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quick bug the spec ops humvees both desert and woodland and m2 and mk19 there is a cargo position missing u have the driver the gunner the passenger to the left and the back right passenger and then the guy who sits iin the back but no one can sit in the back left cargo seat  but otherwise kickass pack   notworthy.gif

There's also one passenger space in all the cargo varients of the Hummers (woodland, desert and the patrol ones) that doesn't fill either. It's the third place along the right bench; closest the rear, but like I said before 'M1097 HMMWV (Cargo, Open, Desert)' has some additional bugs that the others don't have, after playing with it a bit more I noticed that it doesn't move, and you can walk straight through most parts of it.

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Great HMMWV Pack, very good job done!

2 bugs so far:

OFP start gives me that after installing the hmmwv's:



Little problem with the rear lights on this one:


MfG Lee

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Just wondering how big are the addons (Humvees and Misc), beacause you didn't mention that wink_o.gif

Anyways great work Fishkopp, hope for more releases from you.

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Great work! They look awesome. They are similar looking to CBTs pack( i know that its your own work!wink_o.gif, which means i can use them together in a mission! wink_o.gif

Well this was a nice surprise! Looking forward to the rest of your work! notworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

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These Hmmwv are really awesome , I will definately use "open" variants to replace BIS jeeps, keep up the nice work !

Can't wait to see the so awaited incoming addons

Best Regards


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Im about to try them, i still remember one time FK wanted to kill me for sugesting desert cammo versions of the previous pack but its here now biggrin_o.gif . Being very familiar with the previous hmmwv pack im sure this one wont disapoint, woot biggrin_o.gif .

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Good work Fisch,heck what I'm saying,friggin' awesome work on these babies,can't wait to test'em.

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Daniel @ Sep. 03 2005,21:43)]Maybe that means stuff like the ropes on the bonnet? Anyway, CBT are working on VBS now.

And you know this how? Did they say so? No. It's just a bunch of BS being stirred up by idiots in the community. So what if they, or any other team are anyway, are you saying it's ok to use any bit of a team's work because they've gone to VBS?

Let me tell you, it's not. And to think people said they wouldn't want them back for OFP2 because they're "traitors"! Like it's up to them who can return to OFP or not. rofl.gif


Nice work FK, I like to see lots of variants biggrin_o.gif

Great fun

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Once again great work FK the models, variants and textures are great. can't wait for more add-ons as the weekend progresses biggrin_o.gif:D:D

And at people who say FK has stolen textures

He unlike many people have actually accredited where he got the textures from, also if you can criticize him for using another mods textures why don’t you volunteer to redraw textures for him.

Also for people who say the NATO and desert texture looks like COMBAT! Addon textures that’s because he made them so they are compatible genius.

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Great pack, i always liked the interior details of the FKHmmwv's very much, this upgrade is really nice, some small bugs but overall top notch pack, love it smile_o.gif .

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Hey FK, freakin awesome work. After a quick test, ive found a few bugs. I get no firing sound for any of the mk-19's for sum reason, and i get no optics for any of the CROWS, but other than that, its great work, saves me having to buy a hummer :P.

I just noticed a couple more things as i was stuffin around. Whenever there is AI in the vehicles, in this case it was Lasers rangers, they seem to shake n bounce on the suspension. One more thing, one of the seats in the Desert Specops hummers is green, i dunno if it was meant to be green, but all the others are yellow so i thaught it was a tad odd. Great pack tho.

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OFP start gives me that after installing the hmmwv's:


Where exactly does that happen?

Upon starting OFP or when prewieving a humwee in the editor?

If on preview, which humwee exactly?

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OFP start gives me that after installing the hmmwv's:


Where exactly does that happen?

Upon starting OFP or when prewieving a humwee in the editor?

If on preview, which humwee exactly?

I have it too, its right when we start the game at the splash screens, doesnt interfere with nothing really.

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Yup, noticed it myself now smile_o.gif

Odd indeed since none of the scripts used is run at OFP startup (afaik), only after a unit has been placed on the map and previewed..

But like said, it doesn't really do any harm...

But it really shouldn't be there.. banghead.gif

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Thats not funny at all =((

Lost your mind??

This rules!!!!!!

Great work FK!



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This is a great pack. I love all the variants.

But i have the same problem like ConfuciusOFP:


I don't get any errors, just this.

Overall: GREAT AWESOME HMMWV notworthy.gif

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Quote[/b] ]And you know this how? Did they say so? No. It's just a bunch of BS being stirred up by idiots in the community. So what if they, or any other team are anyway, are you saying it's ok to use any bit of a team's work because they've gone to VBS?

Let me tell you, it's not. And to think people said they wouldn't want them back for OFP2 because they're "traitors"! Like it's up to them who can return to OFP or not.


Sorry dude, I really thought that was true, and I didn't mean that was a bad thing. I just thought that If they were working on VBS, then they probably wouldn't mind Fischkopp using their work. I didn't mean to imply without permission. My bad. confused_o.gif

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I´m sry about the bugs. At the end of the next week i will release a patch.

And i´ve asked Rudedog for permission a long time ago (FK_HMMWV) and i got a ok.

@ConfuciusOFP: Do other people have that sound bug too? About the CROWS optics. If ou would be real fan of OFP you would know it´s engine limitation and i have too often explained it to explain it again.

ABout bouncing vehicles ... mmmhh ... i know this bug but i´ve no clue how to fix. DSome people said if one of the invisable LOD has contact to the groiund it will cause the bouncing. But after some tries i figured out that isn´t the reason. If someone have more ideas ...

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Sorry FK, im no guru about the limitations of OFP, but i do kno that it has a few annoying short-comings. Im not sure whether anyone else gets the sound bug though.

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i haven't discovered any sounds bugs but i did discover another bug and that is that the M1043 HMMWV (TOW-2B)

gunner can't be hit at all... i was trying with my rifle to shoot him but it was like he had some invisible wall protecting him from bullets... i can understand that the shielded gunner versions has this but on the (TOW-2B) version the gunner is fully outside the hmww and has only the tow launcher to hide behind tounge2.gif so i should be able to hit him when shooting at him from the side pistols.gif well anyways great hmww's i really love them.. im already feeling inspired for a new coop mission for me and the m8's . thx for the greatest hmwws in ofp so far FischKopp xmas_o.gif

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but you got to give credit FK here is doing work a whole mod usually do.

Great work you deserve a medal or soemthing dude

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