william1 0 Posted March 13, 2006 this is mine Mod: Toyota wars Island: Libya Mission : bomberman SP playing as a chad espec.op/sniper and laying on the ground at about 500 from the target : a Libian soldier running really fast from left to right of the screen a few seconds following the target with the weapon sight , calculating the velocity, the angle and ... one single shot and the guy bytes the dust , death of course not bad Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ti0n3r Posted March 13, 2006 Happend during a Coop, summer '05. west of Chapoi, Malden. Me and 3 friends had parked our M113 close to the gas station, in fear of being blown away by rpg's. We walked toward the gas station, then all of a sudden 4 soliders tried to cross the road. We killed them. Around 10 seconds later another solider tried to cross the road. He was killed. I know, sounds boring but it was pure magic. http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/4899/lul3yl.jpg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stgn 39 Posted March 13, 2006 Hmm I have made a couple of those too in OFP with the M16. But this is one of the things i miss in OFP you don't know where you hit the person you just see a blod spatter and he goes down and you can't see where you hit him excatly afterwards. Haven't tried Toyota wars yet what kinda weapon do that sniper have? STGN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XCess 0 Posted March 13, 2006 heh, it's got to be in S&W DM [Vierra] (does anybody know any servers running this btw, great mission). Shooting people the other side of Modrava or whatever it's called with a revolver And also when somebody tried running me down with a police jeep, on the same map, I shot him through the window half a second before being run down About five minutes before that I'd managed to kill someone else trying the same thing without getting run over, but it wasn't as much fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
william1 0 Posted March 13, 2006 Haven't tried Toyota wars yet what kinda weapon do that sniper have?STGN he has a Sr 25 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
j w 0 Posted March 13, 2006 ~200meter headshot with SJB M9. That's my best. Ah, well, the next best shot was in a MP Coop, (don't remember the name). Alot of US equipment was for the team to use and make an assault on three (think it was) towns, but we were engaged by a Mi-24. I manned a M1A1 and shot the Hind down when it turned around. Approx 150meters i would say. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
berghoff 11 Posted March 13, 2006 My best 'shot' ever was in 2005 when I was playing The Beach co-op. I was on the mountain north of the spawn position, picked up an RPG and I was looking for a tank and spotted an bmp moving very slowly in the horizon in the fog, it was very faint but I tried anyway to hit it, fired the RPG and seconds (took quite a while to get there) later it was direct hit to the side of the bmp, now that was an crazy and lucky shot but a nice one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hornet85 0 Posted March 13, 2006 Vanilla OFP M16 standing on a hil in CWC campange fired a burst just for fun and hit 2 guys like 500m away :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo1 0 Posted March 13, 2006 Ok two incidents immeadiatly come to mind - Playing that Resistance mission where you have to take the Soviet base (I think) and I was leading my men up a hill when a BMP comes speeding down to my left. I take out my RPG and fire about 10m in front of the BMP which was about 100m away from me. The BMP came perfectly into the line of fire, direct hit. When it exploded it kept going down the hill because it was so fast. I was playing the last mission of the American campaign for the first time. I was trying to find the hind and got lost. Well, I was in a Humvee with another specop driving up a road. Marching towards me in a straight column were a line of Soviet troops. Not having enough time to do anything else, I sped up and mowed them all down. Possibly the most kills I have ever achieved without the use of Explosives. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniperwolf572 758 Posted March 13, 2006 USMC CTI, Myself on an mountain north of that small base, BMP saw me and started shooting at me, I could barely see him, I moved away a bit and I couldn't see him anymore, I pulled out a SMAW and busted that BMP, for me unbelivable, but I got Jackal as a witness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Speed123 0 Posted March 13, 2006 Best shot? Hmmm, lets see. I think mine would have to be while playing the second mission in the CSLA II campaign. The Hinds were just decimating the base and my squad. Already wounded, I ran to the hanger, grabbed an SVD and took aim at the Hind. It was about to make its second strafing run, when I lined the pilot up in my scope and fired. Bang! Got the pilot, the co-pilot ejects and the whole thing comes down hard in a big fiery crash. It was great, I've had some of my best shots on that mission. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shashman 0 Posted March 13, 2006 Perhaps not a 'best shot', but a damn funny one to watch as a spectator, was yesterday in DMA ScudHunt on our squad server. I was armed with a PKM, and spotted 2 Mi-8s approaching us, searching for us. I shouldered my MG, and let rip. A few more squeezes of the trigger, and the enemy pilot was bailing, poor guy, way too low, if only AI weren't so suicidal at times It doesn't end there. Satisfied and feeling rather chuffed with the kill, I turn around to show off to my squadmate, only to hear the rushing air sound of a heavy object approaching me at a very high pace...The empty, smoking, bullet-ridden Mi-8... Needless to say, the Mi-8 and I became one Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmakatra 1 Posted March 13, 2006 SP: Was in Lipany. Shot through 4 doors, 2 windows and straight into a Shilka (which was the mission objective) with a LAW. Lovely. MP: Montignac, CTI. I was heading up with a jeep from the west of Monti, just when I popped over the ridge and got a clear LOS of the town I see this huge effin convoy on the other side of town. Quickly disembarked, tossed out my LAW. BAM! One shot, caused an enormous chain-reaction of exploding vehicles. Think I killed like 8 players + loads of AI and half a dozen or so vehicles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted March 13, 2006 It doesn't end there. Satisfied and feeling rather chuffed with the kill, I turn around to show off to my squadmate, only to hear the rushing air sound of a heavy object approaching me at a very high pace...The empty, smoking, bullet-ridden Mi-8... Needless to say, the Mi-8 and I became one ^^ haha *points finger* My best shot if there ever was one got to be one of the moments when i really hit the chopper pilot, bmp gunner, etc. i was aiming at.. Sure do remember my worst shot´s (& boing shot at´s) though The funniest was when Tonal was released, a huge mass of bi-forumers celebrated it on blackdogs server (iirc). During a town assault with humans on both sides everything seemed to go really well until we got ambushed from a side road..that was the moment when suddenly a rpg (launched by a member whose name i forgot because he´s not posting anymore) passed my head by about |-> <-| this space ... returned fire but was so thrilled that i didn´t hit anything. May sound dull but was really intense! Best being shot at was a shilka opening fire on speedy donkey and me after we´ve had just survived a klr250 downhill ride through one of everons forests. Just imagine being glad having survived only to hear constant explosions coming closer & closer the second you got out of the woods ... we´ve been blown away a few moments later Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlackScorpion 0 Posted March 13, 2006 My own mission (editor), .50 cal rifle (RHS OSV-96 I think)... range ~2000m (1500m atleast), moving target... few shots to calculate the bullet ballistics, aim... boom. Few seconds later the Yanks falls dead on the ground. Then, not actually a shot, I think it went like this, it was a long time ago... It was me in an Abrams (I think) against a BMP (one atleast), I started from the top of the high mountain in Nogova, full speed down, hit the side of the BMP and the BMP rolled over and the crew jumped out, lol. The same mission, another try, I fail to hit the BMP but it fires from close (~30m) range, misses me (due to speed), I turn around and shoot it. Yet another good one was just last week on ofp.info FDF server, we were playing the mission "Impossible", I was at the tower with some other fellas... failing to hit the target (or just out of ammo), I switched to my Walther P99, aimed and shot the running guy from about 100m (one bullet btw). Not that hard shot, but felt damn funny at the time, and still does. "Pistol sniper". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CameronMcDonald 147 Posted March 13, 2006 Mission after Crossroads in Resistance campaign. Using a shitty ass RPG, I fired a snapshot at that Mi17 and knocked it down to Chinatown. Damn, was I surprised. I've done some fairly awesome things with tank sabots too... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deanosbeano 0 Posted March 13, 2006 i shot my load first time i saw game2 pics ,does that count ? hmm , best shot was long ago against a finnish/swedish ctf with tanks squad cantremembr therename ,the best i ever saw ,unbeatable they was,very frustrating , one night one of them got out of tank to get a flag, i shot at him with my sniper rifle.was about 4-600mtrs away. boy was i happy when it read []Leader was killed bydeanosbeano. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crave22 0 Posted March 13, 2006 First mission of CWC. I was a few meters away from the meeting place in the trees, he was in Morton. Right between the eyes, no ironsights or zoom. I think it was pure luck... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chipper 0 Posted March 14, 2006 My best shot has to be in a clan game a couple years back. I've always been good at using a LAW at extreme long ranges. My squad ldr saw a shilka about 800m about near a house. I decided to take the shot with my law. I never fired on a tank this far off before. So I aimed about 3 lines above the shilka and fired. It took about 10 seconds to get down there then I saw the flash and the boom. HIT. Oh and in the same game just before i fired on the shilka a hind was coming in low and fast over my squad. I pulled out my law and fired directly at the cockpit bringing it down in the forest behind me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AngusSingle 0 Posted March 14, 2006 I was play a LAN game with a few mates with the BIS Camels. My mate was around 500m away and banking and few in front of me so I fired off a burst in his direction, one bullet hitting him ontop on the head, killing him in mid-flight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zorbtek 0 Posted March 14, 2006 Would have to be in a multiplayer map (Battlefield 1985). I saw an enemy helicopter FAR in the distance. Just decided to shoot my LAW launcher in it's direction wildly not really trying. I turn around and next thing I know it says I killed 5 people, I turn around and see the helicopter falling. I just started laughing, wish i had that on video. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maatz 1 Posted March 14, 2006 Dynamci CTF Dec. '05. MP I was playing on the RES side, against human WEAT & EAST players. I sat on the hill at "Le Port" and was looking with my binos at the town. i was only equipped with a Kozlice. Then after some time, me still sitting up there and waiting, I heard a chopper coming closer from the north. It was a Ah-64. he just stopped aboce me, without realizing that i was lying underneath him. i crawled a lil' to the side and aimed at the pilot. i shot him out, with my kozlice balls. the chopper went down to my place and i had a chopper to fly with. And as a resistance fighter having a chopper is quite cool, because all the other WEST guys did not realize, that an enemy was sitting in of their machines.... so it was easier for me, to attack their units... :-) anyone up for a match with Dynamic CTF? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
westy159 0 Posted March 14, 2006 The first time i played after montignac, i was in the/a forrest and fairly deep, i could see a man running fast on the edge of the forrest appearing for a split second before dissaperaing behind more trees over and over as he ran and i just went for it. A single shot that i just randomly fired in the direction i believed he would pop out of next and he did, his falling body disappeared behind another tree, all i saw was the blood splatter in the air. It was great. i went to check if it had killed or injured him and it turned out to be a headshot. I could hardly believe my luck but have never made a shot like that again since then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaSquade 0 Posted March 14, 2006 Maybe not the best kill, but one of my best 'invisible/tactical' kills. Playing with my clan friend, bought spotted a bmp in the distance. Bought out of launchers, but we had an vehicle with MK19 weapon on top of it. Drove the vehicle behind a hill and my friend did some flanking so he had a good view on our target. Target was around 500m away from us. After a few rounds and some adjustements called in by my friend...we had a 'target'. Few secondes later and a few rounds lighter, bmp was history. It never saw what hit them and where from, neither did i, but the 'boom' sounds is great at such moment. Great combination of tactical placement of the armor, use of the envirement (cover) and communications (teamspeak). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel 0 Posted March 14, 2006 A recent incident that comes to mind was a co-op game last night. We parachuted onto Kolgujev during early dawn, but one of our paras was hit by ground fire and landed short. I was ordered along with another guy to go and secure him (he was about 400m away). We got there, and he'd lost the use of his legs, so we stated to help him up to the LZ. "Erm guys, theres a whole squad coming down the hill!" We turned around to see an entire Russian squad had slipped past everyone and was charging almost blindly in our direction. The units were about 20m away by the time the order was given to engage, the guys with me and the others at the LZ ripped open immediatly and cut them down in about 5 seconds, we just poured as many rounds at them as we could. Scary shit. Bloody awesome though. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites