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Fair enough, just thought I'd point it out considering the frequency at which problems were suddenly popping up as of late.

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The discussion on this thread made me realize that the scripting board is not used as much as it was before the seperation from the game section. Before, when it was a part of the game section, I was alot on that board. Now, however, it's been tucked away, under the Off-topic where I normally don't scroll to.

My suggestion is to put the scripting board (ADDON/MOD & MISSION MAKING) between "BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE DISCUSSION" and "BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE GAMES FORUMS" where it's more visible. As I see it, Off-topic board will either way be popular and therefore will not be effected by this change. The scripting board will however get an impact because it will be the first thing you'll see when you get in to the forums.

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The off-topic board can be deleted.

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The off-topic board can be deleted.

So that all off-topic stuff will be posted everywhere?

Not an good idea me thinks.

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So that all off-topic stuff will be posted everywhere?

Not an good idea me thinks.


At least now it's posted in a place which you can choose to ignore if you want to.

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The off-topic board can be deleted.

So that all off-topic stuff will be posted everywhere?

Not an good idea me thinks.

It doesn't have to be posted at all.

Seems to work well on other forums.

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But why should it be deleted? Personal preference doesnt really count here because no one is forcing you to read what goes on here. Can you think of a specific reason (or reasons) why the forum as a whole would benefit from such a move?

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It's not being deleted so pointless to debate the issue smile_o.gif

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Of course it is not my personal preference which decides such things. Of course I can ignore it.

Someone complained about editing board being below it. One way to make the frontpage of the forum better is to remove a board which isn't so necessary - off-topic board. And then, the editing board isn't anymore below the off-topic board smile_o.gif

It was my suggestion to fix something that other person was having some sort of a problem with.

Also it is a valid way to reduce the workload of the forum moderators. Having no off-topic board would leave them more time to monitor the other, more important boards.

Especially as (I think) most of the moderators are not getting paid, their workload should be as low as possible by design of this forum. Same applies for moderators who get paid, of course...

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Why doesn't this forum accept unicode characters? confused_o.gif

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Because it's an ancient and poopy forum with lots of bugs and glitches and flaws.

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I suppose they've looked in to it, but it's worth mentioning.

Invision Power Board. It's up to date, supports unicode, possible to have different languages, RSS, SSI, BBcode, rich-text, jadajadajda..

The best part is that they can convert this whole board (passwords, mods, PMs, polls, groups, avatars, ranks, post, topics, boards and members)

Total 5710 CZK (business) or 3330 CZK (standard), that includes convertion of Ikonboard 3.1.x

Enough about that, right? band.gif

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Especially after the latest hickups - why not at least update to the current version (3.1.5), that's supposed to include quite a few bugfixes? Also they seem to be working on a PHP version now.

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Because it's just not as simple as that sadly, they want to use new forums with the old posts and user accounts.

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Well sounds exactly like the features Colossus mentioned a few posts before.

"The best part is that they can convert this whole board (passwords, mods, PMs, polls, groups, avatars, ranks, post, topics, boards and members)"

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Because it's just not as simple as that sadly, they want to use new forums with the old posts and user accounts.

Well, I'd expect them to offer a way to upgrade exsting forums when applying an update. If others like Invision can do that, the Ikonboard makers should be able to allow for that, too.

Being a software developer myself, I definitely know what would happen if updating our products would require our customers to start filling their databases from scratch. We'd be out of business faster than you can say 'Oops!'.

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The database is corrupt, they've tried and failed a couple of times to import the database into other forum software.

I know you're all trying to mean well but you have no idea how frustrating and annoying the situation is, I've been trying for 3 years now to get the forums fixed/changed. Imagine the worst case of how annoying it is for you guys to post on these crappy old forums, magnify it by 1,000 and you probably have an idea of what it's like to administrate them. We can't even implement captcha into them, so we either leave automated signups and get 200 spam bots a day signing up to spam the forums or I have new members Emailing me directly and I manually create 200 new accounts a week sad_o.gif

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Most probably not a option but i would prefer to get a stable new platform even if that means a start at zero.

If that would be announced a few months before the change then people could save their PMs and other important stuff.

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Most probably not a option but i would prefer to get a stable new platform even if that means a start at zero.


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Unfortunately I guess that means those worthy pernament bans are null and void? Be good to ditch all those unused accounts too I guess  smile_o.gif

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If this forums database is corrupt and you have been trying to fix it for 3 years icon_rolleyes.gif Why dont you act now and put up a brand new forum right away? Messing around with this fossile of a forum is quite pointless isnt it?

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An option is to freeze this forum, leave it here as it currently is, and start a new one from scratch.

That would leave BIS with two forums. One in the freezer and one in the fireplace.

People could go into the freezer to look at the old posts. When they get cold and want to warm up, all they need to do is step into the fireplace.

If it is not what BIS would like to do with this old forum (if they don't want to have it as a public archive), then they could import the data from the old forum into the new so that problematic parts of the database are not touched - if something is broken then leave it there and forget it. Obviously not all of the database is corrupt because we can use this forum.

Also, the off-topic board is not worth it to import it at all.

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Sounds good to me, ok when can we start? ^^

Good time for such cut would be bit before ArmA2 release to be ready when the millions of customers come here to talk about bu... i mean all the features tounge2.gif

And in the end nothing would be lost if things get archived.

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Obviously a lot of what has been stated is comon sense.

However as Placebo has outlined we have been shouting for an upgrade or a new forum for a very long time, the powers that be have been musing lots of options and as it's plain to see at not a great pace.

Whether it's down to lack of man power or lack of will there seems to be little movement on this front at present.

It's a damn shame but we all have to wait untill BIS make a decision.

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