KaRRiLLioN 0 Posted November 13, 2006 Actually that sounds a lot like a mission called Island Fight that came out before even RTS-1 and it was by Animal. Each team has a base and they get a couple of helis, some jeeps and tanks. Between each base are territories that you have to capture by holding them for 30-60 seconds. Once you control all points and hold them for a certain # of minutes you win. Vehicles respawn at the main base in a hangar which repairs them. If the hangar is destroyed, then it has to repair during which time no vehicles can spawn. It's a pretty cool mission type, but it's definitely not an RTS-style, technically speaking. Guess I'll be porting over RTS. I hope there's plenty of cool new scripting commands because I have a lot of stuff I wanted to try. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kev 0 Posted November 13, 2006 no money, no commander, no stuff On start you have only one base with vehicles (abrams, hummer, ...) and one heli. There are flags in city with resistance as defense. If you kill them all and if you hold this position for 60 second, base is yours. From main base (or supply base) the supply convoy move off to you. When it arives to the base it changes to supply base (you can repair vehicle here). You can respawn only in main base (i think). Empty vehicle is destroyed after some time. Sorry for bad english this info makes me cry!!! thats no CTI!?! god damn.... i loved to build a base where we wanted too. in cover of the woodland or somewhere between hills. building facilities and hook up a 4 tanks squad each player in assist of his AI squad. our clans made tactics wile in the game saying "in 1 hour when its dark we get a blackhawk full of a squad and drop them off near this town" or for example: bravo black one to delta six: "please confirm the visual on that tank at charlie echo 1 2 - over" delta six to bravo black one: "confirming one T-80 two BMP and one UAZ at charlie echo 1 2 - over" bravo black one to delta six: "one T-80 two BMP and one UAZ - copy - phoenix is airborn - contact in ETA 5 minutes - take cover - area at charlie echo 1 2 will be under fire and lightn up - over and out" were are those good old times??? if there are only some armored vehikels the good old time is gone! welcome Battlefield 2 Kiddies, its time for your vehikel teamkilling again, because there are only a small amount of vehikels and the fastest player will have one of them. i see the future news on the fan pages: "there is no "at least 12 hour fantastic multiplayer game" were u need to capture all towns of sahrani. there is only a 12 hour massacer of deathmatch in front of 3 abrams, 1 cobra and 1 blackhawk." please excuse my bad expressions however. I feel mieserabel and disappointet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Espectro (DayZ) 0 Posted November 13, 2006 no money, no commander, no stuff On start you have only one base with vehicles (abrams, hummer, ...) and one heli. There are flags in city with resistance as defense. If you kill them all and if you hold this position for 60 second, base is yours. From main base (or supply base) the supply convoy move off to you. When it arives to the base it changes to supply base (you can repair vehicle here). You can respawn only in main base (i think). Empty vehicle is destroyed after some time. Sorry for bad english this info makes me cry!!! thats no CTI!?! god damn.... i loved to build a base where we wanted too. in cover of the woodland or somewhere between hills. building facilities and hook up a 4 tanks squad each player in assist of his AI squad. our clans made tactics wile in the game saying "in 1 hour when its dark we get a blackhawk full of a squad and drop them off near this town" or for example: bravo black one to delta six: "please confirm the visual on that tank at charlie echo 1 2 - over" delta six to bravo black one: "confirming one T-80 two BMP and one UAZ at charlie echo 1 2 - over" bravo black one to delta six: "one T-80 two BMP and one UAZ - copy - phoenix is airborn - contact in ETA 5 minutes - take cover - area at charlie echo 1 2 will be under fire and lightn up - over and out" were are those good old times??? if there are only some armored vehikels the good old time is gone! welcome Battlefield 2 Kiddies, its time for your vehikel teamkilling again, because there are only a small amount of vehikels and the fastest player will have one of them. i see the future news on the fan pages: "there is no "at least 12 hour fantastic multiplayer game" were u need to capture all towns of sahrani. there is only a 12 hour massacer of deathmatch in front of 3 abrams, 1 cobra and 1 blackhawk." please excuse my bad expressions however. I feel mieserabel and disappointet. Thank god for the talented community that creates what BI weren't able to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
martinovic 0 Posted November 13, 2006 Quote[/b] ]were are those good old times??? if there are only some armored vehikels the good old time is gone! Those "good old times" you talk about are the most unrealistic scenarios i could imagine on a small island conflict like sahrani... seriously, it's pretty realistic that there are only a few vehicles. And tank factories lmao! On a small island? Everyone is talking about how realistic flashpoint is then they point me to the RTS wannabe CTIs... argh! Seriously you guys should use your imagination... instead of factories make "landing zones" or something else, but as of now the BIS CTI seems a lot more realistic then those RTSes. Quote[/b] ]Thank god for the talented community that creates what BI weren't able to. Or didn't want to do. Sorry for the spiteful tone, but i hate RTS games that depict modern war... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted November 13, 2006 Everyone wants the most realistic looking units, vehicles, weapons and gameplay to end up playing with factories that spawn vehicles and soldiers and.. earn money.... . Ofcourse they wouldnt include that, for the same reason they wouldnt include zombie hunting and sci-fi stuff. But we know Arma still has the editor, new scripting possibilities, and handles more units with better netcode.. i just dont think that OPF cti will work with JIP, anyway im looking forward to see what will come out of this new game mode. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zyklone 1 Posted November 13, 2006 Everyone wants the most realistic looking units, vehicles, weapons and gameplay to end up playing with factories that spawn vehicles and soldiers and.. earn money.... . Ofcourse they wouldnt include that, for the same reason they wouldnt include zombie hunting and sci-fi stuff. But we know Arma still has the editor, new scripting possibilities, and handles more units with better netcode.. i just dont think that OPF cti will work with JIP, anyway im looking forward to see what will come out of this new game mode. I'm not sure the people who want the most realistic everything are the same people who end up playing CTI. I like CTI, but all I really care about is good gameplay. If realism has to step back a bit for that then so be it. After all, real war isn't fun so there is no point in copying that. As for join in play, yes you are correct. We'll probably have to change how things are done. Hopefullt it'll be possible to script JIP behaviour somewhat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xerxes1er 0 Posted November 13, 2006 What a pity that it is not a real CTI in Arma like we expected. Anyway it's true that BIS hasn't promised us anything except a multiplayer game which would allow us to play during several days without restarting the map... Do you think it will be possible to play like this so long with this kind of CTF improvement Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zerg 0 Posted November 13, 2006 Seriously you guys should use your imagination... instead of factories make "landing zones" or something else, but as of now the BIS CTI seems a lot more realistic then those RTSes. It is obvious you don`t know a first thing about realistic warfare. Making a "landing zone" isn`t realistic at all, every beach (beach not coast) can be LST`s "landing zone" withouth any prior preparation of the beach. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted November 13, 2006 In the new game mode JIP will be important since it will allow people to join and leave and keep the game going, i think it will be quite challenging to combine cti scripts with JIP. Personally i rather see player combining efforts, assaults and tactics rather than having to worry about money and factories but im sure there will be a bit of everything for everyone. Real war isnt fun... ofcourse not, but simulating it in a virtual game surely is . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rundll.exe 12 Posted November 13, 2006 ITs a matter of taste. The BIS "cti" is not to be compared to CTI we know for OFP. IF you want realism, you shouldnt get instantly a "base" in a town either. BIS CTI is a small step into realism with the convoys, but not anything near total realism of a war taking an island. and as salisan said: Gameplay is more important if you want a good and long game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted November 13, 2006 ITs a matter of taste. The BIS "cti" is not to be compared to CTI we know for OFP. IF you want realism, you shouldnt get instantly a "base" in a town either. BIS CTI is a small step into realism with the convoys, but not anything near total realism of a war taking an island. and as salisan said: Gameplay is more important if you want a good and long game. Gameplay = good. Realistic gameplay = better. Challenging and realistic gameplay = perfect. Otherwise i would be playing BF... now if the gameplay is somewhat realistic i expect somewhat realistic game modes too, RTS/CTI are not exactly that... The BIS cti mode might not be that acurate but compared to earning money, building factories and the likes its much mnore believable. Im thinking about a variation of this where only pilots can fly helicopters and armor crews can man MBT's and APC's to counter the rambo style . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fox86 0 Posted November 13, 2006 what is that kind of "convoy"?? When I capture a town, new vehicles arrive there as convoy or what??? I cannot imagine that u only have a few vehicles during the whole CTI mission, that would mean: We fight 1 hour, then all vehicles are destroyed and we spend the rest of the hours with walking doozens of km's over the island or what?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
martinovic 0 Posted November 13, 2006 Seriously you guys should use your imagination... instead of factories make "landing zones" or something else, but as of now the BIS CTI seems a lot more realistic then those RTSes. It is obvious you don`t know a first thing about realistic warfare. Making a "landing zone" isn`t realistic at all, every beach (beach not coast) can be LST`s "landing zone" withouth any prior preparation of the beach. That's horseshit. Yea sure the intial landings can be in a lot of places but reinforcements/supplies usually arrive in predetermined areas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
low light 0 Posted November 13, 2006 The Convoy idea is great, it just means you have to think really hard about your tactics. Bridges become more important. Securing routes become a factor. Protecting Convoys with mobile AAA gets thrown in. The CTI games we will have/have in ArmA will be on a different scale to that of OFP and I think (I have to wait for Q1/07) we have/will have more tactical options. Before we really didn;t have to worry about troops approaching/infiltrating by water, now we have to worry about sabotage squads in small teams using guerilla tactics to launch attacks via 'Rivers' and the sea. No more listening out for outboard engines by the coast! (provided that we still get to keep our weapons when we are in the water). CTI will become more 'Realistic' in ARMA we will have to think about Logistics and troop movement. Logistics means more to attack and more to defend, I FEEL the pace of battle will slow down and there are going to be CLANS AND SQUADS who start employing STRATEGY as well as tactics. I feel there are going to be a lot more Arm Chair Generals getting involved who won;t actually play the game 'on the ground', but will sit back and watch the game unfold and will direct their forces acordingly... for this to happen they will need eyes 'on the ground' and 'in the air', maybe people will start adopting RECON roles, checking for enemy movement in the vicinity: are they setting up ambushes? Or moving troops to prevent movement of force into an area? will they prevent Logistic support?...Will that in turn mean that troops will have to pull out of an area, moving back to towns or villages where they can be reinforced or re-supplied? I have a feeling once the patches are added and that ARMA is 'almost perfect'; and when the MODs start their magic, we'll be talking in different tones about CTI... ...Though all this means Jack since I am waiting for the game and won't know if any of this will be workable until I get it... Just my 2 pence worth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xerxes1er 0 Posted November 13, 2006 The Convoy idea is great, it just means you have to think really hard about your tactics. ... I have a feeling once the patches are added and that ARMA is 'Stable'; ... Yep convoy will definitely be a key sucess of the new BIS 'CTI' mod. Btw, what do you mean when you say that ARMA is not yet 'Stable' ? Have you heard about any main issues in Arma so far from Czech ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
low light 0 Posted November 13, 2006 Btw, what do you mean when you say that ARMA is not yet 'Stable' ?Have you heard about any main issues in Arma so far from Czech ? No not at all. I was merely suggesting that once the Patches were brought in and ArmA had all it's little bugs fixed (not that I know of any since I don't have the game yet) and it is almost perfect (nothing is 100% perfect) CTI would be awesome! I was basing my comments from the experiences of when OFP was launched. I think the word 'Stable' was the wrong word to use, will edit the above post. Sorry for any confusion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VISTREL 0 Posted November 13, 2006 Sounds like BIS didn't bother much when making CTI. My hope goes to mfcti and crcti makers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted November 13, 2006 Challenging and realistic gameplay = perfect. Otherwise i would be playing BF... now if the gameplay is somewhat realistic i expect somewhat realistic game modes too, RTS/CTI are not exactly that... Challenging and realistic gameplay + a head to head protracted enounter with Commander in Chief, regulated "war factories" and "spoils of war" = Bloody Brilliant Hence .......... CTI How many people would still be playing OFP today or even 1 year ago ..... if CTI hadn't come along? I'd love to know the answer to that question. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maddmatt 1 Posted November 13, 2006 Sounds like BIS didn't bother much when making CTI.My hope goes to mfcti and crcti makers. Damn people on these forums whine and complain about everything. This CTI mode sound good, can't wait to try it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fox86 0 Posted November 13, 2006 my third try: What is that convoy? When I conquer a town, a convoy of new vehicles is coming to that town or what?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
low light 0 Posted November 13, 2006 my third try:What is that convoy? When I conquer a town, a convoy of new vehicles is coming to that town or what?? I don't have the Game yet FOX86 but I can hazard a GUESS: Yes they will move into your new captured town. The convoy will basically be a logistical team based around an ammo truck, repair truck, an ambulance and fuel truck. Once and 'AREA' is captured by allied forces, the 'AREA' (with a flag in it) will become an allied base. The convoy of truck will then move to the new base where it will become a re-supply base or Forward Operating Base (FOB). This will mean that troops on the ground and in the air, will not need to travel to their main base (where the convoy came from; and where the allied forces started out the CTI) to re-supply with ammo, Fuel, repair and heal. This enables domination of a map by reducing time and effort on moving from the main base to the Area of Operation (AO) and therefore doesn't disrupt the pace and flow of battle as much. Logistics convoys are the Key to most battles, one of the largest logistics columns seen in modern history was used in the Iraq invasion. This is just a guess on my part as to what the convoy is for, how it works in game...well I'll have to wait and find out. Some of the CZ crew who have the game might be able to give us a better answer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fox86 0 Posted November 13, 2006 sounds good, but what happens when all vehicles are destroyed after 10mins, for example by an unexperienced player? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
low light 0 Posted November 13, 2006 I have no idea!!! Like I said, I'm in the 505 area, so will have to wait till Q1/07 to find out . I hope an ArmA owner will be able to answer this. Just so you understand, my above post is based on a Guess as to how it would work, an ArmA owner will be able to better answer your question, based on facts and not on guesses! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KaRRiLLioN 0 Posted November 13, 2006 I'm looking forward to trying out that new gametype. Â Who knows, it might be fun. Â But I still like RTS as well. Â I've had a good crowd of regs who still come to my server for RTS even though I haven't actively updated it for a while now. For realism, Cam51 and I designed a new mission type named RWS that more realistically depicts the way things would be. Each team starts with a supply truck, a tank, and a truck. Â There are towns that must be captured using the supply truck by driving it in front of the 'HQ' building there, but each town is guarded by resistance and the further you go, the larger the resistance force becomes until you finally reach the airport. When you capture certain territories, you're given access to infantry, tanks, etc. that you can deploy from there, but you have only a certain number of resources, i.e. there's no money and you don't actually build anything. Â Instead, it's coming from your inventory. If the enemy takes away a town with a vital function, then you lose that, but the towns must be taken in specific order, i.e. no skipping around. Â You win by taking over all enemy territory or by depleting the enemy's supply trucks or other vital resources. It used a full navy so you could transport squads of armor across islands since it was based on AEC islands. Â I hope that ArmA allows for even more realistic naval ships. The only problem with this game type was it takes hours to play, depending on the skill of each team. Â I'm curious to see if JIP will work with it because it might work better in a more persistent state. That would also open the possibility of making RTS-3 for AEC islands actually workable. Â If JIP works, then there's no problem starting up an epic game such as that, especially if a more realistic navy is possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kev 0 Posted November 13, 2006 Dont missunderstood me guys, i dont love CTI because of the RTS style, i love CTI because of the realistic amount of armored and light vehikels. we have a 400mË› BIG ISLAND here. there 3 times bigger than all 3 OFP islands together. there is no fun in a CTI or Longtime MP Battle if u have only 1 to 3 Abrams Tanks some Hammers and at least 1 chopper. i loved to build a war front between two towns with one Abrams squad that hides with turned off engines in cover. between the tanks there was 100 meters space for a big ratio of sight line. it was nice to have some fantastic battles at night wenn there was a t-80 platoon trying to secure the area in south Everon and the commander called for abrams assist. We wont have any big battles on Sahrani with 3 tanks, u will see the most people walking the way to a town because there are no vehikels left, so how long do you want to walk? an hour? i was in german army for more then 2 years. we learned that convoy based support forwarding. we had a mobile HQ, a supply vehikel and medivac. we learned, if there is a heavely defended area we can call armored support that takes 1 to 24 hours to reach our position. that means there is coming a Leopard 2A6 squad if needet. also air attacks and more. so the BIs CTI truely can be nice, but i dont beleave it. if there is coming a convoy, what will happen if the enemy team will search on rush for this convoy and destroy us after 10 minutes? did u guys think about it? what will be the amount of the convoy? that what i hatet are those small kiddie battlefields from battlefield 2 with 1 chopper for transport and one cobra, also only 2 tanks and 6 jeeps. ok it was a good amount for the small maps. BIs used this amount in OFP too. you guys remember? this Deathmatch games? i tell you how the BIs CTI can be good. maybe it is like it, i dont know. nobody is given us more details. so a good BIs made CTI mode for example: MP STATUS: 100 Players 50 Soldiers each team. each player has up to 20 AI soldiers. So if we start with a ammo supply, fuel supply and medivac. also we have a repair truck and 3 hammers in our convoy. to go for the first town it can be nice. if u get some points or something like that for capturing the town to call up 2 abrams 1 stryker or something like that, then the cti mode is cool. because u can spent ur capture points for resupply and ur army is growing up. so that means, if the enemy has 8 towns and US Forces have 8 towns there can be a big conflikt. almost with a amount of units like used in iraq. for example 10 - 20 abrams, 4 cobras some APCs and Hammers, also littlebirds for fast squad based town attacks. abrams used for area support and town defence. if this is true, the CTI mode from BIs is great. but nobody over here that has ArmA is taking the time too check this out. "JIP" Join in Progress is a Server Feature. You can use it with OFP "rts styled" CTI missions also for other community made missions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites