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Quote[/b] ]The problem is that big green icon appear all the time in the middle of the screen each time a new action is available. I sincerly hope they will put this icon at the bottom or the top of the screen to no break the immersion.

Well, the GUI is editable...

Thats the problem it shouldn't have to be editable, I just wish they stayed with the same action menu. I just see problems arrising with this picture menu, for instance, what if there are multiple funtions for the object? AKA: the Stargate mod:

>Dial Stargate

>Stargate Address

Would you be able to scroll down in a way?

Thats the only thing thats bugging me about ArmA...Nothing big, but it just could be better. (probobly too late to change anyways)

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It does or DID have the action menu. I think it still does,I'm not sure what that is but I don't think it has to do with an action menu thing.

I don't suppose there are more screenshots like that on that website? I haven't seen that one but at the same time I cannot relink because if I shorten the url I get the 405..I think its a 405..anyway forbidden thing,and I can't read much on that website thus I cannot navigate too well. I can make out previews and whatnot but yaknow..

I looked in the previews area but I don't see that one particular image so I am guessing I'm going in the wrong place. I did see a picture from the AH-1Z cockpit and the water has reflective properties though..

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No, the Icon is just the Default Action from the same old Action Menu. Eg: Reload weapon. The Action Menu will still remain the same as before.

There won't be something on screen all the time, only when you're in range of a suitable context sensitive action. Eg: Open door.

The only other change to the Action Menu is the removal of the long inventory handling list into a dialog. Eg: picking up items from a dead player or crate is now done in a dialog.

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No, the Icon is just the Default Action from the same old Action Menu. Eg: Reload weapon. The Action Menu will still remain the same as before.

There won't be something on screen all the time, only when you're in range of a suitable context sensitive action. Eg: Open door.

The only other change to the Action Menu is the removal of the long inventory handling list into a dialog. Eg: picking up items from a dead player or crate is now done in a dialog.

Ok thanks!

Thats why I love these forums, you learn something new everyday!


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Has some of you have noticed there is sometime a green icon appearing in center of your view in ArmA (exemple) :


Thoses icons are showing the new current action available from the menu (the first one in the menu), like open door, enter vehicle, etc...

The problem is that big green icon appear all the time in the middle of the screen each time a new action is available. I sincerly hope they will put this icon at the bottom or the top of the screen to no break the immersion.

Yes, i noticed it long ago, along with the gear text in the middle of screen.

i really hope these icons not appear at all, remove then completly! (at least Remove them all while VET mode is running)

hope its just for testing and for beta versions, not GOLD!

this icon turns the game too arcadish.

Me vote: Disable those crappy icons smile_o.gif

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My vote: Have a button on the keyboard to toggle on/off any hud.

Nothing on screen=immersion

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My vote: Have a button on the keyboard to toggle on/off any hud.

Nothing on screen=immersion

Heh that would be good feature, If your not using the Hud it disapears till you click a button, say you click F5 to select "5" the Hud for that funtion would fade in, then easily fade out when not in use. Oh well its too late for any requests lol tounge2.gif

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Thoses icons are showing the new current action available from the menu (the first one in the menu), like open door, enter vehicle, etc...

Yeah, Ive seen these icons before in that 500Mb gameplay movie from TVgame

I still wonder what a double arrow icon means when you walk upon the stairs. (53:53)


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If the waves are final, I think it would be better to remove them from inland water.

How do you know it is inland water? Am i missing something?

the waves look as tho they could be getting blow in like that from the wind.. look it doesnt look like a sunny day now does it wink_o.gif

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Thoses icons are showing the new current action available from the menu (the first one in the menu), like open door, enter vehicle, etc...

Yeah, Ive seen these icons before in that 500Mb gameplay movie from TVgame

I still wonder what a double arrow icon means when you walk upon the stairs. (53:53)


Open Door. There is one closed one on his left. The icon is pretty intrusif sad_o.gif

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I thought the same but the icon appear when the player is halfway the staircase, not when he's close to one of the doors in the building.

The icon is not intrusif for me, the reload icon in the other pic looks a bit smaller imo.

I rather dislike the big yellow squares, they are anoying when you're in weaponview and they cover your target in the distance.

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I dont Mind it half as much as having to go through a damn menu everytime you want to open a door, If all you have to do is hit one button when the icon appears its good in my books. smile_o.gif

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I dont Mind it half as much as having to go through a damn menu everytime you want to open a door, If all you have to do is hit one button when the icon appears its good in my books. smile_o.gif

I agree, people complain about stupid things and I think it's a nice addition.

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Exactly, I hope we can enter a vehicle much faster that way.

Approach the vehicle on the driver's side, icon appears, click and you're in the drivers seat. (instead of scrolling the action list)

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Not really faster, because I guess it's the new action icon that is displayed, ie the top action in the action menu in current OFP, which leads to the same situation

So you already can do it right now, approach on driver's side, click, and you're done

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I dont Mind it half as much as having to go through a damn menu everytime you want to open a door, If all you have to do is hit one button when the icon appears its good in my books. smile_o.gif

I agree, people complain about stupid things and I think it's a nice addition.

People do complain about things because they might just not like them?

Having interaction icons in my display = stupid confused_o.gif ?

I wont go that far but it does make the game look bad, i dont want reload, open door, get in, push button, pick object big, green/red icons in my display for sure.

I also think players should learn when to press the action button (looking at a door, button, etc). so i think this will be a feature that can be disabled or even not available in higher dificulty settings (the ugly icons).

At this exact moment im thinking about this hidden, large, red button that turns off electricity (lights) in the whole island, how funny would that be biggrin_o.gif .

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Exactly, I hope we can enter a vehicle much faster that way.

Approach the vehicle on the driver's side, icon appears, click and you're in the drivers seat. (instead of scrolling the action list)

Nah we still need the animations to get in,not just poof and we are in the seat.

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Hopefully we will be able to disable all the HUD anyway, so...  wink_o.gif

Good luck trying to cycle weapons/fire modes then. I really don't like how people make the mistake of thinking that disabling the HUD makes it so much more realistic. This could be true in terms of perspective, but the concept is not. In reality, you would know what fire mode you had selected, or what weapon you were going to use, and actions you are going to perform. In reality you would have more senses than just visual and audio, which is basically all you have in a game. Part of the reason for a HUD is to compensate for this. Now this may not apply to OFP/ArmA (which hardly even have a HUD to begin with) as much as it would with other games (such as playing MOHPA without the HUD, you can't tell what's in your inventory and don't have a compass, etc..), because there's so little on the HUD in the first place, and has other ways to display some of these things, most of which you have to activate (map, briefing/gear menu, compass, GPS, watch, etc..), but thinking that simply disabling the HUD in a game makes it more realistic is false, and if the game was not designed to compensate for the absence of such vital indications, it actually, in my opinion, makes the player less aware of what they are doing and removes some of the immersion. Now, getting back specifically to OFP/ArmA, I think the HUD in OFP (with the exception of a few things, such as crosshairs) is perfect, there is nothing you even need to disable (again, with some exceptions). The only thing the HUD really consists of are the vital indicators, things you would otherwise already be aware of IRL, and necessary interfaces (such as the action menu and command menu), with the occasional appearence of some additional tactical information. And the best part about this HUD is that after a couple of seconds if inactivity, each HUD component will fade out until needed again, leaving the HUD completely blank, so you still get the realistic perspective and immersion without sacrificing information. So you shouldn't even have to disable the HUD in ArmA, I hope BIS keeps it as good as it was in OFP. Now, if only other game developers could think of that...

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Hopefully we will be able to disable all the HUD anyway, so...  wink_o.gif

Good luck trying to cycle weapons/fire modes then. I really don't like how people make the mistake of thinking that disabling the HUD makes it so much more realistic.

I have the weapon/ammobar disabled, and i just remember the firing mode, i sometimes count my bullets and when i forget i hear a 'click' when my magazine runs out, and i can see what weapon i have by looking at my screen, or looking at the action menu ('drop weapon x' )

Having nothing on my screen except the action menu when needed may not be more realistic, IMO its helps alot with the immersion, and ill definitely disable everything in ArmA aswel smile_o.gif

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Disabling the HUD would include the action menu (which is really the main part of the HUD), so you would have no way to know what weapon/muzzle/fire mode you have selected (40mm grenades, hand grenades, rifle, etc...) without the weapon bar (I'm not talking about the ammo count, simply displaying the weapon name and fire mode), you wouldn't be able to do a lot of things without the action menu either, such as getting in vehicles or using certain weapons, and much more. Crosshairs can already be disabled, and everything else fades away when not in use anyway, so what's the point of disabling it if it will only make the game less playable?

This is what OFP looks like most of the time with crosshairs disabled and HUD fully enabled:


Now, tell me, what's the point of disabling the entire HUD? If I press space it will briefly tell me what weapon I just selected (if BIS allowed you to disable the ammo counter and thus leave only the name of the weapon and fire mode, then it wouldn't have to appear when you fired either), if I use my action menu buttons it will appear for me to select an action then dissappear shortly after, and if I press backspace the command menu appears, and disappears when I press it again. And even if just to disable the weapon bar, what's the point when you'll be depriving yourself of the ability to command a squad and use the action menu? IMO that's not very immersive, that's just unplayable.

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Hopefully we will be able to disable all the HUD anyway, so...  wink_o.gif

Good luck trying to cycle weapons/fire modes then. I really don't like how people make the mistake of thinking that disabling the HUD makes it so much more realistic. This could be true in terms of perspective, but the concept is not. In reality, you would know what fire mode you had selected, or what weapon you were going to use, and actions you are going to perform. In reality you would have more senses than just visual and audio, which is basically all you have in a game. Part of the reason for a HUD is to compensate for this. Now this may not apply to OFP/ArmA (which hardly even have a HUD to begin with) as much as it would with other games (such as playing MOHPA without the HUD, you can't tell what's in your inventory and don't have a compass, etc..), because there's so little on the HUD in the first place, and has other ways to display some of these things, most of which you have to activate (map, briefing/gear menu, compass, GPS, watch, etc..), but thinking that simply disabling the HUD in a game makes it more realistic is false, and if the game was not designed to compensate for the absence of such vital indications, it actually, in my opinion, makes the player less aware of what they are doing and removes some of the immersion. Now, getting back specifically to OFP/ArmA, I think the HUD in OFP (with the exception of a few things, such as crosshairs) is perfect, there is nothing you even need to disable (again, with some exceptions). The only thing the HUD really consists of are the vital indicators, things you would otherwise already be aware of IRL, and necessary interfaces (such as the action menu and command menu), with the occasional appearence of some additional tactical information. And the best part about this HUD is that after a couple of seconds if inactivity, each HUD component will fade out until needed again, leaving the HUD completely blank, so you still get the realistic perspective and immersion without sacrificing information. So you shouldn't even have to disable the HUD in ArmA, I hope BIS keeps it as good as it was in OFP. Now, if only other game developers could think of that...

i agree

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