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First ARMA impressions

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It is possible. In all honesty when I look at these bugs and whatnot I laugh,I laugh because it is mostly the communities fault. They wanted the game out,an in a year or so they got the game because they became impatient.


Contrary to popular belief on internet forums, fans have very little influence in the actual release of games. BIS is actually making a good move by releasing it to smaller markets first. My bet is that they'll be working really hard to make a good impression with the wider release and then eventually the US.

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Quote[/b] ]* The flight model is hellish now, planes barely climb and      

 helecopters are immensely twitchy. I used to love OPF's. sad_o.gif

I hope it is as hellish as you discribe it so that your efforts in learning are rewarded and not every noob can fly, by the way try flying with keyboard only I dont know why every body uses the mouse.

Well people like you will see how bad most of the choppers currently are, they are very unrealistic and no fun at all. The only chopper that currently feels decent is the blackhawk, the rest are pretty horrible. The AH1 is so sensetive it's a joke you cannot line up rocket runs etc properly and I've used joystick, mouse and keyboard. If you think the KA50 turned well in OFP well it's the exact opposite to the AH1, it almost feels like driving a car with slicks on ice that has no steering.

Flying the Mi-17 using rudder made me laugh, it also made me dizzy.

The Harrier is very unrealistic to fly, with joystick I constantly have to pull back hard in turns or I will end up into the ground, it can also barely pull up for a loop which is why it always wants to go down in turns.

After saying that I've been playing flight sims off and on since MS Flight Sim 98 and have the latest version along with Falcon 4 and Lock On etc. I'm hoping the choppers and harrier will be changed in future otherwise I will modify my own config for them.

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mate just remember this is still a game in the works and will be for a while. do you see how long it took to get to the stage ofp is at now, 5 years, 5 years of hard work. how many patches it took, then look how far mods took the engine. omg im so sick of people complaining about the game. if you dont like something talak to one of the established modding communities about fixing this patch. BI will still hear the issue or atleast see it and resolve it in a patch.

p.s sorry if this sounds harsh had a bad day lol

come on now, it is a retail version of a game, it should be playable to a point, right? I am sick of half-products being relased in beta like version

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Bugs, lots of bugs. The worst/silliest i've found are to

do with big differences between where you're aiming and where your shot ends up. In one of the first missions where you snipe from the water tower I found that the closer the enemy got, the further away i had to aim from them to get a hit. This was when they were standing still, not me failing to `lead-fire'.  The tanks do it too, I aim at a distant enemy and find that all I really hit is the ground far below and to the right of where I'm aiming.

That's not really a bug, as Ian Malcolm said the sights are zeroed at a certain range. It's like that in real life too, since the sights aren't concentric with the barrel (which would be impossible) they are slightly angled to meet the line of fire at a certain distance, otherwise if they were perfectly parallel to the barrel they'd always be off. That is why sights need to be zeroed for precise shooting. In OFP you had to do this with the M21 by zooming in/out with the scope, if it wasn't at the right range then the scope would be off.

Quote[/b] ]The patrol boats can happily drive across land at 30kph.

But who is going to do this? Come on, it was like that in OFP and not one person complained about it.

Quote[/b] ]Driving into a solid object with time compression on sometimes causes my tank to shoot miles in the air and land, undamaged, on its roof.... I spent a while playing BMP pinball like this smile_o.gif.

Do you mean accelerated time? Because if so, then what the hell do you expect? The game can't process things quickly enough with acctime, you'll find the same problems for ANY game. You're just looking for bugs now, that's ridiculous.

Quote[/b] ]Helecopters can hit the ground in a lot of weird ways and survive.

Describe weird. A combat helicopter is not so fragile that touching the ground will cause it to explode...

Quote[/b] ]The sound is... odd in the extreme- i can hear a vehicles engine when it's moving, but not as a pasenger, not when stationary, and not when in a turret.

Usually an engine is a lot quieter when it's idling, the rest is probably from the inside sound coefficient, basically it's what determines how much quieter it is inside a vehicle than outside. You might notice that sometimes vehicles have sound insulation. However this is speculation on my behalf and cannot be relied upon, though based on a lot of experience with OFP I believe my opinion is fairly accurate.

Quote[/b] ]

* The flight model is hellish now, planes barely climb and      

  helecopters are immensely twitchy. I used to love OPF's. sad_o.gif

Unless you've had experience flying aircraft in real life, I don't think I can rely on your opinion.

Quote[/b] ]* The BMP only seems to be able to travel in the direction of

  water flow if it's being used amphibiously.

I'm confused, what do you mean? That the current is too strong for it to overcome? If so, I really don't care, that doesn't really seem like a bug to me, but then again I have no idea how powerful a BMP's propulsion in the water is.

Quote[/b] ]* Glass in jeeps/trucks now seems to be bulletproof, you cant

  walk up and kill a driver and steal his car half as easily as    

  you used to.

Well, they ARE combat vehicles you know, and I know for sure that at least Humvees have windows that are bulletproof to an extent.

Quote[/b] ]* Crew seem even more keen to leap out of their vehicles at

  the slightest scratch.

Doesn't seem too serious, but it's still unclear exactly what you're saying here.

Quote[/b] ]*  Theres about half the vehicles that there used to be in

   vanilla OPF, theres not even a eastern side plane. :P

   Are more vehicles being saved for a "special edition"?

   Any news on porting OPF custom models into ARMA?

Well, it's still a lot more than you would find in any other games even remotely comparable (aside from OFP), like BF2 (not that it is very comparable, it's the closest thing that comes to mind). You simply have too high standards, and again OFP didn't have as many as it does in v1.96 as it did when it was released for the first time. And yes, it was confirmed ages ago that OFP addons will be easily portable to ArmA, we just could use the mod tools before we get started...

Quote[/b] ]*  All the tanks score one hit kills now, is that right...?

That's not something to worry about, it's definatly NOT the case for addons, the armor and hit values for the tanks and their weapons can be modified. Also, yes an M1A1 CAN and WILL defeat a T72 with 1 shot, just look at Desert Storm, as for the other way around, it may not be exactly clear as there might not be any hard evidence IRL. I think in Desert Storm the T72s typically never had a chance because of the enormous advantage in the M1s target acquisition capabilities. Howevery, I'm certainly no expert on this, the only thing I can garuntee is what I said about the armor and hit values.

Quote[/b] ]Good things!  

*  Tanks now seem to have handbreaks and don't roll off

   when you jump to the gunners seat on a hill smile_o.gif

*  Buildings fall down much better than before.

*  The engine seems a lot more capable than Flashpoint's, I

   think ARMA runs better on my machine than OPF ever did biggrin_o.gif

Cheers guys, thanks for any feedback.

Indeed they are good, and mostly expected. I think it is a given that the engine is more capable, considering that it IS upgraded. Somehow it doesn't seem possible for it to have been downgraded. Yet you didn't mention anything about the improved graphics and lighting, and some of the less obvious things. Well, OK, maybe we can all tell about the graphics and lighting from the screenshots and videos, but aren't there any other good things you can share with us that aren't so easy to tell without having played the game? I'd really like to know about them.

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Quote[/b] ]

* The flight model is hellish now, planes barely climb and      

  helecopters are immensely twitchy. I used to love OPF's. sad_o.gif

Unless you've had experience flying aircraft in real life, I don't think I can rely on your opinion.

Real life pilot experience or not it's not going to make a difference, it's so obvious when you actually fly them yourself in game.

I'd like to see a real AH1 pilot fly the one in ArmA lol.

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It's kinda depressing to see that people are accepting the fact they'll have to wait '5 years', for a game they spent 40E on, to be what they expected it to be in the first place... What's this attitude all about?

What if you ordered a plate of spaghetti in a good restaurant, but the ingredients were only added every 10 minutes? Would you sit there and happily pay for that? Even worse, would you get up, go to the kitchen and start cooking it yourself?

 confused_o.gif  icon_rolleyes.gif

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It's kinda depressing to see that people are accepting the fact they'll have to wait '5 years', for a game they spent 40E on, to be what they expected it to be in the first place... What's this attitude all about?

What if you ordered a plate of spaghetti in a good restaurant, but the ingredients were only added every 10 minutes? Would you sit there and happily pay for that? Even worse, would you get up, go to the kitchen and start cooking it yourself?


You are forgetting that OFP/ArmA isn't game, but religion... notworthy.gif In this light it seems to be quite normal behavior.. isn't it? biggrin_o.gif

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And, like all religions, takes a whole lot of fanaticism to overlook flaws pointed out in it. Thankfully we have this in spades.

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I seem to be getting a weird 0.2-1 second control lag despite having pretty decent fps.. confused_o.gif

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I seem to be getting a weird 0.2-1 second control lag despite having pretty decent fps.. confused_o.gif

Yes and I've also noticed the sound lag aswell, especially when you fire a weapon for the first time and also noticed it when someone is talking in a cut scene etc.

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Quote[/b] ]I seem to be getting a weird 0.2-1 second control lag despite having pretty decent fps..

I wondered about that aswell. It´s like the mouse is stuck in marmalade somewhat. I blamed it on the comp I was using but it´s specs were rather good and even decreasing details, view-distance and such didn´t help. The mouse somehow lagged.

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Bah the mouse lag really annoyed me in OFP, and it seems it only gets worse...

Seems it will be a game on itself to click the OK button on a dialog... huh.gif

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my first ARMA impression:

Specifications: P4, 3.0Ghz, 2G ram (1x1G ddr400, 1x512mb ddr400, 2x 256mb ddr400 ), Radeon 9700pro 128, Board: ABIT AI7.

- It seemed too damn arcadish at first (player movements, controllability)

- ARMA is much harder then ofp for sure.

- Its kinda hard to control the player movements.

- I would say i still prefer the OFP controllability of the player, more easy, more direct and more accurate.

- While piloting the choppers i noticed that something misses, when we move chopper tail to the sides (with joystick) so we can give angle to the side gunner, i was not able to do it in ARMA.

- There are too many keys options so some have to be removed (?), couldn't walk slowlly. (control keys adjustments, hard to find good combination keys)

Had to run almost everything on low so i could control better the player. But i could also run on normal, high settings with shadows filters etc (it become alittle laggy and hard to control, my video card limitation).

i believe when i upgrade my card to X1950pro AGP i will have no problem to run ARMA better and player might be more controlable and easy to play with.

SUMA: i was kinda disapointed on the controllability/playabillity of the player. Thought it would be more direct accurate about the player movement.

Need better card.

Comments are apreciated.

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Bah the mouse lag really annoyed me in OFP, and it seems it only gets worse...

Seems it will be a game on itself to click the OK button on a dialog... huh.gif

use enter smile_o.gif

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Pfff, from what I read in this topic ArmA sounds like a rushed product. I have not read one comment that says "omg! I'm having so much fun!". And that's pretty sad, isn't it?

No matter that patches can fix some issues, BIS should aim for the release of a fully functioning product, not a bug-riddled pimped up version of OFP.

Sorry if I sound a bit too negative but I was really looking forward to ArmA. Most comments I read are negative or not positive enough to get my hopes up.

Please, tell us something really positive about the game, something that made you go 'wow, that's cool'....please? goodnight.gif

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my first ARMA impression:

Specifications: P4, 3.0Ghz, 2G ram (1x1G ddr400, 1x512mb ddr400, 2x 256mb ddr400 ), Radeon 9700pro 128, Board: ABIT AI7.

- It seemed too damn arcadish at first (player movements, controllability)

- ARMA is much harder then ofp for sure.

- Its kinda hard to control the player movements.

- I would say i still prefer the OFP controllability of the player, more easy, more direct and more accurate.

- While piloting the choppers i noticed that something misses, when we move chopper tail to the sides (with joystick) so we can give angle to the side gunner, i was not able to do it in ARMA.

- There are too many keys options so some have to be removed (?), couldn't walk slowlly. (control keys adjustments, hard to find good combination keys)

Had to run almost everything on low so i could control better the player. But i could also run on normal, high settings with shadows filters etc (it become alittle laggy and hard to control, my video card limitation).

i believe when i upgrade my card to X1950pro AGP i will have no problem to run ARMA better and player might be more controlable and easy to play with.

SUMA: i was kinda disapointed on the controllability/playabillity of the player. Thought it would be more direct accurate about the player movement.

Need better card.

Comments are apreciated.

Wow not much positive things said about the game.

Sad sad_o.gif

I Just hope that 505 release will contain a better game then the first release game.

There is two months untill then and i keep my fingers crossed that most bugs and difficulties will be fixed by then.

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Leaning is virtually pointless. You only lean a very small degree and is more effort than its worth.

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Pfff, from what I read in this topic ArmA sounds like a rushed product. I have not read one comment that says "omg! I'm having so much fun!". And that's pretty sad, isn't it?

No matter that patches can fix some issues, BIS should aim for the release of a fully functioning product, not a bug-riddled pimped up version of OFP.

Sorry if I sound a bit too negative but I was really looking forward to ArmA. Most comments I read are negative or not positive enough to get my hopes up.

Please, tell us something really positive about the game, something that made you go 'wow, that's cool'....please?   goodnight.gif

That seems to be my impression as well, there seem to be more people complaining than saying what a damn fine game it is.

I am hoping that all the bugs will be adressed by the time it is released in the Uk, although I'm not counting on it.

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Leaning is virtually pointless. You only lean a very small degree and is more effort than its worth.

well its usefull acttually but if i have to remove those keys to have other option i will.

edit: removed

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Too many keys to control a character..sounds like a personal issue that you need practice for.

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No, it really doesn't. No one had any complaints about OFP's system of movement, seems they've fixed something that didn't need fixing.

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I've read the opposite, ie "character control is great". Looks like a matter of taste, if you ask me.

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i havent played enough to make an assumption yet, and i cant play through the campaign or missions cos there all in czech (even after converting to english) but i've messed with the editor and seen all the units and vehicles,heres my opinion...

graphics are good but i'm running it on a radeon x1300 pro right now until my 7600gt arrives on monday,p4 3ghz,1gb ram pc3200 ,so i've got the graphics at 1024x768,af low, aa low, terrain normal,shadows off,object detail normal,fps is around 30-35.

first thing i noticed,i shot out the tyres of a hmvee and they didnt go flat like they did in ofp, they went rusty! ;( dissapointing.

choppers dont feel the same as ofp,but they look coool.

voices are damned annoying at times, like speeded up... sounding like one of the chipmunks (that cartoon lol)

game interface doesnt look good, mp browser e.t.c...i preffered ofp in game interface.

but hey these are all things than can be sorted in patches or mods.

some good things, the graphics,the weapon sounds,the editor! the animations,modability,beautiful island,sea looks amazing!,swimming is cool,but theres a bug where when u come out of the water , u have no weapon lol.tanks look absolutely amazing, high detail,though the t72 seems to sound like a washing machine on spin? lots of vehicles,and variations, like the stryker thing comes in 3 flavours if i remember correctly,same with hmvees.

ctf still has the same sounds like when u take the flag,it's real nostalgia wink_o.gif playing ctf..the maps i saw look cool for online play, like places to hide in building overlooking the flag e.t.c.

im happy with it but dissapointed at the same time.i think it needs polishing,but it was like that when ofp was released.

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To whoever it was talking about zeroing weapons, i agree with the points made regarding tank sights, but under no circumstances (unless we've been given total control of both attitude controls on the scopes to zero them in ourselves) should a rifle bullet ever go left or right of the target. Sure, it may drop short or over shoot, which is why the focus is there on the M21 as you say.

Unless of course sniper rifles are armed with HD mags or something strange like that. Even then, i would expect the deviation to be random, rather than as the OP said.

The more I read about ArmA, the less enthusiastic I get about it. For me, it will mean buying probably a whole new machine, and if the end result is a better computer to run OFP on, I think i'll stick where I am. The only downside I can see is that many people will migrate from ofp to ArmA, thereby reducing the number of clan members I may have to play with.

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To whoever it was talking about zeroing weapons, i agree with the points made regarding tank sights, but under no circumstances (unless we've been given total control of both attitude controls on the scopes to zero them in ourselves) should a rifle bullet ever go left or right of the target. Sure, it may drop short or over shoot, which is why the focus is there on the M21 as you say.


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