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Reloading while walking

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I was woundering if we would ever have to ability to walk while reloading. Even though I may not be the most coordinated person alive. I can still manage to change a mag while walking. I can understand with the heaveir machine guns, like the M249, needing to stop. But with a M4 or a Ak. There isn't really that much need to come to a dead stop to reload.


Add left handed shooters.

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Ah, but the whole stopping to reload thing is what makes it so easy to mow down entire squads of AI... and we wouldn't want to take that away now would we? whistle.gif

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I was woundering if we would ever have to ability to walk while reloading. Even though I may not be the most coordinated person alive. I can still manage to change a mag while walking. I can understand with the heaveir machine guns, like the M249, needing to stop. But with a M4 or a Ak. There isn't really that much need to  come to a dead stop to reload.


Add left handed shooters.

I'm seconding this - the stop to reload business has driven me nuts ever since first starting to play OFP.

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You get tought to do exactly that.

If your magazine slips and falls into the sand you have a problem.

If you are reloading and due to the walking process a shot bursts from your gun and injures/kills a comrade nearby you have a problem.

It´s not that such things haven´t happened. In fact those reload procedures (get in cover, reload, reengage) do make sense in real life and are common practise.

The rest is terminator stuff.

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Seriously, light weapons (from Pistols to Sub Machineguns to Rifles) you should be able to WALK while reloading. With heavier weapons (anti-material rifles, light/heavy machine guns, etc) you should have to stop to reload it.

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Funny thing is...this has never bothered me.

I can't think of a time where a slow "reloadwalk" would have saved my life, on the other hand I have learned to keep count and take cover whenever the need arise to change mags. I even do this in Red Orchestra.

This has probably saved my pixelated life alot more than being able to move around while reloading.

1: Don't get caught with you pants down!

2: Don't walk around trying to zip 'em up!

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hmmm - actually, after reading Bolschoiw and RUKH's posts I've got to say that they're both quite right - and I have to admit that I've gotten used to counting shots - or at least quickly diving to ground or getting smartly to cover when I (all too often) get caught with the dreaded "click, click".

Tho I have to say that I find it more irritating in relation to when I'm moving from one place to another (rather than in combat) and decide to reload with a fresh mag - ie. the added delay to an already sometimes long walk (I don't use speed up time - my little "preferred realism" quirk) is what bugs me - just an adrenaline thing as such delays really are insignificant in the overall scheme of things.

I'm all for free choice tho so have no objection to it being selectable - tho I'd probably leave it at current setting...

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I don't think walking while reloading is as important as the ability to interrupt an animation. Sure it's my own fault if I start a reload without taking cover, but it would be nice to make up for the mistake by ditching the reload and diving behind cover when a BRDM rolls around the corner.

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Now thats someting I can agree on if you would get underfire you wouldnt simpley end reloading but you would get your ass to better cover.

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Nah, keep it as is.

It's an incentive for tactical play - having to watch your ammo count and finding cover or going prone prior to reload.

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You get tought to do exactly that.

If your magazine slips and falls into the sand you have a problem.

If you are reloading and due to the walking process a shot bursts from your gun and injures/kills a comrade nearby you have a problem.

It´s not that such things haven´t happened. In fact those reload procedures (get in cover, reload, reengage) do make sense in real life and are common practise.

The rest is terminator stuff.

I agree entirely with this, sure people can do it ... but they're trained not to incase you fumble and drop your magazine. Just conserve your ammo find some cover and then reload smile_o.gif

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Restricting functions that you can do easily in real life is silly, pseudo realism at its worst. Your own awareness of the situation should be enough to decide if you want to stay put or keep going somewhere. Just like the "shooting while walking" was described as totally irresponsible and rambo and whatnot and giving that as a reason for not allowing it, it's now in ArmA and I don't see any mass TK fests or super terminators mowing down all opposition (I chuckle when imagining that).

Tactics doesn't equal restricted, clumsy and hard gameplay, it's a means to solve a specific situation and therefore adding the ability to move while reloading would increase tactical possibilities.

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Restricting functions that you can do easily in real life is silly, pseudo realism at its worst. Your own awareness of the situation should be enough to decide if you want to stay put or keep going somewhere. Just like the "shooting while walking" was described as totally irresponsible and rambo and whatnot and giving that as a reason for not allowing it, it's now in ArmA and I don't see any mass TK fests or super terminators mowing down all opposition (I chuckle when imagining that).

Tactics doesn't equal restricted, clumsy and hard gameplay, it's a means to solve a specific situation and therefore adding the ability to move while reloading would increase tactical possibilities.

how about something in between then? you can reload while moving but only at walking pace to make sure you dont drop the magazine, so dashing to cover and then reloading would still be a good idea, aswell as the ability to reload on the move, albeit at a limited pace, would be ideal for the situations where you just want a full clip

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Restricting functions that you can do easily in real life is silly, pseudo realism at its worst. Your own awareness of the situation should be enough to decide if you want to stay put or keep going somewhere. Just like the "shooting while walking" was described as totally irresponsible and rambo and whatnot and giving that as a reason for not allowing it, it's now in ArmA and I don't see any mass TK fests or super terminators mowing down all opposition (I chuckle when imagining that).

Tactics doesn't equal restricted, clumsy and hard gameplay, it's a means to solve a specific situation and therefore adding the ability to move while reloading would increase tactical possibilities.

how about something in between then? you can reload while moving but only at walking pace to make sure you dont drop the magazine, so dashing to cover and then reloading would still be a good idea, aswell as the ability to reload on the move, albeit at a limited pace, would be ideal for the situations where you just want a full clip

What I'd like to see is a difference in dry and wet reloading, reloading a non-empty gun taking less time. From there we could get to a situation where you are jogging and have to reload. You'd rather drop the magazine with its (possible) contents instead of putting it back in your pocket and waste time with fine functions when you are in an obvious hurry.

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Wouldn't BIS then have to do a whole set of new animations

to support this, though (ie. all of the current "moving" anims

plus the "reloading" arm movements)?

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No movement while reloading. Got to draw the line somewhere, or by summer we'll be sprinting around Sahrani paniting logos in every surface with our ingame CS spraycans.

Just like firing, reloading isn't something you want to be doing out in the open field where you're a big fat sitting duck. Why would you want to advance with an unloaded weapon in the first place, it sounds dangerously reckless to me?

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If changing a mag on the move was something trivial to add

(I like the "while at a walking pace only" suggestion) then I'd

support it in the spirit of enabling as flexible a simulation as

possible (it is physically possible to do IRL - however ill-

advised - so it's good to be able to do it in the sim). But I

suspect that it isn't trivial to add, and for all that it would

really add, isn't worth the bother. Rather than this, I'd much

prefer to see more "weapon specific" handling and reloading

anims (eg. hold and reload a belt fed light machine gun

appropriately, and not as if it was an M16).

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No movement while reloading. Got to draw the line somewhere, or by summer we'll be sprinting around Sahrani paniting logos in every surface with our ingame CS spraycans.

Just like firing, reloading isn't something you want to be doing out in the open field where you're a big fat sitting duck. Why would you want to advance with an unloaded weapon in the first place, it sounds dangerously reckless to me?

Why fear the worst and exaggerate so heavily? Did you perchance contribute to the pre-patch moving+shooting topic? The "war simmers" warned us that implementing something so arcade would make everyone TK each other and forget all sense of tactics and run in the open field with their machine guns blazing while they run headlessly to their deaths. Also the thing that you don't go running like that in your ordinary combat situation was enough for some to support leaving it out. We have that feature now and nothing has changed except that people can do it when needed. If they do it when it's not wise, they die, just like is the case with moving and reloading.

If someone is so stupid to shoot into the air while running at an enemy squad, wasting his ammo and continue walking forwards while reloading, isn't it his problem to learn the hard way? You are clearly wiser and I doubt adding these realistic features would lobotomize you.

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Hm. Not sure how it works in other countries, but I was taught, when reloading (except the obvious of telling your battle buddies, getting to cover, and keeping a careful eye out - and also never leave reloading to when you're actually hearing the dreaded "click click" sound [or rather the single click sound, followed by a lot of very quiet trigger pulls]), to always first produce my full magazine, and only then change.

This means there'd always be two magazines floating about (unlike the animation in every single game I've played to date, where the soldiers remove old, take new, insert new), which would make reloading while moving VERY cumbersome indeed. The philosophy behind this method of reloading should be obvious : if some russki bugger jumps up in front of you while you're reloading, the actual time when you've got a useless (=no ammo) rifle in your hands is very much minimized (the time it takes for you to switch from old to new, a matter of seconds).

I'm aware this is not what the BIS animation does, but to me reloading while moving is not something I'd ever see a trained soldier do. smile_o.gif Just my 0.02€!

Regards, (And pardon all the parenthesises!wink_o.gif


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I don't think walking while reloading is as important as the ability to interrupt an animation.  Sure it's my own fault if I start a reload without taking cover, but it would be nice to make up for the mistake by ditching the reload and diving behind cover when a BRDM rolls around the corner.

I absolutely second this! - well done!!

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The Col. is right. It require a huge amount of anims to do. If it didn't, it would be in the game already. It not being in the game has nothing to do with realism but more with practicality.


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I'm just glad I never have dropped and bent a M16 magazine in game! And that I can do it very very fast. Reality = butterfingers.

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Hi guys I can speak from experience airsofting that you can in fact reload while sprinting so it should be in game thank you for reading my opinion guys

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Hi guys I can speak from experience airsofting that you can in fact reload while sprinting so it should be in game thank you for reading my opinion guys

...And while you were sprinting around the "very dangerous" battlefields, bullets whirling, head pounding with adrenaline, you did not drop a mag or GET KILLED while attempting anything that ill-adviced.

Infantry 1on1 is =

1. let your fireteam know your running low

2. take cover

3. change mag (allways before going dry)

4. cover for your fireteam so they will be able to change mags if needed.

But, as this "Airsofter" stated, it is possible to change the mag while walking/running. I´ve done it several hundred times, because i practise shooting with real guns. (IPSC amongst other sports, DVC to all mates smile_o.gif

This doesn´t mean that i would do it when i would be in danger of being shot back.

Only thing i´d appreciate to be able to stop that mag change (Like someone allready said)

Edit. Me and my english biggrin_o.gif

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Hi guys I can speak from experience airsofting that you can in fact reload while sprinting so it should be in game thank you for reading my opinion guys

I speak from experience of infantery training in the Airforce(which pretty much equals airsoft training), and I never reloaded on the move. smile_o.gif

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