dan9of9 0 Posted January 14, 2007 negative comments shouldnt mean get lost. the thread states how is it. so from users playing it,they have listed things they dont like and some list there likes. i think with the right team,and patients,this game is fantastic. and if you loved ofp,regarldess of the bugs now,3 months down the line you will see a big change in negative comments. ofp took a good year before it was cooking. this game isnt even world wide yet Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4 IN 1 0 Posted January 14, 2007 negative comments shouldnt mean get lost.the thread states how is it. so from users playing it,they have listed things they dont like and some list there likes. i think with the right team,and patients,this game is fantastic. and if you loved ofp,regarldess of the bugs now,3 months down the line you will see a big change in negative comments. ofp took a good year before it was cooking. this game isnt even world wide yet even if bis is working 24/7 there will still be ppl giving negative yet non-helpful uttr rubbish, even worse is the many ppl seems to forgot OFP is an old engine and that there is just notting to do to break the limits without a total rewrite, and the fact that most of the engine out there these day simply cant handle the kind of scale of ArmA(or even OFP for god sake) have give. i'd be say let the unthankful one to wait 1000 years more before someone somewhere creat something which is "perfect" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeMeSiS 11 Posted January 14, 2007 i'd be say let the unthankful one to wait 1000 years more before someone somewhere creat something which is "perfect" Or play a simpler, linear and more straightforward game, those games are much easier to fix.. :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jack-UK 0 Posted January 14, 2007 lol you cant keep aiming for realism. Theres a boundary between realism and gaming. If you want realism, join the military :P How far do you expect a realistic game to go? You want the bullets to start hurting? There will NEVER be 'perfect' realism, games are made so you can have fun... perfect realism of a war is not fun :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
450R 1 Posted January 14, 2007 I don't have any problems with the controlls! Sure, It was strange when I first time run the game, but I even use the default settings done by bis now, as they're most reasonable imho. So, nothing wrong with the controlls for me.That's a different thing, however, If you're talking about the delay from e.g. double tap (W) from prone to sprint. There's a delay, and it's a feature, not a bug. I've only played the demo but I have to agree that the "feeling" of your soldier is clunky and lethargic. I'm not talking about the layout of controls, double-taps or anything else like that (in fact I like the new controls) ... I mean the way you move in-game. It's really hard to convey in words. I've inadvertently moved past cover quite a few times because things just keep happening even though you stopped a moment or two ago. Feature or bug, it doesn't feel right. There's too much of a delay and the action itself is too slow. I personally think ArmA leans a little too far towards realism in this aspect as it artifically restrains your movement. I can move more fluidly in reality, I can go prone faster, I can transition from one move to another faster, etc. Before someone resorts to the typical response: I like tactical gaming and no, I wouldn't prefer BF2. Said it before: ArmA has potential but the artificial molasses topping needs thinning out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted January 14, 2007 Please let the rest of the world know how you like ArmA! Did it meet your expectations? How's the AI compared to OFP? How's the netcode? How does it run on your system (include specs)? Is you wife ready for divorce yet? Please let us know!! No it didn't meet my expectations, though it met with my fears. It's clunky, full of bugs and unplayable in some aspects. Look at the bug list on the biki. It's huge! Version 1.00 was a disgrace, 1.02 is only slightly better. The AI is poor. Either they own you while you lie in the grass from a kilometer away, or they stand around nonchalantly while you pop their team mates in the head. Rubbish. Netcode? Can't say, as I don't fully understand these things. It runs passably on my Athlon 3200+ with 2 gig of RAM and a 7600 GS graphics card using medium graphics. It has to be said, medium graphics in AA look way better than OFP on high. The jacked up draw distance is great. Other stuff, the new map is nice, much better than the OFP ones. There isn't enough different units in the game, I don't expect to wait 18 months and 3 expansion pack before the game is complete. It's too slow overall. Switching between eyesight and map should be instantaneous. The interface is familiar, but awkward. There's a couple of bugs in there too. I get all manner of glitches. After playing for a while, some building textures seem ultra low quality; while driving my M1 in the armoured fist game, I cannot hear the main gun firing, nor can I hear enemy shells hitting the hull. The AI pilots are useless. I mean really bad. I rarely fly myself in OFP but in AA, even I'm better than these klutzs. I don't play AA currently. It frustrates me and I regret spending money buying the German version and spending time and effort patching it to 1.02 and English. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bunks 0 Posted January 14, 2007 I couldn't agree more with you about the poor feel this game has, compared to OFP. No comparison IMO, but there are many extra features and possibilities to Arma than OFP had (scale at least). Right now there are just way to many bugs, performance, netcode, and general gameplay issues for me to think BIS will change much in this way, so my only hope is for WGL or some other modders to make this the game what it should be. Now that I finally (after a new HD and many hours of tweakings) had the chance to play the game smoothly for a few days, the poor feel of the game itself will require drastic changes for me to play this as much as I did OFP. Fingers are crossed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheReddog 0 Posted January 15, 2007 I agree, frankly I feel gipped with this game. Sure the graphics are nice but the gameplay isn't really improved at all from OFP. - Controls are clunky, the comment on the previous page about feeling more like you're fighting the controls than the enemy is a perfect explanation of it. It's not that things are too complicated or there's too many buttons, it's just the delay and glitchyness of it. - AI gyrates between strikingly stupid and elite 1Km away AK74 snipers - Poorly done HDR - Poorly done grass - Overall poor optimisation - Single player campaign which can't stand up to the Flashpoint '85 or Resistance one in any way at all, broken scripting, no characters at all, paper thin story, it has it all... - Lots of multi player issues - Sound system is just terrible - BUGS, too many to recount See where I stand right now is I accept that ArmA may be an awesome platform for modders and hell with serious work from BIS it may one day be an awesome game. But what has been released now or more correctly what BIS have been pushed to release by publishers is basically a top dollar BETA. So irrespective of how good the game *MIGHT* get--and I say might people because lets face it, all people saying, "oh it'll be patched up" are really just looking to blind hope--at the end of the day I have payed good money for a very incomplete piece of software. I'd go as far as to say that BF2 felt more polished at version 1.0 than ArmA did, and that's really saying something. It's just another example of the continuing trend of developers to rush out incomplete games which is getting worse and worse. Only the die hards are raving about this game, and really the shit people were saying about how great this game is at the start of this thread is just all lies and misinformation, it's looking at things through rose coloured spectacles. This game needs another year of development in my opinion (and I need my bloody money back). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Callaghan 1 Posted January 15, 2007 Dont know why people post complaints about people complaining about the game, thats what this thread is for. nothing is gained by saying how pretty it looks people need to know where it lacks. Especialy BIS, I really really hope the lead programmer reads over all of these posts because there really are some important observations. I also really hope they dont just look at magazine and online reviews when deciding what to patch because those people never really know what they are talking about and probably only play each game for a couple of hours. Maybe someone should post a load of keywords in the hope that a BIS programmer will be lead to this thread. Why did they even bother including planes and helicopters if the AI cant use them? No matter what waypoints/scripts I use with say, an AH-1z, its as if the pilot is only just learning how to fly and the gunner has just had a frontal lobotomy. Try playing as the gunner and still no improvement, the pilot AI is non-existent, he should line up the gunner to fire salvos of FFARs and Hellfires, at the moment he just tells you what to target and then flys so fast its impossible to hit anything. The UH-60 is actually more effective as an attack helicopter in arma simply because it is slower. BIS programmers take note, pilots, drivers, gunners and crew need completely seperate AI code to infantry, with variables for target aquisition priority and the ability to fly/drive differently according to the weapon being used. If this is fixed then maybe we can start making missions that use something other than infantry and the odd BMP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr reality 0 Posted January 15, 2007 Why did they even bother including planes and helicopters if the AI cant use them? No matter what waypoints/scripts I use with say, an AH-1z, its as if the pilot is only just learning how to fly and the gunner has just had a frontal lobotomy. Try playing as the gunner and still no improvement, the pilot AI is non-existent, he should line up the gunner to fire salvos of FFARs and Hellfires, at the moment he just tells you what to target and then flys so fast its impossible to hit anything. The UH-60 is actually more effective as an attack helicopter in arma simply because it is slower. BIS programmers take note, pilots, drivers, gunners and crew need completely seperate AI code to infantry, with variables for target aquisition priority and the ability to fly/drive differently according to the weapon being used. If this is fixed then maybe we can start making missions that use something other than infantry and the odd BMP This is the reason i'm starting to think that this game is primarily a multiplayer game. I've read that the singleplayer campaign is somewhat crappy and this only adds to my theory. I never play online and one of the reasons i uninstalled my VBS1 was because of some shitty vehicle bugs(tanks not engaging) and crappy AI driving plus the ofp style helos which can drive you mad at times. ArmA seems to be heading the same way and from what info i've gathered on these forums since the release of ArmA it's not good reading. Also i would say the majority of people who can't find much at fault with ArmA are multiplayers and never touch on the singleplayer side of the game. I'm hoping for at least one more patch before the 505 release date and maybe, just maybe things will start to look good. Ps, Can anyone see a split coming between OFP and ArmA, something similar to VBS1 and OFP. I only say this because the way ArmA is playing at the moment you need quite an expensive PC to play it with all options on high. There's still a large part of the community making mods and addons for flashpoint and i'm reading on these forums that players are returning to flashpoint because they either don't like ArmA in it's current state or there PC just can't run it. I honestly thought the flashpoint part of these forums would of been far quieter than it is at present. I know the game has a staggered release but one example is the ArmA photography thread, it's strangly quiet...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whisper 0 Posted January 15, 2007 I don't know I didn't launch OFP since I've ArmA And I don't intend to But you're right, I'm mainly multiplayer gamer. Seeing that atm, the MP missions we see aren't that varied, I can still see some better in the future. But yup, there are issues. AI is still... well, easy, once you know it. You can use its stupidity easily to waste most of them. Usually set-up an ambush point, kill one, then wait for the others to come 1 by 1, and you completed the mission. It's getting better, though. I don't get anymore CTDs or BSOD like I did before, something has definitely improved there (bare few MP crashes involving boats or water... but now we are aware so we can avoid), I found the graphic settings that run fine on my comp, and I'm happy with them (even if I miss the shadows ), it's definitely improved over OFP, I enjoy immensly the ability I have now to just join a game and PLAY. Finally, no more endless wait and wait and wait and wait... Looking at demo, they have some kind of workaround for grass issues that didn't get on my nerves like the full game system did, so I can live with that. I got seemingly better performance, but I'm waiting for next update. So tbh, I now play ArmA, when I wouldn't even launch OFP because I knew I couldn't play it, but wait most of my evening. And I'm quite happy like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4 IN 1 0 Posted January 15, 2007 well there is a little delay between each anime but is that really that important? Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
450R 1 Posted January 15, 2007 well there is a little delay between each anime but is that really that important? Yeah, it is. It affects the entire game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted January 15, 2007 I've waited a long time before posting my thoughts here. I was expecting to get flamed to a crispy crisp. Thanks to reddog and others for backing me up. I'd like to say that AA isn't all bad, but I'm afraid largely it is. Join In Progress, big new map and improved visuals are all massive improvements. The rest, frankly, is shit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5cent_at_NY 0 Posted January 15, 2007 Dont know why people post complaints about people complaining about the game, thats what this thread is for. nothing is gained by saying how pretty it looks people need to know where it lacks. Especialy BIS, I really really hope the lead programmer reads over all of these posts because there really are some important observations. I also really hope they dont just look at magazine and online reviews when deciding what to patch because those people never really know what they are talking about and probably only play each game for a couple of hours. Maybe someone should post a load of keywords in the hope that a BIS programmer will be lead to this thread. Why did they even bother including planes and helicopters if the AI cant use them? Can't agree more. i also would like to know how to let them know what we tring to mention/suggest before they close/abuse the thread as "pointless" or "stupid things"... btw, it's a great idea that specialize the AI to make them suit for each job. this would be good improvements for bigger battle like combined force. also gives something good to mission designers, i think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Victor_S. 0 Posted January 16, 2007 I like the game.  I never played ofp for the campaign,  I played ofp and now arma for the awsome editor and modability.  I can't play ARMA online because of my restrictive firewall, but I never really played ofp online much becuase you needed 10 GB of addons to connect to a server where you waited 30 until the game was over only to be kicked because you were missing the motorcycle ramp addon that wasn't even used in the mission    Anyways I am not seeing all these supossed bugs.  Maybe things that need to be tweeked, but not bugs.  Yes the campaign is broken, but that is because the game is rushed.  I have had no problems with arma besides the fact that some vehicle controls need to be redone.  If you feel you were jipped then maybe you need to consider things better before you spend your money on them. EDIT: oh and to you people who say the controls are clunky, I agree with you on the vehicles. I really think they need to bring back the crosshairs with the vehicles and cut out the autocenter thing. With the infantry though, it is called momentum. People do not go from a dead sprint to a full stop instantly. The infantry controls are much better in ARMA than in ofp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maximus_G 0 Posted January 16, 2007 Quote[/b] ]This is the reason i'm starting to think that this game is primarily a multiplayer game. I've read that the singleplayer campaign is somewhat crappy and this only adds to my theory. IMHO the game has always been primarily an infantry sim. No race, no fly, no tank, but "foot". Its advantages have always been about what you can do being a soldier, and the vehicles were secondary. Their modelling (FM, DM, AI) is secondary to the infantry-oriented subjects. Though it's still very pleasant to see that vehicles in the game are much better than in some other non-simulation games. New heli FM is a big present for those who like to fly in the games. So pilot AI behavior could be a bit annoying, but not that important! Quote[/b] ]Also i would say the majority of people who can't find much at fault with ArmA are multiplayers and never touch on the singleplayer side of the game. I disagree. Some issues the game has at the moment don't make its gameplay worse than in OFP. Quite the contrary - its new features have made offline gameplay better than it was, and they allow it to be much better in the future. The default campain is not that good as those were in OFP and Resistance. But... me thinks it doesn't make the game worse. Because i buyed it for a looong time, and i see a definite step forward, and new campaigns/missions will be there. I won't turn back to OFP - there is nothing that i don't have in Arma. And my friends won't either. They don't make mods or something, they just play it both online and offline, and i guess everyone has something he dislikes in Arma, but we stay in it... because we always loved OFP! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
8Ball596 0 Posted January 16, 2007 Please let the rest of the world know how you like ArmA! Did it meet your expectations? How's the AI compared to OFP? How's the netcode? How does it run on your system (include specs)? Is you wife ready for divorce yet? Please let us know!! Â Yes and no. It's really cool when it works properly, and can be great fun. Alot of people have said that the SP is crap. Some of the missions in SP are infuriating, don't work properly, or both, but the engine is there and when a mission is really good - check out the Airport Seizure mission in the user missions, it's one of the best missions out there so far - the game really shines. ArmA will be just as good as OFP was after BIS irons out the bugs, so patience is necessary. AI seems to be about the same I'm no expert, but at least on my computer, I experience a TON of CTDs on multiplayer. Not much lag though. Runs pretty well on low, though I have some LOD problems sometimes. Athlon 64 X2 Dual 4400+ Nvidia 7300 LE, 2 Gb RAM No wife, just Girlfriend. and since we don't live together - no problem. Overall, good game, could, and I have faith that it will, be great. But not yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4 IN 1 0 Posted January 16, 2007 EDIT: oh and to you people who say the controls are clunky, I agree with you on the vehicles. Â I really think they need to bring back the crosshairs with the vehicles and cut out the autocenter thing. Â With the infantry though, it is called momentum. Â People do not go from a dead sprint to a full stop instantly. Â The infantry controls are much better in ARMA than in ofp. it doesnt seems to me that they are talking about momentum, its that 0.1 secound fo delay between anime that creat a little bit unsmoothness while playing, but when compare to the early release alpha/beta video its been a way much better Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icehollow 0 Posted January 16, 2007 Compare Armed Assault to unmodified , unpatched , first release OpFlash ..... and you'll see that Armed Assault is far better. Personally i've had none of these ridiculous "wahh makes it unplayable" bugs aside from 1 or 2 missions not finishing. im just going to repeat what i said before : you all are so used to and inlove with a full patched and modified game that your expectations for the sequal are far too high. give them a chance to fix it , bloody hell , was BF2 perfect on it's first release? Hell no. And it still isn't. also repeating what i said before : this is probably one of the last true realism series and you are killing it with all the bad comments , this EXACT thing happened to Vietcong 2 , all the VC1 addicts weren't pleased that VC2 wasn't exactly the same , so the fanbase died within a year of it's opening , it's now virtually dead except for in some european countries. any other tactical/realism series you can take a look at is dead or in the process of dying/becoming a Counter-strike/BF2 zombie clone. watch me get banned for supporting arma  P.S : "Also i would say the majority of people who can't find much at fault with ArmA are multiplayers and never touch on the singleplayer side of the game." so bloody untrue , i've barely touched multiplayer on arma , because i'm using the 1.01 patch instead of 1.02 , and i still cant find any faults that make it "unplayable" . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
USSRsniper 0 Posted January 16, 2007 Ok was playing ArmA for quiet long time, and my opinion is.... This game sucks , it has campers with leaning animations that helps them. Floating crosshair, why did BIS add this in ArmA, OFP was better without floating crosshair. Graphics looks like game is from the 90s, BF2 is much better, and yes you can have proper tactical gameplay in BF2  Heh just kidding (read too much non constructive whining) , this game is not exactly as everyone wanted it to be. But still great game even with bugs its better than OFP. I'm comparing ArmA with OFP without addons, I don’t see how some people whine about OFP being better, and of course it is with user made content. If there wasn't great BIS support, great mission editor and also without great community we would already stopped playing OFP long time ago   Only reason why I kept playing OFP, because of modding capabilities, mission editor, and some great online fun either coop or CTF. And if you know scripting many fun things can be done. ArmA can make good tactical game, just as it can be great fun"  heh forgot to add: I dont hate this game so bad that i want to unistall it its not Boiling Point game, people that wine should play this game for rest of their life ! Only thing that frustrates me is performance, since i see people with crappier PCs than mine running game ok. Hoefully performance can be greatly improved with BISs upcoming pathches. Cant wait now to see more patches and some modding, and can't wait for great addon ROFLCOPTER return to ArmA!  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 16, 2007 The game is grand but probably most of you have got your vid settings too high. If the FPS drops under 25 at times the overall experience might get ruined. HDRs great. The environment + graphics are great, but there's a prob with the code for grass and bushes. If we compare a few games; Oblivion handled it ok (as long as shadows over grass was disabled), but there the view distance was a bit special. Boiling Point worked great with loads of ram (great game, one of the best, but it made all my saves corrupt after many hours of play), but there's the view distance too. If we think about Medieval Total War 2 on the other hand (with equal view distance to Arma) it handles terrain + grass etc better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dan9of9 0 Posted January 16, 2007 Floating crosshair, why did BIS add this in ArmA, OFP was better without floating crosshair. you can turn off the floating thing goto settings and turn down the floating zone (in graphics settings i think) feels way better Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=BFP=Cheetah 0 Posted January 16, 2007 dan9of9, he was just kidding. I like the floating crosshair. It gives the game a special feeling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icehollow 0 Posted January 16, 2007 Ok was playing ArmA for quiet long time, and my opinion is....This game sucks , it has campers with leaning animations that helps them. Floating crosshair, why did BIS add this in ArmA, OFP was better without floating crosshair. Graphics looks like game is from the 90s, BF2 is much better, and yes you can have proper tactical gameplay in BF2  Heh just kidding (read too much non constructive whining) , this game is not exactly as everyone wanted it to be. But still great game even with bugs its better than OFP. I'm comparing ArmA with OFP without addons, I don’t see how some people whine about OFP being better, and of course it is with user made content. If there wasn't great BIS support, great mission editor and also without great community we would already stopped playing OFP long time ago   Only reason why I kept playing OFP, because of modding capabilities, mission editor, and some great online fun either coop or CTF. And if you know scripting many fun things can be done. ArmA can make good tactical game, just as it can be great fun"  heh forgot to add: I dont hate this game so bad that i want to unistall it its not Boiling Point game, people that wine should play this game for rest of their life ! Only thing that frustrates me is performance, since i see people with crappier PCs than mine running game ok. Hoefully performance can be greatly improved with BISs upcoming pathches. Cant wait now to see more patches and some modding, and can't wait for great addon ROFLCOPTER return to ArmA!  holy shit dude.... you had me there for a moment , nice one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites