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WWIIEC : Caen 1944

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hi, thanks for the nice comments

Ok now that i have all the vegetation i need, i finally started to put up some normandy hedgerows. I plan 2 types : a small one where tanks and infantry can go/fight through, and a tall, very thick one that is like a tall vegetation wall...

here you can see the small one. good for an ambush...




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Wholly Molly that looks great, may be its my personal taste but I think the green looks a bit too light and should be a tad darker, but that could just be my personal taste/oponion

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I dont think its to green, its almost that green outside here now, and when thinking of midsummer doesnt make grass less green does it?

Will the ai know where to get through the hedgerow, and will you include a small script with the stingning nettle to getdammage 0.1 ? wink_o.gif

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yep, the AI already cross the hedgerows without much troubles..

sorry, no stinging nettle script lol

(I dont think anyone ever ended up dying from being stinged by too many nettles...?)

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Believe me, jumping into an ocean of them in only your underwear hurts, bad.

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Believe me, jumping into an ocean of them in only your underwear hurts, bad.

=) Have you ever tried it then?

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Yes, the week after that adventure wasnt very pleasant, especially since one of them nettles absolutley had to find its way in under the underwear, enough about that.

I love the way the hedgerow blends in with the ground.

Edit: How cpu demanding is it?

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don't change the color, it looks like grass is supposed to, GREEN! a flashpoint first wink_o.gif as far as thorns, one tends to not notice things like that in action, seeing as there are bullets cracking in the air above you, as well as your & your mens lives on the line.

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I am truly in awe when it comes to this project. The amount of detail in the hedgerows, even the trees and vines running up them is incredible. That Pak-40 (I believe) as well as German soldier look great as well, the more screens I see the less I can wait for more. Truly wonderful job smile_o.gif

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Hello, I´m still working hard, I would like to show you more of my new anims for WWIIEC Caen44 units. As always, these are not anims made for taking screenshots, but all of them are actuall frames of already existing new anims (really). I hope you like them. There are no WWIIEC trees on the screenshots, these are the default BIS objects (of course, the grass is the one by FAB smile_o.gif ).Yours Sengir.

Soldat Christian has lost his brother..


Another angle:


A patrol:


Partisan hunters (why not to place them against some LIB Soviets too smile_o.gif ) ?


A counterattack:


Weak British armour:


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Very impressive work on those anims Sengir, hard to believe those are actual anims, and not just for scenes.

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hehe, they really are. yay.gif Its just a "clever" usage of them smile_o.gif Let me explain the trick, f.ex take the first screenshot: The guy on the left uses one frame of one of the random anims the soldiers will play when in safe mode. The second German from the left uses a frame from my "standgetincar", the "sad" soldier uses "combattotakeflag" anim and the dude on the right plays an another random anim "Stand_random1_drinking" (he is reaching for his bottle). And the dead guy, well, he is dead smile_o.gif

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Excellent animations, that they are not ment for screenshots but rather are gameplay animations make them even better. You are doing a great job reflecting the movement of a 2. world war soldier. This will truly add a complete new feeling to OFP. thumbs-up.gif

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Brilliant work Engineers Corps. Like others have said, the animations are superb, along with the "green" foliage. And the first shot of the tree with ivy on it nearly wrecked my keyboard from drooling. Keep up the good work. thumbs-up.gif

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Its been a while since i posted anything, as a matter of fact i had a little break from OFP during the last two weeks, but now i'm back and i'm finishing the hedgerows and vegetation in general... i've reworked the hedgerow to allow better lods, lots of variety regarding what vegetation grows on it, and right now i'm pretty happy with the result. as you can see we now have high res ground too :



its starting to look just like i imagined it...

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Its been a while since i posted anything, as a matter of fact i had a little break from OFP during the last two weeks, but now i'm back and i'm finishing the hedgerows and vegetation in general... i've reworked the hedgerow to allow better lods, lots of variety regarding what vegetation grows on it, and right now i'm pretty happy with the result. as you can see we now have high res ground too :



its starting to look just like i imagined it...

Now that's awesome! The grass, the trees, the bushes they all look brilliant! A full-sized island with vegetation like that, perfect. biggrin_o.gif

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Those pictures are superb. I can just imagine a squad of tommys resting behind that hedge, taking a break in the sun. thumbs-up.gif

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Very nice indeed, you are a very talented island maker, the small elevations make such a difference, along with the detailed ground textures and the foliage, looking forward to this one.


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hehe thanks

actually i'm a crappy island maker, i'm just doing vegetation in a way to make it really easy for real island makers from our team (not phonies like me) to put that together and make a really good island...

i arranged the ground texture, i think its the final one now... more patchy if you see what i mean...



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