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Sanctuary's Animation Pack 1.5

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The latest version of Wilco pack that i tried , is this one

It had some new cargo animations.

Fortunately, the cargo animations have the word "cargo" in them usually, so finding them should be easy.

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well now i have been bitten by the bug of playing about with anims,it's addictive! Now i have a little problem i hope someone can help me with.In my own config based on the Y2K3 one i have replaced the jeep model with a cbt humvee.Now the passenger in the front seat,his gun and knee sticks out outside of the humve just a little bit.The guys in the back seats look ok.I was wondering if i replaced the front seat anim with a back seat anim it would look ok.I need to know the front seat anim name and the back offside anim name.Also can i just rename a rtm file and will it still work?Thanks if any one can help. p.s does a list of all anims and what they are exist.. crazy_o.gif

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It is not related to the animation pack, but to the config.cpp that comes to define the CBT humvees.

Becuase in those .CPP you will notice that the humvees are defined to point OFP to the specific animations it must play for all passengers of the vehicle.

and if the original BIS jeep point to different animations that the CBT humvees are using, it is normal that your units will appear in strange place (on one of my private config , i had chopper pilots sitting on the rotor wink_o.gif )

Exemple :

the OFP jeep class is defined with those lines

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">



while the CBT M1907 (i take it as the example) humvee is using in its own class :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">driverAction="ManActJeepDriver";


Those are the OFP names of the animations OFP must play for assigning the good position/proxy to a unit in a vehicle.

Notice a difference for one of the unit in the cargoaction line for the BIS jeep and the CBT M1907

so to use the good animations placement of the CBT M1907 , you must change the line

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">cargoAction[]={"ManActJeepCoDriver,ManActJeepCoDriverBack"};

byt the line

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">cargoAction[]={"ManActJeepCoDriver","ManActCargo"};

It can occurs that some vehicles have proxy/animation placement names that are not defined in the OFP config , but are new animations and proxy placement created by the model maker.

In that case, you must look in the addon config.cpp and add them to your config

The Cargo animation from ManActCargo is fortunately already defined in the class CfgVehicleActions part of the main config , so you don't have to add the definition of it yourself there and then add the animation definition to point out the good animation file to OFP.

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actualy that one was my deal. i changed the cargo animation for the BIS jeep so that it had a custom animation with his knee out and holding his rifle with the butt to his hip. a more laidback animation that suited the jeep only.

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I should have added in my previous post that my example took in account BIS config values for the default cargo animations, and the combat ones for the CBT M1097 (and so other CBT humvees could differ too).

And so all of that could have been different for Y2K3 config , my fault if it was not very understandable for action man, thanks for the precision Pappy Boyington.

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Hi Sanctuary, just wanted to post an idea that I had already a while back.

I guess the turning moves, by default called by pressing X and C, are animations (?). Since I find them pretty useless and did never really use them, since you can do all of the turning with the mouse, what do you think of changing these anims to lean animations? Means C for lean right and X for lean left.

That would be pretty cool, if possible smile_o.gif

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Hi Sanctuary, just wanted to post an idea that I had already a while back.

I guess the turning moves, by default called by pressing X and C, are animations (?). Since I find them pretty useless and did never really use them, since you can do all of the turning with the mouse, what do you think of changing these anims to lean animations? Means C for lean right and X for lean left.

That would be pretty cool, if possible smile_o.gif

if this is possible then this would indeed be pretty cool but if its not then no sweat it still rocks biggrin_o.gif

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Very good idea.

I never ever noticed those keys , as since i have OFP i never used them or even knew they existed for the soldiers (i used them when making rotations on myself with the choppers/planes only)

I just hope the rotation that the soldier is doing ingame when pressing those keys not hardcoded and is really made by the animations.

Will see what i can do with this, as soon as i find the 2 animations.

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Now I wonder how strange will it look on AI soldier to be turning around while leaning. wink_o.gif

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I tested it quickly , but as i thought the rotation is hardcoded so you can't use those keys to have animations allowing you to "lean" left and right.

For the record , the animations names for those movements used by the default X and C keys are



It would have been too simple if it was not hardcoded wink_o.gif

Maybe using the backward/left and backward/right walking can do the trick , as the travelling movement is not hardcoded and is a part of the animation

Will try this when i will have time.

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Yeah, I believe thats the anim the AI use for turning, so it might screw that up pretty badly sad_o.gif

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No, for turning the AI use




(or both i don't remember exactly)

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I made an experience about introducing leaning in OFP

Click on the Sharing Animation Center link in my signature and refer to one of the latest post (at the time i type this) on the page 17 if you want to try the result of this experience.

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Never got around to testing this out until now.

The patrol version actually makes OFP more enjoyable to play and watch as well. I got tired of men keeping guns on their shoulders in safe position in a warzone. (Well, would you? Didn't think so)

The gun position also is a great welcome compared to it slung the awkward BIS position. Although you seriously need to slow down the reload animation, even for an expert that's a little too fast to reload.

Anyways, very enjoyable and continue to tweak it when you can to make it better.



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Isn't the soldier too slow while putting the rifle down and up?

I mean (sorry for bad english), when switching between "Alert" Behaviour and "Safe" one.

Same for sitting down and standing up.

thx wink_o.gif

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I have no real control on the animation durations , as each animation duration is defined by the main config.

That's why the reload animation seems to play quicker than it should in real life, to modify this , there would be a need to modify the config definition of that animation.

The sitdown animation play slower than BIS one becuase BIS one had a tons more frames, so you can't see it is slow as there are a lot of details to watch during the BIS animation that is not there on mine.

The sitdown test version was a lot slower , i adjusted the frames for the release to give the feeling it is quicker , but even like this, BIS one seems to be quicker.

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Sanctuary, your anims are outstanding! Excellent work. biggrin_o.gif

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Earlier you referred to using Maya to make animations. I have developed a kit that will allow you to use MayaPLE, the freeware version of Maya. I developed this kit as an extention of teaCup's kit for regular, expensive ($2k)Maya. I have used my kit to make swordfighting .rtm's (for the Civil War mod). The .rar is about 300kb.

Contact me if you are interested, as I have not released it anywhere yet. It works, but I am looking for beta testers. Put MayaPLE in your topic line so I don't erase your message thinking it was spam.



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Thanks for the offer, but unfortunately MayaPLE does not work on my old system, as it needs window XP or 2000.

I hope you will have enough beta testers for your animation kit, this way it would open the door to greater animation replacements.

As with program like maya , more realistic animations can be done without having to face the severe limitations of OFPAnim.

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I can't believe I'm only just now trying this. Great work bud!

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