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Confirmed release dates and countries.

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I guess you will have to get it from the Spaniards then rofl.gif .

Good to know that Jiri now passed this information on to more people. Wonder who it will be.

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Hey guys, any rumors or words on a publisher for the US or Canada, im hoping befor christmas, but thats probably not going to hapen, but you nevr know, because the UK just got a publisher.

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all contries will have publisher but Portugal wont (until the moment).. not fair sad_o.gif

why do you say that? I haven't heard a word of who might publish it up here in the north. sure wish we'll get the UK version

but now everyone should just start the F5-spree on BIS website and news forum!!

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because the UK just got a publisher.

no we didnt... its still in talks at the moment, so nothing is comfirmed till its comfirmed

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because the UK just got a publisher.

no we didnt... its still in talks at the moment, so nothing is comfirmed till its comfirmed

it's gotta be confirmed this week, I'm sure they won't push it any further if they really do have a publisher and release date

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placebo said it would be announced shortly.... it could go either way of course, although I'd obviously be hoping on there being a positive outcome

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Well i just wonder what date the UK version will have on it. If its not 10/11/06 like the Czech Repubic date, then i`m of to try to get hold of a czech release. Like i already mentioned in an earlier post. I have looked forward to play this game like anyone else, so i just don`t want to be playing it a month after anyone else. Does anyone know of any Czech importers that i may get this game from.

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Im guessing the UK will get its publisher and it will be anounced this week, so at least that will be done, so if ther eis no publisher by march here in canada my school might be having another UK trip and maybe i get 1 of my friends to buy a copy fo the game for me out there na dpay him back after or something but i really dont want that to be the way i get it.

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I am also waiting for UK (or US) version, because i want my ArmA to be in english all the way...hope we get news about UK publisher soon. smile_o.gif

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not much point in speculating as to dates, although it seems reasonable that if the UK publisher is comfirmed soon, that its likely that we will see a similiar release date to germany (assuming the uk publisher can get its act together and be prepared in time for that date)

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because the UK just got a publisher.

no we didnt... its still in talks at the moment, so nothing is comfirmed till its comfirmed

Well from what Jiri Rydl told me

Quote[/b] ]

We have UK publisher and a release date

He said the inforamtion about it will be released in the next press release.

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good news - but obviously thats something you two discussed, not something that was comfirmed via a press release... as far as we were to know, talks were ongoing.

but yay.gif never-the-less - armed assault before xmas me hopes smile_o.gif

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I want a release date now, to release me from this torment of not knowing when its released. I played OFP for 4 years since it was released, that is untill the cheats made me stop playing it. I was in a few top clans and have to say, i have never since enjoyed a game so much as i enjoyed OFP. I just hope its not as easy to cheat in AA as it was to in OFP. Anyone know if they have got some anti cheating in the game??

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Quote[/b] ]HI,

We have UK publisher and a release date, it will be announced soon in a press release.

Thank you for patience.

Jiri Rydl

Marketing & PR

IDEA games



edit: my guess is we will find out on the Wednesday 11.10.2006 at 12:30pm

That's good enough for me!  tounge2.gif  Time for some excited smilies me thinks!  


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Yup, that is confirmed. UK publisher is known. Currently I'm trying to get Arma to my country as boxes that you're proud of on the shelf, not some download links smile_o.gif

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An American publisher may not come anytime soon, I could see the American publisher being found 2-4 months after the release (takes time to set up a distrubution. Or there just wont be an American publisher if every American just buys it from the UK.

My feeling is, I'm not buying an american game so I dont care if I buy from an european publisher.

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Quote[/b] ]

Publishing involves printing of the disks, manuals, covers and then distribution correct?

Sorry that's the easy part and any small business or mom/pop store could do that.

To truely market in the US you have to get it in Wal-Mart, BestBuy, the game shops and more.  These companies will not carry a products from just anyone and contracts are required and in many cases certain requirements be met by the company distributing.

In my experience with BestBuy when they approached me about carrying my KidComputers.com systems they wanted me to carry a $1 million dollar consumer insurance plan. This is expensive and very very hard to get.

Wal-Mart and many others require that you supply X number of units with the in warehouse ability to distribute X number more BUT they choose the option to actually order those or not. So you may get an initial order for 100,000 copies, and be required to warehouse 500,000 more, then they never order the other 500,000 and RETURN to you say 50,000 copies on top of that because they choose to not carry it anymore.

So the US market is expensive and very high risk for publishers. That is probably why they are so flakey, pickey or choosey.

Blame the mega corp conglomerants who get to set such high risk and overheads for bringing things to market, or blame yourself for shopping there or investing in their stocks.

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Australia is covered as well, same as some other Areas. The UK Publisher got the Publishing rights for this Areas. More will be announced in a Press Release very soon...

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