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Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.5

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hi i was just thinking that it would look cooler if the tranition animation from safe to combat employs the combatant to cock his weapon and the other way for him to disengage his weapon.

just my 2 cents.

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good idea and would be nice although for it to work propaly there would need to be a way to make the animations suite the weapon, as an m16 "cocking animation" wouldnt suite other weapons like the Aug or Ak47 for example.

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Excellent Sanctuary!! These are indispensable additions to ofp for me. smile_o.gif


Is it possible to also modify the anim where you walk diagonaly while looking through your gunsight, or would that involve alot of the angel trial and error you had to do on the patrol anims?

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i tried your anims last night very impressive, can i make one suggestion in that can the head move aswell as your soldier keeps it perfectly straight when running and walking even though his shoulders are moving, it shouldnt move much but a little. small niggle but other than that very nice smile_o.gif

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I will see what i can do when i will have enough time to work on it.

But, i remind people that it is more easy for me to understand what they are talking about, when they take the time to make screenshots of their problem or add screenshots/photos/drawings to show visually what they are suggesting.

Without anything to help me, there is a lot of chance i will ignore the suggestions and things will stay like they are actually.

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my two cents:

personally i normall hate anim packs for ofp as 90% of them i think looks pretty crap, as in the guy looks like he's got a serious case of diahorea whil standing etc...

since you released the patrol version... wow... love it as it looks the mutts nutts... my only and one and only thing i'd suggest, but i know would get a hell no for, would be to perhaps make a bullpup weapon friendly version? basically bullpup weapons' sights clip horribly with the head due to the nature of the weapon and your anims (tailored more for M16's etc i imagine) but i can live with it, if only for the excellent patrol anim smile_o.gif

keep it up fella biggrin_o.gif

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its kind of hard to take picture of but ill see what i can do mate.

just think of it this way raise one shoulder and drop the other, your head should tilt slightly also towards the the dipped shoulder. what im getting at is there should be a slight rocking effect of the head, ill try take photos in ofp to show what i mean

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@Messiah the same isue applys to the M82, but you cant gear a single animation to be for EVERY gun.

it works with 98% of the INQ weapons, from his M24 to the M16 so i think its pretty good as is

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my two cents:

personally i normall hate anim packs for ofp as 90% of them i think looks pretty crap, as in the guy looks like he's got a serious case of diahorea whil standing etc...

since you released the patrol version... wow... love it as it looks the mutts nutts... my only and one and only thing i'd suggest, but i know would get a hell no for, would be to perhaps make a bullpup weapon friendly version? basically bullpup weapons' sights clip horribly with the head due to the nature of the weapon and your anims (tailored more for M16's etc i imagine) but i can live with it, if only for the excellent patrol anim  smile_o.gif

keep it up fella  biggrin_o.gif

Not to undermine you but I taught bullpop weapons work fine, becuase in the pic shown on OFP we see french troops carrying the FAMAS a bullpop weapons and from that angle it seems fine.


Perhaps its apon other angels, but even if a bullpop version is released wont it look a bit weird on conventional firearms

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Hi, Really, REALLY impressed. This has changed the whole feel of OFP and given it a much needed boost - especially your recently added "Patrol" anim. Two questions though

1. Your have made your Patrol follow a "Column" only formation. Is this as per BIS scripting or is it something that could be changed ?. Personally, I'd prefer to be able to put a patrol into staggered column or wedge formations when needed.

2. You seem to have a genius for this sort of thing and I wondered if you'd looked at vehicle behaviour. Specifically, tanks - spinning and whizzing about under fire and generally being too fast and too "busy" when engaged. Is this your kind of territory ??.

Look forward to your reply, Rats

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Whilst I've got your attention !. Two other things have just occurred to me -

1 With the patrol anim would it be possible for (as in your other anims) some of the soldiers to kneel for a few seconds from time to time and move into the kneeling position when stationary ?.

2 To have some soldiers carry weapons left handed ?

BFN, Rats

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I have one question too, related to that patrol screenie...

What units are they? I've searched through the OpFr Infantry but couldn't find 'em...

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@ pappy... like i said, i guessed they were geared towards M16's and general assualt rifles...

@ Wa_Va_Voom... yes, the famas is indeed a bullpup, but doesnt suffer the problems with the clipping because its sight and rail is located further forward compared to standard bullpups... also, that pic is in 3rd person and in patrol, and i was, like i said, talking about it in 1st and clipping the head (probally should have explained it as being in an aware/cobat position) - i was mainly talking about the SA80 etc... but like pappy said, its hard to gear every anim towards all weapons... and i can understand why assualt rifles like the M16 were chosen to base the anims on... it was just a question smile_o.gif

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i tried your anims last night very impressive, can i make one suggestion in that can the head move aswell as your soldier keeps it perfectly straight when running and walking even though his shoulders are moving, it shouldnt move much but a little. small niggle but other than that very nice

perfectly straight for running is a no.

Maybe i will try to keep it more straight for the walking animation.

Is it possible to also modify the anim where you walk diagonaly while looking through your gunsight, or would that involve alot of the angel trial and error you had to do on the patrol anims?

Difficult, as it involves to modify several frames of 2 diagonal walking animations.

On my to do list in the future maybe

Your have made your Patrol follow a "Column" only formation. Is this as per BIS scripting or is it something that could be changed ?. Personally, I'd prefer to be able to put a patrol into staggered column or wedge formations when needed.

You can use any OFP formation you want, the patrol animations do not force any formation on the user.

I wondered if you'd looked at vehicle behaviour. Specifically, tanks - spinning and whizzing about under fire and generally being too fast and too "busy" when engaged. Is this your kind of territory ??.

Not related to animations, it is an AI behaviour, most likely hardcoded and not modifiable by a config work.

With the patrol anim would it be possible for (as in your other anims) some of the soldiers to kneel for a few seconds from time to time and move into the kneeling position when stationary ?.

Not possible other than scripting some playmove/switchmove in those units.

But you can use the alternative "crouch ready" animation tha is available in the last pages of the Animation sharing center thread to replace the "stand ready" animation of the AI.

To have some soldiers carry weapons left handed ?

not possible to have the whole animations for right and left handed units in the same time, other than using some complexes playmove/switchmove scripting.

What units are they? I've searched through the OpFr Infantry but couldn't find 'em...

Resistance side -> OFrP Infanterie -> Fantassin - Commandos

talking about it in 1st and clipping the head (probally should have explained it as being in an aware/cobat position) - i was mainly talking about the SA80 etc..

Unfortunately there are a few weapons (noticed it on an AK with a scope that go far in the back of the weapon from ORCS and some sniper rifles that have long to the back scopes) that are affected by this.

Actually in my animation pack, i corrected this problem for a lot of long weapons by moving the weapon a bit more far than it was for other replacement pack , but even like this it is not enough for all the weapons, a few are left with that problem.

And unfortunately, i can't move the primary weapon proxy more far than it is now, i tested it when i was developping the animations.

As for all the weapons that have no (or no more) problems the soldier would seem to catch his weapon in an uncomfortable position by having the arms too much extended in 1st person view.

The only solution would be to use a different model of this same weapons (made by someone who would have made the back of their scope shorter to the back than it is for the problematic weapons)

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i love the patrol pack men its a great job done on that but only one downfall for me sad_o.gif if somebody only has a handgun (pistol) and he is put on safe he is standing like if he is carrying a rifle in his hands sad_o.gif when the boys have rifles this looks very very impressive and cool but with a handgun it looks pretty silly tounge_o.gif

but i know the safe position is one animation and its either this or that and unfortunatly you cant have it all

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Patrol Anim is fantastic,  ok theres a bit of sloping of the PUKF back pack to the side when walking, But i can more than live with that. Really special work,, and improved gameplay no end.  Much appreciated and an outstanding addition to the opf folder,, GJ  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif


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Quote[/b] ]


i just wanted to say how much i like using your anims; to be honest, at first i was kind of like "ehh...looks...different..." But i found that the more i used them the more i liked them, and now i dont think i can go back to the originals!

anyway, its sad to hear that you won't be updating them anymore (although i can't complain). i was just wondering what you're opinion was on an idea that i have had for a while:

a problem that annoys me in most missions is that if you want enemy soldiers to patrol an area, you can either have them in "aware" mode or "safe" mode. the problem with "aware" mode is that the soldiers run everywhere, which looks very unrealistic. the problem with "safe" mode is that the soldiers have their guns on their backs, which also looks unrealistic. below is a link to the conversation i had with general barron about his mission "Realistic Combat Patrol" back in september, where we agreed it would be nice if there was a solution:


the problem was that i didn't know how it could be fixed, until i saw the work you were doing with animations. after remembering the problem i'd had back in september, i had the thought of changing the way the "safe" animation looks so that the soldiers are carrying their guns like in the link below:


i wasn't sure whether such a change would be possible though, and that's why i'm posting it here for your review. any thoughts would be much appreciated.

...and thanks again for creating the anim pack!

i told you it was a good idea!! i want my props!! lol

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Quote[/b] ]


i just wanted to say how much i like using your anims; to be honest, at first i was kind of like "ehh...looks...different..." But i found that the more i used them the more i liked them, and now i dont think i can go back to the originals!

anyway, its sad to hear that you won't be updating them anymore (although i can't complain). i was just wondering what you're opinion was on an idea that i have had for a while:

a problem that annoys me in most missions is that if you want enemy soldiers to patrol an area, you can either have them in "aware" mode or "safe" mode. the problem with "aware" mode is that the soldiers run everywhere, which looks very unrealistic. the problem with "safe" mode is that the soldiers have their guns on their backs, which also looks unrealistic. below is a link to the conversation i had with general barron about his mission "Realistic Combat Patrol" back in september, where we agreed it would be nice if there was a solution:


the problem was that i didn't know how it could be fixed, until i saw the work you were doing with animations. after remembering the problem i'd had back in september, i had the thought of changing the way the "safe" animation looks so that the soldiers are carrying their guns like in the link below:


i wasn't sure whether such a change would be possible though, and that's why i'm posting it here for your review. any thoughts would be much appreciated.

...and thanks again for creating the anim pack!

i told you it was a good idea!! i want my props!! lol

Couldn't he/she just use "limited" speed?

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Really love this anim pack. Really makes up for some decent NAM jungle patrols. Good work Sanctuary, just what i needed.

(btw, is there a way to replace cargo animations? would be cool if all the cargo anims were like with the BAS hawks, guns pointing down)

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Couldn't he/she just use "limited" speed?

in which mode? it wouldn't solve the problem of the ai's super fast reflexes in "aware" mode, and it would look unrealistic seeing people walk around hunched over their weapons (im pretty sure thats the anim it plays when in limited speed). the fact was that there was no way to solve all of the problems with "safe" and "aware" mode until these patrol anims.

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Really love this anim pack. Really makes up for some decent NAM jungle patrols. Good work Sanctuary, just what i needed.

(btw, is there a way to replace cargo animations? would be cool if all the cargo anims were like with the BAS hawks, guns pointing down)

Yep cargo animations can be replaced a majority of cargo anims falls under a single cargo anim, I believe Dreamy Night or Wilco fixed this in their anim replacement pack. It would be great if it can be done in this.

Also is there plans on redoing the RPG/Law/AT/"you get the picture" anims, the BIS ones were good for their time but these anims have lifted the bar and I would be really interested in what you can come up with

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I think cargo animations were replaced in the old Wilco pack.

Maybe AT animations will be changed , it will require several interpolations too, but should be on my "to do" list in the future when i will make a new "final" version biggrin_o.gif of my pack.

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Does any body by chance know the names of the cargo anims,also if i add wilko's cargo anims into this excellent anim pack will it work?

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