olemissrebel 0 Posted September 3, 2005 psst, if youre making new orleans, make it underwater, if you're making debris, check out the pictures on CNN of the gulf coast, there isnt a building left standing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pappy Boyington 0 Posted September 3, 2005 im not making new orleans. im editing New Ocean Island. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WackyIraqi 2 Posted September 3, 2005 great idea pappy, gunna be fun taking some ships through here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crave22 0 Posted September 3, 2005 Excellent idea, Pappy! For once there's an addon that deals with peaceful means of restoring... well, peace. Â Â It'll be lots of fun taking the zodiac through the streets and weaving in and out of the buildings in a Jayhawk looking for survivors. Â Â Nice work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted September 3, 2005 Excellent idea, Pappy! For once there's an addon that deals with peaceful means of restoring... well, peace. Â Â It'll be lots of fun taking the zodiac through the streets and weaving in and out of the buildings in a Jayhawk looking for survivors. Â Â Nice work. It won't be peacefull for long, soon it will probably turn into a warzone, armed civies shooting at the national guard... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crave22 0 Posted September 3, 2005 Well, that is true. A combination of WYW's OPFOR and Tonal armed civs should make some great looters. Now all we need are some Natl. Guard with the patch on this guy's beret on their arms. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xnodunitx 0 Posted September 3, 2005 Gonna need armed looters and snipers too, firing on the unarmed refugees. Better be carefull to or they'll take some shots at your helicopter. Could have a flooded city CQB, us national guard goes in to help rescue teams and find survivers, and boom, ambushed by armed criminals, shooting at anything that moves. Not to mention the huge number of unarmed civilians that will allways get in your way, and a bunch of wanderers who just run away from you and have no desired to be saved. Sounds like a pretty hard mission... Ya I'd like to see those pricks fire at me in an apache (which is part of the national guard) and see who dies first,even an RPG wouldnt blow me (or an apache irl) out of the sky,just send me in with a blackhawk or two,fully loaded rockets and I'll teach those ****ers a lesson they'll never forget lol,fire on me n see what happens its a dang shame were so worried about homeland security yet we can't even control our own nation in a time like this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
olemissrebel 0 Posted September 4, 2005 Gonna need armed looters and snipers too, firing on the unarmed refugees. Better be carefull to or they'll take some shots at your helicopter. Could have a flooded city CQB, us national guard goes in to help rescue teams and find survivers, and boom, ambushed by armed criminals, shooting at anything that moves. Not to mention the huge number of unarmed civilians that will allways get in your way, and a bunch of wanderers who just run away from you and have no desired to be saved. Sounds like a pretty hard mission... Ya I'd like to see those pricks fire at me in an apache (which is part of the national guard) and see who dies first,even an RPG wouldnt blow me (or an apache irl) out of the sky,just send me in with a blackhawk or two,fully loaded rockets and I'll teach those ****ers a lesson they'll never forget lol,fire on me n see what happens  its a dang shame were so worried about homeland security yet we can't even control our own nation in a time like this  umm, why the hell would they have apaches in a flooded area, might i ask? the only people with guns are drug addicts. like they're gonna blow new orleans or any town to shit just because of a couple of armed gunmen, big whoop.  if they fired on you, and you were in the national guard, you wouldn't do shit, because you wouldn't have any ammo plus, if you did, you'd be sent to prison for many, many years. & on the homeland security thing, it's kinda hard to secure a city with almost no resources, and one that's a few feet under water...topic, please. & at crave, no one in the national guard wears that patch on their arms, it's on their berets, which basically the whole army wears now. if you're enlisted, your unit pin goes on the blue patch on your beret, & a patch on your arm, if you're an officer, your rank goes on it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Landwarrior87 0 Posted September 4, 2005 how dare you make an "addon" or a "mod" of something that has affected our country in such a way for your own personal pleasure??? its disgusting and ignorant. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jankyballs 0 Posted September 4, 2005 i hope this isnt offensive or anything like that considering recent events. but it was recent events that prompted this island. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sepe 1 Posted September 4, 2005 As someone (I'm too damn lazy to take a look who) said, people do die in war. So ain't it disgusting to make a wargame too, then? If you don't like it, don't download it. Simple, huh? But someone must tell Pappy that it's "guard," not "gaurd." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pappy Boyington 0 Posted September 4, 2005 you know.. i'm pretty sure i covered this topic about 18 times now. thats right i take pleasure in seeing thousands of people have thier homes destroyed familys torn apart the health problems that will ensue in teh future, oh and the $3 a gallon for gas. im as giddy as a school girl over it all even with 3 pages people dont read thru Quote[/b] ]noone complained when we did an Iraqi War mod. i fail to see the differnce here. in a war people die, homes destroyed, and familys torn apart. the only differnce here. noone is shooting at us.. well except for the looters. in the war people go thru tragedy; and we boot up our games and reinact that tradgedy. in this hurrican a city got flooded and peopl go thru tradgedy. now we can boot up our games and instead of trying to kill people (besides looters) we can do rescue missions. hell wiht a lil effort we can do a whole campaign on the Coast Gaurd and National Gaurd Efforts here. now i dunno about some people but appertnly killing people is more fun then rescuing them in current events reinactments. now i enjoy the daily dose of death destruction and dismay as much as the next feller but i think rescue missions are alot more fun and alot more challaneing. plus a nice step away from the norm in ofp. so while you enjoy the Iraqi War mod or the cat afgan island killing those terrorists, watching civilians caught in the cross fire, and laughin your ass off as you mowem all down with your M249... im gonna be flying rescue missions over this island reinacting the brave ventures of the USCG and NG as they try and save as many helpless civilians from rooftops as i can in one mission. re-inacting missions of mercy and relief aid. thinking about the real people that are affect by the tragedy. are you gonna think about the people affected by the current events war mods? think about the solider next to you, about how his wife is prolly whorin it up with the property clerk of your home base? you gonna wonder whats gonna happen to lil jonny when he finds out that his dad is dead as u look at the fallen grenider next to you? war is a constant tragedy. it destroys familes, demolishs homes (of civis in the opfor country) and lives are lost. but i dont see anyone bitchin about those mods. in new orleans familys are destroied homes lost and people dead. and now all of a sudden im a heartless bastard? PS: dont misunderstand my comments above... im as big a fan of war as the next guy, hell im obsessed with war but there are 2 sides to every story. READ THE TOPIC PEOPLE!!! im not gonna post this damn message on every new page Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pappy Boyington 0 Posted September 4, 2005 As someone (I'm too damn lazy to take a look who) said, people do die in war. So ain't it disgusting to make a wargame too, then?If you don't like it, don't download it. Simple, huh? But someone must tell Pappy that it's "guard," not "gaurd." i knew that i know how to spell it.. but my fingers dont know how to type it. you think that having been a security guard i woulda learned how to type it the right way Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
olemissrebel 0 Posted September 4, 2005 don't tell people to stay on topic when you yourself reply to these things  i believe these forums are here to express ones views, praises & criticisms of things you release, as it is "addons & mods complete DISCUSSION"...is it not? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DBR_ONIX 0 Posted September 4, 2005 how dare you make an "addon" or a "mod" of something that has affected our country in such a way for your own personal pleasure??? its disgusting and ignorant. Urm, I assume your joking? ...right? Anyway, the debris-y island looks nice, will it still be the flooded version (If you set the date right)? Finaly, I can see this turning in to an argument (the "This is an offensive addon"), but as Pappy has pointed out, why hasn't anyone complained about.. well.. most addons that have been made? (Afganinstan, terrorist addons, all the M4 addons, as M4s must have killed hundereds of people, how dare you make something based on that for your own entertainment etc..). If your offended by it, don't use it.. Simple enough, and everyone is happy - Ben Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Landwarrior87 0 Posted September 4, 2005 what you FAIL to understand is this is not a WAR cant u bastards see this? This is not the fault of two presidents or dictators not coming together on an agreement and sending thousands of troops to fight for what cause?? WHAT? Nothing? The Hurricane is just like the Tsunami this is thousands of INNOCENT civilians that WERE NOT affected by a WAR or soldiers.. this was a NATURAL DISASTER. These people had nothing to do with what happened to them. So while everyone is blasting away at Bin Laden on Afghan island because of what he did on 9/11 and you compare that to making FUN of the suitation in New Orleans, when its still brand new? not even a full week afterwards!!! Why dont u just make a 757 mod and fly it in the fuccin pentagon and World Trade Center.. would thta be fun too?? Make a mod where the trade center collapses and the firefighters get to rescue people?? give me a fuccin break. You people are heartless bastards all of you. And your right i wont use this mod and im here because if no one else will let you know i will this mod is wrong and your comparisons to make it seem "OK" are just plain stupid. Unbelievable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eddie Haskel 0 Posted September 4, 2005 Anyone who thinks this addon is stupid or useless probably works for the Government. If they had had this as a training aid, they would know what to do in New Orleans now. Funny, it's bad to make a mod where your PRIMARY mission is to save lives, getting points for SAVING "x" number of lives, but it's fine to have a mod with civilians getting caught in crossfires and killzones, and you get points for killing people who are actually defending their homeland. I'm sure Pappy didn't make this map to have WARS on, so to compare it to Iraq, or any other warzone is wrong, and actually stupid. (Unless in MP you have Natl' Guard vs. Looters, and then you can REALLY see what the poor, undertrained soldiers are up against). It is for RESCUE missions, and a good version of this mod could've been used as a training device long ago, so the people running the evacuation process now would've had a better idea what to expect and how to react. For US Coast Guard Addons if u only d/l the map: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=6876 (And surprise, surprise, the addons are from Pappy! Good job Pappy! Looking forward to seeing some rescue missions popping up soon! Eddie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pappy Boyington 0 Posted September 4, 2005 well at least Eddie gets it. Ed dont forget about the HH65 and Go Fasts on the website USCG Website edit: i didnt mean to imply only eddie gets it, just that he expressed it best. DBR_ONIX: yes its still the flooded island when the dates and times are set right. Â if they are not then you have a dry island with scattered debris of boxes dumpsters cars newspapers rocks and thats about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Landwarrior87 0 Posted September 4, 2005 (Unless in MP you have Natl' Guard vs. Looters, and then you can REALLY see what the poor, undertrained soldiers are up against). It is for RESCUE missions, and a good version of this mod could've been used as a training device long ago, so the people running the evacuation process now would've had a better idea what to expect and how to react. A training device?? Your really educated man. seriously. You think the coast guard needs to play ofp and boyington's mod to know how to do their job better? God. You amaze me. Looters huh? thats what you call them, imagine this: You and your three kids and wife had to leave your home and go to the superdome and your waiting there for five days and your watching your family starve without food or water, and thers an old abondoned Walgreens or Grocery Store right down the street.. what are you goind to do? These people are not looting they are surviving!! No one here is going to tell me they are not going to do whatever they have to keep their family ALIVE.. I KNOW I SURE AS HELL WOULD. Sow hile your calling them dogs and animals for looting you have no idea of whats going on. But your looking forward to the next missions while your telling your self this is good because the coast guard could have used this to train on. give me a fuccin break Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted September 4, 2005 **SARCASM ALERT** Coool! Â I can use the Tonal guys for the angry black mobs and send in the Coast Guard and NG to rescue the white people from the angry black mobs with a police SWAT team addon providing support to pick off black snipers shooting at the helicopters! Â YEeHAA! Â I can then put some woman playing the part of the Louisiana state governor saying how the National Guard are just back from Iraq and know how to kill. After this the mission will show the brave NG troops protecting a supermarket from the armed black mobs trying to get food and water and then cursing at the NG troops as they pass by. Â I would add in the lines and lines of buses going to pick up the black people (and the few white people the Coast Guard missed) at designated pick up zones but that would just take way too damn long and most players won't play OFP for days and days waiting for buses. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crave22 0 Posted September 4, 2005 @Landwarrior87 Jeez. Give it a break, dude, you're not winning this one. First of all, let's keep this from being a flame war. Second of all, when it comes to looters, we're talking about the ones taking big screen TVs, etc. I'm fine with the ones taking food, but not the other ones. 3rd, you have to admit the Coast Guard and NG are sucking at their rescue efforts. It was a joke (and please, don't start bitching about a joke in a thread about something serious like this) that they'd probably do a better job. 4th, just stop bitching all together. It's not getting anywhere except possibly to a flame war. I know I usually don't use language on these forums, but I'm just pretty frustrated. @Miles Teg Yeah... Well, mostly the NG is letting the people take food and water. And some of that sounded a little racist with the black mobs vs. white civilians. Whites are looting too, you just don't see them as much because there's not as many left. But they're there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Landwarrior87 0 Posted September 4, 2005 it sounded a little racist what Miles Teg said? no it was racist. I cant believe this, being a black person my self how he can say that.. thats what he think our race is.. an angry black mob trying to kill all the white people and take big screen tv's. Thats it. im officially done with this board. I cant beleive these r the people i play ofp with on the net trying to have fun and these are the kind of words that come out of their mouths. With all seriousness.. at a time like this i cant believe you guys are acting like this. The black people to miles teg are nothing but "Tonal Civi's" that he can shoot with his national guard addon. I just cant believe it. Dont worry about me posting anything else im done with this board all in all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoOB 0 Posted September 4, 2005 EDIT: Oops, I saw that that comparrison had already been made :P EDIT: And I do think that Miles teg. was being "slightly" satiric and sarcastic in his post... Great island Pappy, it really makes for some fun and challenging missions! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted September 4, 2005 it sounded a little racist what Miles Teg said? no it was racist. I cant believe this, being a black person my self how he can say that.. thats what he think our race is.. an angry black mob trying to kill all the white people and take big screen tv's. Thats it. im officially done with this board. I cant beleive these r the people i play ofp with on the net trying to have fun and these are the kind of words that come out of their mouths.With all seriousness.. at a time like this i cant believe you guys are acting like this. The black people to miles teg are nothing but "Tonal Civi's" that he can shoot with his national guard addon. I just cant believe it. Dont worry about me posting anything else im done with this board all in all. Dude.... I was being sarcastic. Â Sorry I should have put a "sarcasm alert". Â The part about the hour long wait for buses should have clued you in on that. At any rate I apologize for not making that more clear. Â I hope you don't leave this forum over that as I was just trying to shock people into thinking about whats going on. Â Alot of the subtle racism has exploded into open racism. Â I've heard public school teachers ranting privately about all the "disease ridden monkeys" flooding their schools here in Texas for example. Â Many people are saying that those looters should rot in hell. Â Conservatives around America are condemming all looters as criminals (including Bush who said publicly that there was no excuses for any type of looting) without even considering that PERHAPS people are looting because they lost EVERYTHING and perhaps might need FOOD AND WATER that has not gotten to them yet. Â I've heard tons of people say, "Oh they got water all around them to drink. Its a flood, Duh". Â I am absolutely FURIOUS at my fellow Americans and how callous and uncaring many are. At my school most students barely realize that an entire area of Lousiana and Mississippi has been turned into a 3rd world country (or less then that really) and just totally wiped out. I belong to a group collecting relief for the refugees (and yes they are refugees from a total collapse of local government) and I get clueless students continously asking me if we are collecting for the Tsunami or what all of it is about. Â The entire country should be going into total disaster relief mode but instead people are more concerned with where the New Orleans Saints will be playing this season. Â Its INFURIATING!!! Â Anyways sorry for the rant. I am just very pissed and embarrassed for my country. I honestly don't have anything against this map as others are correct. Making rescue missions is a great way to encourage young people to go into these types of emloyment fields and just to send a message of support to people who are doing good work under a tough situation right now in New Orleans and Mississippi. I just wanted to shock people into the reality and magnitude of the situation. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
da12thMonkey 1943 Posted September 4, 2005 Bloody hell Pappy, first it's your racist watermelons now this? You seem to have a knack for innocently sparking controversy I fully understand what your aim in making this island was though. I can see that you're not trying to mimic or trivialise current events, they just presented a feasible emergency situation that could be created as a mission scenario. If you'd have thought of it before the hurricane nobody'd bat an eyelid; nobody complained of insensitivity to all the poor buggers who's lives have been devastated by tornadoes when this addon was released: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?showthis=6400 I don't see how anyone can be daft enough to think that another person could see all this stuff on the news and think "OMG PWNED!!!! OFP needs this sort of carnage, it's GREAT!" Emotions are running too high I suppose... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites