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should you be able to move and shoot in ARMA?

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Quote[/b] ]2leave arma anims as they are good for campers.
Don't like the way it's written, but chosed it anyway. I'm a coop-player and doen't play CTF or DM, so i don't care about "campers" .... wink_o.gif

MfG Medicus

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The word "campers" doesnt apply to a tactical war shooter. Go play CS.

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If they "camp", one has several options.

1. Ignore them, and go around.

2. Shoot them in the head

3. Shoot at him until he backs off, then flank him while doing this...

et cetera. It's all rather simple, really

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if the "fast" gameplay gonna stay like it is, i dont see a big future for ctf leagues. for me arma feels very uncomfortable compared to ofp, somehow like a x-box game meant to be played with a pad, even the autoaim option is there.

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Do CTF'ers work alone or something? In a team deathmatch with my brother and friends (LAN), we cleaned up campers, after getting shot, of course. Suppress and move cover to cover and have one quietly flank. 3 people is enough to do it.

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Now that I've been able to play the game I think a lot of the discussion around this topic misses the point.

I think most people (even CTF players) would agree that you shouldn't be able to move and shoot _accurately_ at all.

However, the most annoying behaviour currently is that if you are moving when you hit the 'fire' button it has no effect. That makes a real difference if you are using an automatic weapon since if you hit fire just before you come to a halt (very easy to do given the frequent lag between attempting to stop moving and actually stopping) rather than just after, you are left dumbly wondering why your weapon is not firing.

So, leaving aside the pejoratives about campers vs CS 'kids' I would like to at least be able to start firing whilst on the move. I certainly don't expect to hit anything but I do want to then be able to come to halt and try to get my weapon to bear whilst still sending rounds approximately downrange.

Quote[/b] ]you could always do what the l33t CTF'rs did in OFP, remove your anims

That would be classed as cheating in my book icon_rolleyes.gif

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i have only 1 problem related to this thread.

While u running (weapon in automatic) u see enemy and even if your weapon is lowered u get scared and u start fireing. (in real life u get scared even more).

But that u can press the trigger while running it has no effect. Thats not realistic.

I die in Arma CTF games, becose i open fire 10ms b4 i can?

Seems shitty to me ...

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While u running (weapon in automatic) u see enemy and even if your weapon is lowered u get scared and u start fireing. (in real life u get scared even more).

It's just that only a complete moron would hold his finger on the trigger without the intent to fire when running.

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OFP animations were a lot smoother and intuitive, but I would never want to go back to that again, the static gun positions created the famous right corner rule and I think that's what some "CTF players" want back, so they can keep pwning people with their leet corner camping.

The clumsiness of ArmA animations still bothers me because you have to wait until the very end of an animation before you can do something else. That is very annoying when you have to start shooting at someone, but your guy rather runs or picks his nose than does what you want. It should be damn well possible to hike forwards and have the weapon pointed the same way instead of the ground. You can already shoot rapid fire on single mode without having to stop, so why create artificial limits?

A word to some of my fellow CTFers: ArmA does not exist for the CTF mode, CTF in ArmA exists so you can rob flags in a more realistic environment. Go play CS if all you want is headshots in 0.0056 seconds.

The game doesn't exist solely for coops and single player either, mind you.

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Rambos die first!!!!

...is what I got to say to the choice #2, "leave arma anims as they are, good for campers." However I think shooting while runnign should be restored in ArmA.

The idiots that want to dash and spray should be given a chance to shoot themselves in the foot while running. Shooting while running should be done as well as it was done in OFP. I believe the uncontrolable nature of shooting on a run, is one of the things that keeps the BF2 noobs from overflooding the ofp/arma servers. It's fun to see in ArmA MP games when another BF2 rambo jumps into a Hummer right at the start of a MP game and charges straight into the enemy lines "a la BF2". Needless to say the natural selection takes its course smile_o.gif. The downside is these ppl are responsible for premature endings of MP sessions when they use up all the AI slots by respawning over and over again.

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Since there really ain't nothing bad with camping I voted #2. If you're able to run and shoot you might also hit friendlies. People who want to be able to run around with a static MG can go play CS instead. It will also give an unfair advantage to those who haven't got their legs injured or so. angry.gif


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I don't think I have answered the topic/question yet, but my answer would be no.

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Its funny how people who only know how to kill Ais try to tell others how acually play the game. Errr whats the realism in that (read my sign). Im a fan of COOP, you will find me on SES server (im the funny guy). Yet i like to do some urban fighting but arma anims have changed that. Now everyone sits on their asses leaning at everycorner. Yes, talk about realism, talk about anything really. How should an attack squad of 5 guys be able to move in fast and clean sweap the map if they stand no chance against these defenders. Well I guess (we do it realisitc) and find ourselves a corner and do some leaning right back at them.

Dont ever call Fast movement abillities for rambo style or CS game because that is just showing how big of newbies your are. ArmA acually do have very big cities, but the gameplay for it hasnt been developed. So lets takes hands and pray for that we all find a solution to go along with!!!

when playing against human players you have to think like a human. When playing against Ais, well you can watch tv, eat icecream and get a blowjob and still preform on an averge level

Come play some real gaming!!!!

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I think OFP & ArmA have fast shoot, but the turret on OFP very slow, that's all i have whistle.gif .

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Its funny how people who only know how to kill Ais try to tell others how acually play the game. Errr whats the realism in that (read my sign). Im a fan of COOP, you will find me on SES server (im the funny guy). Yet i like to do some urban fighting but arma anims have changed that. Now everyone sits on their asses leaning at everycorner.

Come on NL server wink_o.gif Frantic & Co make such behaviors change, there

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when playing against human players you have to think like a human. When playing against Ais, well you can watch tv, eat icecream and get a blowjob and still preform on an averge level

Come play some real gaming!!!!

You can play against other players in some very different kind of missions than the mind-numbingly boring run & gun CTFs on 50mx200m areas. You know, the ones where you don't respawn and actually have to utilize more than two brain cells to win instead of just running and g36-zoring around like there's no tomorrow.

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well so far i have only find that i need 1 more moving speed aside from sprite, run and the fast walking, in fact i find that the old walking speed quite usable in OFP, it is a shame to see it replace with the fast walking one

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You spent 5 years in OFP learning to headshot someone whilst sidestrafing at 100 metres with a single bullet from a G36

For the record: could somebody care to clarify how people managed to do this in OFP in the most infamous of all CTF (you know which one). While in full cover behind a wall, I regularly get shot in the head by someone just rushing past my position.  

You seem to know how this was done? And what was the benefit of running sideways/sidestrafing in OFP?

I wouldn't mind if this were no possible longer in ArmA

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Its funny how people who only know how to kill Ais try to tell others how acually play the game. Errr whats the realism in that (read my sign). Im a fan of COOP, you will find me on SES server (im the funny guy). Yet i like to do some urban fighting but arma anims have changed that. Now everyone sits on their asses leaning  at everycorner. Yes, talk about realism, talk about anything really. How should an attack squad of 5 guys be able to move in fast and clean sweap the map if they stand no chance against these defenders. Well I guess (we do it realisitc) and find ourselves a corner and do some leaning right back at them.

I don't think it's the gameplay that hasn't been developed, it's the gamemodes that people play that are becoming archaic. CTF for instance, sure, it sounds reasonable; capture a flag and get it back home, but that in it self caters to campers, and perhaps more so than the gameplay itself.

CTI is one of the newest modes. If you can succeed in lean-camping in CTI I'll be impressed. Waiting around with a rocket launcher might work, but then, unlike CTF, the game will inevitably be so varied regardless that it won't matter.

I'd like to see more CTI styles. Not necessarily the whole island, just a few towns or forrests or other areas, obviously it would need a different acronym. Basicly ones where there are multiple hotspots and where the point of interest changes. Perhaps carry the Capture and Hold from Battlefield over but give a little more nyances like "Moving Flags". Basicly so that you can't set up shop and lean camp, you need to be alert and on the move.

Imo we just need new gamemodes.

edit: removed some crap..

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the shoebox maps are shit, they are worse than CS. CS is acually a pretty tactical game but way way way too arcade.

I want to see 2 flag placed in a big city, add light vehicles and weapons. Now theres a good CQB map. (some objects on it wouldnt hurt). I have a very instressted idea why people rather play these shoebox maps instead of realistic CQB made ones. But im afride to step on toes so i wont wink_o.gif


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wel,real life swat teams need to run in and gun (meaning its doable),and if in need of the coop players dont wanna do it,they dont have to.

and since it would feed the non wanting coop players,then why the hell not.

if you wanna sit in a tree like a goonberry with a sniper,or your enemy spotting orders with your ak,with not firing to maintain stealth per mission,then do so.

if you wanna run and gun a little (no not like bf2,just alittle more than arma has now with its fire on the floor style) then you could.

whats the big deal?

if you are playing a team game with a team,even if this was as bad as bf2 for run and gun,it wouldnt matter,cos lone sharks like that dont fit into the scale of arma,and will get owned anyway from team players seeing there run gun movements making them a target,and since arma is 1 shot 1 kill where bf2 isnt,the run and gun wont effect online play

(yes ive played online and its normally sniper dead,sniper dead,sniper dead,,run gun WILL not effect that atall.)

BUT BUT BUT,,it will give it a better feel for upclose.and less people will moan about the unrealistic nature of firing on the floor while running.

im all for run and gun in arma. it adds another aspect of real play to the game that it has not got right now,,like the no jump "rolleyes"

run gun or not,its all down to team play. and on this scale,say no more smile_o.gif go for it bis,add it,and a jump.

BIS,pls note,making this game realistic to the point of a sim,you dont need to make restrictions on things,if you can jump run gun and have accuracy with 1 shot kills when not run gunning,in this scale of map,with team play from a good team (like the army has rather than a bunch of newbs) then dont be so afraid of the old ofp players slateing you for it..

it doesnt get real withdrawing things from this game. it just gets annoying.

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Rambos die first!!!!

...is what I got to say to the choice #2, "leave arma anims as they are, good for campers." However I think shooting while runnign should be restored in ArmA.

The idiots that want to dash and spray should be given a chance to shoot themselves in the foot while running. Shooting while running should be done as well as it was done in OFP. I believe the uncontrolable nature of shooting on a run, is one of the things that keeps the BF2 noobs from overflooding the ofp/arma servers. It's fun to see in ArmA MP games when another BF2 rambo jumps into a Hummer right at the start of a MP game and charges straight into the enemy lines "a la BF2". Needless to say the natural selection takes its course smile_o.gif. The downside is these ppl are responsible for premature endings of MP sessions when they use up all the AI slots by respawning over and over again.

perfect (thou you could set respawns on markers for perminant) hell if your using respawn anyway per slot,its just as unrealistic to have it always on.

but yes,perfectly said (like my post biggrin_o.gif )

run and gun should be there,for the moment when you need it.

and when bf2 players show up,,hey the coop players,campers,real army players get to own the newb wink_o.gif

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Since there really ain't nothing bad with camping I voted #2. If you're able to run and shoot you might also hit friendlies. People who want to be able to run around with a static MG can go play CS instead. It will also give an unfair advantage to those who haven't got their legs injured or so. angry.gif


and this post,is the typical bullshit i hate..

friendly fireing,,lmao what a crock of shit.

in real life,people CAN run and gun,do you here reports from the army that they shot each other,

NO,why,COS it aint bf2 wth 12 year olds.

and saying go play CSS is just lame,and making this game kin boring and restricted, that AINT real..

and legs being injured,lmfao,,omg,,medic springs to mind,or not getting shot in the first place. called team play.like an army is. cant believe how simply these things are to think about yet people get it so messed up.

pls read my first post here about run and gun not effecting your little camping needs. (2 posts above this one)

and THINK,before posting,jeezzz

stop being so dam scared that run and gun will ruin things,its wont.

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Since there really ain't nothing bad with camping I voted #2. If you're able to run and shoot you might also hit friendlies. People who want to be able to run around with a static MG can go play CS instead. It will also give an unfair advantage to those who haven't got their legs injured or so. angry.gif


and this post,is the typical bullshit i hate..

friendly fireing,,lmao what a crock of shit.

in real life,people CAN run and gun,do you here reports from the army that they shot each other,

NO,why,COS it aint bf2 wth 12 year olds.

and saying go play CSS is just lame,and making this game kin boring and restricted, that AINT real..

and legs being injured,lmfao,,omg,,medic springs to mind,or not getting shot in the first place. called team play.like an army is. cant believe how simply these things are to think about yet people get it so messed up.

pls read my first post here about run and gun not effecting your little camping needs. (2 posts above this one)

and THINK,before posting,jeezzz

stop being so dam scared that run and gun will ruin things,its wont.

Yeah? Then check this teamkiller:


Soldier detained in fatal grenade attack on Army base:


That's what happens.

So everyone should be his own medic? Running around lookin' for peoples legs? That's what I call unbalanced.

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