.kju 3245 Posted June 29, 2006 @FriketMonkey http://ofpc.de/wargames/wglhelp/index.php?page=Various Quote[/b] ]QuestionYour machineguns and mortars start without ammo, what gives? Answer This is so that when they're assembled on the battlefield you have to carry in the appropriate ammo in a rucksack. However in the case of placing static machineguns (for AI and the like) you can add magazines via the init line in the editor. Use the addMagazine command and these magazine names: Browning M2 mag -> WGL_M2Mag NSV machinegun mag -> WGL_NSVMag AGS17 magazine -> WGL_AGS17Mag Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
t80 0 Posted June 29, 2006 Quote[/b] ]Q Posted on June 29 2006,09:20-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @t80 thanks every kind of projectile and missile in ofp has a certain lifetime. combined with its speed this gives a certain range for each one. the way you can overcome this is by the systems CoC and MCAR for example use: replace the projectile/missile again and again after a certain range and pass over its velocity, angle and so on. as this would involve quite a bit of scripting and battles over ~2000 meters are in ofp quite uncommon, we hope for a change in ArmA. not sure about the (init- &) speed in general. one thing comes into my mind here: you need to adapt things from RL to a game, like can AI and human still use em / what is the main battle range and so on. yeah it look like what could be done is allready done, but i think in general that with realistic missile speed some missiles will go longer some not, over all the missile speed is faster in RL., so i did some calculations,(have lost them somwhere) it look like there is 3 different speed values where the Air to ground, air to air, surface to air is the most realistic and surface to surface is way to slow, increasing this and AI should be able to engage Ground to Ground atleast at 2500 meters to target, there is also some missile axeleration values, witch should be redused in most case, and again the missile would go to short (life time expired when axelerate) so there would not be so mutch difference other than the missile will behave more realistic so maybe it´s not worth trying, and better wait for AA, where i heard there would be improved physics like bullet drop and sutch..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
russin 0 Posted June 29, 2006 okee Dokke Zeus WGLCTI site is Online all Downloads are ready.... i will add a Zeus WGLCTI Beta map there Soon as i return home from work..... @Q check out the DL section for the WGL islands Q  the site still needs a lotta work still but it is coming along ive had little sleep last few days trying to play catch up  input in welcome.... regards russin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FriketMonkey 0 Posted June 30, 2006 Thanks for the comments Q, but still something bothers me. When a lot of soldiers are fireing together, I get lag. I think it's because of the emty shell casings. Is there anyway to turn this function off? Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sanctuary 19 Posted June 30, 2006 Only if you don't play in MP , or else you will get a modified config message that could lead you to be kicked from a server in @wgl5\bin\ , open the config.cpp and look for : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class FxCartridge : ThingEffect { model="\wgl_wep_config\misc\cartridge.p3d"; displayName="$STR_DN_FX_CARTRIDGE"; submerged=0; submergeSpeed=0; timeToLive="120+random 30"; disappearAtContact=0; // Old values /////////// // model="nabojnice"; }; class FxCartridge2: ThingEffect { model="\wgl_wep\brass\brass_l.p3d"; displayName="$STR_DN_FX_CARTRIDGE"; submerged=0; submergeSpeed=0; timeToLive="120+random 30"; disappearAtContact=0; Notice the 2 repeated lines <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">timeToLive="120+random 30"; disappearAtContact=0; You have just to change those lines for the FxCartridge and FxCartridge2 classes by their default OFP values : Default OFP setting for the FxCartridge : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">timeToLive=5; disappearAtContact=1; And the empty shells casings/magazines will work again exactly like OFP : 5 seconds and disappear while in mid air, or disappear when it touches the ground Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dinger 1 Posted June 30, 2006 Quote[/b] ]every kind of projectile and missile in ofp has a certain lifetime. combined with its speed this gives a certain range for each one. the way you can overcome this is by the systems CoC and MCAR for example use: replace the projectile/missile again and again after a certain range and pass over its velocity, angle and so on. Actually, MCAR may work this way, and DKM artillery does, but CoC doesn't, and nor do WGL mortars. The problem is, as you've noted, that you have to follow each round until the timeout, then replace it. CoC Arty and WGL mortars, on the other hand, fire the only ammunition type that flies with a Time To Live of more than 20 seconds: basically the free-fall bomb. Of course, such munitions don't fly when fired, they drop. So we run our custom firing functions to send them where we want them to go. It's a system that's effective for artillery, but doesn't work well for direct-fire systems. -- okay, you may return to your discussion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted June 30, 2006 Quote[/b] ]When a lot of soldiers are fireing together, I get lag. I think it's because of the emty shell casings. it could be the reason, but i doubt it. it think the source is to be found in the riflle and MGs dust kickup scripts. check the gamelogics to deactivate them on a map basis. though give sanctuarys suggestion a try too and report back. one thing (TTL of cardiges) we could change easily in the next version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
seminara 4 Posted July 1, 2006 edit: http://products.saab.se/PDBWeb....id=3480 Agreed on all counts, it's a graet MOD but the present kill ratios are pretty unrealistic. I was in an M1A1 last night (virtually of course) and it took 3 shots to destroy a T72 with no applied armour as with the T80s. The distance was moderate so this does seem a bit strange. Ha, ha, I loved the SAAB marketing flyer. Imagine being the graphic designer/content writer for that! BTW - is anyone producing configs for higher spec models they plan to share with the community? Would be much appreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted July 1, 2006 i have this lying on my computer, but no readme and required addons list ... dma_army_models_base_CBT_Brad_SIG_MN_CBT_m113a_SEF_HMMWV_SFTY_usmc_SJB_TOSM4_SJB_Optics_SI G_T80.hpp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smiley nick 51 Posted July 1, 2006 The 23rd are using a unit replacement that replaces Bluefor with HYK troops along with a new desert class, with Lsr_weps 3.0 If your interested check our addon page Clicky A big thankyou to Jonannes for doing the config for us. Smiley Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shinbusan 0 Posted July 1, 2006 I doing something like that, if I finish it some day I can publish config (I did for it special packs with addons without configs, so there is no mess in editor and there is no not needed addons, but this one cannot be publish as it would be against licenses). I have problem with vehicles right now, for example with HMMVEE with mg or something similar, gunner is outside the vehicle. It looks like problem with animations or/and models. Does anyone solved it? I am making two versions of plugins, woodland and desert. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stuntman 0 Posted July 2, 2006 Thanks for this GREAT MOD! while something is not so great: I've got two bugs to report, this two bugs have maybe been reported before, but i do this just in case The problem is that: When you are in a helicopter, you, as player, must start the chopper with the realsitc start sequence, everything works fine, but if you have AI useing helicopters (whatever in your group or not) they dont start with the start sequence, they just start at once, like on normal OFP, that is very anoying, so i hope you could plz fix this The other bug is: If you are in a helicopter, in the air, you cant eject (that is realisitc ) but the AI can of course! they just jump out, even the crew and soldiers in your own helicopter! plz fix those bugs remember that i'm not complying, i'm helping Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted July 2, 2006 hi again Stuntman Quote[/b] ]you have AI useing helicopters, they dont start with the start sequence this is made on purpose. a) backwards compatibilitiy (missions, campaigns) b) AI is dump by design (doesnt understand the feature) Quote[/b] ]AI can jump out of helos well we have spent quite much time on that one, but with the current possibilities available in ofp, no satisfying solution is possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knochknight71 0 Posted July 2, 2006 Smiley_Nick, good config, but the SF FID troops are in camo too. Â They should be in civies? Check that, just the FID Medic is in US camo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo1 0 Posted July 2, 2006 Smiley_Nick, good config, but the SF FID troops are in camo too. They should be in civies? Or whatever gear local forces wear. Wiliec's RES troopers, or those Generic Mid East OPFOR would be good for them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stuntman 0 Posted July 2, 2006 I Have a problem with MP: When i'm trying to connect to the ZEUS server which use WGL5, I get this message: If the picture does not show up, the text on the picture said: "Bad Version, Server Rejected Connection" After the message, i needed to press "OK" (The message was from OFP, not the server, I saw it because the message used OFP's Standard "Window") and i couldn't connect, this has never happend before on the ZEUS server, I have played on it sometimes before. Plz help me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted July 2, 2006 Do you have v1.96 of OFP installed? - Nevermind, just read the rest of your post Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sanctuary 19 Posted July 2, 2006 If the picture does not show up, the text on the picture said: "Bad Version, Server Rejected Connection". Look in this message from the "zeus gaming nights" thread , it seems there are new requirements to join their servers, and that may be why you can't join their games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cooked auto 7 Posted July 2, 2006 I noticed a weird thing in the converted campain Terror on Malden. On the second mission where you are supposed to attack the US Base, I immedietly get a mission failed for shooting, when I in fact havent even touched the fire button at all, I tried this twice, the second time not even touching the mouse. Or is this supposed to be in the mission itself? Which feels a bit weird as the mission parameter says that the americans are supposed to fire first. But before that even happens, I get a mission fail. And Your War campain seems a bit odd too, the AI just spins at one spot before doing some light shooting against the enemy. And the boat crew decides to disembark instead of staying inside the boat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greg147 0 Posted July 2, 2006 The mission in the Terror on Malden campaign does that automatically. I remember because I'm playing through it with FFUR at the moment, the non-WGL version, and I got the same error. It's with the campaign, not WGL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stuntman 0 Posted July 2, 2006 If the picture does not show up, the text on the picture said: "Bad Version, Server Rejected Connection". Look in this message from the "zeus gaming nights" thread , it seems there are new requirements to join their servers, and that may be why you can't join their games. THX! it works fine now! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deathsai 0 Posted July 3, 2006 I took a break from OFP, and back then my favorite mod was FDF. I loved the recoil system, it made infantry small arms fights seem so much better. I had tried WGL and been a little turned off awhile ago, but this new release is excellent. A lot of mods, major and minor, "change" OFP. WGL creates almost an entirely new game, and it doesn't do it by replacing units with new ones and adding some gameplay adjustments. I can honestly say that, after one day with WGL, I've had more fun than one month with any other mod or vanilla OFP. EDIT: And now I've even played some MP with it. WOOHOO! AAR ahead: We played the CWC mission where you destroy the two shilkas. The first is locating in a town down a slope, and you must assault it with an AI squad. We had 5 men: [method], merc, lone-wolf, tggg705, and myself under the name Source. After a couple of bumpy starts, we decided to flank north into the woods and approach the town and close range. The AI squad had long since been killed to the east, and recon showed there was only a couple of Ruskies remaining in that area. No enemies were off to our west flank, so we approached. Our approach to the edge of the small town, where a BMP, a squad of infantry, and the first Shilka was located: Me, holding a lone enemy off to our east in my sights. However, I couldn't blast him, because we needed suprise to knock out the BMP. I wanted to take him out "so bad." WGL really does reward accurate aiming, and this was a perfect shot. tggg engaged the BMP, but his LAW missed it. This opened up a brief firefight, but nobody was wounded on our end. I didn't see enemy casualties, because I was manuvering to the east end of town, to assault the BMP with my own LAW, the only other anti-tank weapon in our small arsenal. I had spotted the Shilka, but since it wasn't giving us any problems and the BMP was, merc and [method] told me to nail the BMP. I had it in my sights, and was ready to fire...when bullets suddenly started whizzing over my head. I hit the dirt, just as soon as friendly fire was sent back towards the enemy. It was my old nemesis in the east that I had in my sights earlier. The combined fire of our machine-gunner's M60 and one of our medic's M16's dropped the enemy. I got my LAW back out, and fired at the BMP, who was a little spooked. Unfortunately, in WGL, anti-tank rockets seem to fly upwards slightly at close range, and I missed. I quickly backed off, and moved towards the dead AI assault team. Scrounging a rocket off of them, I went back to my spot, and this time nailed the BMP. Unfortunately, the crew got out of the vehicle, and popped lone-wolf, who was hiding between some houses, killing him. A fusilade of fire at mere meters brought down 2 crew members, and the ammo cooking off killed the third. We finished clearing the town, and obtained a sniper rifle, which would be instrumental in our next move. Leftovers of our work: Unfortunately, we were out of rockets. We proceeded to search for more, and tggg found an RPG off of a dead Russian in the eastern fields. Returning, we got ready to destroy the Shilka, which hadn't moved much. I remembered from an earlier mission, however, that an infantry squad would move into the town after we destroyed the Shilka. For this reason, we had merc take the sniper rifle in exchange for his PKM, and head up the hill near our starting point, so he could ambush them as they attacked. The rest of us took up firing positions, with me next to our other anti-tank soldier, ready to hit the Shilka with a GP-30 that I had grabbed off of a dead Soviet. We weren't going to have another incident of dark-clothed hoodlum crews killing our men. All we could see was the turret about a slight incline, but that was all we needed. The crew must have been masterbating or something, as they certainly weren't moving much: Tggg fired, and the Shilka rocked forward a bit. Other than that, nothing seemed to happen. We waited about a full ten seconds before I randomly fired a GP-30 at it. The Shilka's ammo suddenly cooked off, and we heard screams of the dieing crew. My work with a nade launcher: We rushed into the houses, and paused for a few moments. Then, repeated cracks of merc's SVD broke the silence. We listened to the nearby exchange, with a PKM and several AK-74s also sounding off amongst the sniper shots. About a minute later, he announced the all-clear. We regrouped, and loaded up with more ammo. I found an RPG on a dead soldier. Merc gave his sniper rifle to me, as he retrieved his PKM. His work with a sniper rifle (about 9 corpses, unfortunately I reduced the resolution to fit on the forums) We moved out again, hoofing it to the next site. I climbed a hill and scanned the town. There were only 4 infantry to be seen doing patrols. We all rapidly advanced to a haystack only around 50 meters away from the town. Suddenly, we started taking fire. I couldn't spot the enemy, but the other 3 were returning fire off to the west. They called that it was all clear after a brief exchange, when suddenly...*THWAP!* I went down to the dirt, staring at a white screen. They shifted to the east, and started trading fire with my attacker, a pair of Russians from one of the patrols. I got healed from the medic, and spotted a machine-gunner going down in a hail of our fire. A shot of our firing position behind a haystack: http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/5541/72mj.jpg They continued trading fire with a rifleman, til there was a brief pause. I crawled forward past tg, and suddenly...*THWAP!* I thought it was the enemy rifleman, but Merc had killed him briefly after I was hit. It turned out to be tg, who decided to open up again right as I crawled infront of him to position my sniper rifle. I got healed by our medic a second time, and we shared a couple of laughs about how funny it was that he lodged a 7.62mm into my elbow. With it seemingly clear, we advanced again through the barred-off orchard adjacent to the town: http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/5139/88yj1.jpg Suddenly, that dreaded noise struck again. *THWAP!* I went down next to our machine-gunner, who was already returning fire. Our medic rushed up, and I got healed a third time, and we began to exchange fire with another two enemy riflemen. Once they went down, one to my scope, merc held back near a house to provide cover while [method], tggg, and myself advanced into the town. This triggered off an enemy counter-attack of a squad of infantry, a T-72, and a T-80. We couldn't find the Shilka, but we were shocked when we saw a tank roll up. Me and tggg both put an RPG into the T-80 from opposite sides of the street leading in, but it shook them off like nothing. Suddenly, several Russians came behind the shack that tggg and [method] were taking cover behind. Before I could turn around, three Russians were drowning in their own blood, but [method] had been killed and tggg was bleeding heavily. Merc was caught in his own battle, trading fire with the squad coming in from the west and trying not to attract the attention of the two tanks. I ran over to try and assist tggg, with a couple of Russian bullets kicking up dirt at my feet. I grabbed a fresh AK-74 from a dead Russian, since my sniper rifle wasn't that great at 5 meters away. I knew that they were chasing me, so I ducked into the house and told tggg to follow me, when suddenly I fell over, dead. I had taken 3 rounds before I died. I have no idea how it happend, my best guess is that the T-72 planted a high-explosive round inside of the building, as I saw no enemies around me. Moments later, tggg started exchanging fire with one of the Russians chasing me around my building from across the street. However, with his wounds, he ended up shooting a steeple more than anything else, and he was quickly dropped by a burst of 7.62. I shifted my spectating to merc, and watched as he battled in vain, but managed to kill one last enemy. He was then overrun by a charging Soviet that ran right up to him and blasted him in the face, and another coming around his small house, both with the T-80 providing them accurate supporting fire. All in all, that mission was a blast. I still haven't been in any of those minutes-long firefights, as most of our conflicts in here occured at 50 meters or less. Still, this is insanely fun, and by far the best mod I've ever played for OFP. I look forward to playing again soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kevb0 0 Posted July 3, 2006 Is there any way to fix the sniper rifle's sights? Almost all of them are nearly useless. Most Sights aren't even centered, I know the dragonov and M40 fire slightly to the left. It's very agrivating to see such an amazing mod have such major bugs. Any plans to fix them? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites