ArmA!


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Go get the mod then. Why waste time on something that has already been done? Let the devs work on any bugs or new addons.

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I totally agree Frantic! And the same goes for ACU! Useful maybe in urban environments but pretty useless in high vegetation environments.

Checkout the two photos below that I made for a mod thread a few years back! ...

Usefull camo...


Useless Camo...


You would think that if Blufor forces were planning on invading North Sahrani they would be given the best possible chances of survival by having appropriate kit issued!  wink_o.gif

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i don't see the point , soldiers only can wear a type of uniform at a time , if you change their camo to woodland you would have again the problem in desert zones crazy_o.gif

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Well at the moment, the BLUFOR have the advantage in desert (RACS Territory) and the SLA have the advantage in woodland (SLA Territory), so it's pretty balanced. Plus the BLUFOR get a woodland camo vest, so they aren't totally out of place up north. tounge2.gif

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Admittedly at the moment the different colour uniforms do reduce the chances of friendly-fire..... whistle.gif

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As of 1 March 2007 the ACU is the standard uniform of the US Army. We wouldn't suddenly be told "Oh, yeah, you can use your BDUs today." SOF might get the option based on mission parameters, but the ACU is it. The biggest reason a uniform like the ACU was designed was so the Army could save money on issuing different sets of uniforms for different environments. It has nothing to do with campzoring or whatever, and many of us hate the uniform with a passion but it's still the standard uniform now.

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As of 1 March 2007 the ACU is the standard uniform of the US Army. We wouldn't suddenly be told "Oh, yeah, you can use your BDUs today." SOF might get the option based on mission parameters, but the ACU is it. The biggest reason a uniform like the ACU was designed was so the Army could save money on issuing different sets of uniforms for different environments. It has nothing to do with campzoring or whatever, and many of us hate the uniform with a passion but it's still the standard uniform now.


+ i remember another thread where olemissrebel mentionned that ACU is not meant to camouflage as the BDU, but to break up the human shape. A enemy would search primarily for the shape of a human and his gun.

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The US troops doesn't need woodland camo because the only interest the US has in Sahrani is at Plato De Caya. The rest of the place they can just bomb.

Seriously though, I doubt they'll add new textures per request. But I also doubt it'll be long before someone else releases an addon with exactly what you ask for.

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i vote definetly YES as it would make the game better and the CTF maps playable instead of a white rabbit hunt, i still don't understand all those ArmA defender in here, what is wrong with progress or having actually a choice to take the camo which fits into a map? i think its a really important think to have or at least for the special troups.

or what about taking the best addons and including them into the next patch, wouldn't that be an honor for an addonmaker ?

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As of 1 March 2007 the ACU is the standard uniform of the US Army. We wouldn't suddenly be told "Oh, yeah, you can use your BDUs today." SOF might get the option based on mission parameters, but the ACU is it. The biggest reason a uniform like the ACU was designed was so the Army could save money on issuing different sets of uniforms for different environments. It has nothing to do with campzoring or whatever, and many of us hate the uniform with a passion but it's still the standard uniform now.

Whenever I see the ACU uniform I feel disgusted that the US Army decided that one camo could suit all geographic regions and that the ACU was the camo of choice over better choices like multi cam. I know it was a cost driven descision but how much is the life of a family member worth?

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I know it was a cost driven descision but how much is the life of a family member worth?

"Arrows cost money. .. The dead cost nothing." (King Edward - Braveheart)

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Go get the mod then. Why waste time on something that has already been done? Let the devs work on any bugs or new addons.

Mods are not the thing we need.

As long as u cant download some small Addons together with the map if u go on a server, we would need the wood camo for BLUFOR units.

Players who buy the game dont install mods to play public!

BIS should just take the work of some Addon makers and implement it in the next patch, if they dont have the time to make their own.

There are already very nice made uniforms out, so it would be not much extra work for BIS to implement it.

Every map on North-Sahrani is a joke for the BLUFOR troops, cause you can see them too easily and nobody can tell me that the US troops got just one standard uniform.

I just believe that they have these days only one uniform, cause the areas they fight in are mainly desert or urban.

But in the Vietnam war they had wood camo uniforms!

So if they start another war like we have on Sahrani, they would give out wood camo uniforms for their troops for sure.

if someone thinks the army has only desert camo uniforms these days, here a pic with a wood camo uniform.


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i'd welcome the idea of another set of uniforms for both blufor and opfor units.

If it was an addon and an MP mission in a public server uses it... then that means we'd need to download that addon but not after sieving through the already many uniform addons in the community with their many strange names. Its quite a hassle (for me at least). Newcomers who dont understand the scene of the community might be turned off too. (if only we had a central database for addons......)

I noticed too that quite a few people prefer their missions in North Sahrani with its mostly wooded terrain. Sure the battle might be a bit more difficult with the advantage of opfor's uniform but must it always be a god-given advantage for them?

I guess the issue of friendly fire because of similar colored uniforms *might* enforce more teamwork and cooperation...

But rememebr in OFP the russians and US had woodland camo as well but were still identifiable since the russians had a deep green one whereas the US has a more desaturated green. And the helmets tell all, usually.

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The co-oppers may not give a damn because the AI is color blind to camouflage, even if you dressed in bright orange and had a huge green afro wig, so all is fine for them. The differences start when you actually pit two human teams against each other. You can spot an American miles away in the thick of a forest and it's really frustrating for the blufors to get killed by invisible predators.

It doesn't get fixed with a 50 meg addon you have to specifically find somewhere to play a map, and while someone might say "war is unfair", a game shouldn't be and not everyone is seeking for the ultimate realism experience with 5 hour waits and 10 hour crawl marches through an island just to get killed in a random artillery shelling.

We need the wood camo because our soldiers are lost in North Sahrani!

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The need to download addons is what led to the downfall of OFP's multiplayer mode if you ask me... a lot of people here don't realize that 90% of people who play OFP mutiplayer are NOT die-hard fans that visit the forums or addon sites... I mean, I find it mandatory for myself to find interesting modifications etc. for any game I buy but for other people it's not that way...

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Quote[/b] ]if someone thinks the army has only desert camo uniforms these days, here a pic with a wood camo uniform

Like I said earlier, the ACU is the standard uniform pattern of the Army today. Woodland BDU is no longer authorized. I guess you could argue with me, after all, what do I know? I'm only active duty US Army.... icon_rolleyes.gif

Quote[/b] ]what is wrong with progress

How is it progress to make the default units of a modern/near future game wear a uniform that is no longer authorized? The ACU *is* progress compared to the BDU used in Flashpoint. As far as choice, it's not like every soldier gets a choice in the regular Army to wear just whatever, if they did, it wouldn't be a uniform right? Look, I don't like the ACU either, but that's just how it is.

Quote[/b] ]wow that is sweet. It replaces the BIS uniforms? No conflicts during multiplayer, right?

no it won't mess up your multiplayer game, it doesn't re-write anything. Zerg and I also made DCU (Desert Combat Uniform) and that's floating around here somewhere if you're interested.

Quote[/b] ]Whenever I see the ACU uniform I feel disgusted that the US Army decided that one camo could suit all geographic regions and that the ACU was the camo of choice over better choices like multi cam. I know it was a cost driven descision but how much is the life of a family member worth?

Yeah, you say that, but considering I've had to pay out of pocket for every set of ACUs I own, they come out to being roughly $80 for a set ($130+ when buying patches, badges, tabs, flag, rank etc). Let's compare multicam where your pants are well over $120..yeah..you know, we have bills to pay too.

Generally, you're not going to be in any situation in the desert where your ACU pattern is going to get you killed, usualyl, they're going to hear your vehicles coming from quite a ways away, and those who need to worry about stealth don't even use the uniform to begin with.

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