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Gun view movement is "TERRIBLE"

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I totally loved OFP but one thing i didnt like and a big reason why my Ghost Recon clan mates couldn't get into it was the way the gun moved in relation/response to the mouse movements.

Its the same probelm in the demo of Armed Assault.

I'ts more like piloting a boat the driving a car. Feels very unweildly. I always feeling like i have to work really hard to get it to aim where i want. Always that little drag and delay an over pan.

My comp isnt great at a 2gig Athlon, 1 gig ram but i have a 7600GT car so it's not weak either. I have the game on 1024 with allll the grpahics options either off or as low as i can get them.

In Ghost Recon they still manage to pursue a reasonable amount of realism, i know it's not a sim as OFP and AA are closer to but i think one thing people don't want is inertia on the mass and weight of the gun. It's just annoying. I hate the feeling that i have to wave it around and try to settle the ret or optics of the gun where i want.

I just want the aiming of the mouse and the onscreen result to be flawless and not something i have to struggle with.

At least make that an option for those of use that loved OFP and will buy AA for sure but would like that snap to wherever i point the gun aim style.

*** oh and you pureists, dont flame me, i'm just asking for an option, doesnt mean i dont love and appreciate all the other elements of the game.

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I don't think he's talking about the "free" aim, I think he's talking about the aiming "draginess", which I agree with - It's as though I'm "dragging" the weapon with the mouse rather than aiming with it.

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I too found the gun movement very irritating. Infact its the main reason I was disapointed. Getting a decent aims seems to take longer than should. I tried tweaking various settings (mouse axis sensitivity) but still the same. I imagine against a human player both would have a similar problem, however I felt at a disadvantage against the AI.

Glad someone else thinking the same, I was thinking it was me. I haven't played flashy for years so I can't remember but I don't remember it being so sensitive. Its like flying a kite, slight movement left and WOOOOOSH the gun is all the way over to the left.

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The aim box can be set in options, in most games you just "float" around while in ArmA you have an body attached :P

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Hmmm...while playing yesterday I chose a handgun to sort close distance resistance. Whenever I pushed "forward" key one time only, the character made 3 steps with the handgun. That´s odd. Animation related or not, this is too much.

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Hi all

I'm new to these forums, bit not the game genre:-)

I second the somewhat strange "drag" one have with the weapon. It's like it's a delay from my mouse movement and real action on screen.

Being a soldier in real.... I find this very strange and anoying when playing. I understand what they try to do, but think they might have overdone it a tad.

On a second note... AIM???

Now I might have missed a setting, tuning or training mission or something. But I can't hit for the life of me, what on earth is going on?

When facing enemy on e.g. 50m range.. laying prone, sights up (M4 with Aimpoint) steady aim.. and single fire... bullets hit everywere else than were I aim. They hit below, above, left, right... anything but center mass were I actually aim.

Now if I was running or standing.. yes - I definately would see that type bullet impact, but come on.. I'm prone...

So either there is a bug with the M4... or I must have missed some settings somewere, cause this is unplayable.

I lay down.. fire off single fire rounds until I empty my clip... not one hit.. and the enemy fires one burst.. and I'm dead?

I played OPF for years and never had this problem before.. so whats going on?

On scoped weapons (like M24) it's "ok".. ... as in strangely enough on long range I have to aim below (???) the target to hit, instead of above which would be natural??

Anyone else have these "problems"... or possible solutions?

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You've just been spoilt by Counter Strike, Quake or whatever. Body, arms and guns in real life have some mass so they also need some effort and time to move around. You can't just whizz your aim around like pointing with a mouse, that's horribly unrealistic and is usually compensated in other games by having a huge dispersion on the weapons.

In OFP aiming takes more effort but when you get the guy in your sights it's pretty much a guaranteed hit while in other games it's very easy to whip the crosshair on the enemy but you'll need good luck or a lot of desperate spraying to hit from a distance. I'm not sure about ArmA weapons accuracy though, only played the demo so far.

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I think too many people (mainly younger players) have come to ArmA expecting some huge CS/BF2 clone when in fact they are totally different games.

It's like i said in a thread on a different forums.

CS/BF2 are fast paced action first shooters with a few military references.

ArmA is a military based infantry simulation with a few references to the fps genre.


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I'm afraid the "dragging" feeling is caused by low FPS, guys. That's what I get anyway. With decent FPS (ie lower settings), I've no "drag" or "aim lag" effect, and is perfectly usable

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I'm afraid the "dragging" feeling is caused by low FPS, guys. That's what I get anyway. With decent FPS (ie lower settings), I've no "drag" or "aim lag" effect, and is perfectly usable

same here. try dropping the graphics settings - its your hardware that are letting you down.

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I am no CS or quake type guy, hate those games!

As i stated I've played OPF for years, and after that Americas Army for 4 years.

As for the "drag" effect it might be hardware oriented, testing that now - and I managed to reduce it.

As for the aim - there must be something seriously wrong with my game. I just did the training course, and heck.. even as gunner on the m1 I can't even hit with the first shot...

On the rifle range.. my M4 went as usuall all over the place?? I lay prone, take my normal time to aim... and on like 50m I see the bullet hit like 3 meter left of target, and next round.. way above target.. and so on...

What on earth is wrong here??

I'm downloading the demo to see if this "problem" is there too. I got nothing against simulation, and are used to those type games. But trust me when I say, something is wrong with my game at least... I am a marksman i real life, had no problems at all hitting targets in OPF, nor Americas Army.

And here.. on close range, the bullet impacts all over the place???

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After running a server of coop play for over 7 hours last night, I must say that was the biggest complaint I heard all night. The overall feel of play is sluggish/distorted. Couple that with lag or choppy frame rates and the problem is magnified by 10. There were many things I loved and many things I disliked, but overall this one issue will be a major impact on this being a game one can play for hours on end and enjoy or will have to wait for mods to correct. If they can somehow tweak the issue of improving performance overall or make the UI a bit more responsive(or a little of both) this game will take off and never look back. If they dont, it will take modders to bring it back to life sometime in the future. Thats the bottom line...

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@ Mouse issue post. Like it's been mentioned, it's not the game but your settings. When I first installed the game I had everything set to high or very high, high screen resolution and when I aimed at a target I would move a bit too much to the right, a bit to the left, a bit right... then right on target. I thought the game was bugged. But then I dropped all my settings to low, set the screen res a notch lower, then started raising the settings until it did it again. Then I just took a couple settings down a notch and the aiming is as precise as OFP, actually even better.

Just try changing to get better FPS and your mouse issue will go away.

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Thx for the tip, I will try out that.

Strange though, cause I managed to tune the game so it runs ok... but maybe it's still to high for the mouse/aim issue.

I will test and report back.

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Yes, it's what I saw too : I use my mouse movement as a good indicator to know if I've correct FPS or not, cause everything "looks" fine, until I try to aim. It looks like the aim movement is the first thing hit by low FPS, the software maybe miss some mouse input, I don't know

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When I was getting the sluggish mouse aim the actual game ran really well. It looked great and most everything "seemed" to run smooth other than the aiming. The main culprit for me was full screen AA. On just about any screen res or vid setting if I leave it to low the mouse is fine.

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OK, just tested - no effect at all.

I did the target range... fired on the closest and second closest targets... I see bullet impact way right/left/above/below the target. Dont matter how long I lay prone aiming..(sights up off course)... short time aim, long time aim... same result.

I need approx 10+ rounds to get one hit on the closest target - that can't possible be right?

I ran the game at 800x... with all setting to low or turned off. Even turned off EAX and Hardware acc on sound.

My spec are

P4 3,4GHz

2Gb ram

ATI X850 Pro grahpic

So there has to be something wrong here... game is unplayable if it's near impossible to hit the targets.

Sidenote: the "drag" effect is no longer a problem for me regardless - only accuarcy.

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I've read about this, but I have never seen it. In the full game I can hit moving targets at 150 - 200m with straight ironsights with 2-3 shots in the standing position. Prone in 1-2. Not sure what weapons your testing with as that might be it.

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Problem is on any type weapon... M4, M249... heck even on the M1 tank!

Installing the demo now to test and see if the game or something is faulty.

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You should look in Troubleshooting area.

Get it, Trouble Shooting.

Haha, good one! rofl.gif

I had the same twitchy mouse aiming thing until I

reduced the graphics settings - no trouble after that

(except looking through any sort of telescope at a

bush!wink_o.gif. Never any real problem with "accuracy" though,

but maybe my expectations are different from those


Front sight..."aim"...click-bang!

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Well, it's verified - full game has some wierd bug?

Just did a test run on the demo version... and works like a charm... running decent res and settings... I take down moving targets at 2-300m with a few rounds.

So it's obvious that there is some major flaw with the full game I have installed.

Gotta try investigate what the reason might be,

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