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DMA Animation Pack 1.0

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DMA Animation Pack 1.0 released


A joint effort from the Dynamic Mission Alliance

thanks Honchoblack for the screenshot.

2 versions available

-Classic version for the ones who want the classic "weapon on back" animation

-Patrol version for the ones who want the "weapon on back" anim replaced by a "patrol" stance



Temporary mirror (thanks to xela89)



Download Mirrors -maybe more with the time-

Classic Version from OFPBase thanks to Hotshot

Patrol Version from OFPBase thanks to Hotshot

Classic version from Opflashpoint.org thanks to PureMassacre

Classic version from Opflashpoint.org thanks to PureMassacre

Stealth-Net mirror thanks to StealthTiger

OFP.info mirror thanks to Silent N Deadly



What's different from the horrible Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.7

-broken back and spine repaired for all the addons and default units in all animations

-weapons in a lower position to have their stock in the shoulder and not in the cheek

-scoped weapon not always above the head but more near to the eye level

-weapon losing polygons in 1st person view corrected for most of all addons weapons

-different feeling as most of all was restarted from scratch

-lots of "not from scratch" animations tweaked for a better visual result

This pack is compatible with Sanctuary's Pistol animation pack 1.1

You are totally free to use/modify any of the animations from this pack

-without- having to ask us first.

You can convert those animations to anything you want, you can use only a part of them, you can mix them, you can rework them etc... without requesting our permission.

If you disagree with that statement we really don't care, sorry.

A credit to the DMA team is always appreciated

-beta test, feedbacks, suggestions-





Have fun.



<span style='font-size:19pt;line-height:100%'>ADDENDUM</span>




Read the following

This is something that could be very usefull for animator or futur animator that will be fighting with OFPAnim to make a replacement pack with interpolations for their animations.

-It has no use for normal OFP player, it can be only interesting for OFPAnim animators-

Right Click on that link and Save..As

In the zip archive you will find 2 animations file : thebackbone.rtm and atadded.rtm


I named this file like this because i consider this file to be the backbone of my animation pack. Because, by cutting some frames, inverting other frames, etc... you can make from this file the following with smooth interpolations :

-Stand Aiming (Sstanistat.rtm)

-Crouch Aiming (klek.rtm)

-Prone Aiming (lEH.rtm)

-Stand to Crouch (ssTANIDOKLEK.rtm)

-Stand to Prone (stanisdolehu.rtm)

-Crouch to Stand (klekdostani.rtm)

-Crouch to Prone (klEklEH.rtm)

-Prone to Stand (lehdostanis.rtm)

-Prone to Crouch (LEHKLEK.rtm)

From the backbone file, you can create 9 other files with smooth interpolation in no time

And most of every other animations (reload, binocs, etc...) will use this "backbone file" as a basis to be created. That's why it is very important to have this backbone file right before continuing your animations efforts with OFPAnim.


This file is an example of how i created my AT animations with the backbone file.

Notice that from the atadded.rtm , by carefull cutting frames, inverting frames or moving frames , i created the following with smooth interpolations :

-Stand Aiming to AT aiming (staniDOAT.rtm)

-Crouch Aiming to AT aiming (klEkDoaT.rtm)

-Prone Aiming to AT aiming (LEHDOAT.rtm)

-AT aiming (atsTAT.rtm)

-AT aiming to Stand Aiming (ATDOstani.rtm)

-AT aiming to Crouch Aiming (ATdoklek.rtm)

-AT aiming to Prone Aiming (ATDOLEHU.rtm)

Again, like you can see, with 1 file you can make 7 animations.

So, i hope you have understood the imoportance of creating a backbone animation file like the one i made for my pack, and to have it good, as everything will use it as a basis.

Let a problem inside the backbone file, lots of other animation will inherit of it.

It is very important to "think ahead" to what you will do next when animating with OFPAnim , as there is no copy/paste a frame from an animation file to another animation file.

It would have certainly be too easy wink_o.gif

Have a good animations work in OFPAnim, fellow unknown animator colleague.

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Top work, congratulations on this combined effort. Now need to make my excuses to leave work early!

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Indeed it is really slow it says me the download times is 1 hour 30 minutes only for 4MB crazy_o.gif

Other mirriors please wink_o.gif

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I have already contacted OFP.info for hosting with a "yousendit" link , to lighten the load on xela89 server. But remember that different timezone, and free time for their team should delay the hosting there as they offer this service but can't be 24/24 available for us.

So please wait if you can't get it from xela89 server.

Meanwhile, i have uploaded the "patrol" pack there

25 download max, so feel free to upload it somewhere if you are in those 25 first lucky ones, as this link will cease to exist.


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Thanks xela89

I removed your normal links until you have no more problems and added the temporary ones.

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Well, here are my observations: The standing position definetely looks better, but it seems you have moved the right hand a bit too much forward; Try the LSR deltas CAR15 soldier. This highlights it a bit. My only suggestion: Move the right hand a bit back, maybe a bit left, too. Other than that. Looks really good! Good job. Generally speaking, they look much more normal now.

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The problem with moving the hand backward as you suggest is that i tried to make a pack that is satisfying with the majority of the addons, not only for 1 kind of weapons.

Try some machinegun instead of a CAR15 and imagine the hand even more backward : it would look awfull, i know as i had the hand backward in one of the early version of my work.

If assigning an animation to a weapon was possible for OFP, it would have been certainly better, but not when you try to make a generic animation acceptable for every weapons and addons (and i tried a very lot of them to make this pack)

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Great Pack! Finally I'm strating to like this patrol anim idea! Very Nice.

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Nice job Sanctuary. The reloading seems faster now though, any way to slow it down in a future pack? Mirrors for classic pack and patrol version.

Thank you for the mirrors

The reloading "seems" faster , but in fact it is not, as the duration of the animation is defined in the main config.

And the config is something i have not touched with this replacement pack , so we can say it is a placebo effect (not this placebo, the other one wink_o.gif ) you are experiencing

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Does the hand hold the weapon properly now, because i liked the previous versions but i had issues with first person view and some weapons?

Forget it, i will try it right away, thanks alot Sanctuary and DMA, i will try right now smile_o.gif .

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Its amazing wow_o.gif , a great improvement over the past ones, really a must have, well done lads, thanks alot for yet another great release smile_o.gif .

I really like the patrol stance and how they hold the rifle when they pull the binos, very good.

My only criticism is the prone stance in first person view, it breaks the hand alot and shows the rifle a bit too much, this was fixed to perfection in stand and crouch but prone is still weird, everything else is close to perfection, i will play with this pack forever, thank you, thank you biggrin_o.gif .

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I added something in the 1st post that could be very usefull to other animators or futur animator wanting to create replacement pack with smooth interpolations using OFPAnim.

If you are a simple player or do not want to do replacement pack, you have no need of reading what i added wink_o.gif

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I looked down while sprinting and it turned quite ugly. tounge_o.gif

Otherwise it's a great pack. It gives OFP a new feeling. Keep up the good work.

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I looked down while sprinting and it turned quite ugly. tounge_o.gif

Otherwise it's a great pack. It gives OFP a new feeling. Keep up the good work.

try it while crouching with lockes anim mod,

from afar it almost looked as if he´d put his head where the sun doesn´t shine crazy_o.gif

but it´s actually an rather unnatural position which no ai ever would do, so no bad biggrin_o.gif

great work on the pack!

theres just one thing i also wondered about in the previous anim replacements.

when some unit is just equipped with a pistol and you put it in safe stance it does the rifle-safe move..

a pic might explain it better:


also no biggie, never noticed it in a single mission, just while messing around in the editor.

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You nasty people.


Quote[/b] ]theres just one thing i also wondered about in the previous anim replacements.

when some unit is just equipped with a pistol and you put it in safe stance it does the rifle-safe move..

a pic might explain it better:

Actually, this problem is linked to the fact that as long as a unit possess a weapon , primary or handgun, this unit will use an armed "weapon on back animation" (try it with BIS default, that 's the same).

To create a visually valid patrol animation, i had the replace animations, i selected the "weapon on back" animations for this patrol pack.

Unfortunately the unit with the handgun will use this "weapon on back" animation for armed units (here replaced by the patrol one) , instead of the civilian "weapon on back" animation.

The only possibility to get rid of that would be to replace armed "weapon on back" animation by the civilian unarmed weapon on back animation.

That was what i did for the Sanctuary's pack 1.7 "handung" version.

But you had to say goodbye to the classic weapon on back and the patrol animation.

And honestly it did not looked good at all, as it served only mission with units with handgun only.

So this time, i did not made an "handung" special pack to take care of that problem, as it is not interesting at all.

Make a request to BIS to correct this problem in Armed Assault, as it is their fault the unit with handgun is using the same animation as an unit armed with a primary rifle smile_o.gif

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Great job mate , that was the most needed thing for FFUR , you've done it allowing me to release the FFUR more closely wink_o.gif

Thanks again



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