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Public Ban List

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im have a thread about my tool at www.armedassault.eu

and i have released a nightly build which you can find here:


note that the tool is NOT PRIMARILY for global banlist usage

its just a low profile server administration tool (*in the making)

with the option of using a global/private banlist, when set in the configuration file.

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You can obviously vouch for the trustworthiness and professionalism of Admins on YOUR server, but what about other less reputable Admins that also contribute to the global ban list.

You simply have no idea whether you can trust the Global list and you could be banning players for no reason - other than they maybe accidentally shot an Admin that was in a bad mood and kicked the player before they had a chance to apologize.

My last two cents..

I admin a small server too, but I if I was to want extra ban lists, I would only be asking 1 or 2 Admins from clans/servers that I could trust.

I will not be using a Global ban list. All I ask is that you are extremely careful in implementing it - if it's here to stay. confused_o.gif


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Just look at OFP, how well did it go there? If someone got banned he just took the ID of the admin or some friend of his and got "himself" banned on some other server.

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Just look at OFP, how well did it go there? If someone got banned he just took the ID of the admin or some friend of his and got "himself" banned on some other server.

explain please?

to my knowledge the id is based on the cd-key.

how the heck could he use my id?

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Just look at OFP, how well did it go there? If someone got banned he just took the ID of the admin or some friend of his and got "himself" banned on some other server.

I think theres more to this guy than than what meets the eye..

There was one way, the *** guys had a program which could change your id in ofp.. mad_o.gif

i hope this cant be done with ArmA.

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I have added an Appeals section to the website incase anyone feals they have been wrongly banned.

Also fixed the GBL userguide part of the website, you can now actually read it !.

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is there any ability to log the name in question with each id ? - i know its not solid info, but it would be useful.

on this vein, has sgt.fagot been banned yet ? -- 24/7 teamkiller. if anyone get's his arma id, please add it to the list.

in the last few days i've seen 3, yes just 3 players that *need* banning. - players that if yu see connect to a server you can be 100% sure a mass of teamkilling will follow. This is what the global ban list should be for. Its very easy to pick holes in it and yes it may not be perfect, but if the servers just banned a handful of idiots the game experience would improve massively overnight.

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yes, PID data + NAME is recorded.

my tool outputs files "Mon_12_Mar_2007_0339.22_PID_Netlog.xml"

and is able to post that data to the web.

output example:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><?xml version='1.0'?>

<server id=''>



















<adminname>Marco Schwertfeger</playername>




My new version 0.22 fixes XML output and adds admin actions.

it includes a php file for an example how to catch the data send by this tool.

again, a nightly (bURP!wink_o.gif build....


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We had an influx of idiots at the weekend, but only added 7 names to the banlist.

Havent seen the guy that Sirex is talking about yet.

Checked the GBL website stats, its had over 31000 hits already. This will include the constuction phase where ive been in and out, shaking it about while building. A more accurate figure of hits will be generated next month.

Jerry did you contact Sebastien at all ?

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Jerry did you contact Sebastien at all ?

i have no clue who that is.

im a builder. i make things.

if you want something you'd come to me.

if your interested in the tool, and maybe test it and even add options to it, try it, contact me on msn or such.

note that my tool is alpha stages. so dont need more work /distraction than i already have...

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sebastien is the guy who runs our database. I though you were afteter some sort of intergration, but maby im confusing you with someone else.

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Just like to add that I hope, with in reason, Tkers wont just get kicked and banned with out as much as the admin asking them why. I mean it's obvious most of the time so there's no reason to ask but yesterday I was kicked for tking and couldn't get back onto the server. I was flying a little bird and as I landed an idiot drove a fuel truck right into my chopper while i was stationary on the ground. It must have registered that I killed him and the admin kicked me. I didn't have a negative score either as I was flying choppers and the game had just started. Now I'm not complaining about that its just a game and mistakes can be made especially when you're forced to admin and play wink_o.gif but i would hate to have been put on some kind of band list making it impossible for me to play online again.

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Our guidelines on the website say that 3x kicks & warnings before threat of banning, then banning ( on the GBL ) only if it persists.

If you want me to check, PM me your ID number and I'll check it against the current list, or you can download the list yourself and look.

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Ok, so friendly fire does happen in ArmA from time to time. That's natural.

But what to do with a teamkiller? There is no autokick. There is a votekick, but tha't hardly ever works and they can just come back. Is there a voteban?

My idea is to implement a sort of an autoban. When a player makes 5 teamkills, the other players in his team have to vote whether to keep the player in the game or ban him. Easy. If the majority votes to keep him, he stays.

Because the players know who's intentionally teamkilling and who's just unlucky.

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Think again pls.

Only those who have been teamkilled could (..) make a judgement whether the TK was intentional and thus vote.

It's far better to have a forgive script for the victims.

If they don't forgive then 1 extra TK is added to the sum of the teamkiller. After 3 teamkills (serverside variable of course) he is automatically banned/kicked or sessionbanned (again serverside variable).

All this to prevent that voting against someone has nothing to do with his teamkills of course smile_o.gif


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Why care at all? Just lean back and relax. TK is not the end of the world... As a matter of fact it's jolly good fun! MwahahHAHA!!!! yay.gifnener.gif

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Our guidelines on the website say that 3x kicks & warnings before threat of banning, then banning ( on the GBL ) only if it persists.

If you want me to check, PM me your ID number and I'll check it against the current list, or you can download the list yourself and look.

Who cares about some shite guidelines. People do as the please, they always do. If Mr. Bob wants to play he does it despite guidelines or bans.

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Think again pls.

Only those who have been teamkilled could (..) make a judgement whether the TK was intentional and thus vote.

It's far better to have a forgive script for the victims.

If they don't forgive then 1 extra TK is added to the sum of the teamkiller. After 3 teamkills (serverside variable of course) he is automatically banned/kicked or sessionbanned (again serverside variable).

All this to prevent that voting against someone has nothing to do with his teamkills of course smile_o.gif


Sounds a lot like Punkbuster to me smile_o.gif

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Ok, so friendly fire does happen in ArmA from time to time. That's natural.

But what to do with a teamkiller? There is no autokick. There is a votekick, but tha't hardly ever works and they can just come back. Is there a voteban?

My idea is to implement a sort of an autoban. When a player makes 5 teamkills, the other players in his team have to vote whether to keep the player in the game or ban him. Easy. If the majority votes to keep him, he stays.

Because the players know who's intentionally teamkilling and who's just unlucky.

Just use the Public Ban List, it has most TKer IDs banned.

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As long as we can rid the servers from teamkillers, I'm happy. It's ruining my game experience.

Especially those guys who just blow up all vehicles and you can't do anything anymore in coop missions.

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Blowing up your own vehicles isnt a teamkill, unless its containing guys on your own team.

The Banlist is slowley growing with Teamkiller ID's.

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Our guidelines on the website say that 3x kicks & warnings before threat of banning, then banning ( on the GBL ) only if it persists.

If you want me to check, PM me your ID number and I'll check it against the current list, or you can download the list yourself and look.

Thanks .. but I jumped on a couple of servers just after the incident with out any probs so I don't think I've been band, it's just one of those online gaming things that happen from time to time. Although in all the years I've been gaming that's the first time in any game I've ever been kicked by someone.

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I might make a script for it.

Have done so for dod and Red Orchestra so I might as well make it for arma.

Will get back on this later.


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on this vein, has sgt.fagot been banned yet ? -- 24/7 teamkiller. if anyone get's his arma id, please add it to the list.

I can confirm this. He is a teamkiller and also an annoying person. Some confused kid.

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