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Do You want PunkBuster in Armed Assault?

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How about another theoretical game, I will make something like DXDLL or Fwatch for Armed Assault... How is Punkbuster able to know if it is a cheat or not?

Correct answer is, it doesn't. smile_o.gif

So, why increase the price of ArmA by including it? tounge2.gif

I still think the "Hey, that game uses PB, I can't cheat PB, I'll buy that cause I can cheat even on PB-protected servers, which I learnt form [somegame]" is an important point..

About the hardware ID ban, isn't there programs about to fake that?

I think FADE works well, it's not a punch-in-the-face you-can't-play-this, but rather a slow, subliminal game-stopping-working. (Yeh their not the same thing, but it's the general idea that I like tounge2.gif)

- Ben

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I agree with kegs we dont need Punkbuster its already compromised by many people and their knowledge already of the program will make it easy to break it , much better to have a unique custom made for OFP anticheat thingy inside it.


I for one hope we dont need Dxdll for AA otherwise what would be the differences between it and OFP  crazy_o.gif

PB itself wasn't compromised in any critical sense ...

... what was compromised are these game engines (read fault of developers of these games)

anyway what about theoretical game , i will crack my DirectX and cheat ... how You going to find me or stop me in OFP/OFPR ?

correct answer ... You have no chance ...

So you mean to say PB is useless if the games engine has a fault? The why do we have PB huh.gif .

Oh and if you cheated in directx and made yourself invisible or something , i'll have you kicked asap nothing a good IP ban cant fix, cheat that band.gifbiggrin_o.gif .

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I agree with kegs we dont need Punkbuster its already compromised by many people and their knowledge already of the program will make it easy to break it , much better to have a unique custom made for OFP anticheat thingy inside it.


I for one hope we dont need Dxdll for AA otherwise what would be the differences between it and OFP  crazy_o.gif

PB itself wasn't compromised in any critical sense ...

... what was compromised are these game engines (read fault of developers of these games)

anyway what about theoretical game , i will crack my DirectX and cheat ... how You going to find me or stop me in OFP/OFPR ?

correct answer ... You have no chance ...

So you mean to say PB is useless if the games engine has a fault? The why do we have PB  huh.gif .

Oh and if you cheated in directx and made yourself invisible or something , i'll have you kicked asap nothing a good IP ban cant fix, cheat that  band.gif  biggrin_o.gif .

if the fault affects PB functionality then usually You need first developers of engine to fix the problem before You can do anything about from PB side of problem right ?

or what are You trying to say?

also who there said anything about making self invisible ... that's not possible if server is correctly programmed and engine rendering and maps are ok ...

IP ban? hmm ever heard about dynamic IPs?

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first, pb its not our decision! second, pb its optional for each server(on/off)! third, its not so fool as many would believe(the most probs are game producer errors like open gates and a lot of unprofesionalism)! crazy_o.gif i voted for pb!

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I agree with kegs we dont need Punkbuster its already compromised by many people and their knowledge already of the program will make it easy to break it , much better to have a unique custom made for OFP anticheat thingy inside it.


I for one hope we dont need Dxdll for AA otherwise what would be the differences between it and OFP  crazy_o.gif

PB itself wasn't compromised in any critical sense ...

... what was compromised are these game engines (read fault of developers of these games)

anyway what about theoretical game , i will crack my DirectX and cheat ... how You going to find me or stop me in OFP/OFPR ?

correct answer ... You have no chance ...

So you mean to say PB is useless if the games engine has a fault? The why do we have PB  huh.gif .

Oh and if you cheated in directx and made yourself invisible or something , i'll have you kicked asap nothing a good IP ban cant fix, cheat that  band.gif  biggrin_o.gif .

if the fault affects PB functionality then usually You need first developers of engine to fix the problem before You can do anything about from PB side of problem right ?

or what are You trying to say?

also who there said anything about making self invisible ... that's not possible if server is correctly programmed and engine rendering and maps are ok ...

IP ban? hmm ever heard about dynamic IPs?

I understand if the games engine has a problem but its not that easy to cheat through there unless PB does its job. How do you cheat via a game engines? Change files , edit things? I am no expert but thats the way i think it will happen , so isnt it PB's job to verify that everyone has the same version of everything and therefore no one is able to cheat?

As for the invisible thing well you mentioned directx and its used in graphical stuff and u mentioned how you going to find so i thought u were saying invisible smile_o.gif , my bad for mis reading it.

And i believe theres a thing called IP rangeban , ive seen it in action on forums where yuou can ban a persons full IP range which i believe means that his whole ISP's IP is banned. I've seen a few people suffer from it and they could log in no matter what from the same ISP after being banned that way.

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I voted no

I dont want punkbuster in arma (i saw ppl cheating in punkbuster enabled games), besides punkbuster continues giving problems to many players

i prefer a really good coded id system (thats the way they have taken i think) so dont need to ban ip or ip ranges just ban a id so no others players get banned just for using the same isp of a stupid cheater kid

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I don't mind if PB comes with the game or not, because I will continue playing in my private server with a few friendly and trusted clans (and pb disabled, don't want false pb kicks). and I wanna say that everybody will have a chance to play in my server until you make your first cheat. I'm sure there will be a system to ban arma Id's instead of Ip's or nicks.

Anyway... we only play coops, if you wanna cheat in a coop mission, I'm sure the cheater will get really bored, no adrenaline because he/she is invencible or whatever.... poor cheater, he will miss the best of the ofp.. sorry ArmA.


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I vote no because many ofp community members use addons which would no doubt be seen as mods in PB's eyes thus not letting that work.

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I vote "HELL NO"

My reasons for this are very similar to the great point Kegetys made earlier in this thread about how more people will set out to crack PB if its implemented. I have never played OFP in multiplayer ( I know.......I deserve a thrashing!wink_o.gif despite it being my favourite game of all time, although someone mentioned earlier how thay have only ever seen one or two cheats playing online. I think this is due to the fact that due to its realism, thus slower pace, OFP doesnt appeal to the majority of the "Bunnyhopping Counterstrike" dicks, who exploit the games they play in the first place. Americas Army is riddled with cheating bastards, IMO its possibly the most frustrating game ever made (on par with counterstrike). This will never happen to OFP. You only have to come on this forum for an example of the kind of smart, intelligent, friendly, mature and COOL friends and foes you will be playing against. Roll on Armed Assault.

Just one more thing, I was trying to convey to a collegue ( another Soldier of course) just how groundbreaking OFP was (and still is to a certain degree). I used to sit for hours just fucking around on the editor, practising bombing runs on groups of motionless civillians,........er..nice. smile_o.gif

Andy pistols.gif

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Heh yeah,no 8 year old immature kids here,I remember playing bf2 once and there was one person on my team shooting me and calling me a newbie,I don't know why,so afterwards the server switched me over,it was 25 US vs 18 MEC,well he called me a p*ssy for bailing out of a plane later in the game but got really pisssed when I stole his teams AH-1Z and killed em all.

Even funnier was one time that I threw a grenade under the crack of the "hangar" where they store the F-15,it killed him and another guy and he got pissed,saying I resorted to spawn killing,for 1 you never spawn in the hanger,2 it was at the rear and 3 they had been walkin around for 5 minutes,yeah thats some real spawn killing,I swear bf2 is just sometimes great for laughs,especially since that kid was typing in all caps the whole time. rofl.gif

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No thanks.... Just leave the "Voteable Admin". This has helped more than any anti-cheating tool.

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A hypothetical...

what if - and Vista will require this as an intregral part of DRM - games are set to use PVP-OPM... they'd be able to see if you're a high-gamma cheater on night missions by pulling your monitor settings...

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A hypothetical...

what if - and Vista will require this as an intregral part of DRM - games are set to use PVP-OPM... they'd be able to see if you're a high-gamma cheater on night missions by pulling your monitor settings...

that'd be great.

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For sure cheaters can totally ruin mp missions... I've seen it many times and the lesson was; choose the server wisely and maybe play only coop missions. So, servers where obvious cheaters are allowed to play will not see me there anymore. My last serious attempts at playing OFP online were in Spring and every attempt was stopped by a cheater (obviously wrong server choices) so I decided to give online playing a rest...

Getting multiple tanks spawned in front of your eyes, or getting thick fog just when you are aiming at an incoming enemy tank with your RPG  launcher aren't the kind of things I am looking for from multiplayer gaming.


What comes to how Armed Assault / Game2 will detect cheaters: I really hope it is not a system which kills innovative modifications like DXDLL or fwatch. The game developers of Bohemia Interactive Studio are also learning from the mods made by the community. Seeing what the community does to the games they developed will help them to get ideas of what the community wants to see in their games, no? DXDLL and fwatch are good examples. But time will show what we'll be facing in the future. Maybe we don't need any mods because the games will be so good right from the release, no?


That's a no vote for PunkBuster. The anti-cheat methods BIS will implement will be at least as good as any Buster. Because it's only a matter of time when someone breaks it, no matter if it's a Buster or Bohemia Interactive Studio's own Busta-system.

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PunkBuster sucks. (I voted no btw if you can't guess) I cant stand PB, I get kicked if I don't manually update it once a day in games that use it. I even got kicked off my OWN server once on Raven Shield! It also detects gamma settings and kicks you if it's too high like someone else said.

Anyway, if it detects modified dx files then howcome it doesn't kick all BF2 players who play different games? EA released modified dx files with BF2 as a quick lazy way (by that I mean rather than FIXING the game itself) to get a little extra performance, which in turn screwed up some other games. Since installing BF2 and the drivers you HAVE to install (unless you have the newer ones that came out since release... which fixed things! YEY) some games simply don't work.

Homeworld 2 wouldn't work for me with these damn files! It seems PB allowed these "modified" files because EA paid them to, but generally it hates anything thats modified and isn't the same as the servers copy.

Also as Keg said, the more games that use it the more people will try and hack it, and as it's a common code for all games and the same or similar system, if one is hacked then it's a matter of time before they're ALL hacked.

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A game without any anti-cheat software, is like playing against a bad code game!!

That isnt what this poll is about..

It's about choosing for PB, or BIS developing it's own (GTA:SA style) Busta..lol

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Definately no , not for cheating or something but it will make harder making changes in the cpp and other files and to use them online.

in any way , I think it's too late , I'm pretty sure ArmA is finished smile_o.gif



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I voted no, don't get me wrong , but I see no reason why BIS should spend their money on PB. I've been playing OFP online for 2.5 years now (at least 3 times a week) and I have never ever seen one cheater, why is that? Because I dont play with random people.Whoever I play with I immediatly try to get to know and thats the best counter-measure against cheating. I have to agree with the others,you can put in as many anti-cheat measures as you like ,if you continue to play with immature people in a anonymous atmosphere and you play fast-paced and imo mindless missions (hexenkessel and the likes) you will always meet cheaters. What BIS should rather do is to make sure that there are as few as possible features in ArmA that allow for competitive behaviour (Stats and that kind of stuff). And for all the league-gamers I just can say,make missions where the single person is totally irrelevant (large-scale missions).Instead of using a lot of money to prevent cheating,why not create communities where cheating is not a question at all.Might sound a bit naive,but that is how I see it

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Note: Many players that post on this forum don't or have never played in leagues.

Cheaters cheat so they can win (leagues.) That's is why you probably have seen only a few. In the 4 years i've played this game now, I think in at least 200 games (as in: maps / round) i've seen a cheater, and im not kidding..

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I've seen a cheater once. I played CTI with 2 friends in an Abrams, when suddenly a Hind showed up. Comm gave waypoints, driver drove like mad and I put thousands of bullets in the heli - the heli pilot obviously didn't really know how to fly, he never hit us. That wouldn't mean anything, tank MG is not the most accurate weapon, but then I hit the heli with 2 sabots... he stayed alive. Then we died because the driver to stuck on some house and the heli finally hit us.

But apart from that I've never seen a cheater.

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Definately no , not for cheating or something but it will make harder making changes in the cpp and other files and to use them online.

in any way , I think it's too late , I'm pretty sure ArmA is finished smile_o.gif



There is never late to implement solution like PB ...

i.e. Far Cry , Doom 3 etc ... they implemented PB long time after release when it was clear that "default" engine protection failed

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Heh yeah,no 8 year old immature kids here,I remember playing bf2 once and there was one person on my team shooting me and calling me a newbie,I don't know why,so afterwards the server switched me over,it was 25 US vs 18 MEC,well he called me a p*ssy for bailing out of a plane later in the game but got really pisssed when I stole his teams AH-1Z and killed em all.

Even funnier was one time that I threw a grenade under the crack of the "hangar" where they store the F-15,it killed him and another guy and he got pissed,saying I resorted to spawn killing,for 1 you never spawn in the hanger,2 it was at the rear and 3 they had been walkin around for 5 minutes,yeah thats some real spawn killing,I swear bf2 is just sometimes great for laughs,especially since that kid was typing in all caps the whole time. rofl.gif

"Do You want PunkBuster in Armed Assault?" - not "How much BF2 sucks" icon_rolleyes.gif

Quote[/b] ]Oh and if you cheated in directx and made yourself invisible or something , i'll have you kicked asap nothing a good IP ban cant fix, cheat that band.gifbiggrin_o.gif .

Nothing IP spoofing/proxy can't get around tounge2.gif

Anyway, one last time, as people are going into parrot mode : If PB is incorporated, people will 1) take it as a challange to break, 2) use the same exploit for other PB-enabled games (AA/BF2 etc) for OFP, 3) Think "I can cheat AA: O when PB is running, I'll try it out in this game too"

Slightly of-topic thing, but anyway : what anti-cheat thing does Valve/CS:S use?

- Ben

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