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Which Mod Would You Eat If You Were Stranded?

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If you got stuck on an island, who would you eat first?

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Do we have a BBQ or anything? Or is this just straight, raw moderator we're talking about? huh.gif

No, just raw moderator on a fire.

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Awww...it selected Franze when I wanted to view the votes first. Oh well...make it medium rare.

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I voted Major Fubar becuase his australian (I think) tounge2.gif You cant beat an Aussie

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To OT for off topic? confused_o.gif

No, no its not. this is an all new weekly game on the BIS forums.

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I took Ex-RoNiN cos' he had no votes so far tounge2.gif

I also like Greek food, so that's bonus.

I like this poll Sniper Skull. Can you reveal how this will work on a weekly basis? Will it be the same poll with the same names each week, so that we can get statistics on what moderator is the most popular choice as nutrition, or will you eventually change to other groups of people?

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Shadow´s my choice because he hasn´t answered my question regarding ArmA SP Demo biggrin_o.gif

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Suma, he's more than likely to figure a way off the island. Before I consume him that is.

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With Placebo gone (sure some good eating on that one - mean to the bone) that's really a hard choice. What bbq sauces are available, and what wine is available to go with the food - surely that's got to be a decisive factor!


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If I'd be stranded with all Moderators and that probably for a long time, then I'd probably eat myself!  biggrin_o.gif

Otherwise I would choose Raedor. Due to our relatively healthy lifestyle in germany (Reinheitsgebot, Eco-stores etc) I could be sure his meat is not full of pollutants.

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The poll is flawed, there is no information on the quantity and the quality of the meat on each moderator bones.

We need more informations so we can vote correctly.

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Sanctuary that is what makes this poll fun. One has to do their own respective research to make judgement on which moderator they would eat.

Only now that placebo is gone can we really make a poll like this as I'm sure that all members of the forum would have just literally eaten Paul up with his waxed hairless legs.

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I voted for myself, but obviously I wasn't able to catch Franze. Hm.

@Sniper Skull: Congrats, this was more valuable than the most spam you've done here lately. But it is still too OT for OT. So I'm closing. Maybe you get PR or WL later, I'm in a hurry...

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