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Ian Malcolm

ArmA Photography - Questions&Comments

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Ian Malcolm

since you got the game i have one question, did the game meet your expectations? biggrin_o.gif

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I'm not sure why people think its possible for a bugless game to exist,there is no such thing...besides,patches aren't bad as long as they don't mess up the gameplay with stupid things like what eh..a certain war game franchise did with their patches lately,not saying any names. *shifty eyes*

So no humpy sheep for Red Kite eh? Aw what a shame...hey when the game is out (and much more of the community has it) I'm sure the community will be into making things such as foxes and whatnot as well,of course we probably won't see the big pretty stuff like what OFP had for some time due to the advancements,I'd hate to load up one single addon and have it have 10 textures alone,all the normal and speculiar maps...oh man....I think it may be safe to say that addons like Scars hind wouldn't be best for AA,of course nobody is stopping others from staying with OFP,in all honesty due to the more high quality texture possibilities due to the ability to use more with less,I think that some of the community will stay with OFP for that reason.

Anyway enough of my off topicness.

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Ian Malcolm

since you got the game i have one question, did the game meet your expectations?  biggrin_o.gif

Yes, please give us your first impressions of the overall gameplay/Ai of the game. Screenshots and wildlife notwithstanding, it's the engine that I'm really curious about, Does it feel overhauled or just tweaked?

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I can live without sheep... though it'd be fun to drop a couple of mortars into a nice big flock just for distraction's sake.


1: "2, FIRE."

2: "12 O'CLOCK, LAMB CHOPS, 100."

2: "I'VE GOT HIM."

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Ian Malcolm

since you got the game i have one question, did the game meet your expectations? biggrin_o.gif

Well... yes. For me as a creative person there seems to be HUGE MODification potential. I even didn't played the campaign, and i don't know if i even will do it in the future. I bought ArmA more like an updated engine of OFP than a new game. And from this point of view it even exceeded my expectations. Also MP is now with JIP way more fun. Can't wait for some new fanmade missions. Shame there is just very few servers to play now :P

Luckily i don't have ANY troubles with the game itself, sadly i can't say the same about my computer, wich is broken some way and almost all 3D applications are crashing right now sad_o.gif

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Would you say the AI is better in AA or OFP? Is there anything you would improve on so far?

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Luckily i don't have ANY troubles with the game itself, sadly i can't say the same about my computer, wich is broken some way and almost all 3D applications are crashing right now sad_o.gif

Did you have this crashing problem before ArmA was installed or after?

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Would you say the AI is better in AA or OFP? Is there anything you would improve on so far?

Well... it's really hard to say. But they are for sure better in pathfinding in dense areas. If somebody saw AI navigating in some fan created cities with many objects placed without gaps big enough for AI will know what I'm talking about. You'll hear way less often the infamous "Can't get there" message. On the other hand they seems to have problems with bridges. Often do not crossing "river" over the bridge, but by swimming :P Another thing is sometimes they aren't reacting fast enough at present danger, often just lying and let player to shoot them. But this is not a rule.

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Luckily i don't have ANY troubles with the game itself, sadly i can't say the same about my computer, wich is broken some way and almost all 3D applications are crashing right now sad_o.gif

Did you have this crashing problem before ArmA was installed or after?

I had it before. Probably something with my AGP or memory. Don't know sad_o.gif

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Too bad sheep and rabbits didnt make it, they can really add to the environment (flock of sheep near farms, rabbits running in the forest, etc).

I understand they didnt have time to make everything but i hope that maybe in the future they can release some animals wink_o.gif .


Luckily i don't have ANY troubles with the game itself, sadly i can't say the same about my computer, wich is broken some way and almost all 3D applications are crashing right now sad_o.gif

Post it in the OPF troubleshooting thread with detailed system specs and someone might be able to help smile_o.gif .

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Too bad sheep and rabbits didnt make it, they can really add to the environment (flock of sheep near farms, rabbits running in the forest, etc).

I understand they didnt have time to make everything but i hope that maybe in the future they can release some animals wink_o.gif

Or we [mod makers] can make extra animals.

Now that we have an "animal" class to use, we can create new artwork and animations for different animals and have them behave somewhat realistically ingame.

Should be cool smile_o.gif

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Luckily i don't have ANY troubles with the game itself, sadly i can't say the same about my computer, wich is broken some way and almost all 3D applications are crashing right now sad_o.gif

Did you have this crashing problem before ArmA was installed or after?

I had it before. Probably something with my AGP or memory. Don't know sad_o.gif

Sounds like a backup and format is needed for a fresh install of windows lol.

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Still, atleast 2 animals would be nice stock units that people could "disect" to see how they work and find in the official missions and campaign.


Beautyfull pic by Celoush...


Are the sidedoors of the UH60 and Mi-8/17 animated or static?

Are there any countermeasure systems? (flares).

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Looks like one door on the UH-60 is open and the other is shut.


Havent seen any open doors/ramps, etc so far, i once thought that get in animations with openable doors would make it but i can understand the dificulties of creating all the animations for all vehicle types.

what is a little sad is that its unlikely that we will have fastroping implemented in Arma.

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Looks like one door on the UH-60 is open and the other is shut.


Look at previous images or refer to the video "lost" or whatever the name of that video is where they are picking up a man on an island via UH-60 extraction,its on williams blog.

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Hello Ian Malcolm,

thank you for all the fantastic screenshots and feedback.

i have two questions and i please you to give us information about it.

Can u give us detail information about the CTI mode? if it is possible to build facility, barracks and is it like the CTI mode of OFP, where u need to take and hold citys and buy your units?

Can u maybe post us some more high detaild screenshots about the m1 abrams and the choppers like blackhawk and cobra also of some special units like grenadiers, snipers and such?

Thank you.

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Great pictures everybody, please keep them coming!!!

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Oh my! That sniper shot is insane!!

Man I want this game so bad yay.gif

Thanks a lot for sharing.

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Gaia, those are stunning screen shots inlove.gif

The Lightning is awesome...It must be pretty atmospheric when your are doing battle in a thunder storm and pretty dangerous too wink_o.gif

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VERY nice screenies indeed! Is climbing a ladder still a pain in the arse like OFP? Never thought something that is a reflex action would take so much conscious effort in a game. confused_o.gif

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How is scrolling through a menu and initiating the climbing animation confusing...

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I did not at all say it was confusing. smile_o.gif I said 'conscious effort' - meaning what you said - scrolling through a menu, searching to do a reflexive action. I have very rarely(unless my hands are absolutely LOADED) had to stop and think 'hmm. What do I need to do to climb this ladder.' I've shingled roofs, carried wedding cakes (stepladder), and built rafters in garages. Always carrying something, and only on a few occasions had to stop for more than a millisecond or two.

I just would like for the climbing to be a bit more accessable.

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page 4 allready and no many screenshots here, will this become an bad thread too?

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