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FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

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I am having a hard time getting out of the Hind.She's a beauty. inlove.gif

Oh,is the .50cal on the M1A2 suppose to have the same ricocheting effect as the 7.62mm.

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Guest Ti0n3r

Where in the config.cpp can I find the part where I can edit the FOV? (wanna switch back to the OFP default FOV)

...and what would the default value be?

Thanks in advance smile_o.gif

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just a guess but this means no FFUR2006v2.0 on Dedicated Servers atm?

you've had two replies mate... the mod simply wont work on a dedicated server with the incorrect texture ratio size... the choice is to wait for a fix, or fix it yourself.

im perplexed though, that FFUR wasnt tested on a dedi server?

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These are the values from my ECP, think they´ve kept ´em original though:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Class Man:Land




And it´s just a guess, never did this before biggrin_o.gif

edit: lol, gonna change that too. Just noticed the rmb zoom being higher than teh M4 Marksman scope, very silly tounge2.gif

Other than that (& the overpowered M6/Tung.) a really cool mod, i´m not only here to rant wink_o.gif

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Man, excellent job FFUR team! This is my favorite mod now! Thank you guys so much!!

I havent read through this whole thread, (I havent even tried out the whole mod yet) and I know that the MI24 is beautiful, but am I the only one that is in love with the CH47? I have been waiting so long for a good CH47 (BAS one doesnt count) and it is finally here! inlove.gif

I have to say it again, awesome job FFUR team! smile_o.gifthumbs-up.gif

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This is sweet but one problem when i went to install it said "Delete old FFUR2006 game" or whatever but i didn't know it would delete all my addons....is there a place that the addons would go. Cuz they're not in my Recycling Bin confused_o.gif

Now im pissed.............but not at you guys

Keep up the good work FFUR team yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

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shooting for realism? why do the woodland soldiers have the pasgt helmet and not the mich? why dont the ACU soldiers have a unit patch if they have a combat patch... they are also 3rd ID soldiers, in real life they use m16a4s, as they are mechanized, not light infantry. the aimpoint doesnt zoom in, and in my opinion shouldnt in the game, nor should any of the iron sights for that matter... also, i appreciate your trying to make the game look better, but why mess with the editor, the trees have rock icons, etc. why mess with perfection? it's an eyesore. overall its a great mod, but a bit more attention to detail from your "military advisors" wouldnt hurt wink_o.gif...also, the FOV makes the weapons look away, way too small, if anything it should be closer than default, not further away.

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is there any way of changing the 3rd person view back to what it was on the old one, like in 3rd person the view of the  unit is to far sad_o.gif  in the other it was much closer. Plz help on this.

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This is what TB wrote in his first post directly below the download-link:


Download - (Mirror 1) by Coop-Center.de

We envisage to release several modules that will include the Multiplayer and the ACU configs, probably with some little presents within the next incoming days as well... ;-)


So you will have to wait a little longer. confused_o.gif

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ok thanks i guess i was too busy watching pictures so i didnt read everything

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This is sweet but one problem when i went to install it said "Delete old FFUR2006 game" or whatever but i didn't know it would delete all my addons....is there a place that the addons would go. Cuz they're not in my Recycling Bin confused_o.gif

Now im pissed.............but not at you guys

Keep up the good work FFUR team  yay.gif   yay.gif   yay.gif

did it delete your ofp addons folder? if thats the case reinstall your game..

You should of deleted the olf FFUR 2006 folder before you installed the new one, like instructed.. lol

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Wow this is so awesome biggrin_o.gif

Downloaded it last night and installed it this monrning and have had no problems with it apart from that it doesnt seem to like Mikero's Editor update 103 for some reason gives error messages so i switched to GB's editor upgrade and its working fine now.

Very little lag aswell i thought it was going to lag much more but has only nocked off about 4fps.

Beautifull, great job to the whole team involved notworthy.gif

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Just for the sake of novelty, I'd like to congratulate all the addon makers who contributed to this pack, as well as TB's hard work bringing them together...

CP whores across the community should remember the little guys when listing addons under the submissions wink_o.gif

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Great work TB. The new iron sights are exellent thumbs-up.gif

Love that hind. Good work on that RHS.  smile_o.gif

One thing though, why have the green markers been replaced with white ones? Every campaign I try, the green markers are now very hard to see, as they are the same colour as the map.

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Great Job FFUR Team, you have pulled it off once more! smile_o.gif

I would like to see the shilka back in, but that's no biggy. There is one thing that bugs me though; the accuracy of rifles. In the previous version of FFUR 2006 it was much harder to hit an enemy with a standard issue rifle than in this version. I'm killing enemy soldiers with sniper accuracy now which kind of gives me the feeling I'm some uber soldier sad_o.gif. I don't know what has caused this change but can someone (TB?) tell me how to reduce the accuracy back to how it was?

Thanks in advance,


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no problems with it apart from that it doesnt seem to like Mikero's Editor update 103 for some reason gives error messages so i switched to GB's editor upgrade and its working fine now.

Well it works fine for me with Mikero's Editor update 103

if you place the editor103 file into your Res Folder you should have no problem, thats where i have mine. smile_o.gif

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@ 456820 I get the same problem with the editor update 103, no matter what folder it's in.

When i start up FFUR i get an error message sayin "no entry config.bin/cfgvehicles/BBBO1simulation.

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Just downloaded it and gave it a whirl, no problems for me at this end, I've gotta say this is simply awesomeness I don't know how else to put it. Thank you FFUR team.

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Well no problem with the editor upgrade addons its not a big deal.

Anyway ive installed ffur2006 to a Dedicated server and it works almost perfectly apart from this error;


We cant see the map but everythig else works perfectly.

And a mirror from GOL - FFUR 2006 2.0 Mirror - From GOL

Edit - Also this means that we have an FFUR 2006 server just fileter GOL in ofp to find it  biggrin_o.gif

Edit2 - Oh yeah the error above also comes with an error message will post it. - Okay switched first screen with the one with the error.

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I found bug


This smoke takes too much FPS and doesnt look very realistic smile_o.gif


And why is everything so loud?? Its about 2 or 3 times louder than normal OFP sad_o.gif

BTW: Editable config doesnt work. I wanted to change the FOV back to 0.7, but it shows

Quote[/b] ]Config: "" encountered instead of ","

I tried to run it without changes then, and it showed anyway.

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Then you probably deleted a , (",") and forgot to put it back smile_o.gif

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How do I change the field of view too normal the system now dosen't work that well with 1024x768. Also the apache hits the performence unbelivabley much its very laggy.


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Its amazing really, all the hype behind the FFUR release and when its finally here, a few people praise the FFUR team, and the rest bitch about errors, which to a degree is fair as the "testers" should have caught most of them, especially the texture aspect ratio bug which fudges up dedicated servers.

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