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Invasion 1944

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Except they've given a release date tounge_o.gif .

Nah, just kidding, all I ask (not demand, as I realise I am not in a position to do so), is that the Mod be a little bit more friendly and open to its fans. smile_o.gif

I mean come on, we have been fans for four years. biggrin_o.gif

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Before I start, this is not intended to harm the mod at all, it's intended to help. People are losing interest in the mod, Invasion 1944 team, because you are not going to release anything, going by your replies to this thread.

This file is purely intended to let people see what you have done.

Note it will not reflect the quality of the final work, the final mod will be better than this, but it gives a good indication of whats to come smile_o.gif

I'm sorry, but some of the files are curroupted, so they are not included in this, ammong these, sadly, were the config PBO's. I strongly recommend the Inv44 team releases these, as it could leave a bad impression, just a load of models, when there has been work put into making configs for everything.

Q. Won't people just steal the models for their own mod?

A. They could just as easily do this for a released mod, but they don't. It could happen when you release the mod, which if you are, this whole thing shouldn't be an issue. If you are not going to make a release, this post is all the more important.

Q. The files are passworded, WTF?!

A. Correct, this is to get the files away from me, with them on megaupload, it is out of my hands, and into yours

Q. How the hell is it in our hands?

A. If you disagree with this "action", it is simple, the file will expire if it is not downloaded within 30days. Disagree? Dont download it, and the file will disappear.

Q. I'm going to delete this post, okay?

A. Your slowly desroying the community, the community shouldn't be left in the dark. Your also killing the Inv44 mod off, interest is slowing dying out, they need a release to keep people interested, this is that release.

'"This mod is great" what an idiot. Never ever played it. All he has seen is photoshop screen shots of gameplay.' - Link removed.

Finaly, stop flaming, you have what you want, un-photoshoped "evidence" of what the team is doing. No more secrets, no-photoshoping smile_o.gif

Good luck to the Invasion 44 mod team, keep up the good work, and keep in mind about the config PBOs if you want this to leave a good impression on your fans wink_o.gif

Almost forgot, the mod is free


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I'm a bit disappointed by the attitude of some people... Do you think that your pressure on them will change something ? NOTHING of course ... they aren't obliged to release anything you know , they aren't paid , maybe they have real life problems ... like everybody here. we're humans ... maybe they can't finish their stuff because they don't have the same passion to carry out it than before...who knows?...

Of course that you can put your opinion , but it would be better if you can expose it politely and calmly




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as you have stated you have worked in a mod, yes, but you also stated that you only advised, therefore you have not worked on a mod fully (as in texturing, modelling, animating,etc..etc..) so i believe that you should take a nice chill pill get drink, hell get a lady and then forget about this thread, as your only making it worse for yourself by acting like a fool infront of 100 or so people, its worthless, bitching wont get ANY mods released any faster, only more likely youll slow it down to a complete stop

so why whine about it and act like you dont care? when all your doing is looking silly?

and thank you to those who agree with addon makers and also other community members, people who dont bitch and whine i have respect for, those who do, id rather keep at arms length and away from my ears.


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@ Lt Hunter, Pleased to see it was my poor reading at fault and that the PC specs for phase1 are exactly what my PC is so thats pleasing, thanks.

I know it's free and that the mod has been in production for a long time just like Falklands but Im sure it will be worth the wait. I only hope that if its not released before OFP2 that it wont be abandoned or upgraded to OFP2 compatibility (if possible). As not everyone here can afford the PC upgrade for OFP2 so these mods like inv44 so on will keep us playing OFP1 long after the sequels release.

Like Falklands mod i understand you must get sick of comments when its ready yet, but as i posted there its the release of screens and showing us your WIP that creates our interest/frustration. I can appreciate the effort gone into it and have ran out of ideas to hint "when is it ready yet", using creative lines of suggestion to disguise thats what im really asking hehehe, we all done it at some point:P

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Unless I read that wrong _noone_ is leaking Inv44 addons without their approval? Hmm that's not acceptable.

Link removed, posting rights removed.

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the pc specs for phase one arnt actually that high, ive got 2 pc's and 1 laptop and phase one works a dream on all of them smile_o.gif all you basically need is the OFP:R specs and your away smile_o.gif

so dont worry about how it will run, im sure it will be fine for 99% of you smile_o.gif


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Szla dzieweczka do laseczka do zielonego aha ha biggrin_o.gif

do zielonego aha ha, do zielonego biggrin_o.gif

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Ok, something which has been bothering me. "4 years of work and this is all you can show". 27. 4. 2003 was when the i44 demo was released. now all the work they show is from past that which is just over 2 years so where some of you get 4 years work from I do not know. Also try and comprehend that the reason they won't say when the mod is released is simply because they don't know. Depending on social life addons can take between 2 weeks and several months to complete and that is for one addon.

People also seem to doubt things such as "Lagless grass" or other stuff, for what reason do you have to not believe them? Many of the mod team are highly respected indivduals whom would by reputation disassociate themselves with a mod that pumps out lies. The mod has been incredibly frank with people by saying we don't know when it's out. Sure the mod is in a quiet time but come the end of the project when it is more tidying up existing addon, what is there to show? If it involves makings LODS for tanks soldiers etc who wants to see low res versions of existing pictures.

I do hope people can continue to be more reasonable and actually post contructive critism as opposed to regurgitaing other peoples **** and writing it down as if it's their own opinion. Peace and just get on with the mod :P

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Speak English in these forums please.

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Quote[/b] ]but as i posted there its the release of screens and showing us your WIP that creates our interest/frustration.

Well, if we don't release any screens than people whine that we are not friendly enough towards our fans, and when we do release screens people whine that they are Photoshopped, and that it doesn't reflect how it looks ingame and calling us liars.

That is not exactly encouraging wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]but as i posted there its the release of screens and showing us your WIP that creates our interest/frustration.

Well, if we don't release any screens than people whine that we are not friendly enough towards our fans, and when we do release screens people whine that they are Photoshopped, and that it doesn't reflect how it looks ingame and calling us liars.

That is not exactly encouraging wink_o.gif

you like to be encouraged (speling ? )

sure thing :-)

4 years is not enought ? :-)

go and play with your art ;-)

personaly, i dont want it :-)


its joint deal

you give us something

we say thanks and encourage you :-)

you give us shit, we give you shit ;-)

at least, after 4 years... man...

and you say its not about busting your ego ?

LoL ghostface.gif

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Hey people , stop bombing them and let them quiet , wtf , why the hell are you insisting , do you think that they'll suddenly release their still "unfinished" addons or ?? please try to be a bit more logical and let them finish their stuff...

the necessary time to bring us the pack doesn't matter...honestly reading comments like that make me angry...

Wait and see !!

If they won't release anything then forget them, that's all...

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Hey people , stop bombing them and let them quiet , wtf , why the hell are you insisting , do you think that they'll suddenly release their still "unfinished" addons or ?? please try to be a bit more logical and let them finish their stuff...

the necessary time to bring us the pack doesn't matter...honestly reading comments like that make me angry...

Wait and see !!

If they won't release anything then forget them, that's all...

i dont insist man :-)

i just dont like when someone is making an idiot out of me :-)

maybe im wrong but i think that they dont give shit about theyr fans, so why i (theyr fan) should give shit about them ?

they dont want us to expect anything from them (especialy release date or some demo updates)

they shouldnt expect anything from us, especialy support, help of any kind, not even good word.

it is so simple

we gave them 4 years, of at least good words and encouraging

and we have "when its done, its done"

so i say - have nice day in neverland when all your addons are ;-)

i wisch I44 best luck on releasing one day something that will make them and whole community happy :-)

i wisch them to be best mod ever and stuff like that :-)

i wisch them everything thats best in theyr private lifes :-)

but i have one request :-)

dont fool us anymore ;-)

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I don't mind if they are photoshopped, it just helps advertise them. I just want some news tounge_o.gif

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so why i (theyr fan) should give shit about them ?

Somewhere above that statement:

Quote[/b] ]personaly, i dont want it :-)

Kind of conflicting statements rock.gif

As said, the addons will not be released before they are finished, no matter how much people whine.

About the Photoshopping issue: Every professional gamedevelopment studio/mod/addon team edits their promo material. We only add some contrast to the screenshots.

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Hey mate , you're judging them , in fact you're taking them out ...

Suddenly a lot of people carry about the Inv44 at the same time cuz the Liberation mod released a great stuff of the same era though... wink_o.gif

Of course that I understand your frustration , but I don't see any issue to resolve this problem except to wait for their release....

Best Regards


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_noone_ wants your download


About the topic, or what became topic.

Im missionmaker, love ww2 stuff, are member of nearly all ww2 ofp forums, i44 old and new forummember. I never asked the release question cause i know good things need their time. But what i absolutly dislike is the fact that I44 absorbs excellent Mods and Addonmakers, wich allready had excellent releases, into their neverending story. Why should i wait for reinhards ardennen till i44 is release?? Same with Johns winter ardennes, his tanks, the complete Italian WW2 Mod wich also had allready had a nice release. They act like the insane borg in star trek, assimilate anything a ww2 missionmaker worked with THE LAST FOUR YEARS.

I never would stress any1 of WW2EC, cause i know what they do, they release their stuff, they requently update their forums with nice screens of models, no photoshopped eyecandy. That is what keep the ww2 stuff running.

Liberation also never made a secret out of their work, Prerelease of addons to give the community something to play with. Now their groundbreaking release. That is what keep the ww2 stuff running.

Im in OFP since the europe release, never was member of the official forums, cause what i wanted was mostly to find in the OFP ww2 forums. Look at my registration date, i registered here cause i really feel OFP WW2 dying, and i think i44 with their "politic" of assimilate any1 that has done something in the past for OFP WW2, and the "big secret" behaviour of their work is the main reason. Thats why i am maybe a little hotblooded on this.

And DKM_Jaguar asked what we loose if I44 gets never released.

I can answer that:

Some of the best WW2 Addonmakers we had, that kept the WW2 shit running the last years. The stuff i worked with, the last four years. Im used to ww2 addons as betas, with texture or config errors, releases maybe once or twice a year, we never had high expectations in ofp ww2 and were happy and thankfull with anything we could get. But all they do is disrespect their forummembers by ignoring their intrests. As i said, i never asked the question, but why should i visit their forum? To see 5 Threads wich turn in a "its done when its done" monologe.(multilangual).

I44 its about time to change some things!

Sorry for the flaming, normally not my style, but im really angry about that and in my opinion 4 years screenshots of marfys tanks without a release is torture enough and worth a Den Haag Trial


Peace wink_o.gif


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so why i (theyr fan) should give shit about them ?

Somewhere above that statement:

Quote[/b] ]personaly, i dont want it :-)

Kind of conflicting statements rock.gif


after 4 years its hard to sadnly stop waiting for this mod

but im on it, dont worry ;-)

besides, in my post are some other lines about wich i would like to know your opinion as I44 member :-)

As said, the addons will not be released before they are finished, no matter how much people whine.

About the Photoshopping issue: Every professional gamedevelopment studio/mod/addon team edits their promo material. We only add some contrast to the screenshots.

fine, we all understand that, and even better, some of us even believe you :-)

but be honest :-)

does I44 cares about theyr fans ? or just about theyr ego and theyr art ?

becouse i get this ugly feeling that fans are last on your "things to care about" list

and thats why ppl who love your work dont love you ;-)

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The amount of people working on I44 means absolutely nothing. They are working in their spare time. While some might be able to work 25+ hours a week many might only be working 4 or 5.

Also don't assume that all I44 staff are professional and can work at a professional speed. A lot of the people working their have been through a huge learning process along their journey. Thats one of the reasons that models get redone - you realise that the way you made an addon was completely inefficient and it had to be remade to reduce lag.

Also I44 has had to deal with people who start things and never finish them, people who disappear off that face of the earth for over 12 months without a single contact. *cough*

Remembe I44 is not a business / corporate team. Thats why it has a series of objective phases now. You cannot simply tell people that although they only like the Africa Korps that they should make Canadian medical vehicles. The team has to accept what its volunteers are actually prepared to do. I can only imagine how frustrating that is.

When I44 comes out people who want to play western front MP will download it. The fact that its a self contained entity will make it so much easier to play online as it means everyone will have the required addons. It will be a choice as to wether people d/l it so I find it difficult to understand why people are getting upset its not like the team is going to personally break into peoples houses and shove a CD_ROM up their bottoms.

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Hey mate , you're judging them , in fact you're taking them out ...

Suddenly a lot of people carry about the Inv44 at the same time cuz the Liberation mod released a great stuff of the same era though... wink_o.gif

Of course that I understand your frustration , but I don't see any issue to resolve this problem except to wait for their release....

Best Regards


you say lets wait ?

sure, we are still waiting :-)

but our (my) patience has expired

maybe i em impatient fool... who knows :-)

time will show ;-)

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The amount of people working on I44 means absolutely nothing. They are working in their spare time. While some might be able to work 25+ hours a week many might only be working 4 or 5.

Also don't assume that all I44 staff are professional and can work at a professional speed. A lot of the people working their have been through a huge learning process along their journey. Thats one of the reasons that models get redone - you realise that the way you made an addon was completely inefficient and it had to be remade to reduce lag.

Also I44 has had to deal with people who start things and never finish them, people who disappear off that face of the earth for over 12 months without a single contact. *cough*

Remembe I44 is not a business / corporate team. Thats why it has a series of objective phases now. You cannot simply tell people that although they only like the Africa Korps that they should make Canadian medical vehicles. The team has to accept what its volunteers are actually prepared to do. I can only imagine how frustrating that is.

When I44 comes out people who want to play western front MP will download it. The fact that its a self contained entity will make it so much easier to play online as it means everyone will have the required addons. It will be a choice as to wether people d/l it so I find it difficult to understand why people are getting upset its not like the team is going to personally break into peoples houses and shove a CD_ROM up their bottoms.

dude, we all understand that

especialy those who are involved in any kind of mods activity

i personaly cant understand this whole "secrecy" and playng fools wit theyr own fans.

*when its done its done*

*here are some screens*

im an dumbass ?

on screens looks ready, but no release or anything ?

why theyr showing me that ?

same tank screen for 4 years ?

and they expect any good comments from us ?

please explayn that, becouse i cant in any f****** way understand this whole secrecy and playng fools with us ghostface.gif

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LoL :-)

i would like to say im sorry :-)

my nerves took control over my rational thinking :-)

have nice day I44 team, and good luck with your mod :-)

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