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Fabulous flying & firing machines in ArmA?

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We don't need it especially on such a small island, it's pointless.

Saharani isn't too small though, is it? smile_o.gif I would much rather drive a jeep into a C-130 and fly it to the other side rather than just drive the jeep across the whole island.

uh yeah. 20km by 20km. You dont need a large strategic long haul aircraft for that. If anything you'd use helicopters for that range.

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maybe when addon islands are released those huge aircraft would be useful

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maybe when addon islands are released those huge aircraft would be useful

when? Please, no one will release any larger island in atleast...2-3 years.

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Seeing as Armed Assault will have the Hind and Hip I wonder if the Ka-50/51/52 Hokum and Blackshark will show its face this time around. Its the main Anti-Tank gunship used by the Russian Airforce.

Also the Mi-28 (Blacksharks competition and Hinds replacement) will come into the scene? It not now in an expansion would be nice. This beuty once deemed uncompetitive with the Ka-50 is now revised, in production and being delivered to the Russian army as their new multiple perpose all weather gunship. Compered to the Ka-50's limited role as ant-tank the latest version is bliss.

As we discussed to death a few pages back, in the end, the Russians chose the Mi-28 over the Ka-50, even after it won over the Mi-28 several times in the 1990s. The Russians didnt like the Ka-50 because it only had one pilot, and although theyre planning to get a few Ka-52 for 'Special Operations', it lost out to the Mi-28 because it was heavier, and presumably less maneouvrable.

@Ukraineboy: Im sure if someone wants to make a big island, they'll make one, and Im sure we'll see plenty of them biggrin_o.gif

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Im sure if someone wants to make a big island, they'll make one, and Im sure we'll see plenty of them biggrin_o.gif

You'd be surprised....

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Daniel @ June 18 2006,01:14)]You'll be surprised. wink_o.gif

Nope...knowing our community I won't really see it for a long long time.

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Daniel @ June 18 2006,01:14)]You'll be surprised.  wink_o.gif

Nope...knowing our community I won't really see it for a long long time.

How can you say that. When OFP was released it didn't have a good community like we have now. But with ArmA we already have a community full of skill addon makers.

So it's really up to BIS on how long it'll take for us to see a big island. BIS has to release the modding tool first. wink_o.gif

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Yeah, how soon we get one depends on soon someone can download the tools, make an island at the max size, give it a texture, pack it and upload once the modding tools are out. tounge2.gif Hardly years.

Seriously, its just a matter of how much detail you add from there. Besides that, I don't suppose you have an on/off switch for your attitude Ukraineboy?

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Daniel @ June 18 2006,01:14)]You'll be surprised. wink_o.gif

Nope...knowing our community I won't really see it for a long long time.

How can you say that. When OFP was released it didn't have a good community like we have now. But with ArmA we already have a community full of skill addon makers.

So it's really up to BIS on how long it'll take for us to see a big island. BIS has to release the modding tool first. wink_o.gif

Touche. Good point on that but I do wish to reiterate that even with our good community it seems like no one wants to go out on a limb and try something new, so instead they stick with making M16 weapon packs and M1 Abrams for the 500th time.

Quote[/b] ]Seriously, its just a matter of how much detail you add from there. Besides that, I don't suppose you have an on/off switch for your attitude Ukraineboy?

I don't suppose you can stop complaining? My points are valid and I am merely looking at this with a realistic view.

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My biggest problem regarding islands is getting myself internet connection with more bandwidth, because i sure hope there will be some great (and big) islands made by community and i want to download them all biggrin_o.gif

Edit: sorry for OT, i got carried away wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]they stick with making M16 weapon packs and M1 Abrams for the 500th time.


Yeah that does happen, but I know of myself at least a few very interesting projects lined up. CoC? Tiberium Dawn? And I know of a few island makers that are really looking forward to Armed Assault's capabilities. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]My points are valid and I am merely looking at this with a realistic view.

Yeah, realistic leaning slightly too close on pesimistic. You don't know what people have got planned for ArmA.

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Daniel @ June 18 2006,13:32)]
Quote[/b] ]they stick with making M16 weapon packs and M1 Abrams for the 500th time.


Yeah that does happen, but I know of myself at least a few very interesting projects lined up. CoC? Tiberium Dawn? And I know of a few island makers that are really looking forward to Armed Assault's capabilities. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]My points are valid and I am merely looking at this with a realistic view.

Yeah, realistic leaning slightly too close on pesimistic. You don't know what people have got planned for ArmA.

Oh there are a couple interesting mods but that's the exception to the rule. Everyone else is busy making copies of each other. Because hey, we need an M4 with the PERFECT shade of black icon_rolleyes.gif

Also, obviously I don't know but using past experiences I can use reasoning to assume that with our current communities attitudes towards addons, that we won't see much innovation. You can call it pessimism or whatever you want, but that's the truth.

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Do you actually play much OFP or do you simply follow the Addon Discussion/Complete threads on this Forum?

Join a clan, play OFP with like minded people. I find it hard to contemplate how negative you can be with all the brilliant content people have made for this game.

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Daniel @ June 19 2006,00:02)]Do you actually play much OFP or do you simply follow the Addon Discussion/Complete threads on this Forum?

Join a clan, play OFP with like minded people. I find it hard to contemplate how negative you can be with all the brilliant content people have made for this game.

I ofcourse play OFP with a big group. I am being negative due to the length of time it has taken for anything innovative.

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I am being negative due to the length of time it has taken for anything innovative.

One word comes to mind:

What? crazy_o.gif

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I am being negative due to the length of time it has taken for anything innovative.

One word comes to mind:

What? crazy_o.gif

I am sorry you can't understand what I've been saying for a few posts now.

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Quote[/b] ]Ukraineboy Posted on June 18 2006,20:22


Quote (ch_123 @ June 19 2006,01:54)

Quote (Ukraineboy @ June 19 2006,00:11)

I am being negative due to the length of time it has taken for anything innovative.

One word comes to mind:


I am sorry you can't understand what I've been saying for a few posts now.

I know you're just being your usual arse self with that last comment, but to be clear to others that might not get it for international reasons: He understands what you're saying, I believe he's a bit flabbergasted with your narrow and negative line of thinking to come to that conclusion.

Besides some of the repeats being practice for new modders to cut their teeth on, many engine limitations have been worked around..  Why am I trying to support a fabulous existing effort and achievement by these groups that's as plain as your face? (which seems to be twisted into a prune, judging by your sour words)

What would YOU deem 'worthy' enough to be called innovative, O' Judger Who Has Nothing To Stand On?  (Or are you just being an open critic, as that's the easiest personality for a human to be.. It takes no effort whatsoever to piss on others work, as nobody's perfect.) Be clear, concise, and not wishy-washy to have any weight.  Since this thread is about the new ideas, and possibilities in ArmA, which are more capable than OFP, you have a good base to start from.  All ears.

BTW Mods: Was this offtopic? This is a bit of a meandering thread, and I'm trying to stick to the 'spirit' of the discussion which seems to be new possibilities in ArmA.

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As Ukraineboy and his whiney trolling attitude are gone from the forums for a week perhaps it's now a good time to get back on topic please? smile_o.gif

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I'm really looking forward to fly Ah-6 and versions in ArmA. Playing OFP I found this chopper to be most effective fighting and transporting tool, using his excellent agility and maneuverability.

What keeps my mind busy is question if Arma has only one version of AH-6 (maybe MH-6) and which version it will be then.

Going further, the same question goes fo OH-58. In OFP Kiowa was nice heli fo reconaissance and small air support.

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AH-1Z for me pretty please inlove.gif I'm looking FW for the Apache as well! Anyone know what the Russian counterpart will be? Only a Hind? (sorry I did't go through the whole thread)

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bah...nothing beats a huey nener.gif As long as CSJ converts his hueys to ArmA (and possibly adds some new features that hopefuly gets possible in ArmA), I'll have something to fly biggrin_o.gif

AH-1, MI-24, MI-17, AH-64, UH-60...those are just ugly tincans compared to a smooth UH-1 icon_rolleyes.gif

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AH-1Z for me pretty please inlove.gif I'm looking FW for the Apache as well! Anyone know what the Russian counterpart will be? Only a Hind? (sorry I did't go through the whole thread)

Well, we dont know yet 100% wich helos are in ArmA, but the AH-1Z, the AH/MH-6 and Mi-17 are confirmed by the screens and videos, in some term the Mi-24 too.

The AH-64 counterpart is the Kamov Ka-50 (V-80 is the prototype name, as showed in OFP) and the Mil Mi-28. Actually i'll be suprised if any of this helos are "in the box" at ArmA. But i bet shortly after the release, such addons are coming...

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A V-22 Osprey would be something I could drool over. OFP might have two basic addons but for ArmA I would like to see one with a fully fledged tiltrotor function and physics to match.


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The V-22....It should come with some sort of built in script that makes it have a 50% chance of randomly crashing..... rofl.gif

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