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Fabulous flying & firing machines in ArmA?

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Quote[/b] ]Nope, nor T-80, nor Mi-24 screens from ArmA at the time...

Aswell we lost several more unit, like AH-64A, A-10A, Su-25, Ka-50 or M60A3.

mi 24 is almost the symbol of flashpoint wink_o.gifbscap0059uf.jpg

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@Martinovic: AT-3s? Yeah, they'd be a good thing for the SLA to have.

@Ricuness: Youre thinking of the T-84, the Russians still sell T-80s (see here). The T-80U and its variants are the most advanced in terms of electronics, and Im almost certain T-90 is cheaper to make.

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@Martinovic: AT-3s? Yeah, they'd be a good thing for the SLA to have.

I am guessing that he is talking about the tube-launched ATGMs on Soviet/Russian tanks (i.e. AT-8 on T-80B and T-64B and AT-11 on T-72B and T-80U). I am not sure if they would be in ArmA, since none of these tanks seem to be in the game.

BTW, none of these tanks/ATGWs were used by Serbia, Bosnia, or Croatia. T-72 Balkans on Fire is a great simulation of modern armored warfare, but it is a terrible simulation of Balkan wars. I find their errors in the Order of Battle to be appalling.



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Oh sorry then. I confess i don't know much about the Balkan wars, google only directs me to reports of unexploded NATO ammo, NATO aircraft casualties and such things. Not much about the equipment used by the 3 sides. (I was pretty surprised to read that US aircraft were a lot less efficient then in Iraq - i think North Sahrani might be able to put up a fight afterall. )

I was talking about the tube launched missles btw (Svir? ).

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Oh sorry then. I confess i don't know much about the Balkan wars, google only directs me to reports of unexploded NATO ammo, NATO aircraft casualties and such things. Not much about the equipment used by the 3 sides. (I was pretty surprised to read that US aircraft were a lot less efficient then in Iraq - i think North Sahrani might be able to put up a fight afterall. )

I was talking about the tube launched missles btw (Svir? ).

Don't feel sorry martinovic.  We are all here to learn  wink_o.gif

Correct on Svir - Russian name for AT-11, AT-8 is reffered to as Cobra.

Now back to the original topic, oh wait never mind!



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Quote[/b] ]I belive its taken from one of the videos.

yes it is

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from the first arma video, the plastic war video one wink_o.gif

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@Ricuness: Youre thinking of the T-84, the Russians still sell T-80s (see here). The T-80U and its variants are the most advanced in terms of electronics, and Im almost certain T-90 is cheaper to make.

Nope, I'm talking about all the T-80 series (and not only the T-84). The T-80s are all produced at Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau in Kharkiv, Ukraine while the T-72/90 are produced at Uralvagonzavod at Nizhny Tagil, Russia.

You can find info about this at the following link:


Between all the information you can find on that link I find this paragraph of particular interest:

"It has been suggested that the Russians are "desperate" to find export partners for the T-80, but this is not true; in the post-Soviet era, the Russians are of necessity partners with the Ukrainians in the T-80, as Morozov is in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Ukrainian exports of the T-80 have been moderately successful, selling 320 units of two types to the Pakistani Army. This contract almost fell through due to Russia withholding cast turrets and other technology. Ukraine was forced to develop an independent tank industry, including a locally-designed welded turret which was installed on some of the last T-80s for Pakistan and also incorporated into the T-84.

Meanwhile, the Russians seem to be abandoning the T-80, incorporating some of its technology into a new T-72 development, the T-90, and have had some success selling it to the Indian Army)."

Regarding the link that you posted about the ROSOBORONEXPORT corporation it seems that this company is only an intermediary agency which could serve not only as an intermediate for Russian companies but also for Ukranian ones?

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from the first arma video, the plastic war video one  wink_o.gif

Bravo6, tu também és Portuguęs?

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@Ricuness: .

Nope, I'm talking about all the T-80 series (and not only the T-84). The T-80s are all produced at Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau in Kharkiv, Ukraine while the T-72/90 are produced at Uralvagonzavod at Nizhny Tagil, Russia.

You can find info about this at the following link:


The Kharkiv plant manufactures only T-80UD (which has more in common with a T-64B than a T-80U), all other T-80s have been made at the Kirov plant in St. Petersburg, Russia. I love Wikipedia, but you have to take it's information with a grain of salt.



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Quote[/b] ]DreDay Posted on June 13 2006,16:48


Quote (ricnunes @ June 13 2006,15:08)

Quote (ch_123 @ June 12 2006,22:03)

@Ricuness: .

Nope, I'm talking about all the T-80 series (and not only the T-84). The T-80s are all produced at Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau in Kharkiv, Ukraine while the T-72/90 are produced at Uralvagonzavod at Nizhny Tagil, Russia.

You can find info about this at the following link:


The Kharkiv plant manufactures only T-80UD (which has more in common with a T-64B than a T-80U), all other T-80s have been made at the Kirov plant in St. Petersburg, Russia. I love Wikipedia, but you have to take it's information with a grain of salt.



if u google it you can also see that the t80 are made in OMSK

(russian city)

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if u google it you can also see that the t80 are made in OMSK

(russian city)

Good catch! The T-80 production had moved from Kirov to Omsk in the early 90s.



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The Kharkov Bureau designed the T-80. Russia still produces them but they prefer to sell the T-90S for export since it's cheaper and more countries would buy it. And it's a pretty good tank at that too.

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Yeah, its also the reason that theyre buying them to replace their older tanks (especially T-72)

@Ricuness: The mods get pissed off if you speak in any language other than English, just to let you know smile_o.gif Use PMs for matters that require your native tongue

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Yeah, its also the reason that theyre buying them to replace their older tanks (especially T-72)

@Ricuness: The mods get pissed off if you speak in any language other than English, just to let you know smile_o.gif Use PMs for matters that require your native tongue

you mean this?

from the first arma video, the plastic war video one wink_o.gif

Bravo6, tu também és Portuguęs?

well dont worry about it, he just asked me if i was Portuguese too..

Don't take it too serious.

I replyed by mp btw.

Anyway, why this hind topic so important? We already seen and proved it will exist why keep this? classic_stare.png

edit: The well known choppers called:

Hind and Mi17

Take your conclusions and close this thread?

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@Ricuness: The mods get pissed off if you speak in any language other than English, just to let you know smile_o.gif Use PMs for matters that require your native tongue

Yes, like Bravo6 said I only asked if he was Portuguese too. It was just a simple question. But ok I'm sorry, I did wrong and it won't happen again.

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Anyway, why this hind topic so important? We already seen and proved it will exist why keep this?

Yes, the thread was about if there would be or not a Hind in Armed Assault. And then I thought it was cool to ask the oppinion and sugestions about what should be the order of battle of North Sahrani and since the Hind and North Sahrani are certainly related (afterall if there are going to be Hinds in Armed Assault they will certainly belong to North Sahrani) I though and decided to post here instead of creating a new thread since I have the strong conviction that both "Hind" and "North Sharani order of battle" are certainly related even if partialy.

And since North Sharani is also related to South Sahrani, the order of battle of the later was also discussed here.

Does this answer to your questions?

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Anyway, why this hind topic so important? We already seen and proved it will exist why keep this?

Yes, the thread was about if there would be or not a Hind in Armed Assault. And then I thought it was cool to ask the oppinion and sugestions about what should be the order of battle of North Sahrani and since the Hind and North Sahrani are certainly related (afterall if there are going to be Hinds in Armed Assault they will certainly belong to North Sahrani) I though and decided to post here instead of creating a new thread since I have the strong conviction that both "Hind" and "North Sharani order of battle" are certainly related even if partialy.

And since North Sharani is also related to South Sahrani, the order of battle of the later was also discussed here.

Does this answer to your questions?

You still went offtopic. Thread has served purpose, should be closed.

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Why bother starting a new one? This one is grand for what we are talking about now

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Why bother starting a new one? This one is grand for what we are talking about now

Works for me, we can easily change the topic title if asked smile_o.gif

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Why bother starting a new one? This one is grand for what we are talking about now

Works for me, we can easily change the topic title if asked smile_o.gif


It would be better and made more sence if title was something like Armed Assault Choppers, or what kinda choppers could be in Armed Assault.. (or different..)

but title could change in order to creat this thread more interesting.  inlove.gif

edit: "Fabulous flying & firing machines in ArmA? " works fine wink_o.gif thx smile_o.gif

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EDIT: Seemed to have changed name while I was typing my message...disregard wow_o.gif

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