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The so-called "grown up" community

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I've got to vent my anger about some people.

We all think to know the OFP community as a bunch of people getting along nicely with each other, helpful all the time. We often see people calling the OFP community one of the most grown up.

I'd say, yeah, there's a lot of nice people around in this community. And now there comes the big ugly BUT: Only as long as they stay in said community. As soon as some guys come out and conversate with other people about ArmA (or BF2...) they start to misbehave... flaming, insulting, you know the game.

It always goes like this:

1. In a thread about Armed Assault someone says "Graphics are utter crap. I'm not going to waste my time on THIS".

2. A few guys keep their temper and respond in a well behaving way. But still there come the not-so-well-behaving guys and start to flame, something like "BF2-Kiddies should go back to their game for idiots, OFP/ArmA is for real men! It'd be best if you and all of your idiotic community would die!"

3. The flames have begun...

Or the topic has even nothing to do with ArmA, but it's rather one about BF2, which is visited by a guy telling everyone how dumb they are playing BF2.

It's the same whether I'm on english or german forums, though I'd say it's a little worse on the german ones. I keep asking myself: Why?! Why are those idiots making fools of themselves, so everyone believes the OFP community is a bunch of kids that still go to kindergarten? And why the constant crusade against BF2? What has the game done to you?

I hope some of the mentioned guys read this and might really be on the grown-up side next time, when they debate in a sophisticated manner next time.

Thanks for paying attention.

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Well ... I can understand what you said bör. And you are right in those points.

But remember we are all human, and humans are not perfect. Also OFP is played by 13 year olds and also 50 year olds. And the greater the community, the larger the number of individuals.

Many nations are covered by the game and those players represent their country in the world of OFP. But then again, not every German is how English for example think the Germans are.

Even in the OFp community there are ... well I actually tried to avoid it but... assholes and thats what we have to live with. You can not create a "clean" community ... you can ask people to watch their behaviour, thats what you did, but you can not expect people to follow your tip.

Thats a forum... thats the place where different opinions crush and that usually calls out for struggle.

Dont get me wrong, im on your side... what I want to express is that you can not control it.. or make it better as it is. There are certain people in here who try to control it (placebo & other admins and mods). Try to relax a bit... drink a beer or whiskey and dont let those idiots annoy you. wink_o.gif

But your again right... the percentage of "adult" or "grown-ups" in OFP is (much?) higher than in other communities.

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The BF2 demo temporarily broke my DVD drive (had to go through a lot of trouble to fix it) and caused a lot of other headaches. That said, you're right, we shouldn't be bashing on BF2 gamers. To those of you that do it "this means you," if you've been good about it... well... *gold star sticker*

We should be the embasadors of the mature and awesome gameplay experiance that ArmA/OFP is! smile_o.gif

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1. In a thread about Armed Assault someone says "Graphics are utter crap. I'm not going to waste my time on THIS".

Well anyone saying that deserves a smack in the head. *lol*

On that subject in a more serious manner, it seems like some people just want eye-candy and no gameplay. Armed Assault will put things on such a high level that competion is impossibly, they already have with OFP. And its kind of old now. smile_o.gif

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I had and played battlefield 2 for awhile,it was fun with some friends for some quick action. However one of the patches for whatever reason,caused my hard drive to go to 0kb's. It wasn't the size of the patch,that left a good amount of space. But when it ran it basicly murdered my hard drive.

Then comes the common sense. When you go into a forum it is not usually best to flame the game the forum represents. Such comments as "this game sucks,bad graphix" warrants flaming yes. However why bother going to a community forum to simply flame the game? What is the point of it? Battlefield 2 was fun for the time being.

Another problem with people is that they believe that they are "grown up" once they reach a certain physical age. Even though society says otherwise,this is not the case. If you wish to be known as a grown up you must act like it,mental age dictates and shows this clearer than physical age does. A 20 year old can have the mind of a 10 year old,I'v seen it several times. Unfortunatly this is straying of topic..Usually I manage to keep my frustration down,I understand that these days the majority of the gaming,all gaming communities focus on graphics more then gameplay and thus look at it first. That is understandable. Can the OFP community honestly say they would without a grudge or second though accept Armed Assault if it looked EXACTLY like OFP? More naked enviroments,no normal mapping,no ability to use greater texture sizes,no updated soldiers and vehicles? The problem is that some people,most people. Do indeed want better graphics. Some are afraid to admit this however,others want the most modern graphics such as Crysis levels,some will accept what they get and others just want a little upgrade in the graphic area. Usually this is where conflict begins,some that want better graphics will blatantly state it and sometimes in a rude fashion. This upsets the others and the battle begins. Unfortunatly another factor is that,nobody is "grown up" 100% of the time they speak. There will be times where everone will act like an ass,say something they will regret or speak unclearly or out of anger and frustration. Some people are not always like this,you just have to give them the chance if you see them do this. Others..well..others can be plain nuisences most or all of the time no matter what you do.

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The reason why OFPers hate BF2 is because BF2 is mainstream crap, while OFPers are in the "sofisticated" minority of today's gamers. Our game is more "delicate" than games like BF2, CS or WoW. Therefor we act in an elitistic fashion.

It could be compared to art-people. Just because they like to take on black clothes and walk in art galleries they believe that they are much more important than everyone else because they can feel the essence of the meaning of the art or whatever. I'm not saying everyone that likes art is like this (just like not everyone that likes OFP is flaming BF2ers) but there are a few, and you've probably met at least one of them.

It could also be compared to a schoolyard. Older students feel themselves as more mature, more important and generally better than younger students - that is why they pick on them. It's also a way of boasting themselves and show their worth in front of others. So all in all, it's just a matter of showing how big your cock is. I play a more sofisticated game than you, therefor my cock is larger. And I can't stand anyone that can't feel the essence of the textures of the games or whatever. wink_o.gif

So simply put, we're elitistic arses.

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Wow, you must be new around here... Welcome to The Internets! Internets, this is Bör, say hello.

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lol , i think you need to know that only 2-3% of the ofp community

come here and would not know this anger you have.

i myself played ofp for 4 years before signing up. wait until arma is released and then visit the community websites.there you will find a better understanding of the ofp community.

the biggest flaw in your statement is that "in bf2 forums " . the real ofp community would not venture to bf2 forums ,because they have no wish for arcade games, that is not an arrogant statement just a true fact.

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Quote[/b] ]the real ofp community would not venture to bf2 forums ,because they have no wish for arcade games, that is not an arrogant statement just a true fact.

Wow, that must be one the most rediculous statements I have heard in long while..

So if I happen to buy and play games like Thief, Hitman, CoD(s) etc. I'm not truely an OFP fan, let alone member of the OFP community (which I basicly am since I'm posting here)?

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Well this place used to be very mature untill ArmA was menchined and since then loadsa "Noobs" have joined the forums and some of them got them selves banned and some havnt they just quietly flame people. end of.

[newsflash] Its the new comers [noobs] stress the old guys out which then courses chaos [/newsflash]

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So if I happen to buy and play games like Thief, Hitman, CoD(s) e

The Thief series(all the 3 of em) is among the best PC games

I have ever played. I have them all on retail. It is computer magic at its best.

Kind of offtopic but this whole thread is kind of.... goodnight.gif

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Quote[/b] ]the real ofp community would not venture to bf2 forums ,because they have no wish for arcade games, that is not an arrogant statement just a true fact.

Wow, that must be one the most rediculous statements I have heard in long while..

So if I happen to buy and play games like Thief, Hitman, CoD(s) etc. I'm not truely an OFP fan, let alone member of the OFP community (which I basicly am since I'm posting here)?

my apologies i omitted to put venture to bf2 forums to argue armed assaults graphics because they have no wish for arcade game graphics but gameplay .

btw out of interset and on a different subject ,you wear the ofpec tag, may i ask the last time you played ofp in multiplayer or actually made a mission for mp.

and please if you must represent such a prestigious webiste as a moderator, refrain from making statements "I'm not truely an OFP fan" like this , it is simply not called for that you make up things in order to strengthen a point.

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@ the end of the day its simple... Each 2 There Own!!

And the simple Fact of life is no ones the same.. I mean FFS I have to put up with phil Collins Blasting out @ work.. and Hence now we will have a Phil fan say somthing like do Slag off Phil he's my Hero.. capiche!

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I personally have a huge hate and dislike for games like BF2 and CoD2 [insert badly-written-curse-infested rant here], but I try to keep my temper. It's a shame people, especially some older adults, can't do the same. confused_o.gif

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How can someone hate another game or people that play a particular game?

It's total crap, but well it's the internet. So why wonder.

And besides that I don't think OFP players are more grown up than players of other games.

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I believe the anger is because of change -more to the point: keeping things from changing. From the OFP demo we were all noobs. We found a group of like minded individuals that appreciated gameplay and possibilities over graphics. More or less we grew in the same direction, and appreciated the game's slant towards realism and made addons to make this 'our' game. Now with ArmA, there's the option for change, and we are hearing from new noobs (read: next generation of players) and there is a shakeup of the direction the topics go. More to the graphics side. And us old timers fear, even against Placebos, Sumas and whomevers statements to the contrary, that our beloved BIS baby will go to the dogs of BF. I believe that fear is what drives the problem. smile_o.gif

Bank account - $0.02USD

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Hi bör! Please see these forums/any forums as an introduction to life! In all aspects of life there will be assholes and there will be angels and everything possible in-between! There will be mature people and immature people, there will be flaming and counter flaming. I see it everywhere I look, in all aspects of life and believe it or not through all age groups from kids through to pensioners! You have to learn to deal with it! Ignoring the bits I don’t like works well for me! tounge2.gif

Two words sums it up: Human Nature! …. Read the bottom line in my sig!

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Two words sums it up: Human Nature!

Yes, 'tribalism' is part of human nature.

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I guess the real mature guys just keep out of discussions like that, take a note of BF2 rivalism and move on shaking their head.

BF2 shall be discussed on BF2 forums and OFP and Arma shall be discussed here.


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I have never understood why its always so much talk about BF2 in this forum... And everyone is saying that you cant compare arma with BF2, and yet most people are doing it (often the same persons).

Shit, now I have talked about it also. We better just stick to discussing ArmA, thats the reason of this forum.

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The Battlefield games are just fun to play.  They're not trying to be realistic and that should be obvious, especially after they made Battlefield 2142, a sci-fi shooter with Battle Walkers and flying motherships.

There shouldn't be so many arguments between the fans of the Armed Assault and Battlefield over which one is better because they are so fundamentally different.  The similarities between them are purely comsetic (i.e. carrying a rifle and being able to drive any vehicle you want; the similarities seem to end there).  Most people should find both games to be highly enjoyable.

*cough* Armed Assault is twice as awesome though.

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bf have soldiers and vehicles in it and Ofp , arma has soldiers and vehicles in them... easy as it is people will compare here and there and some people really don't like to get their favourite tactical war game compared to a main stream arcadic shooter with just a few innovative ideas compared to ofp's moddability and many more innovatie ideas. smile_o.gif thats just the way i see it, also i liked the bf 2 series for like a a few weeks for some quick action but after some patch and stuff the game got totally unstable and i totally disliked how tanks and AT weapons worked there and other stuff cause i was too ofp hooked so i couldn't stand bf 2's style n design. tounge2.gif

btw any1 wants to buy my bf 2 disc? unscratched and all biggrin_o.gif

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i have seen at times in these forums people taking things a bit too seriously and going into things a bit deeper than they need to   crazy_o.gif

people will flame at times and you either take the bait or you dont.....your decision   banghead.gif

in the TNT forums there was flaming on a mass scale (which was fun to read at times) and there were also more serious discussions also in the forums.

upto the admins to decide when the flaming has gone too far  nener.gif

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