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Albert Schweitzer

Best Games 2004 -upcoming-

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I came up with the idea to create a thread on Best PC Games 2004 corresponding to OFP-Fan tastes`. But unfortunately I do not seem to recall all the essential games. And on the other hand I dont know which you people in the US played in contrast to us. So please check the list, say which ones I could delete or need to add.. I will post the poll then once we are all happy with the array of games. You can reply untill Wednesday.

Medal of Honour Pacific Assault

Rome Total War

Hitman 3


Far Cry

Richard Burns Ralley

Pro Evolution soccer

Chronicles of the Riddick


Half Life 2

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to be honest, the only game from this list i played is far cry. smile_o.gif and only the demo biggrin_o.gif

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I'm trying to remember all the new games i bought in 2004, but i'm having a hard time to remember.  I think I bought 2.  crazy_o.gif

Are these for PC games only? If not, add GTA: San Andreas to the list.

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I'd imagine that there are way too many games released in 2004 to fit in a poll (199 matches in gamespot alone, and that only lists "big" commercial games), though for me, only 3 worth mentioning come to mind (not a very good gaming year).

edit: To make such a poll more interesting and useful, it should be a more "advanced" poll where you'd for example first list games you played/tried/have an opinion about, and then you would rate them as either good or bad games. That way the less popular games would have a chance too.

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Not a good gaming year for the PC at all, I only bought Half-Life 2 which was IMO way overhyped. Far Cry was maybe the best FPS of the year, fun and relatively free which makes it at least a bit innovative.

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I didn't bought a single game last year, because I didn't thought any of them were worth spending. Besides that, the time I can continuously spend on a pc are taken by OFP and study wink_o.gif My brother got Battle for Middle Earth which I got to see, but that was just recently (as in: 2005) and I played both Halflife2 and Far Cry at a friend. They were ok, but in no way top quality. Anyway, I have no clue which should be voted best.

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only fair! tounge_o.gif

I didnt buy as many as I expected. I went for Medal of Honour Pacific Assault, Doom3, FarCry, Sacred and Call of Duty addon.. thats about it.. and I bought some old games such as GTA! smile_o.gif

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can i vote for ofp ? biggrin_o.gif

sacred and far cry were pretty good, but the only game which i spent my money for (after testing from videogames rental) was soldiers:heroes of world war 2. the only downside being the distribution by codemasters hence missing a better modder support..without mods this superb game will die after all people have played through the hard but short campaigns sad_o.gif

need for speed underground 2 is also worth mentioning, although it doesn´t have any replayability after you´ve won everything.

oh almost forgot, the recently released pirates (by the real sid meier) must be in top ten of 2004´s games too

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I guess since you listed Richard Burns Ralley twice that makes it a doubley good game.


Quote[/b] ]oh almost forgot, the recently released pirates (by the real sid meier) must be in top ten of 2004´s games too

Yeah. Pirates kicks ass. I've really enjoyed it.

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On the tech side i would vote Far Cry and Rome: total war, good relation betwean graphics and map size, it was a crap year for games for me, hope S.T.A.L.K.E.R. comes out soon and gets me gaming again and some military tact FPS's would be nice aswell, too many monster shooters this past year smile_o.gif .

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i only bought UT2004 (to play Red Orchestra) and HL2 (which i already sold) but still i got to say HL2, incredible graphics and engine.

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i only bought UT2004 (to play Red Orchestra) and HL2 (which i already sold) but still i got to say HL2, incredible graphics and engine.

Both, halflife and Pacific Assault work with the same engine (Havok-engine)

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Where is MAX PAYNE 2?? mad_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

It had a beautiful storyline and sound track to go with it almost like a movie , i even wish someone make a film on it.

I think it was also one of the better games of 2004 surely , even though many games that came out were relatively over hyped and didnt satisfy our thirsts. HL2 was ok i couldnt enjoy many of its new features though because of a Geforce4 card same with Doom 3 which was a bit too repititive , dark room after another crazy_o.gif .

And if Warcraft 3 was a 2004 release then add it too , i just ended the game a few days ago and its really good too in the RTS genre.

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Where is MAX PAYNE 2??  mad_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

In the best games 2003 thread maybe? wink_o.giftounge_o.gif

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i only bought UT2004 (to play Red Orchestra) and HL2 (which i already sold) but still i got to say HL2, incredible graphics and engine.

Both, halflife and Pacific Assault work with the same engine (Havok-engine)

No, the same Havok physics engine, HL2 runs on the Source engine and MOHPA has its own. Max Payne 2 and Full Spectrum Warrior, among others, use the same licensed physics engine.

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Where is MAX PAYNE 2??  mad_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

In the best games 2003 thread maybe?  wink_o.gif  tounge_o.gif

Oh crap i didnt knew it was a 2003 release...

Time flies by and you never know sad_o.gif

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only bought Half Life 2, Doom 3 and Rome Total War... oh, and Hitman 2

i thought they were all rather good smile_o.gif

waiting for stalker to come out this year, and then im happy

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i go  forPRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 4!!!!  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

ditto, closely followed by Rome: Total War and FarCry.

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Doom3 was disapointing has a engine, the game itself is ok and sound, real time lighting and shadowing are great but for a game that is made out of small squary rooms with not more than 4/5 units at the same time i expected much better models and textures, and also more lifelike animations for the characters, looks very plastic and the weapons are very low on detail too, game shouldnt be such a system hog.

Far Cry delivers the best compromise betwean graphics, size and performance, hope Stalker will push things further on. Thats the game i want to play here smile_o.gif .

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I believe the only game I bought this year was Halo 2 and that was an unexpected christmas present... Actually the only games I have really played this year Halo, Halo 2 and OFP and OFP's played/moding time out does Halo and Halo 2 put together by about 100x. I might have played a few other games but not many.

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my favorites:


Star Wars KOTOR II The Sith Lords

Halo 2

Metal Gear Solid 3

Edit (forgot a couple)

Ace Combat 5 Unsung War (got the special edition w/ the USB flight sticks)

Cronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay

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