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What do you think the Demo should have to best....

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What do you think the Demo should have to best represent the game?

I remember playing the original OFP single player demo and I thought the mission choice was excellent.

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as they said a MP demo and a SP demo. smile_o.gif

hope they release a DEMO before the ARMA Official Release.

Couple weeks have passed... wink_o.gif

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The SP demo should be something like the original Ambush-demo, only adapted to ArmA (increased number of units, etc.) because the Ambush mission still represents the core gameplay in OFP/ArmA.

The MP demo should be a very limited CTI, because I believe CTI will attract a lot of people that otherwise wouldn't even look at OFP. smile_o.gif

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The MP demo should be a very limited CTI, because I believe CTI will attract a lot of people that otherwise wouldn't even look at OFP. smile_o.gif

So, i love CTF. So don't limit the mp demo to only one kind of mp-mode. wink_o.gif

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Um... Hmm...

The SP demo should convey the sense of scale in the game. It's not a battle; it's a war.

I also hope that it establishes the base for a solid storyline.

I hope the MP demo will have servers with high player capacity (with a tolerable degree of lag) and long, sustained firefights.

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some intense MP fight smile_o.gif let say for some valley corridor

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i guess the demo will be released on the day that the game is released to the Chezh becuase its unfair on everyone else sad_o.gif

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Would make sense if at least one demo were released before the Chezh/German Official Armed Assault Game.

Would be fair for Chezh/German people and everybody else.

PS- if the game is not ready then delay the Official Release and we wait untill its alittle more perfect. @ Placebo, BIS thought about that option already?

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A combined arms assault on a town held by commies showing off all those vehicles, tanks, planes and such? wink_o.gif

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The demo(s) should be released well before the Tchech/German release of ArmA.

The SP demo mission should be similar to the original OFP demo. It might be interesting to play the old OFP demo again for comparison.

Different helicopters should be flyable in both demos.

Would it be possible to have a bot-operated SP mode in the MP demo?

How about a "lite" version of the editor. I'd like to convert a few user-made OFP-addons to ArmA.

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"The demo(s) should be released well before the Tchech/German release of ArmA."

Of course if they dont do it they can see how many people bought the game "DAY one" compaired to people buying the game a week or two after a demo comes out. Not that I would want this, there is a huge base of people that will buy it on day one with or with out a demo. Cause the only people that are gonna buy it day one are the fans. Cause you know there is no way you will look at it on the shelves and say to yourself "I think I really want to play the demo first before I buy it" yeah right, you'll grab two like a dirty rat LOL.

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"Oh hey there is Armed Assault..hmm..well I should try the demo first...but ....what the hell am I saying? I'v played OFP and OFP:E,I know whats its like..HEY KID GIMME THAT GAME,its too complex for you..*hands him a bf2 case*..there ya go..*walks away hugging copy of AA*

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Just one thing, it's spelt "Czech" wink_o.gif

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For us hard core fans, the demos are simply to keep us occupied until it's released, but for new players, it needs to promote its scale & potential plus system compatibility.

For SP ArmA, any single mission will do. Maybe include the new tutorial missions too.

For MP ArmA, I'm wondering what will be available:

- what MP game modes (including new modes)?

- how much of the entire island will be accessible?

- what types of areas: urban, rural, mountains, forests, etc? - seeing the new urban areas will be great

- which weapons?

- which vehicles & vehicle types?

- the editor wasn't included in the OFP demos, from memory.

Initially I figured they would not include CTI game mode because it's one of the new features of the game, but seeing how ISP's set-up demo servers these days, this probably would be a good mode to run continuously, in order to promote the game for all the totally new players.

A single map region and a regular game mode probably wouldn't be sufficient to promote its scope.

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would it be possible to have like a three city CTI with a sucide blet around it that way you couldnt go all the way and check out the island but still get a taste for it. maybe only include a few features so its like CTI except its only troops and maybe jeeps.

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A nice to have for the (Sp-)Demo would be an integrated benchmark.

Imagine the free and long time publicity ArmA would receive if a PC-Mag or some Tech. webpage like Guru3D made it part of its standard benchmark suite for their hardware reviews.

The actual benchmarks would have to be heavily scripted cutscenes to keep results reproducible.

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Quote[/b] ]How about a "lite" version of the editor. I'd like to convert a few user-made OFP-addons to ArmA.

You can´t convert addons with onboard editor.

Apart from that I´d like to see the mission-editor with the demo.

As the demo will come with a limited amount of units for sure, it would make sense to restrict output values of Editor. Maybe you can exclude the save and export feature and only have the preview feature active to give a glimpse on the editor and show players how easy-to-use the editor is.

Full editor support should only be with full product for reasons BIS will understand best.

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I hope the title menu shows all the options available in the full game (Campaign, Editor etc) but have those not available in the demo faded a bit. Sort of a teaser if you will and to show new players what else there will be.

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I'd like to have a limited CTI too for multiplayer demo. This way you would have always different game experiences. But if CTI weren't there, that's OK. I'm satisfied if there is couple of COOP missions instead of CTI, though after playing them 50 times in a row it could get a little bit boring biggrin_o.gif But anyway, ArmA will be released Q1 2007 in my country, so it would be nice to play CTI those 2-4 months after the MP demo have been released smile_o.gif

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Dont know if it makes a difference or not (probablly not) when was the OFP demo released?? How soon b4 OFP saw birth. Does anybody remember?

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get your Bis history right here smile_o.gif

history of

altho i think the demo date is a lil shady , some u.s army chaps and others had the demo a lil earlier than the sated date in that list i recall ish.

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SP ---> something similar to the old OFP demo

MP ---> taster of every game mode available, like COOP, CTI, CTF, A&D, C&H...

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