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Vilas' addons

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DJ :

vilas_mod is in this sense - vilas weapons except polish weapons used only by our army

1 vilas vehicles - nonsense, because other user want to play CWC other desert, other only new Sahrani, other user only Polish stuff, other user only WW2

in my previous OFP activity there was -as you saidbut it was problem - noone wanted to download 250 MB of addons mixed from 1871 Mauser, Berdan, WW1, WW2, Vietnam and modern - and although I made a lot of addons, very large numer of weapons which noone else made (like good quality Stoner system, Lewis LMG, Berdans, prototypes like EM2, XL70, STG45, AK46, G3A2, - but who heard about my addons for OFP except Polish community and few friends here ?)

i made first WW1 pack released - other people were releasing only screens, or units basing on my textures - but i was completely unknown, although few mods are using my civil vehicles, or Vietnam era stuff

it was my mistake to put all era units, weapons, vehicles in one and was blamed for this

this time I wont do the same mistake smile_o.gif

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yeah I guess it makes sense with not wanting to mix eras....

good explanation!

Ive been trying to keep my stuff in one pbo because it is too much to manage if it were all spread out...but then again im only talking about objects for the editor.

looking forward to seeing more stuff smile_o.gif

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hi vilas,

ive updated to the latest files of yours and nowe getting this error when using the gurrelias

No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgModels/default.sections'

also, i am confused. in your basic mod you have a config along with 2 additional optional configs (easy,hard)

both optional configs are much different then the one in the basic mod. so..... whats the deal here?

do we replace the one in the basic mod? look at the size difference.

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stingfish74 if you had read previous posts you would have know

easy and hard configs are weapons configs, easy is compatible with ARMA (which has 10 less accurate weapons than OFP) and hard have stronger bullets and more accurate weapons at about 30%

player can choose what he wants

what concerns recoil of other errors - there is one addon released by one man - this addon makes problems

i cannot told which, because i don't want make bad PR o other addonmaker smile_o.gif

of course all addons go to addon folder not in any MOD folder

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i doubt that mentioning name of addon which collide with your addon is bad PR for that addon maker ...

take it as FAQ answer , are there any mods incompatible with this one ? Yes, see list below ...

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soon it will be in Polish pack - Polish AT Police, but it will require newest vilas_mod - because of black M24 (in game it is green) and MP5 real - with burst mode (in game BIS gave texture of MP5N with burst on fire selector, but not in config)

also in this week we (me and surprise) will release Polish units with very good quality real camo "pantera 93"

it will be very real - in colors, shapes , etc.

i also want to make my own good flecktarn bundeswehra

Polish AT police uses urban flecktarn - this camo never entered service in Germany but in Poland here - yes

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looks fine!

you going to make some UN-Forces too?

Real Flecktarn is in use by Bundeswehr and the german military police called "Feldjäger".

The GSG9 / SEK have other special wear wink_o.gif

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i made it because i was not satisfied with colors of someone else flecktarn , soon available with newest vilas_mod with 2 new versions of G3

"which kind of helmet is this? this black helmet seems really big"

oh my god, don't you know that tools are not released ?

it is normal model of US soldier reskin


BW addon available :


requires newest vilas_mod from today - with UMP, G3SG

edit: MG-3 ADDED smile_o.gif in 20 minutes on FTP

i hope my version of flecktarn is similar to real colours smile_o.gif

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and MP5 real - with burst mode (in game BIS gave texture of MP5N with burst on fire selector, but not in config)


The MP5 Navy has only safe-semi-auto, no burst fire mode. The closest MP5 with safe-semi-burst-auto would be the MP5A4 (A5 with a collapsible stock).

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some things from my Vietnam-era weapons smile_o.gif - from OFP packs, but now converted and fixed up to ARMA

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i noticed that one of your guerilla soldiers has a "FNC" weapon....

but thats not a FN FNC..

This is a FN FNC

but maybe there is some other weapon named FNC....

anyway, would be nice to have a FN FNC biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]

i made it because i was not satisfied with colors of someone else flecktarn , soon available with newest vilas_mod with 2 new versions of G3

"which kind of helmet is this? this black helmet seems really big"

oh my god, don't you know that tools are not released ?

it is normal model of US soldier reskin

Hey Vilas i respect your work so you should others. So stop this b*tching or i will tell the people who you asked how he did that ArmA skin and how did you made that standalone....

There are a lot of things i would do different then your Addons maybe better(who knows) but iam not making an Addon and start b*tching about yours.

Only want to say that.


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the_shadow - what FNC ? FN rifle model 49 !

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the_shadow - what FNC ? FN rifle model 49 !


but it sais "guerilla (FNC)" in the editor....

damnit... no it doesnt... just my head that read FNC isntead of FN....

my bad..

maybe it´s me that wants a FNC that bad :/

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class VIL_rebeliant5FN : SoldiergB {

vehicleClass = "VIL_gue";

displayName = "Guerilla FN";

model = "\vilas_gue\gue0_soldier";

scope = public;

weapons[] = {VIL_Fn49, VIL_Throw, "Put"};

magazines[] = { VIL_10Rnd_762x51_nato,VIL_10Rnd_762x51_nato,VIL_10Rnd_762x51_nato,VIL_10Rnd_762x51_nato,VI


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Vilas i have problem to use your weapons in game crazy_o.gif

Your units works perfectly but your weapons in editor will show me error massage "model ... disapiont or something".

I have vilas_mod,vilas_cwc,vilas_air,vilas_rus,vilas_gue,vilas_ww2,vilas_pol,

vilas_ww2_conf_hard,vilas_ww2_conf_easy,vilas_config_hard and vilas_config_easy. Where is the mistake?? sad_o.gif

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remove either the _hard configs or the _easy configs...

you cant use both at the same time wink_o.gif

theat means, either use

vilas_ww2_conf_easy and Vilas_config_easy


vilas_ww2_conf_hard and vilas_config_hard

not all at the same time wink_o.gif

if you do you will get the error.

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bionic- it was not any bitching - i had his addon version 1.00 now 1.03 is super and better than mine because textures were changed

if i knew about 1.03 probably wouldn't be doing my own, version 1.00 contained tcolours different than flecktarn i have in home - trousers

and also i wanna tell you that i am not satisfied with my own addons - especially woodland


i added man in FIA/Swiss camo to vilas_gue and few classes more

also i changed my flecktarn to better colours but texture quality do not satisfy me - reason for this units is weapon holders

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read prevoius posts , RC res guns causes problems, people have no recoil and etc.

if someone wanna play with Stoners or Type 68 or SKS and someone likes Vietnam era - than i present alfa stage vilas_nam

it requires newest vilas_mod since few minutes - because i added weapons , i hope it will give joy in MP smile_o.gif


edit vilas_mod is now final version smile_o.gif

added P8/USP

and 2 other handguns, shotgun for police

ww2 is final too added G43 + ZF4

soon changed will be only polish pack - because of new uniform textures

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Nice work, good atempt on the first vietnam era units, is there a m-16 with a short mag on the way?

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Vilas, you just did what Rhino did for OFP. smile_o.gif These are the second 'Nam units I see being made, but the first ones that are released! These will get a place on my ArmA addon folders. Thank you! smile_o.gif

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from armaholic.com :

Downloads / Addons / Units / Basic addon file

Author: Vilas

Author Website: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/vilas/

Submitted by: Foxhound Date: 2007-02-21 19:37

Comments: (0) Ratings:

Required Addons:

Version: 1.06



- Added new Police units

- Updated some textures



- added M1911

- added CZ75

- added GLOCK

- blackops in black not ACU


- added RPD (guerill gunner "VILAS_GUE")

- added FN 49 (guerilla)

- added Polish RAK PM 63 (driver second class in "VILAS_POL")

- added P99 - Polish police uses now Walter P99 which is produced

- fixed pistol magazines were using normal rifle slots

- added AKM, new G3A4, G3A3, G33 and G41


- added new weapons

- added "Hellbringer" (Blackop with Atomic RPG launcher)


- added UMP, G3SG and MG-3

but as your personal site doesn't work, i can't get the list for all your weapons and magazines..as i am interesed in placing some of your handguns/pistols in weapon crates (glock, m1911 and/or others) so can anyone help?

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