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Mods/Addon Ideas

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Hi I just wanted to start a Topic about peoples ideas to start making addons/Mods. Please list all of your ideas and maybe other people will create them for you yay.gif .

I have just a few:

1. It would be pretty interesting to have the Iraqi confilict in the game. Maybe not America vs Iraq but Shiites vs the Sunni.

More ideas on the way but I want to hear your ideas.

NOTE: I will not be creating these because I am not good at the tools used to edit,mod,etc. (Maybe in time).

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I thought about a decent sound mod. I don't like the way the guns sound, I am a reality freak and major gun nut. But I don't know how to create such sound addons. But I got the sound files...

Other than that, laser range finder for vehicles and individuals, more weapons and units with high detail like BAS or WGL.

Since I am the stealthy recon guy, a suppressed version of the SPR would be nice.

Speaking of that, a whole mod could be made just with unconventional warfare stuff.

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i would say custom vegetation and buildings....

i hope Ares/Instructor continues with his finnish buildings pack smile_o.gif

oh, and yes.... im making islands :P

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I was the first to mention a real war scenario like Iraq.

It would be nice to see USA versus Iraqi troops in the first days of the war back in 2003.

Also i would love to see some mods about North Korea and possible war scenario. Maybe the aim should be to take out some nuclear facilities and also to hunt down scientists working for NK nuclear program.

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i was thinking while playing the game a few days ago that a Iraq war mod would be very cool indeed. the urban fighting has been much improved in the engine and would really work well with a gulf war mod. Are their any ofp ones that are moving to ArmA? cos i would like to give them my limited addon making expertise, will give me a chance to learn how to do it better.

Iraq mod could be split into 3 parts. Gulf war one with the retaing of kuwait from the Iraqis, Gulf war 2 with the fall of saddam, and then a Peacekeeping campaign fighting the insurgents, porbably colaborate with mods like UKF to use their addons as part of a Basra campaign. Also as the maps have no size limit you could do a absolutly massive Iraq map. with large detailed cities.

a Black hawk down mod would also be very possible with the updated, Urban combat. didnt think it was that possible in ofp due to the poor game physics and urban combat engine.

A north korea mod would be very cool too. would like to see Falklands mod make the move to armed assault too, they could proberly to a 1:1 scale falklands island now too.

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i would love to see many of the much belowed Addons & mods from ofp make their comebacks in Armed assault... smile_o.gif

of course with newly added stuff that is in the Arma engine of course. I just totally love the sound engine in Arma somehow, also the weapon sounds are great, even though the US weapons feels a bitt less loud noised compared to the east block weapons like Ak and such. I don't know how many of you people have seen the game world in conflict that is being worked out by massive entertainment. Really cool setting and all cause im a cold war freak tounge2.gif

Also any1 know if Sathcel charges can be placed onto vehicles or is it only on the ground? I loved it in Fdf mod that you could place bombs on any vehicle, only the recoil system i ddin't like biggrin_o.gif

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If this thread is just for throwing concepts down, how does this sound.

It's a scenario based on a book called Brother in the Land (I think written in the 80s) about post-nuclear-war England. Basically a teenager goes out for a bike ride down some country lanes when it starts raining. He takes shelter in an old WW2 pillbox when full scale nuclear war breaks out and his town is hit. He survives the blast, but a man walking past at the time isn't so lucky - the boy sees his body and pukes. If I remember right I think his bike gets melted. Anyway, he makes it back to town and his brother and Dad have survived in their family shop's cellar, his Mum was killed out in the house.

Some days later mysterious soldiers come to start rounding people up into labour camps, and a resistance movement starts among the survivors, who ambush  convoys of these unknown forces and build up weapons caches. Eventually, they gather enough weaponary to attack the work compounds and take over the facilities. However, things don't turn out to well. After the initial victory over their oppressors, the crops fail due to radiation poisoning.

Its a lot deeper than that, but these are the basic points that might make it worth creating.

-Its fairly unique

-It has a strong emotional storyline

-Missions would include working for the resistance:

= ambusing convoys

= rescuing survivors

= raiding air raid bunkers for supplies

= attacking outposts and eventually the work camps

= watching out for: the "purples" - survivors that have resorted to canabalism; the soldiers that are starting a new world order in the aftermath of the holocaust; and looters.

If done right, this scenario could be really atmospheric, probably best made on a "destroyed" island akin to Kolgujev.

If anyone remembers Bambi's brilliant BlackOp troops with the gas masks, they would be perfect for the oppressors.


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i was thinking while playing the game a few days ago that a Iraq war mod would be very cool indeed. the urban fighting has been much improved in the engine and would really work well with a gulf war mod. Are their any ofp ones that are moving to ArmA? cos i would like to give them my limited addon making expertise, will give me a chance to learn how to do it better.

Iraq mod could be split into 3 parts. Gulf war one with the retaing of kuwait from the Iraqis, Gulf war 2 with the fall of saddam, and then a Peacekeeping campaign fighting the insurgents, porbably colaborate with mods like UKF to use their addons as part of a Basra campaign. Also as the maps have no size limit you could do a absolutly massive Iraq map. with large detailed cities.

a Black hawk down mod would also be very possible with the updated, Urban combat. didnt think it was that possible in ofp due to the poor game physics and urban combat engine.

A north korea mod would be very cool too. would like to see Falklands mod make the move to armed assault too, they could proberly to a 1:1 scale falklands island now too.

Its rather late here so i will contact you tomorrow at some point.. but our mod (IM:UC) will be movin into ArmA when the new tools have been released.

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I'd like to see some mech units

EDIT: mech units as in bipedal tanks and such

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Hi guys, I love OFP, and now Arma brings OFP to a new level!

heres a  list of mods i'd like to see:

.greater selection of weapons

.greater selection of fighter jets,(what happened to our A-10?)


.the flight controls like OFPs (flying is very challegning now, not fun)

.realistic sounds

.lingering smoke from grenades, explosions from missiles,rockets, and satchels.

.wgl,ffur,ecp,liberation41-41, Fdf, modern, and ww2mod

.original islands from ofp intergrated into Arma

.BN tracers

.Star Wars mod )what ever happened to whats his face that was coming out with the huge mod?)

Well thats all I can think of now. To all you ausome modders out there that made OFP to be where it is today, I now you can do the same for ARMA.

                 notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif  inlove.gif

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i admit that the flying is much more challanging but it is more realsitic. the fact that you have to press a button to cycle through the available targets is cool just like you do in reality. flying the choppers and planes is a bit of a bitch but you will get used to it trust me. samw with the drivin, get used to it and ull be able to do much more with the vehicles. like barrel rolls with the harrier:D

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Three major things I'd like to see in Armed Assault.

-Invisible Targets, something we had in OFP which was very useful for cutscenes and scripted scenese, since the fire command never worked very well for infantry units.

-Dragable Wounded, as seen in the SLX mod recently released for Resistance. Added a lot of immersion to the battle field seeing wounded units dragged off the field. Was created with a new vehicle type afaik.

-Helicopters with destructable rotors. I know ArmA already has this to an extent, but what I would like to see is the first four (or two depending on helo type) cargo positions placed on the end of the rotors, so they could be filled with game logics, and a script created to simulate total loss of the main rotor if it clips and object at speed. Would also kill or injure any units hit by the rotor. Could also be done purely by scripting, but I would like to see it in an addon for ease of use.

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JAM would be pritty cool too.

however ArmA ma already have a version of that in it as the mags are not called M16 mag. will have to test this.

how about a 24 mod?

james bond mod?

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Quote[/b] ]Helicopters with destructable rotors. I know ArmA already has this to an extent, but what I would like to see is the first four (or two depending on helo type) cargo positions placed on the end of the rotors, so they could be filled with game logics, and a script created to simulate total loss of the main rotor if it clips and object at speed. Would also kill or injure any units hit by the rotor. Could also be done purely by scripting, but I would like to see it in an addon for ease of use.

Ë›, that would solve lots of helo collision bugs.

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one thought does the gear screen on ArmA bring the possible idea of customizing weapons, like adding a scope to a standard M4 rifle, and adding other items to it, like a torch and a GL launcher?

like you can on later rainbow 6 games.

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Crye precision multicam is a type of camouflage.

As for me i'd like to see an AS VAL (loved the OFP one) and a decent set of animations

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-Private Military Contractors and all the stuff they use.

(will start making them as soon as modding tools are released)

-working AV-8B (AV-8B is there, but sensless cause no VTOL and stuff yet)

-Up to date US Army Soldiers and US Marines + Equipment 'n Gear

(M16A4 inlove.gif )

-Tonal Redux Addon for OFP in ArmA

-AH-64 Apache

-Eurocopter Tiger


-Blackhawk, Seahawk, Pavehawk


and much more...

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JAM would be pritty cool too.

however ArmA ma already have a version of that in it as the mags are not called M16 mag. will have to test this.

There is no point making JAM for ArmA because of proper cfgAmmo/cfgMagazines/cfgWeapon system in place now.

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HH/MH-60G "Pave Hawk"

two 7,62mm miniguns mounted in the cabin windows and two additional .50 machine guns mounted in the cabin doors. Would make a great 'bigger brother' for the MH-6 we have in Armed Assault at the moment...


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Nothing less than see all weapons made in world, all armys and all military vehicles and stuff in whole last century.

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