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Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.5

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As this version 1.5 of my animation replacement pack , the "Classic" version, it should be the final one that would come from me (i will not rework anything, only if a bug i overlooked in my testing sessions is spotted), i create a thread dedicaced to it here, as it is now considered as a complete addon.

There is an alternative , called "Patrol version" of this animation pack , it is available at the end of this message , so if you prefer the patrol version instead of the classic version of this animation pack, just scroll down

Download mirrors (will be updated as soon as new ones arrive)

Xela89.info mirror, thanks to Xela89 for the hosting

OpFlashpoint.org mirror thanks to OpFlashpoint.org

OFP.info mirror thanks to Hooahman and OFP.info

Edgefiles mirror thanks to Atwar

Readme.txt included for changelog, installation instructions

List of the 38 new/modified animation since the previous 1.4 included too.

I hope it will enhance a bit your OFP experience.

Everyone is free to modify , mix, delete, change, convert, etc ... everything from my pack without having to request my permission.





Here is the alternative to my "classic" Animation pack 1.5 :

Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.5 - Patrol version -



Download Mirrors (can be updated as soon as new mirrors are up)

xela89 .info mirror thanks to xela89

OFP.info mirror thanks to Silent N Deadly

Edgefiles mirror thanks to Atwar

Content : 29 new animation files replacing most of the "weapon on back" animations to "patrol ones" and keeping all my other replacements like there were.

-updated since their standalone version from the sharing animation thread-

Animation list and readme.txt in the pack updated accordingly

People that prefer the more classic weapon on back stance should continue to use the "classic" Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.5 found up there.

thanks to all people that helped me or provided feedback.

Enjoy and feel free to do what you want with all the animations from the pack as long as you don't sell them.



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Weee  biggrin_o.gif

Thanks man!!


Back from playing around, looks good, haven't found any bugs so far.

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Great work on the animations sanctuary, this improves flashpoint very much!

i have been using your animations since your unified animation thread, and i must say that your animations improved a lot, even though the first one you made allready where constantly present on my harddrive, but the new transitions are definatly "it".

so hereby i want to express my gratitude for your hard work, and to qoute a forum saying: You keep OFP alive!

greetings Honcho

ps: thanks for the Marine Assault Pack unit replacement mod too, been playing around with that alot too, it is the basis for my own little config ;)

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Sanctuary, I know this was a lot of work. I think we all appreciate the effort. Its really great!

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Great job, they look much better then default BIS ones.

Erm... Did you "correct" the pistol aiming anim? I don't see any difference.

And, well, not your fault, with some weapons, such as ToW Sig 550, which has a huge sight, the aiming looks a bit funny... Sometimes the sight is actually inside the helmet... But no problem with that, it'd be (nearly) impossible to fix. It's due the weapons, not you.

I never thought there would be so many anims needed...

Thank you.

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I have not remade any handgun animations.

The handgun animations are not located in the Anim.pbo, but in the O.pbo unfortunately, and that's why i remade none as i don't have a connection good enough to upload such a big file (and not enough time to compile such a big archive hundred time when i test each little change i make, as on my system pbo-ing and un-pboing the O.pbo takes lot of time).

Quote[/b] ]

I never thought there would be so many anims needed...

Me neither, if i had knew the headaches this would have generated, i would certainly have not did it smile_o.gif

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well then i guess its time for you to reanimate every single pistol addon ever made biggrin_o.gif

but seriously your anim's pack has given my ofp a new look it desperatly needed.

keep up the good work

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Superb Sanc!! Thank you so much! I like how the soldiers go prone now.

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First I wanna say these animations are amazing and realy makes OFP a better game in more ways than just looks.

Although I realty like this addon and uses it there are a frew things that I would realy like to be taken care of if you or enybody els for that matter would do somthing about the animations so they would be more enjoyable when using the resistance man model:


here are some pictures of the model in standing, kneeling, prone and walking using these animations as you problery can see they have a slight back problem, if you can't go open OFP and set in one of the new civies which came with resistance and give them a gun. I am prity sure this can be fixed because the animations llike throwing a granade and walking in high ready(third picture 2.row) they don't look that bad.

Hope that you, Sanctuary, if you decide to make a 1.6 will fix this. If not would enybody els who knows animation please do it thanks in advance.


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1.6 will not happen , at least not by me.

Quote[/b] ] am prity sure this can be fixed because the animations llike throwing a granade and walking in high ready(third picture 2.row) they don't look that bad.

you seem to have no idea of what modifying a single static animation would lead to , especially with the heavy limitation of OFPAnim , that do not allow you to copy paste frame from an animation file to another (making tweaking animations you just created a very long , boring and difficult work).

I take that example :

For the example, i modify the "stand aiming" animation.

So far nothing wrong, i test ingame, nothing wrong, then i move or change stance and go to crouch position.

And there you notice the problem : the interpolation will not be smooth .

Because if you modify a static position, you will have to modify accordingly every interpolation animation that are starting from it , or ending in it.

And for that situation of "stand aiming" , it will be :

-stand to crouch

-crouch to stand

-stand to prone

-prone to stand

-stand reloading

-stand binocular

-stand to put/drop object/mine/satchel

-weapon on back to stand

-stand grenade launching

Launch OFPAnim , and load the corresponding animations, and count how many frames you have to modify to fix that.

Then you will understand why i will follow your suggestion , as i don't want to go through that real hell with OFPAnim that i went 2 times already for simply modifying a position in 1.3 then in 1.4 .

I read somewhere that it was possible to use Maya instead of OFPAnim , as there were on OFPEC some specific plugin for Maya and the .rtm format (made by OFPInternals if i remember well).

So certainly if someone own this professional program (that is a lot less limited than OFPAnim) , tweaking and modifying existing animation and reporting it to every frames should be a joke.

But personnally i don't have this program, don't know how to use it, and the free limited edition of Maya don't work on my system. But if someone has such program, feel free to tweak anything you want to your liking.

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1.6 will not happen , at least not by me.
Quote[/b] ] am prity sure this can be fixed because the animations llike throwing a granade and walking in high ready(third picture 2.row) they don't look that bad.

you seem to have no idea of what modifying a single static animation would lead to , especially with the heavy limitation of OFPAnim , that do not allow you to copy paste frame from an animation file to another (making tweaking animations you just created a very long , boring and difficult work).

I take that example :

For the example, i modify the "stand aiming" animation.

So far nothing wrong, i test ingame, nothing wrong, then i move or change stance and go to crouch position.

And there you notice the problem : the interpolation will not be smooth .

Because if you modify a static position, you will have to modify accordingly every interpolation animation that are starting from it , or ending in it.

And for that situation of "stand aiming" , it will be :

-stand to crouch

-crouch to stand

-stand to prone

-prone to stand

-stand reloading

-stand binocular

-stand to put/drop object/mine/satchel

-weapon on back to stand

-stand grenade launching

Launch OFPAnim , and load the corresponding animations, and count how many frames you have to modify to fix that.

Then you will understand why i will follow your suggestion , as i don't want to go through that real hell with OFPAnim that i went 2 times already for simply modifying a position in 1.3 then in 1.4 .

I read somewhere that it was possible to use Maya instead of OFPAnim , as there were on OFPEC some specific plugin for Maya and the .rtm format (made by OFPInternals if i remember well).

So certainly if someone own this professional program (that is a lot less limited than OFPAnim) , tweaking and modifying existing animation and reporting it to every frames should be a joke.

But personnally i don't have this program, don't know how to use it, and the free limited edition of Maya don't work on my system. But if someone has such program, feel free to tweak anything you want to your liking.

Actualy I was thinking about the model being able to do it I never said it would be easy. I just pointed out that the resistance man model dosen't look that good using these animations and that it would be nice to have it fixed.

I myself is not that good at making animations and ofpanim whont save anims I have changed.


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At this point, if it can be of any hint for people interested in making animations using OFPAnim, i think really that it is easier and less frustrating to do everything from scratch than having to tweak an existing animation then being forced to tweak every frames of all the interpolations starting/leading to it to keep a relative smooth feeling.

Personally i was a lot less frustrated by OFPAnim when i created for the first time the complete set of static + their interpolations than when i had to rework them all for 1.5 .

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Thanks Hooahman icon14.gif

I will tried to respect the "final" word and at least i did not uploaded to you the wrong version this time smile_o.gif

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Aw... sorry to hear this is the final version.

The animations in general are good, way more realistic than than the BIS ones, but they all seem like they just a need the last touch... But, I don't know anything about animating with "OFPAnim".

But I find it to be almost useless, The animations scew up some of the models, and the running animations look too silly... No offence Sanctuary, really nice try though icon14.gif

Is it possible to make animations in another program like 3DMax or Maya?


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Yes it should be possible with Maya and it should really be better, knowing the limitations of OFPAnim.

There is this tool in OFPEC , from OFPInternals group, that should be very helpfull to Maya users to create .rtm files for OFP.

I think the breakdance animations in 2002 were made with maya.

A pity such animators did not tried to make replacement animations, as he seems really talented with that professional program.

There is a "free" version of Maya, but it will not work on all system unfortunately (that is why i used only OFPAnim and why i will not update my pack anymore, as the limitations are too big in OFPAnim to make exactly what i want)

Ah if only OFPAnim had the possibility to copy a frame from an animation to another animation, it would have been so different.

But actually you can copy/move frames only inside of the same animation, certainly better than nothing but too limited to have good interpolation or rework them to your needs.

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thank you.

It is always a bit surprising when people tell you they like what you have done, when while you were making it you saw so many things that have could be done in a better way but that your poor animating talent was unable to do wink_o.gif

I am happy to see that (and secretly hope that talking about animations and releasing this pack will give the will to someone more talented to create a superior pack in every way)

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