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FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

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could you try to make one experimental config with ONLY the new AI scripts?

i want to test if thats what causes the lag

yeah sure smile_o.gif

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From my tests on the FlashFX mod , all i can say is that the ofpec blood scripts in the init =.... and hit=... eventhandlers part of the class Man:Land definition in the config are really laggy on low end system.

A simple firefight with 2 squad versus 2 squad on desert island can quickly become a slideshow with the blood eventhandlers while being very smooth without those blood eventhandlers in the config.

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ok ,if the blood script is one of the principal sources of the lag , I won't use it .

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Well, i spoke for my tests with the FlashFX mod only, if you use a different blood script in your FFUR mod , maybe the source of lag can be elsewhere.

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So that's the same one used in the FlashFX mod too.

Just removing the blood eventhandler in the init=... and hit=... should remove a very lot of "computer lag" for low end machines.

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Quote[/b] ]BIS replacement Units config 1.0


Hi , this config replaces all BIS units by the best addons respecting the year of 1980-1985 . the goal of this replacement is to enhance OFP and to make able to play to favorite missions and campaigns without any lag. smile_o.gif

This config include only the tracer script and 2 lights AI scripts

-AI open fire on parachutes

-AI use suppressive fire

Download Section

FlashFx Units Replacement full pack 1.0

BIS Units Replacement Config 1.0

Diesel A10


you may at first download and install the full pack , and after that you can install the "BIS Units replacement Config 1.0"

Model Changes

*US Soldier : HYK 85 Woodland Soldier

*US Officer : HYK 85 Woodland Officer

*US Sniper : GIG Scout Sniper

*US Black Op : HYK SF (CQB)

*US Crew : Rudedog's APC Crew 85 Woodland

*US AH-1 : Vit Ah-1

*US UH60 : BAS UH60L

*US UH60mg : BAS UH60L

*US M1A1 : SIG M1A1

*US M60 : SIG M6OA3

*US M2A2 : Combat M2A2

*US Hmmwv : Combat Hmmwv

*US M113 : Combat! M113A3

*US M113 Ambulance : Combat! M113A3 Ambulance

*US 5T, 5T Open : MAF M925

*US 5T Ammo, 5T Repair : CBT M977

*US PBR : Carl boat

*RU Soldier : ORCS soviet soldier

*RU Officer : ORCS soviet officer

*RU Grenadier : ORCS soviet grenadier

*RU medic : ORCS soviet medic

*RU Sniper : Neoko soviet Sniper

*RU Spetsnaz : Suchey & Earl naval Spetsnaz (recon)

*RU Crew : RHS Crew

*Ru Pilot : Our weapon PIlot

*Ru Fighter pilot : Rzn Pilot

*RU T-72 : SIG T-72B/Kontakt ERA

*RU T-80 : SIG T-80UE


*RU Mi-24 : CSLA Mi-24

*RU Mi-17 : CSLA Mi-17

*RU Ural : LWP Ural


*RU M2: AKM Kord

*Res Soldier : Retextured resistance soldier

*Res Grenadier : Retextured resistance Grenadier

*Res machinegunner : Retextured resistance machinegunner

*Res Officer : Retextured resistance officer

*Res RPG Soldier : Retextured resistance RPG Soldier

*Res T55 : RHS T55

*M60 : Win$e M60

*M21 : Win$e M21

*M16 : Suchey & Earl M16A2

*MP5 : LSC MP5 SD Aimpoint

*M16/M203 : Suchey & Earl M16A2/M203

*XM-177E2 : Suchey & Earl M4A1

*Law M72 : Win$e Law

*Carl Gustav : CBT M47 Dragon

*AK-74 : ORCS AK-74

*AK-74/GL : ORCS AK-74/GP25

*AKS-74su : ORCS AKS-74su

*Rpgnh75 : ORCS RPG-7

*Sa-58 : CSLA Sa-58


*Dragunov : ORCS SVD camoufled Dragunov

*AK47 : ORCS AK47

*AK47gp : ORCS AK47

misc :

*BIS Satchel : Bidas

*BIS launched grenade now uses 1 slot

*most of military gear names changed in editor by authentic names.

*BIS Rus Pilot of helicopter replaced by Our weapon pilot

*Pilots have life vests in case they bail out over water

*US pilots use the beretta M9 and the russian ones use the Tokarev like in 1985

*Now Kalashnikov's riffles have only a single and full auto like in reality.

*BIS tracers : FXtracers + BN tracers, usable only in "single versions".

*Now the Mp5sd have 3 mods like in reality : "single" , "burst" , " full' , usable only in "single versions".

I hope this config won't be lagy smile_o.gif

enjoy it

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I think the main cause of the "new" explosion lag is the very, very large ammount of debris and parts they produce. Just look at the radar after a tank battle and you know what i mean. Removing the ai scripts and the feetdust gave me back some frames but reducing the debris from the effect_pack explosins needs a coder, who knows what he does (and i´m far from being a coder). I think, if there is anybody out there succeding in this should make the replacemen-pack playable again without loosing this damn ....ing-nice-sparky-turret-flying-away-explosion (i love it).

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i got a bug with this.. loaded up lone wolf..

and a error came

cannot bla bla bla. missing addon: bis_resistance...

uhu rock.gif

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Please try the config online, I'm sure at 99 % that'll work online without any ctd or bug

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If you would like your config to completely mirror the original units the Russian tanks should be different.

   Bis's T80 is based on the T80BV and their T72 is based on the T72M1 Czech version. Both vehicles are in the Sig packs.

    So all that needs changed really to be like BIS and 1985 are the following two changes...

1. Sig T80UE to Sig T80BV

2. Sig T72B/Kontact ERA to Sig T72M1 Czech

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anyone got a mirror to the new replacement, 2 hour download on cable :P

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biggrin_o.gif oh my god :

Ancient Flashfxur on Messenger retaliation campaign : 15 Fps

this mod : 35 fps

Great. You make my day. Merci

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did you remove the explosion effects too?

i didnt want that... sad_o.gif

OK ,tonight I'll add the explosion effects

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just keep those "blow of the turret and create a lot of debris" scripts/effects out...

i cant stand them...

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just keep those "blow of the turret and create a lot of debris" scripts/effects out...

i cant stand them...

Ok smile_o.gif

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Yeah turret stuff makes a lot of lag.And so are those new explosion effects (blown up cars are replaced by wreck).

Everything else is ok.

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yeah, i agree.. do not use any scripts that replace stuff when they get destroyed.

then everything should be ok smile_o.gif

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Ok , I'll add the explosion effects but it'll be impossible to play online after wink_o.gif

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I would love it if anybody can point me to the link for the full download of the mod.

I got a bit confused, or is the links in the first page being updated as versions come out?



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