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WarGames League v.5 (WGL 5) Full Release

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no, when I use that command I get the error message:

"Data file read error (config.bin)"

and without it, it works fine most of the time.

I play with this line:

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nosplash -mod=@wgl5;@wgl_islands;@WGL_DMA_ARMY_MODELS;@zcommon

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I don't think you need the slash between the -nosplash and -mod in your line.

Also not using the -nomap is generally asking for trouble with OFP

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don't know how that / came in there. don't have it in the shortcut though

but I always get the config.bin error when using -nomap with wgl. ECP doesn't give that error though. How could I fix this?

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Try running clean unmodified wgl alone. If nothing happens, the other addons may be the reason. Add other mod folders one by one and see what happens.

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"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nomap -nosplash -mod=@wgl5

still get config.bin error at start and it won't run after that

EDIT: just placed a clean @wgl5 map. error fixed. So, now I must find the problem file :\

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Quote[/b] ]@ProfTournesol

sorry to hear that !

does it happen always in the same situation/mission - all the time?

Yes, seems to happen always at the same "situation"...that's why it may be a conflict, but i don't see it looking closer at the missions...anyway, if i'm the only one with that kind of trouble, don't bother, you're busy enough running this mod !

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well its our own interest to kill this bug/solve this problem if its related to WGL. can you name or send me the mission that i can have a look at it please.

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I have a Bug to report: This bug may been reported before, but, here it is: AI's which fly's helicopters don't use the "maximum speed limit" on ATGM's and TOW'S etc.

Could you plz fix it? It's unfair and anoying that the AI have advantages  crazy_o.gif

And also: The mission "wg_train_traingelaende_v5.1. ", which is One of the missions on Nogova, from the Tutorial/training mission pack, where you can train weapons and such, and at different places at the mission, you are there for training some special weapons (AT, AA etc.) but there are no weapons there at all! I mean: You are for example on the Anti-Tank Field, where you are going to shoot tanks....but there are no AT's there! and no other places too! it's the same problem other places like, AA training, firearms training etc. noooooo weapons anywhere! Plz help me  wink_o.gif

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I have a Bug to report: This bug may been reported before, but, here it is: AI's which fly's helicopters don't use the "maximum speed limit" on ATGM's and TOW'S etc.

Could you plz fix it? It's unfair and anoying that the AI have advantages crazy_o.gif

It's actually not a bug - it's a "feature". We can't make the OFP AI fly helicopters "properly" and have them slow down before firing TOW:s from the Cobras, for example.

Therefore, it's a choice between having those limits imposed on AI helos that will never slow down, thereby, in practice, making AI helicopters have no ATGM capability at all, or just to let them be the good old OFP AI we know.

What you can do, however, to level the playing field, is to disable the speed limit simulation for human players. You do this by placing a utility game logic called "Disable heli ATGM speed limits", found under "#WGL Logics" in the mission editor. One can script it too - the following code snippet does the same thing:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">WGLHeloRocketAirframeFX=falseThis way, one can have the ATGM speed limiter in adversarial (PvP) games to make them more challenging and revert to the standard OFP behaviour for single-player and/or coop games.

Quote[/b] ]And also: The mission "wg_train_traingelaende_v5.1. "...
Q, you have a customer biggrin_o.gif

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Any plans on adding any working LST/Ships? It'd make for some great missions.

The one in FFUR 2006 is awesome, as it has a hangar in the bottom for APCs etc. Maybe for the sake of the game, you could make/find a low poly/texture version, with only the landing pad, and the bottom hangar? That would make it so useful and interesting

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Two weapon loadouts struck me as odd -

1) The use of the Tokarev pistol for REDFOR instead of the Makarov (which is standard issues and is much more common)

2) The use of the Carl Gustav for BLUEFOR Anti-Tank. Should be the Javelin or Dragon, depending on how modern youre aiming for

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Quote[/b] ]buggy wg_train_traingelaende_v5.1

thanks for reporting !

i just updated all train and test maps today ...

yet you have to be patient for the patch to be ready as well

as the missions contain a new weapon wink_o.gif

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Thanks that you are updating them Q! inlove.gif

When will the updated/fixed train and test missions/patch be ready? If you don't know, please post when you think they are ready smile_o.gif

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the missions are ready ... yet you need the WGL update / patch for it - TBR when its done smile_o.gif

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Ok I understand....looking forward to get the verion update! smile_o.gif

By the way: WGL is the best!!!! (Until AA and GAME2 comes out biggrin_o.gif )

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I understand Armed Assault will make it easy to convert mods to it. Does WGL plan on converting the mod as soon as possible to Armed Assault? I understand the WGL members actually wanna player the game, but is there any chance of some sort of WGL release within a month or two? Even though I like what Armed Assault looks like, I know it's realism will be on the level of default OFP so it's hard to go from an amazing mod like WGL to ArmA default.

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It's great that you have updated all train and test maps, but have you fixed the problem where all the AI's at each train and test map doesn't do a thing? they do nothing...so have you fixed that problem? or is it suposed that the AI si not going to do anything???

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I understand Armed Assault will make it easy to convert mods to it. Does WGL plan on converting the mod as soon as possible to Armed Assault? I understand the WGL members actually wanna player the game, but is there any chance of some sort of WGL release within a month or two? Even though I like what Armed Assault looks like, I know it's realism will be on the level of default OFP so it's hard to go from an amazing mod like WGL to ArmA default.

i'd say that question cant be answered till the "new" tools for the job are released and then the modders will have an idea of how much work needs to be done to convert wgl to arma

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Quote[/b] ]problem where all the AI's at each train and test map doesn't do a thing

which map(s ) do you mean - can you be more precise please.

in most its intented as the AI only serves a target for shoting and doesnt fight back  smile_o.gif

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the mission wg_train_traingelaende_v5.1, and other missions too have the "AI problem". I know it is not the missions for dessert island, but all the other missions (except the test missions and the missions on dessert island) have AI's in a stright line, beside you, and they just dont do anything, its like all the soldeirs, including me, is on a line.

It is maybe meant to just be there as targets, but why in the hell must they be on places where you would not tolarate them as targets? and they are friendly's, and they are in an exact line, which is stupid for targeting training; you can shoot everyone, by placing you on their side's smile_o.gif

So I mean that the AI is there for a purpose, but I disagree that they are there as targets, (I'm not offensive )

I mean that the AI's was made for two things: 1. the AI was meant to do something, does not know what. 2. the AI's are "slots" for multiplayer...train with your friends for example! smile_o.gif

EDIT: I'm not talking about aircraft's, tanks, other sodlers etc. with i KNOW that is meant as targets, so dont miss-understand me; i'm not talking about meant targets, which is suposed to dont do a thing, as an "AI Problem", i'm talking about the solders standing straight beside you! smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]2. the AI's are "slots" for multiplayer...train with your friends for example

thats like it should be smile_o.gif ( or doesnt it work ? )

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Two weapon loadouts struck me as odd -

1) The use of the Tokarev pistol for REDFOR instead of the Makarov (which is standard issues and is much more common)

2) The use of the Carl Gustav for BLUEFOR Anti-Tank. Should be the Javelin or Dragon, depending on how modern youre aiming for

Yeah, I'd also like to see a Makarov.

Oh and the iron sights for the Tokarev are off. They sit too low.

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The train and test missions: Q, you said that you agree, that the soldiers are "slots" for MP, have you tried the missions in MP? since I have placed them in the "mission wizard", at the mission editor.

Is that the right position, or is the train and test missions suposed to be in MP folder?

If i'm confusing, please tell me biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: I have not tried to place the train and test missions in MP, because I'm on vacation, in Turkey smile_o.gif

I'l come back in two weeks, so I cant play OFP, or WGL for two weeks, but i'l stay in touch on the forums wink_o.gif

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A list of improvements i'd like to see:

=July 18th

-USSR  to Russia

-Russian and US Medic Soldiers to have Chin-straps

-Improve Iron sights

-Improve menu layout (GUI) by adding a military technology theme

-Lower bullet kill impact from 4-5 hits to 2-3

-F22, SU-30, C130

-CFP-90 main pack to replace the vietnam war era A.L.I.C.E. pack

-CFP-90 scout pack (attached to main pack) to replace 3 Day scout pack

-SF to have M9 (with black holster)

-Armored plates on MK-19 of Humvee

-Fix the bug that allows us to see blood splatter through walls from bullet impact to the bodies

-Overright BIS models to play WGL models on single player

=July 19th

-US Crew members to have M4A1 instead of M16

-No more fuzzing green vegetation markings on map

-No 180 turn when looking all the way up or down

-Reconsider crosshairs. It is more realistic without but remember that this is a game we play with a monitor. It is still somewhat of a 2D world and our perception is misjudged without guidance in the virtual world.

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One of the improvements that "Marco.A.Aguilar1" said, would be very appriciated by me, and probably Marco.A.Aguilar1 too, smile_o.gif :

If you please could swith on the crosshairs for the target system, I mean: if you are in for example a helicopter, you are the pilot, and you have the radar screen in your HUD as usual, but you can't move the mouse, and click on the radar screen as in Original OFP. In Original OFP, you could use the crosshair to click and lock the white, yellow, green and red boxes on the radar. Since the crosshair is gone, you cant lock or target things which is showed at the radar.

I would be very pleased if you could turn the crosshair on, so you can use the radar effectively and help guidance in the OFP world


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