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Snake Man

Vietnam: The Experience - v0.2

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I have exactly the same problem with islands tarrega. So I always put the islands anim folder in my normal ofp addons folder and it works fine. smile_o.gif

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Exhausted LRRP back from a treadful patrol


Don't worry, we won't be stripping clothes at this point.

Quote[/b] ]

So I always put the islands anim folder in my normal ofp addons folder and it works fine.

... Yea.. on saturn? VTE hasn't had an anim folder since some version numbers (V0.2 does not have). Unless you are speaking generally, which does not apply here. And which kind of advice or chat doesn't belong anywhere near here. Did you get your VTE working yet Sim?  biggrin_o.gif

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update the old Ilo stuff thats embeded in the mod

Hmmmm have to keep an eye out for that....


Don't suppose the Aussies are getting a facelift lol?

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Quote[/b] ]And which kind of advice or chat doesn't belong anywhere near here. Did you get your VTE working yet Sim? biggrin_o.gif

Do fish drive yet?  tounge2.gif Nope still likes to tell me im out of memory, weird since i was playing FFUR 2006 the other   confused_o.gif

EDIT: I meant in general with the anim folder, I don't know where VTE's island anims are.

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After reading burroughs comments on the official VTE forum I wanted to tweak the Unscripted War mission. Well I started to fix it "today" and it was quite interesting. I started to tweak it yesterday april 12th, about 1000hrs in the morning. Well I got carried away and went along playing, taking down the enemy and ordering the AI squads around giving them artillery and air (A1 Skyraider) support.

Some time went by and I wrote down bug reports of what needs to be fixed. Then I noticed that when I edited on the background one script... the changed stuff popped up in the mission, wow I never knew this before that OFP loads every script again each time from the hard drive, I thought that when you press "preview" button, OFP loads everything for the mission at one time and no changes can be made on the fly.

So now I got to edit the scripts as I kind of get to test them real time, I mean the mission right now was so interesting (I mean the session I was playing) that I did not want to exit the editor and restart OFP etc. I did editing and played the mission, had a great fun doing so.

It took so long that about 1800hrs real time I had to go out to eat, well I left OFP on esc -> pause mode to wait because there was no chance that this mission would pass the savegame bug, noway. I came back home about 2100hrs and continued to play where I left off.

I guess it was somewhat amazing, like OFP usually is, that I kept staying alive. I did some fighting on the front lines and helped the AI squads to get out of trouble etc, lot of friendly AI forces got killed in the process but I got to be healthy, cool I like that.

The mission was great, previously when I played the original version and early VTE conversion I only witnessed NVA attack to Plei Me once or twice, now the suckers were on it constantly. I mean wave after wave they came, I just had to dug in at the base and defend it after two or so times I left the base only to hear distant gunfire behind my back after 5 minutes on the jungle smile_o.gif

Finally I started to think more aggressively, I sent out my AI forces into the nearby regions to take them under our control and that seemed to have positive effect as the attacks slowed down. Still every once in a while a sneaky NVA squad got through and attacked Plei Me.

Put OFP again to esc -> pause mode, went to sleep at unknown time and woke up some hours later which had to be like 0400hrs in the morning, today, then continued to play the mission.

So anyways, NVA kept attacking Plei Me and here is one situation of those sneaky attacks. I took this screenshot because it shows how far I played, those enemy KIA numbers are quite scary on the hint box.

Unscripted War VTE, the score.


Also there is the map view of the same time, same situation.

Situation on the ground


At this point I started to go out from the base myself, eventually I got through the two "levels" that are on the mission, then there was lot of enemy tanks that started to attack. I was located SE of LZ Albany defending the FARP/LZ I set there when something happened, dunno what script got bugged but darn OFP did CTD, heh. Ouch. Not quite the ending I was hoping for smile_o.gif

It was pretty insane, the mission OFP start time was 0700hrs and last time I checked the OFP clock (T) was about 1145hrs. I got to think, now I have definitely not only played this mission for 4hrs, so what... I played it OFP time like 16hrs or something? biggrin_o.gif

Excellent time again in OFP, I havent had so enjoyable mission in a long time. Good stuff.

I get to fix lot of the bad bugs like airstrike not working and the three waypoint patrol giving a error. Also friendly vehicle reinforcements were not working, fixed all of that. Got myself a nice bugs list to fix and after those are done, this mission will be even more enjoyable and will be at the next VTE release.

Can you please release your version of unscripted war mission please?

Would like to play around with VTE in this mission!

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Haha, funny Kroky, I actually was on IRC tonight talking to Snakeman about this. Unfortunately he doesn't plan on releasing bits & pieces, so we will have to wait until v0.3 for the updated mission. I'm looking forward to it also thumbs-up.gif!

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Hi there, just back up to OFP after long time, awaiting Armed, and I see this wonderful work, I follow all the nice and clear installtion instruction, but when I try to do the shortcut, after doing all correclty I receive one bad error message and I can in anyway load this mod... sad_o.gif anyone has an idea?

It say, shortcut problem not valid target name, verify it and retry.... but I'm sure it is correct sad_o.gif sob

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depending on your windows version you have to or dont have to use quotations marks - if you have to, its a bit tricky.

i think it was like this:


"y:\Games\OperationFlashpoint\flashpointresistance.exe" -nosplash -nomap -mod=@wgl5;@llaumax

but you have to try.

else look for keg's ofplauncher

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solved.... name of my dir was to huge.... wink_o.gif

now I back to try the mod..... inlove.gif

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Australian rifle squad is briefed before being inserted into the ao


On top of new units the next VTE version will include a bunch of new and old remodeled and retextured objects which will make you smell the jungle, and that's not the smell coming from between my butt and chair!

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New updates looks pretty nice. Im waiting for release. smile_o.gif

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Para @ June 22 2006,15:09)]Fred, once of CSJ's RAAF Hueys would have been more appropriate for the screenie smile_o.gif

RAAF No 9 Squadron - Vietnam

Yeah I knew the CH-34 was not in the use of Australian forces, was it. But everyones seen a huey even before they were born tounge2.gif

Another inaccuracy is the location, that's why you mostly don't see me naming the locations. This is Binh Thanh Thon on Parrots Beak in it's current condition. I've put in a hard surface airfields where ever one was indicated to be, even if it's gona be only some 400m. I just love screeching halts.

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I've put in a hard surface airfields where ever one was indicated to be, even if it's gona be only some 400m. I just love screeching halts.

That sounds like a job for Wallaby Airlines!

RAAF No 35 Squadron - Vietnam

To quote from the official history:

In this period the Caribous (as both RTFV and 35 Squadron) had established an outstanding record of achievement for such a small unit, having flown nearly 80,000 sorties totalling 47,000 hours in the air, and carried more than 677,000 passengers, 36 million kg of freight and 5 million kg of mail.  In achieving such loads, the Australian aircraft, crews and ground staff had set standards of flying, flying maintenance and safety unmatched by either American or VNAF transport squadrons.

Also on the RAAF Vietnam scene was No 2 Squadron whom I understand have the record as most accurate bombing squadron 'incountry'.

Go Aussies!  yay.gif

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The L1A1 SLR should be single fire only, not selectable. It required a match stick field mod to make this gun an automatic.

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M1 Carbine with 30 round mag was actually M2 Carbine, should be fixed. The SOF guns all have issues except the M-60? Can't confim this as I don't use the VTE config, just the addon packs + required, perhaps the issue is that alone. I don't use config as I couldn't get it working with DMA Lean mod, perhaps again my bad. But - as if play OFP without lean and roll!!!

EDIT: BTW, you only need the L1A1 SLR (wood stock) model from the Malvinas pack, the FALs are not needed wink_o.gif

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A-team at My An relax after a day of no-show Charlie | Seals stumble upon a boiling teapot in the deepest Plain of Reeds


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I see you've done some updating on the models MI_Fred! smile_o.gif Looking good! Loved the Bra AO and the new thickets, too. Eagerly waiting what you've cooked for the next release.

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I posted in your forums but there's been very little life in there.

Do any of you have the software and files so we can port missions to VTE?

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I posted in your forums but there's been very little life in there.

I replied to your questions.

Quote[/b] ]Do any of you have the software and files so we can port missions to VTE?

And offered to convert your missions... So the PowerGREP settings which I sent to you, you didn't get them to work?

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I'm not sure if this is an error or I misinterpeted it:

In the ammo crate the M14 shows up as M14, but when you equip it and change firing modes is shows the ammo type + firing mode, instead of the weapon used:

7.62x51 Semi HD

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that it would be better if it said: M14 Semi.

But also maybe it's just JAM2.

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Also I'd like to know how can I address the VC flag from a script?

I tried:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">




None of them worked.

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Also I'd like to know how can I address the VC flag from a script? None of them worked.

Yeah you forget the correct pathname.

From the readme...<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Flags

this setFlagTexture "\VTE_objects\ARVN.pac";, ?, (South Vietnam)

this setFlagTexture "\VTE_objects\NVA.pac";, ?, (North Vietnam)

this setFlagTexture "\VTE_objects\VC.pac";, ?, (Viet Cong)

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