EricJ 765 Posted October 5, 2005 Uh, have you actually done it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
t80 0 Posted October 6, 2005 i hope they dont forget 4 crew in some tanks and 3 crew in others, and it would be nice with functional SHORA,ARENA, i think its possible. SHORA: ARENA: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted October 6, 2005 Uh, have you actually done it? Well, i only did the 3 basic stances and wouldnt even consider it, the only leaning i would try would be leaning towards right (a bit) on a standing position, anything else would really make it too hard to aim, aiming and shooting is hard enough on normal stances, i cant imagine a right handed shooter leaning left to aim and shoot acurately, unsuported aiming and shooting is hard enough has it is let alone in a forced leaning position, thats why i think peeking around corners would be more realistic than leaning and shooting . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twisted 128 Posted October 6, 2005 RE: lean and shoot there is angling yourself to shoot around an obstacle. that works well and with sights up you can get some ok accuracy. but leaning to shoot is pretty damn diffiicult. your rifle gets in the way. and i know i'd lose all sense of 'immersion' if someone pops their head and shoots using a PKM or m60. its not the cartoon bend at waist thing that computer games (and children playing war) use, its take position behind corner. pivot around, bring gun up (not knocking it into wall) while trying to aim. then shoot. even then your accuracy is less than normal due to the awkward angle and increased wobble. you can sometimes use the wall as support but most often you don't have the time or the angle is just wrong. i dont like cartoon lean and shoot in games. damn human pendulums. of course there's always the terrorist method of 'put gun around corner and spray' but that's not very effective. that said, if any dev can incoporate realistic lean and gun (that's not uber leet and has the right level of wobble/inaccuracy and the right animation movements and that it takes time - it's BIS) tho i agree - its more peek and shoot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chipper 0 Posted October 6, 2005 In that new xbox interview placebo said they added leaning at the last minute. so we can expect to see it in ArmA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CherokeeJack 0 Posted October 6, 2005 Since it's last minute, like Placebo said, I don't think that we'll see AI soldiers leaning around corners in OFP:E, but that would be something cool to do for ArmA. Hopefully that's implemented. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcusjm 0 Posted October 6, 2005 However, mirrors like SWAT4 would be cool. marcus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Murmur2k 0 Posted October 6, 2005 Since it's last minute, like Placebo said, I don't think that we'll see AI soldiers leaning around corners in OFP:E, but that would be something cool to do for ArmA. Hopefully that's implemented. The latest xbox interview indicates that there will be leaning in the OFP:E Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted October 6, 2005 However, mirrors like SWAT4 would be cool.marcus Maybe kind of useless . I dont think the military uses those. I also dont like the idea of leaning and shooting, reminds me of AA (americas army, not arma..), its there, its unrealistic and its useless most of the time, and unlike OPF AA:SF uses alot of small urban maps and cqb, in arma it wouldnt be that usefull imo. One gameplay improvement i would like to see would be to see the player models raise their rifles to eye level when they use the sights, like the a.i. do, Suma explained once why this feature didnt make it but i would be very happy if they would consider it now . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eda Mrcoch 0 Posted October 6, 2005 Since it's last minute, like Placebo said, I don't think that we'll see AI soldiers leaning around corners in OFP:E, but that would be something cool to do for ArmA. Hopefully that's implemented. The latest xbox interview indicates that there will be leaning in the OFP:E He's talking about AI. However, mirrors like SWAT4 would be cool.marcus Mirrors would be nice for vehicles, so we can do better in 1st person. If it is possible to make reflective water in DXDLL, could it be relatively easy to make engine support mirrors ? (I DO know shit about DirectX so correct me if I'm wrong) Edit; I'm not asking for features, just thinking loud, it would be nice surprise for ArmA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marcusjm 0 Posted October 6, 2005 However, mirrors like SWAT4 would be cool.marcus Maybe kind of useless . I dont think the military uses those. I also dont like the idea of leaning and shooting, reminds me of AA (americas army, not arma..), its there, its unrealistic and its useless most of the time, and unlike OPF AA:SF uses alot of small urban maps and cqb, in arma it wouldnt be that usefull imo. One gameplay improvement i would like to see would be to see the player models raise their rifles to eye level when they use the sights, like the a.i. do, Suma explained once why this feature didnt make it but i would be very happy if they would consider it now . I have actually seen US soldiers use those in Iraq on TV. Maybe it was just for show . It does sound useful on paper at least. I'd rather use a mirror than lean myself. Worst case one can use a pocket mirror. marcus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dachrinne 0 Posted October 6, 2005 hmm sombody could do an addon for mirrors ... or a team releases a CQB mod that would be cool Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_shadow 0 Posted October 6, 2005 well, i think mirrors have been used since the invention of modern warfare (about ww2 then). first in the shape of shaving mirrors attached to bayonets with bubblegum or anything else that´s sticky (watch saving private ryan and you get the idea). it´s a very useful tool to watch around corners without exposing youreself. ofcourse, nowdays you got all the fansy factorymade mirrors especially adapted to be used by the military, but the idea isnt old... however, what does this have to do with ArmA? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AG. 0 Posted October 8, 2005 Argh ... come on ... arent you tired of writing ideas again and again ... i believe that game is already created ... and dont think that they will add such nonsence like mirros at the last minute It is a game, wich looks like reality, but it is only a game ... you dont have to be afraid of being shot, you know that you will "reborn" after few minutes or seconds, moreover you always got plenty of ammo ... so you can sometimes make suicide missions! You sit in the bushes and look at the cornes of the building around you expecting for someone to come out ... and after few minutes of waiting you see someone trying to look at your location with mirror (or leaning around the corners) ... so what you do? You take grenade and throw to that direction! ... or if its to far .. you take LAW (RPG) and ... you know what happens! I dont think that you will have time for all those fancy thingies (leaning/mirrors) on MP ... but in SP it would be interesting ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metal Heart 0 Posted October 8, 2005 There are other MP mission types besides ctf and c&h, AG. Some missions don't have respawn at all, some have limited ammo (say only one dude with rpgs) etc. Some might even have a realistic objective, not just some stupid flag to fight for. And you wouldn't see a peeking soldier, tiny mirror or a periscope from a few hundreds of meters away with bare eyes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AG. 0 Posted October 8, 2005 Metal Heart, for your knowledge i hate CTF and c&h missions on OFP (res), i just think that these kind of missions do not fit on ofp, for Quake or Unreal it is ok... I love CTI and sometime Coop's Sorry i couldnt express myself on previuos message... i just wanted to say, that leaning/mirror on OFP with its old AI thinking wouldnt fit! For example: 1. Everyone knows that if you (or your bodypart (head)) gets into AI's "eye zone" you are "busted"! AI turns into you and tries to eliminate you, or it uses grenades! So leaning is only one operation you can do from one corner, after that you MUST run to another corner wich means that visionary information gathered on first corner will not fit your changed plan (you moved to another corner) of engagement, becouse AI after seing only one your body part (head) will "know" that you are somewhere in that corner! If after leaning you will try to shot from the same corner you will be hitted by Ai who is already prepared and expecting you from that corner! I want to mark, that AI's have eagle eyes (on OFP) and it brakes your sentence "wouldn't see a peeking soldier"! For MP against other human players maybe it is OK! If AI turned with the back on you .. so everyone knows that you can get near him at 1m and AI would still stand with no emotion! Then leaning would wokr out .. but then .. leaning looses its matter! If AI's would be the same as at NOLF (No one Lives forever) it would be great : Wat iz dat? Ahhh probablyy a kat... Hu iz thee? ehhh meybee i em tuu drunk... and leaning would work! Those guys that have good PCs (like me) and plays on 1600x1200 with huge distance .. knows that players have eagle eyes! If OFP graphics engine would have some kind bare eye limitance or somekind of that when the picture far far away gets blur then i would agree to "And you wouldn't see a peeking soldier, tiny mirror or a periscope from a few hundreds of meters away with bare eyes"! But i know that in old good OFP you see everything in good detail after udjusting your video settings 2. Have you asked the question, why you dont use grenades alot? Why you have a smile when you commander says "hit the ground"? Why you laugh when you see 10 AIs with weapons on their back? Why you "fu**... damn ... &^$@% ..." when you are shot becouse operation Binocular/weapon tooked too long? In my opinion this is the OLD problem of OFP wich (i hope) will be repaired on ARMA. That means that mirror trick: getting the knife, chewing gum, mirror .. would take damn 3 secs. wich is too risky! Pericope would be great in the high grass, but as wee seen in AMRA shots there wont be high grass! "Hit the ground" must look like hitting the ground, but not like going to bed with your girlfriend as in OFP! And i am a little bit shoked by the community ... you try to find new thingies to add to arma wich actually is not neccesary ... but nobody discuss about climbing the fences or jumping or getting thru the windows (or getting out) (i mean jumping, not like Quake ... uh uh uh uh) Thank you ... and forgive me God for my terrible english... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metal Heart 0 Posted October 10, 2005 Well yeah, AI would have to be programmed not to react to small visible parts from further away. And yes, in MP experienced players would be constantly alert for some dude hiding behind a corner, but when moving (especially in a vehicle) it's very hard to identify a stationary object only a few pixels in size. So, in case you would fail to notice the mirror, the opposing dude would have a great advantage since he'd know almost exactly where to aim before giving out his position. And I was not suggesting adding this to ArmA, just saying that it could work in my opinion. Definately not a very high-priority feature, more in the "would be nice" department. It was fun flipping in and out through windows in Soldner but I don't think that this feature would fit in OFP, being much more serious game and all. Jumping over a ditch/climbing over small obstacles would be ok, but not that important either in my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StealthTiger 0 Posted October 10, 2005 Well, I play co-ops, c&h and ctf and enjoy them all equally because they all present different challenges and styles of gameplay. I for one am interested in how the new features are going to effect and change the tactics used in these games.. the ability to adapt is going to be the difference between those who die quickly and unimaginably (ie. Rambo's) and those who're more successful. IMO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted October 10, 2005 This thread is going away.. What i would like to read here would be what improvements over OFPR do we expect and would most welcome within realistic expectations. We can expect improved colision detection wich i hope will afect not only the terrain but world buildings and objects, vehical physics also seem to have been greatly improved from what we can read about OPF:E but there are more things like the interface, the a.i., damage model, simulation levels, etc. Always having in mind that ARMA is a reworked OPFR and not a whole new game engine like game 2 . Heres some examples, i would like to see manual fire removed from most ground vehicals and to have a vehical instrument interface more based on panel instruments than on the display HUD, speed, altitude and fuel for example, stuff that would improve the realism and the simulation aspect of the game, i think people focus more on what should be added rather than what should be reworked or improved in the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capt Caveman 0 Posted October 13, 2005 would it be possible to allow the use of vehicles to be used as distractions ie fill them with explosives and allow them to be rolled, pushed or similar into a camp or such? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr reality 0 Posted October 15, 2005 "Hit the ground" must look like hitting the ground, but not like going to bed with your girlfriend as in OFP! That is one of my "needed fixes" as i've often lost 2 or 3 men while they hit the dirt not wanting to hurt there knees.. ... but nobody discuss about climbing the fences Bravo...I hate it when the AI run through a fence or can't get passed it and i havn't got the option to climb or even kick it down. Â i would like to see manual fire removed from most ground vehicals and to have a vehical instrument interface more based on panel instruments than on the display HUD, speed, altitude and fuel for example Excellent suggestion, i too would like to see less HUD while in vehicles. would it be possible to allow the use of vehicles to be used as distractions ie fill them with explosives and allow them to be rolled, pushed or similar into a camp or such? Have you just watched "Predator".....I think this is only seen in movies as all the AI would have to do is look at the direction the vehicle came from, see you running away and snipe your cowardly ass... It's probably been mentioned 100 times before but for me the the vehicles have to be improved on, not just in realistic movement but in combat. Also i wonder if retreating has been mentioned and i don't mean when the AI retreat then come back to attack the same location with even less men... (actually afaik ECP does do this better). Overall though i think BIS has got it pretty much sorted and we should be in for a nice supprise, if however i'm just buying a slightly polished OFP then i'll be a bit ticked off as i would like at least VBS1 textures and models from the module packs [not the core]... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
funnyguy1 0 Posted October 16, 2005 good post on the page 3  AG leaning IS important, everything what helpes you not to expose your whole body from a corner during the sorroundings check IS important. So, leaning, mirrors and stuff is ok, It`s rather the way It might work in ofp is bad... I mean ofp ver 1.5, probably there`s no time for such things now... I think we have to leave stuff like that for g2 (military robots in urban operations?, who uses the mirrors  ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Cheese 0 Posted October 16, 2005 Not sure if this has been mentioned... -The option to remove the in game kill notifications? Could prove interesting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Espectro (DayZ) 0 Posted October 16, 2005 yea, very nice for nading people... And the score should only be updated every time the mission stops as well if its enabled Could be cool when having naded an area, then go investigate the area... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.pablo. 0 Posted October 17, 2005 Not sure if this has been mentioned...-The option to remove the in game kill notifications? Could prove interesting. this has already been achieved by the WGL team; we're still trying to figure out how to disable the scoreboard... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites