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Chain of Command Unified Artillery 1.1

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Did you edit the description.ext? If you put your mission up, it would be easier to help you.

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After a lot of searching I am unable to find a live download for this mod,

Is anyone able to prove a link where I can download this mod?

Any help appreciated.

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Thanks Zulu1,

I was googling everything I could think of but nothing came up.

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Actually, I'm afraid Mack was right. That page sents you to this one and after you click "download" you're sent to an error page. Tried it in Firefox and Chrome.

So, exactly right now there's absolutely no place where to download CoC UA from. Chainofcommand.net is down and all the mirrors are either dead or finally leading to 404s. Not even the OFPR.info/Gamepark.cz works, but that might be related to it having problems with the server lately (?), as I've read in another thread.

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It works for me, but I've seen Gamefront can act oddly. I'm surprise Chrome and Firefox had problems.

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I managed to download it via the "Your download will begin in a few seconds. If it does not, click here" link.

It's a shame The Chain Of Command website is down, I recently downloaded the excellent Command Engine from there.

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I managed to download it via the "Your download will begin in a few seconds. If it does not, click here" link.

That doesn't seem to work for me, either. In fact, I don't seem to be able to download anything from them. It's odd, as I've never had problems with Gamefront until now.

Hopefully ofpr.info will sort its issues shortly. But this lack of mirrors, or mirrors that work globally, is unfortunate in any case.

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No seeders, tho. I tried that when trying the filefront/gamefront mirror.

Anyway, I have CoC installed, so I was just commenting on its availability in general. All my download tests were to verify if there were still valid mirrors.

CoC UA being a essential part of CCE2 makes it a particular concern of mine. I finally changed the link to that of ofpr.info, which will be a valid mirror again eventually.

Failing that, I was considering provisionally posting my CoC dir to mediafire and linking to it in that thread, but TBH I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do that

Great! It's good to have that site fully working again :)

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When I try to use the FED, I get this message "missing Resource CoC_DigFed". I have tried using both a West and East Obelisk or a Logic Obelisk but still no help. I am using CoC, which is a fantastic addon, with CWA and WGL 1.5. I have searched all the files associated with this addon and I can't find it. Where would one find this file? One other question. I have downloaded DKMM's Artillery addon (M109 Paladin and TOS-1 Burantino). Is there a way to use the Burantino with CoC, because that weapon system is pure hell on earth and it does require CoC in order to work? Again, any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Chris.

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When I try to use the FED, I get this message "missing Resource CoC_DigFed". I have tried using both a West and East Obelisk or a Logic Obelisk but still no help.

Have you added this line to the description.ext of your mission?

#include <CoC_FED\FED.hpp>

Also, you only need to place the logic obelisk.

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Kenoxite. No, I have not added that line but I will try it. Yes, I only use the Logic Obelisk since that seems to get rid of the Advanced Fusing message when you use the East or West Obelisk. Thanks for the help.

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No problem. Apart from what I mentioned, make sure to add the "Enable FED" logic if you haven't already.

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OK guys, here is the thing; I want AI to fire on a specific target, putting this code in a radio trigger

[paladin1, leader playergroup] call CoCfIFCallFire

a debug message shows "out of absolute range".

another thing, if i want to make the enemy fires on me, can it be?

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Does CoC UA 1.1 work properly with ARMA:CWA? I have read there are some issues and there is a hotfix released by vectorboson but it does not fix all the issues. Does anyone know something more about it?

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Does CoC UA 1.1 work properly with ARMA:CWA? I have read there are some issues and there is a hotfix released by vectorboson but it does not fix all the issues. Does anyone know something more about it?

Discussion about it starts in this very thread. ;)

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I have already read it but I have not found any conclusion. It seems that the fixing ended on that vectorboson's hotfix. Does this hotfix resolve all the problems or there are still some?

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From my understanding, yes, hotfix works without problem. CoC guys only said that there may have been other anti-VBS functions in the code, but CWA doesn't use commands that are used to check if game is OFP 1.96 or VBS1 (well, apart from those who were deleted by Vektorboson's hotfix).

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On 8.8.2006 at 8:43 PM, Dinger said:

Okay, known (= confirmed) problems (fixed = fixed in next patch):

2s19 "wglevents" error message: fixed

M252 "in adjust" errors/won't fire: fixed

Tutorials 4 and 6 CTD: fixed

"AUTO-END" FED button leads to change fuze type: fixed

"ADM" message when calling fire on M101s: Fixed

"FUZING ONLINE" for Cruise Missile Torpedos: Fixed

Cruise Missiles stuck at Init: Fixed, download available

Debug field on Smoke shells: open (gotta find which units and stuff)

Thanks for your help



Does anyone know whether these fixes mentioned by Dinger were ever released in a patch, especially the one for mortar "in adjust" missions not working?

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