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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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Quote[/b] ]IIRC Special Forces do not use the ACU, only regular infantry does. Special Forces use whatever they need to use. Black was fine for the Spec-ops IMO. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

They're not that common, but they exist, though.


LOL Thunderbird... That's a bunch of out of shape, overweight paintballers/wannabe tough guys rofl.gifwhistle.gif

Heh, Indeed, but this pic shows very well how looks their camo with all supposed 'specOp' kits.




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Quote[/b] ]IIRC Special Forces do not use the ACU, only regular infantry does. Special Forces use whatever they need to use. Black was fine for the Spec-ops IMO. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

They're not that common, but they exist, though.


LOL Thunderbird... That's a bunch of out of shape, overweight paintballers/wannabe tough guys rofl.gifwhistle.gif

Heh, Indeed, but this pic shows very well how looks their camo with all supposed 'specOp' kits.




I don't know, there's something about them that doesn't look right. Almost like they're 'trying' too hard or something huh.gif

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i agree with spec ops wearing ACU because it probaly will happen but not to sure if the idea of pilots in ACU is right? I dont really have much of a clue about pilots but why would they need ACU

But the new paused GUI looks very nice much better then the BIS one.

Cant wait this is sounding better and better by the day

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i agree with spec ops wearing ACU because it probaly will happen but not to sure if the idea of pilots in ACU is right? I dont really have much of a clue about pilots but why would they need ACU

Wearing ACUs as opposed to coveralls (flight suit) is one of two things:

- ACU is easier to get off! (and open)

- ACU offers pattern breaker.

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Quote[/b] ]What is an ACU?

Look at the pics thats ACU, it stands for Army Combat Uniform, its some digital camo which i think looks rather bad but then yet again it doesnt need to look good its to keep you hidden from the enemy


A pic thats ACU works quite effectivly.

Some other people could post some more info who knows much more about it then i do. But hope this helps abit

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Quote[/b] ]IIRC Special Forces do not use the ACU, only regular infantry does. Special Forces use whatever they need to use. Black was fine for the Spec-ops IMO. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

They're not that common, but they exist, though.


Btw, Now ACU pilots and crews are available as well.



Thanks to Laser and to cbt/hyk for their pretty p3ds.


Best Regards


Spec Ops do wear ACU, It's not common but they do exist. Spec Ops will try to blend in when ever they can that inculdes wearing ACU uniforms or BDU's.

As for flight ops and crew members, from what I remember they have their own set of uniform's basically a olive drab or tan uniform or flight suit (Maybe this is different in the US but up here in Canada they have different sets, and from the screenshots and people i've met that were armoured soldiers they have a different set) . Garrison dress would be a different story but when operating a tank you wouldn't want your Sergeant Major on your six about a dirty uniform.

Overall it looks fantastic, and I can't wait. Whether FFUR implements ACU crew members is totally up to them whatever they decide It's going to be an excellent mod none the less.

Sorry TB I mentioned it before, did you fix the sound issue with the M4 SD? Because when I used it in one of the missions everyone on base could hear the shot.

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all of the US infantry are gonna be with ACU cammo ?


the ACU looks great but it looks like it should be used in Urban fire-fire fights, not in open terretory, woods, etc (which alot of OFP maps are open/trees etc.) huh.gif

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ACU in the real world at least actually works very well in wooded and green areas, certainly when the target is static at least.

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ACU is designed to blend in to a mixture of different real world environments. However, it works better in some environments more than others. For mostly natural wooded environments in Europe or the tropics I would say it was not a good choice, and as most of OFP worlds are of this nature I would prefer to use the regular camo as it lends it self better to the situation.

However, I think TB is making both options available, so this should keep both persuasions happy!  tounge2.gif

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I love it when soldiers wear ACU... it would make shooting Americans with my 1P29 that much easier wink_o.gif

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Just thought I'd point out a few things


 People that pose for these lame wannabe pictures and then post them on the internet really boost my self esteem. No matter how big of a dork and loser I am, there is always a group out there some where, willing to post a picture of them selves and other members of the dork guild playing soldier.

 Thank you guys. I feel a little better about my self again.

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Looking good TB.

Though I do have one or two questions -

1. What's up with the crewman's upper shoulders? Shouldn't the BDU of the vest continue all the way around his shoulders? Also, the 1ID marking is reading right to left. crazy_o.gif

2. Same shoulder issue with the pilot, except this time he's got BDU on his shoulders instead of ACU. Where did that come from?

3. The crew and pilots should also have the desert boots, if I'm not mistaken, I think they're phasing the black ones out now (if they even have black ones on - I can't see them too well).

Sorry for being such a nitpicker!

Btw, that ACU bloke facedown looks like he's been hitting the turps.  rofl.gif

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Just thought I'd point out a few things


People that pose for these lame wannabe pictures and then post them on the internet really boost my self esteem. No matter how big of a dork and loser I am, there is always a group out there some where, willing to post a picture of them selves and other members of the dork guild playing soldier.

Thank you guys. I feel a little better about my self again.

As I said...

Quote[/b] ]LOL Thunderbird... That's a bunch of out of shape, overweight paintballers/wannabe tough guys rofl.gifwhistle.gif


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Quote[/b] ]Same shoulder issue with the pilot, except this time he's got BDU on his shoulders instead of ACU. Where did that come from?

Well seen, the shots have been taken when the models were 'betas', they have been enhanced since, though.

Quote[/b] ]What's up with the crewman's upper shoulders? Shouldn't the BDU of the vest continue all the way around his shoulders?

It seems that armored crews have a kind of 'double protection' that covers their shoulders, but this should be easly removed if it won't look that suitable.

Quote[/b] ] The crew and pilots should also have the desert boots, if I'm not mistaken, I think they're phasing the black ones out now (if they even have black ones on - I can't see them too well).

Honestly It's very hard to authentifie that because of a huge lack of pictures showing ACU crews and pilots, but the 'sandy' boots will be added in any way.

Quote[/b] ]did you fix the sound issue with the M4 SD? Because when I used it in one of the missions everyone on base could hear the shot

Truthfully, I've even not noticed it, thanks for pointing that out, this will be fixed ASAP.

Quote[/b] ]all of the US infantry are gonna be with ACU cammo ?

Negative, as said a few days ago, FFUR US soldiers will keep the use of the BDU camo, but as Red kite pointed out, there would be an additional 'ACU' section.


Best Regards


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Isnt the ACU camo just going to be used in the editor? IMO i think that you should make two configs one for BDU camo and another for ACU camo. That way you can replace normal soldeirs with ACU camo, then just play around in the editor with ACU. Also some people may also prefer to use ACU camo instead of the BDU

Just a suggestion.

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Quote[/b] ]What is an ACU?

Look at the pics thats ACU, it stands for Army Combat Uniform, its some digital camo which i think looks rather bad but then yet again it doesnt need to look good its to keep you hidden from the enemy


A pic thats ACU works quite effectivly.

Some other people could post some more info who knows much more about it then i do. But hope this helps abit

Ohh the same as MARPAT.

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I've moved the man into the grass. - How well concealed is he now?   nener.gif


OK, I've buried him slightly lower into the grass for more realism!  wink_o.gif

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rofl.gif ha hats great cool if he still blended in though.

One question how did you do that. When i try it looks really crappy and it just doesnt look right, mine looks like that guys foot in your pic but alot more standing out and everywhere

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if the ACU will be availible only in the mission editor, whats the point in making them ? icon_rolleyes.gif

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Quote[/b] ]if the ACU will be availible only in the mission editor, whats the point in making them ?

Because people wanted both ACU and woodland. The ACU was added after.

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I have a feeling that having the ACU camo only available in the editor is going to stir up a hornet's nest of protest from some ardent community members. I'm intrigued enough by it that I certainly wouldn't mind seeing it actually put into the actual campaigns/missions, but then again it's not going to kill me if it's not there either.

I have a feeling that those who have a passion for the ACU will soon be strenuously voicing that the ACU has to be used by the game, while those who aren't fans of the ACU will soon be voicing that it should stay out.

I know it's extra work, but perhaps the soundest approach would be to offer the option of inserting the ACU into the actual game when this wonderful total conversion is being installed. That way everyone can have their cake and eat it too.

Something to think about at least.



Feb. 22, 2006


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