metalchris 0 Posted January 15, 2006 Heyho I just wanted to ask ,if there is a unified method of using the faces now ? i have a bunch of ... say 25 faces i would like to publish ,when the new BWMOD infantery is released. Just curious , because there will be script errors if there is no unified way to put different facepacks together. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
offtime 0 Posted January 15, 2006 Heyho I just wanted to ask ,if there is a unified method of using the faces now ? i have a bunch of ... say 25 faces i would like to publish ,when the new BWMOD infantery is released. Just curious , because there will be script errors if there is no unified way to put different facepacks together. read whole topic you will find answer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ag_smith 0 Posted January 15, 2006 Page 6, to be more specific. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoTekK 0 Posted January 20, 2006 Not sure if anyone else is working on converting the old heads, so I figured I might give this a bump. I needed a break from the Tiger, so I spent a bit of time redoing Troska's face. It's not done yet, but this one's taking a bit longer than the others due to the even crappier quality of the .pac. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Symbiot 0 Posted January 20, 2006 Quote[/b] ]Not sure if anyone else is working on converting the old heads we do it, maybe we can work together LoTekK can you contact me ? check your PM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpecOp9 1 Posted January 20, 2006 This stuff is looking great guys Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JGreyNemo 0 Posted January 27, 2006 By the way, what about making facestex2 an open pbo. So you have a folder in the main flashpoint dir with all the face textures, and the facestex2.pbo could just contain the config and script. This makes it very easy to update without making some kind of an installer or forcing everyone to download the whole pack again. hmmm facestex2.pbo and facestex_cpp.pbo when we will hit certain file size of facestex2.pbo we can create facestex3.pbo, and so on, and so on facestex_cpp.pbo will include only scripts and config will be small enought to download eevrytime something will be added. sounds good ? :-) Sounds good to me. By the way I started making a female head model.. I guess someone might wanna use it, but it's not my highest priority right now. Here's a pic of it.. It's still in very early stage of development but she's not too bad. and another angle.. ] Wow I just found this... Is this still a backburner project? Â Because I will definitely help with any female face textures for this face once the 3D stuff is mapped (which I'm hopeless at). Â I have a lot of faces that I can easily rework for a texture compatible with this. (I'm currently in the process of messing about with the old female civillian models and retexturing them for the female pack I've been working on for about a year now... ) Anyway, my help is at your disposal. Â PM me if you have a request! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CRIONYK 0 Posted February 26, 2006 hi all is it possible to make female head with existant head (one in facetex2) ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chris330 0 Posted February 26, 2006 These look so, so good. Really super work. Will bring a much needed touch of realism to this part of the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lifeguard532 0 Posted March 4, 2006 Hey Guys, Im trying to use the Llauma heads on my LSR SEALs using the setface command. It aint working too well, and the faces look smudged. Anything else i am forgetting? or can you not use the setface command, and have to do something much more difficult?? thanks --harry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BraTTy 0 Posted March 4, 2006 I believe they have to be higher resolution textures. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NSX 8 Posted March 4, 2006 @ lifeguard. Llauma's head textures have other texture template so for example eyes are on the mouth place and so on. P.S.:Check your PMs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nephilim 0 Posted March 4, 2006 just a hint guys.. the iris of the eyes is too big.. tehy look like theyre all stoned or on some kind of psycho drug Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AOCbravo2004 0 Posted March 4, 2006 just a hint guys..the iris of the eyes is too big.. tehy look like theyre all stoned or on some kind of psycho drug They're go pills Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lifeguard532 0 Posted March 5, 2006 Ok, so theres is there ANY way that i can apply those faces to a 3rd party unit via the mission editor? If so, HOW?? thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lifeguard532 0 Posted March 8, 2006 Ok, perhaps im not speaking loud enough. *picks up bull horn, and clears throat* ahem........ IS THERE ANY WAY TO APPLY THESE FACES TO A 3RD PARTY ADDON VIA THE MISSION EDITOR????? IF THE ANSWER IS YES, WOULD SOMEONE BE SO KIND AS TO TELL ME HOW????? THANK YOU!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
llauma 0 Posted March 8, 2006 No.. There's no way to switch the head with a single command. The changes has to be done to the models. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sanctuary 19 Posted March 8, 2006 Here is a step by step tutorial on the "quick and really dirty" way to implement Llauma head on an existing unit for your own private usage. 1st part Install Oxygen from BIS Go to Brsseb's website Read this tutorial on how to install then launch -correctly- Oxygen, do not forget something, follow Brsseb instructions carefully and all will be good. 2nd part Now you have installed Oxygen -correctly- Download an addon that has the facestex2.pbo, as the Llauma's new head model can be found inside. The latest "official" (at least the actual version i am aware of) version of this file can be found here , listed in "Needed Addons" : " Llauma's heads texture pack jan. 2006 [3.75 MB] " You got the file, now put facestex2.pbo on your desktop, then unpbo it with PBO Decryptor 1.5 Once done, you will have a new folder on your desktop named facestex2 Put this folder in the root of your Oxygen install, so you will have (if you have followed carefully Brsseb instructions) ...\ofpedit\facestex2 3rd part Now for this example, download this addon , the "international soldier" from Matthijs, it is in MLOD format and is not too much complicated so it will be perfect to use in Oxygen. Do the same as for the facestex2.pbo , unpbo it (can take a bit of time as it is compressed) and put the newly created KMMint folder in the root of your Oxygen install (so you will have ...\ofpedit\KMMint\ ) 4th part Launch Oxygen Go to File then click on Open Go into the facestex2 folder and select " Final_LODS_03.p3d " then click Open once the model is loaded, LEFT CLICK on the window named "Front" then press the + key on your keyboard to zoom and see better what you are doing (use the Arrow keys of your keyboard once the Front window is selected to get the head 3d model centered). Notice : look the far right panel , you should notice a 1.100 , a 2.100 etc.. until 6.000 , those are the distance LOD, so far the 1.100 is selected, that the lowest LOD , and will be what a player will see when being near an unit with the head. So nothing to touch there as we are supposed to work with this 1st LOD You should see this In what you see, click and create a box with your mouse to select some points of this head, it will put everything in red : the whole head is now "selected" , that's nice. You can now press CTRL+C (or just go to Edit -> Copy) Once done : Part 5 Without doing anything more, click on File then on Open then move into the KMMint folder Here select KMMwood.p3d then click Open On the popup window telling you that the "prefix is changing to Data to KMMint" , click YES LEFT CLICK on the window named Front again If the head is not already zoomed on and centered , do the same as in the 4th part to get something like this : Notice by default the 1st distance LOD is selected (look in the far right pannel, the 0.150 is already selected), that's good as it is exactly what we needed for now. Now create a box with you mouse that will "capture" only the mouth , like this As a result, the whole head will be selected -and nothing more- (as we don't want to select the chin strap, the helmet or the nvg proxy/glasses proxy) Once the head is selected in red, just press the Delete key of your keyboard Part 6 Oh the horror, the model has no head anymore ! Don't worry, remember we CTRL+C the Llauma's head, that nice because now we just need a CTRL+V (or Edit -> Paste) and tada ! Well, the head seems not centered, and it is not placed exactly like the default head, a look into the BIS viewer, Bulldozer show it better. But don't worry, back into Oxygen If your head is not selected anymore, just drag a box with your mouse in the mouth zone (again so we do not select more than we need) Once done and the head (and only the head) is in red in the "Front" window, leave your RIGHT mouse button clicked and move it slowly, you will notice the head moving. Place it +/- where the BIS head was , and give a look into Bulldozer to see if you are doing well. After moving it a bit , it seems good : Click on File then Save to save the change you just made. Part 7 Now you have done only the 1st LOD, you need to make the other Load Llauma's head like in the 4th part , but on the far right pannel that is displaying the LOD, instead of having the 1.100 LOD selected , double click on the 2.100 Drag a box to cover the whole head (don't worry if you miss a part) , it will put everything in red. Now click CTRL+C (or Edit -> Copy) Part 8 Load the KMMwood.p3d now , the one you modified and saved By default you will notice in the far right pannel, the 1st LOD selected , the 0.150 , but we don't need to work further on it, select the 2nd LOD , the 0.350 by double clicking on it. Drag a box in the mouth zone so it will select only the head (and nothing more) Press the Delete key of your keyboard to remove the head, then click Edit -> Paste (or CTRL+V) to have the Llauma 2nd LOD to take position. Helped with the Bulldozer view , move the head to have it in a satisfying position. Why moving the head instead of the headgears ? Because ingame it would look like your soldier have no neck at all, but in case you prefer to have no neck, move the head accordingly (but you will have to adjust the headgear position yourself, read more the Brsseb's website to get you started). Once done, save the model again. Part 9 Do the same for all the other LODs For the last LOD of the KMMwood.p3d , use the last LOD of Llauma's head as we need this last LOD to be as low poly as possible to save performance ingame. Part 10 Now you are finished with Oxygen Time to edit the KMMint config.cpp to add something so the game will use the face textures from the facestex2.pbo instead of trying to apply the BIS face textures (and looking horrible ingame) The config.cpp is a text file, so edit it with notepad look for <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Init="[_this select 0] exec ""\KMMint\scripts\init.sqs"";"; once found, modify this line so it read like this now : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Init="[_this select 0] exec ""\KMMint\scripts\init.sqs"";[_this select 0] exec ""\facestex2\basefaces.sqs"";"; notice : if the unit do not have an eventhandler section, just add to the soldier class (read a bit about this if you have never looked into a config.cpp , i have no time to describe more. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class EventHandlers { Init="[_this select 0] exec ""\facestex2\basefaces.sqs"";"; }; Part 11 You did everything well, that's good, now make a new pbo (use MakePBO) with the KMMint folder that is in the Oxgen install (and that contain the modified KMMwood.p3d) You will then obtain a new KMMint.pbo Put this KMMint.pbo inside an Addon folder that already has the facestex.pbo. Launch OFP and give a look into West -> KMM to see you newly modified KMM soldier having the Llauma's head. WARNING : it is called "quick and dirty" because the model of this example is simple and the manipulation i detailled is not involving any real Oxygen knowledge. But you will certainly notice 2 problems with some other units you want to modify : -some are in ODOL format (they are binarized) , Oxygen do not read them, oh certainly you can convert them back in MLOD format with ODOL Explorer, but notice that for soldier models it will create a lot of very strange results (while usually with ODOLexplorer and weapons models you have no real problems) . So you are better with asking a MLOD format to the original author , along permission of course. -the KMM international infantry is a simple model, as it was done to be used as a more "modern" than the BIS west unit, basis for making models years ago, so editing it is easy but just takes some time. Some recent models are different and built in a more complex way : their head are attached to their upper body, deleting and copy pasting will not work as flawlessly as it worked with the KMM model, or they have headgear that are carefully modeled around the original heads. In that cases, you should just begin to learn Oxygen to know how to attach the Llauma's head yourself and modify/resize the headgears (or Llauma's head) models to avoid some awfull "holes" and floating things in the model ingame. Notice : while i took some time to write this tutorial to help, do not bother asking me to modify a model for you, i don't have time to do this, and have no will to do it and may not know how to do it according to the model complexity (as i have not made anything in Oxygen other than making a weapon). Just use this tutorial and learn the basic of Oxygen like everyone who want something done, it is not mysterious sorcery, there are tutorials like the good Brsseb's website to help you get started. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CameronMcDonald 147 Posted March 8, 2006 Christ you're a good bloke, mate. Every unit in the game will now have Llauma's head when I'm finished. NEW: I'm now undertaking a new OFP project: Operation FacePlant. EDIT: Awww, man - I see what you mean about that MLOD problem. My model turned into a TheThing-like melting mutation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shashman 0 Posted March 8, 2006 NEW:I'm now undertaking a new OFP project: Operation FacePlant. ROFLMAO!! Man, thanks a million for this excellent little tutorial! Just like Cameron, I'm gettin ma scalpels ready! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Abs_01 0 Posted March 8, 2006 Sanctuary, I have a question. I'm just foraying into unit editing, but can you not just open the Kmarns model, and the go to File > Merge and then find Llauma's head? If I'm not mistaken, I think all the LODs will get copied over as well, and will save you from having to switch from file to file. If I am missing something, please let me know. Abs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stanley 0 Posted March 8, 2006 Sanctuary Nice tutorial, man =) But if am not mistaken you have forgotten one thing. I'm talking now abot the selection "hlava". After implementing the new head model you MUST select the head model and ALL headgear, find this selection in menu. Than right click -> redefine. Thats all. Otherwise, everything will be good-looking ingame, but when you will enter any transport you will see your own headgear from the first person view. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
belgerot 33 Posted March 8, 2006 That seems to be a common problem with some addons, thanks for the heads up stanley Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ag_smith 0 Posted March 8, 2006 You can't simply use "merge" option, because the soldier p3d and head p3d have usually different lod numbers. From my experience, merging such models will not work out too well. Another important thing! In the latest version of facestex2.pbo, Offtime has fixed the infamous face savegame/double init problem. It requires a custom animation to be added to soldier model and the config. I think he mentioned it in this thread, if not just go ahead and download the latest GROM version to see how it's done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites