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Big Dawg KS

A New AH-64 Pack

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I need modelers and scripters. Anyone with MP script experience, and I need people who have a lot more time than I do on their hands.

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Ok, I finaly have a break from school. While I was busy waking up at 6 in the morning and going to a packed school listening to teachers say stuff all day just to come home to homework  sad_o.gif , MrZig has been helping me with some of the stuff. A thanks to him  biggrin_o.gif . I could still use some extra help if anyone wants to.

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HI man , is it possible to know when it'll be ready to replace the old AH64 by yours wink_o.gif

About scripts , Franze's done a very nice apache with a lot of nice scripts , wink_o.gif

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I hate to post this here but does anybody know how I can turn a shape for instance,a cylinder over in O2,I read a tutorial showing there are 3,X,Y,Z points of rotating,but I only see one and the darn thing never creates in the direction I want it,I'm attempting to do the chaff on the apache's tail but I need to kno whow to do these things...*wishing this was more like Gmax*

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what about holding the shift and control keys while moving the object with the mouse for postions, one dows scaling the other moves the object?

@thunderbird I suggest you track down the hacked BOH AH64 or the other apache pack just because, this one sis going to have major script work done to it and every gober is gonna try running her in MP and cause all sorts of problems you _will not_ beable to correct. Drawback to adding all thes cool scripts to a addon is in MP it cause all sorts of problems. Even if you tell them to not use it in MP they will keep trying and moan about it.. Ranging from LAg, to crashing systems or even allowing cheats like I found in a lot of the DKM stuff.

This bird isn't even ready, to see release for sometime due to the level of detail that needed on this pack.

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HI man , is it possible to know when it'll be ready to replace the old AH64 by yours  wink_o.gif

About scripts , Franze's done a very nice apache with a lot of nice scripts ,  wink_o.gif

What do you mean??

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HI man , is it possible to know when it'll be ready to replace the old AH64 by yours wink_o.gif

About scripts , Franze's done a very nice apache with a lot of nice scripts , wink_o.gif

What do you mean??

that i guess. wink_o.gif

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ahh, i think he knows about that addon, that guy only asked what scripts will be included and when it will be released

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I allready know about franze's work, and I don't know what you mean by replace, this addon won't replace the BIS AH-64 if that's what you mean. As for scripts, most of them are for visual effects. Basicly, tail rotor failure, missile/rocket smoke, realistic tracers, empty shell casing ejection, changable armament, dust, exhaust, engine smoke when damaged, flares, ECM, replace dead chopper with crashed model, and soon, it will have MFDs. Um, I think thats everything, might be more though.. smile_o.gif , oh yea I forgot, LOAL hellfire script biggrin_o.gif .

As for multiplayer, all of the FX scripts can be disabled with a public variable, and me and MrZig are trying to get all of the scripts to work good in multiplayer so you don't have to disable them.

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I mean that I wanted to know when the chopper will be ready in order to replace the obsolet BIS apache by using the config.bin


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Oh, lol, sorry. I have no release date, it will be released when it gets done, and the more people that help, the faster it gets done. I still need some help from some modelers if any are interested. biggrin_o.gif

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Progress has gotten slower as Kyle has been I guess caught up in real life,I have currently put a hold on texturing,though I plan to update the current textures,making the big bolts smaller and blend in more to give it a even more realistic look,if possible,for now though I am doing a little modelling,however all I have gotten done are the chaff launcher on the tail and the support for the tail landing gear,I plan to do the windshield wipers n all that,Kyle says that he's got a friend working on it but the way he said leaves me to not really believe him,so I am going to do it myself,I'll post some pics later.

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Really looking forward to see what you guys have done.

Are you going with a high res textures?

Like crystal clear textures when up close? I'm especially concerned with the TADS sensors.

Today's graphics cards can handle...

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Yeah I plan to do the crystal clear textures thing as soon as I figure out how to,a bit forgetful today so does it have to do with resolutions? because I am thinking of trying a different texturing method rather than the original BIS apache textures. I'm working on the hellfire racks,comming along pretty nicely I think....polygon count will be increased and I'm changing a few things of the original racks,say bye to those triangular ones that hold the hellfires cause their gone for good.

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Today's graphics cards can handle what?  tounge_o.gif

doh! it  tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]polygon count will be increased and I'm changing a few things of the original racks,say bye to those triangular ones that hold the hellfires cause their gone for good.

Like music to my ears biggrin_o.gif

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Ugh, there he goes, doing all of this without even telling me, now there will be two versions of the same model rock.gif

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What resolutions do we need for the "crystal clear" textures? two times or what? the original BIS textures n silesians/helifreaks are a bit blurrymirl the apache looks like its 1 color,well you know what I mean,theres no slight dark/light blending in random spots,but if I do then that then it won't look good....damnit....think we should make custom textures? as the BIS/silesians/helifreaks well...their just not gonna be "clear"

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The textures are fine, splendid actually in my opinion.

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