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Invasion 1944

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There's a simple solution to all this, if you don't like what they are doing or the way they are doing it then stop reading Inv44 threads and don't download it when it comes out.

You're forgetting that they are doing this because they want to do it and it's up to them how they go about doing it, you are not paying them to do it, they don't have to do any of it at all.

All this demanding release dates really pisses me off, they are doing this as a hobby, not a full time job, the amount of time they have available to work on it varies making release dates a complete waste of time, so please get off their backs and let them work!

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Quote[/b] ]You don't play art.... the mod themselves have have called them self art

i havnt see anyone of the team call themself art crazy_o.gif each mod and addon makers work is art in their own mind, that is what we mean, and invasion 1944 is our vision of art, we dont do it to become famous or get on the cover of magazines and get paid money, we do it in our free time which can be very short to very long.

Quote[/b] ]Their are photoshoped, remeber

only to a certain extent, blurring and contrast are the only ones that are mainly used on the screenshots

Quote[/b] ]Please, take a step back and look at your selves, it's a f***ing mod for a game, which now costs Å10, quit the f***ing secrets, what do you have to lose? Nothing

I'm not sure, if you are just doing this to improve your own personal skill, what the hell is the point? I can understand doing little projects to help your skill in something (Modeling, or scripting, or animating etc), which will then help you to go on to release something usefull, ground breaking. That is the ONLY REASON this community exists, the only reason you are there working how-ever-long on some project that you then go on and never relase.. It defys logic, the equivelent of slicing your own heart out. It kills the source of the life, the community...

..if nothing else, atleast this post will slow the other "flames" down, by making them read a too-long post

So cut the secrecy, cut the photoshoping screenshots and let the community, which you need to exist, know what it is your really doing.. even if you dont plan on releasing the stuff (I'm not 100% sure where this idea came from, but it's not been denied, really, so...), tell us, so maybe people will stop posting these stupidly long posts

yes it is a game, and we all do it for fun

sorry for the long post, and thanks to those who arent silly enough to keep whining on and on and on for a release date, you wont get one till we are ready for releasing.

to fans that are eagerly waiting, sign up for the newsletter to recieve news on us quicker than the site or forums smile_o.gif


All Lt Hunter (Sorry, I haven't been able to talk to others, nothing personal tounge_o.gif)

Quote[/b] ][21:06:36] |Invasion 19: a bunch of artists? Correct:)
Quote[/b] ][21:41:28] =Ą=| ßen |=Ą: Sounds very egocentric, no?

[21:41:49] |Invasion 19: don't care

[21:42:05] |Invasion 19: we are artists, not crowdpleasers

Quote[/b] ][21:45:14] |Invasion 19: we care about the art, not the game
Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]Their are photoshoped, remeber

only to a certain extent, blurring and contrast are the only ones that are mainly used on the screenshots

But thats giving a false image of what you've done, if the mod truly is great, you shouldnt need to photoshop it wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]sorry for the long post, and thanks to those who arent silly enough to keep whining on and on and on for a release date, you wont get one till we are ready for releasing.

No one is asking for a release date rock.gif

In that last quote (from my post) you missed out all the main points, mainly about the non-release not being denied, about stoping photoshoping screenies, secrecy, and if these long posts are doing anything to help slow down this thread tounge_o.gif

- Ben

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Quote[/b] ]Personally I am not demanding addons, I am asking for answers.

I agree with Gandy.  I don't want the addons I want some answers.  Isolation, we talk as if they are convicts trying to hide.  I think it is wrong they are doing this.  If we had screen shots the people would not be no where near as angry.  They have a right to be angry.  We get the same answer every time.  When its done its done.  I am pretty mad about that.  We can't even get a release date or some screen shots of some units.  But other than that, i'm not mad.  I just told the truth.  They are too spread out.  People are doing different mods while they need to finish the main one.

Let me tell you a little story to tell you why I have gotten a little frustrated.

I left OFP for a month, I come back and I see a new version of Inv44.  Africa and Italy.  They were already struggling to finish this now they made a new version and now they would be more speard out.  

You need a foundation to build a house.  If you don't understand this, let me explain.  The foundation is Market Garden.  Each room is a new and different phase.

They don't owe us anything, they don't even know us.  So they are going to show us what little they did and not release it.  Everyone talks about how their rep is.  How do you think it will look if they don't release it.

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Quote[/b] ]if you don't like what they are doing or the way they are doing it then stop reading Inv44 threads and don't download it when it comes out

What is their to read.  They post no news, no screens.  At the forums all their is, are fans that can't come back to earth and come back to the real world.  The ones still think that they are going to have this done in a week, then when the week is over they say it will be out next week, and until they get to that point when they finally give up, they will be like me.

Quote[/b] ]You're forgetting that they are doing this because they want to do it and it's up to them how they go about doing it, you are not paying them to do it, they don't have to do any of it at all.

We have already established that, and I agree with that.  I would rather have them probably do none of it all when they first started because, 4 years, this probably should all I post 4 years.  Every time, just 4 years.

Quote[/b] ]so please get off their backs and let them work!

SHHHHH,4 years dude.  That is it 4 years.

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SHHHHH,4 years dude.  That is it 4 years.

Let's see what you can come up with in the same amount of time then, off you go, the clock's ticking tounge_o.gif

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@ Ironsight

Personally I am not demanding addons, I am asking for answers. When after four years there are people where that still believe in inv. 1944 I think they deserve atleast that much smile_o.gif . Invasion 1944's lack of "update" is just showing they are isolating themselves from the community, like Marcel said.

It seems that you are missing my point. Invasion 1944 (and other modders) doesn't owe the community anything. They don't have to tell us anything and if they want to isolate themselves from the community than that's their choice. Nothing we can do about it. But maybe that's just only my opinion confused_o.gif

youp wink_o.gif

they dont owe us anything smile_o.gif


every sword has two blades and every coin has two sides... (dont know wich sayng is known in your country wink_o.gif )

so we dont owe them anything too smile_o.gif

someone mentioned respect and things like that smile_o.gif

i think they are lieing us, ive lost my respect for them confused_o.gif

and i dont owe them nothnig same as they dont owe me nothing.

showing us screens and teling us theyr making mod wich we all will play one day ?

they got us attention and tons of respect.

4 years later...

everything looks like lie.

basicly i dont give shit anymore,

if they will release this mod - cool, il play it and i will say nicely "thanks I44".

if they dont - nothing changes, no respect for ppl giving players hope and after 4 years taking it back.

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I looked at the inv44 screens and they're not too impressive considering it's been 4 years in the making... what you guys doing? Heavy-duty engine modifications with destroyable buildings and an improved AI?

I'm trying to not be an ass here but 4 years is a respectable development time.

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Wow you where in OPGWC which went on for 3 years and produced a demo?

So for a mod to be good you want them to post pictures every day? Just to please you?

If you dont like this mod then dont post here, simple as that.

What do you know about addon making(I mean 3d modeling and texturing not beta testing?)

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Quote[/b] ]Let's see what you can come up with in the same amount of time then, off you go, the clock's ticking

Dumbass, you are another one of those idiots. "This mod is great" what an idiot. Never ever played it. All he has seen is photoshop screen shots of gameplay. It wouldn't be hard since they haven't shown us anyting but the 82nd Airborne, a Tiger Tank, 2 halftracks, Wermancht infantry. With a team of what 15, and that is it. Now Magellan go back in your corner and go finish your British Mod.

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This is the only post I will make in this hell-hole of a thread.

IF the mod was not released, what have you LOST?

It reflects badly on you that you are so wound up about something like a free mod.

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Quote[/b] ]Wow you where in  OPGWC which went on for 3 years and produced a demo?

We only had 3 addon makers unlike Inv44.  Quakergamer, FV35 or something like that and I fogot the other.  Quaker did a lot for the mod, FV was working on the british armor and the other did the units and they were pretty good to.  Had some problems but are still pretty good.  3 addon makers, and the 3rd left for a bit because he was in the military. So we only had 3 and sometimes 2 addon makers at times.  Ok, you want some more answers, just keep bringing questions.  4 YEARS

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Yeah thats a good one call people idiots because they like something.

The inv44 team has changed since that demo, different people have different ways of doing things, so they redo things to how they work.

And what have you got against ukf?

What about swift 88, hunterkiller,orson and many others? they where in ofqwc

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A team of 15 is small considering the scale of the project

And i think you need to shut up, making accusations about people you hardely know.

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Quote[/b] ]Yeah thats a good one call people idiots because they like something

It was a good call.  I can find an idiot any where on these forums.  How can you like it, if you have never played it.  "The screen shots look good".  The kid is probably 10 years old ok.  The kid just blurts out what comes to his head.

My bad about the name mix up but yes it was swift, it has been so long I can't even remeber most of their names.

The others, hardly did anything. They work as slow as Inv44.

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I have no beef with the UK.

Quote[/b] ]A team of 15 is small considering the scale of the project

Yes it is small when they are all working on different things. Like I posted earlier. 4 doing market garden 4 doing africa 4 doing russia and 4 doing normandy. Yes that is a small team when they are that spread out. Instead of doing it like that they should have their whole team work on Market Garden and forget the rest.

You are also comparing it to OPGWC. A team total of 6, 4 addon makers and like 2 intelligence.

If you have read my posts you would know what I was talking about and I would not have to retype this.

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B_Ringer, I agree with Harley, try to bring your opinions without calling people idiots. I know you're frustrated, but calling people idiots wont get you anywhere.

Smiley Nick, I know Marcel, I know John. I don't know Wildo, the co-leader, or jojimbo personally though, all I know is Jojimbo's computer looks ugly (black, seriously now tounge_o.gif ), Wildo is somewhat trying to explain, and the co-leader... dunno anything about him.

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And how old are you b_ringer25?  A big boy of 17?  Enough of the insulting publicly, anyway.  You wanna call someone an idiot, email them.  I'm fed up of reading it on here when there could be something better to learn about.

Anyway, no more forays for me into this thread; from now on I shall just observe.

thankyou don't come back.

I started making posts at this forum, telling the people of OFP that you will probably not see Inv44 until after OFP2 comes out.  You notice that no Inv44 members are here telling me that its a lie.  They are spread out.  Making new expansions when they are no where near completion of the base.  Market Garden.  We see false screen shots and I am supposed to be in awe.  I don't think so.  confused_o.gif Then people started asking questions and I was answering them, until finally we had a couple of idiots come one here.

The people are tired of waiting, all we want are some non photoshop screens and a release date.  Is that too much to ask for.  Give me a break if you think it is.

I am frustrated at people making comments about things I have already disscussed.  If they took the time to read instead of making comments I would not be that frustrated.  Some people feel they are better than others.  Well sorry, when some ones says a smart little remark, I have been raised to fire back.  Fire back and hit hard.

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b_ringer25 and others, the flaming stops now please, either return to discussing the mod politely and calmly or the thread will be closed and those responsible will be post restricted.

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b_ringer25 and others, the flaming stops now please, either return to discussing the mod politely and calmly or the thread will be closed and those responsible will be post restricted.

Don't single me out. I was not the only one.

That is another thing that gets me frustrated.

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I know you're not the only one, which is why I said "and others".

I named you because 1. You seem to be exceptionally vocal and heated enough to reply to numerous comments & 2. There is quite clear flaming in a number of your posts.

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If we can all just settle down, stay calm and go back to discussing in the mature supportive way the Flashpoint community is respected for then no threads need closing, nobody needs post restricting or warning smile_o.gif

If someone posts something you find offensive then report the post to us and we'll look into it, better than replying in kind and risking trouble yourself.

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its like with OFP2 dev. Same story, they just dont want to release half good project tounge_o.gif

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