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Big Dawg KS

A New AH-64 Pack

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Yes sorry that I have been offline,people have been wanting my attention to no end,my cousin wanting to show me Metal Gear Solid 3,which if you have played past metal gear/MGS games I suggest you get this one,even if your not familiar with the MGS thing you maybe should buy it,the game is great and takes skill+smarts,not just a bunch of running around and killing you people,plus earning money n crud like that,but don't worry,whatever time I get on the computer I spend on insignias and such.

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#5. I don't quite understand what you mean.

Remove the altitude and speed indicators in the top left corner of the screen and add them to a MFD-page (or HUD like on DKM Havoc & Comanche). Also maybe remove the damage bar, fuel-bar and compass and have a damage-MFD instead with a list of parts-names and their status (operational/damage/major damage/critical/inoperable).

Just some ideas to move the addons away from the arcade-like way of telling you how fast and how high you're going and how much "energy" you have left.

Show fuel in lbs on the same MFD that show airspeed, altitude and compass.

Quote[/b] ]I don't want to add any more polys to the model its allready too big I think biggrin_o.gif

Bullshit! There is no such thing as a too big model. We're talking the kick-ass Apache here biggrin_o.gif

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I was planning on adding all of that to the MFD pages, yes, but I never thought about removing that info from the top corner. Ill see what looks better. As for MFD pages, I still need textures for those, lots of them! With xnodunitx off a lot I can't get the textures sad_o.gif .

Also, still looking for an experianced modeler's help, I want to see if they can help me work out some LOD issues.

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just a little update ..Kyle and I are working on a ATHS script. It will allow you to hand off targets selected with the laser designator to other apaches. this should let all you apache drivers out there use the max of the AH-64 leathal talents

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Im getting everything ready for a beta release stage. Now, this doesn't mean I will beta release it, it just means that in case I decide to release a beta, it won't be long.

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well take your time dude, don't rush in. I think it will be worth the wait smile_o.gif

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yes so atleast you changed the settings of the gun, so there not the BIS default...???

I run FDF mod like Frostbite, and well I must say they do have very nice looking explosions... But the power of the round is just to much, when the round falls a meter next to the target, the dude is allmost launched into space...

Something like the dude is thrown back tops 2 meters is more realistic...

But allready there are SOOOOOOOO many new things I cannot wait for the BETA release... TOo bad im not seeing my pc till thursday...

PS. did you change the sound of the chaingun? On ogrish, and on atwar.net there you can find the allmost famous "hit him" video of the apache missions during op iraqi freedom, then you see the real power of the chaingun... and the sounds of the thing...  crazy_o.gif


I just checked the video, and in the second video you can clearly see dudes flying away full due to the weapon, it looks nice when it explodes but its more like the power of a 500lb bomb that goes off...

on the video "real apache" you can clearly see ppl just being cut to pieces and well the explosion in OFP would surely blow you up waayy to much...  xmas_o.gif

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I changed the sound yes and the power that the chain gun has is set for vehicles not infantry, if I make it lower so that the guys stay still when hit then it won't be right against vehicle armor, also, It might not even kill the guys either. Grenades kill guys just barely and look how far they fly. Its just a problem with the infantry In OFP. And at the most with the chain gun they fly about 8 or so meters.

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Regarding the "bounce" issue on the tailrotor failure script:

Have you tried removing the fuel just before touchdown? I mean, checking the Z position until it gets to say, 8-5 meters AGL? If the aircraft has any fuel left just before touchdown, the AI might be trying to pull back up to his flyinheight altitude, before everything finally catches up to him.

Really looking forward to playing around with this! biggrin_o.gif

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Well, the truth is it has nothing to do with the AI cause it happens to players too. The problem is with the setdir command. The bounce is automatic, which means it will happen no matter what. It does set the fuel to 0, but it still takes a few seconds for the rotor to stop spinning. And trying to set the fuel at 0 before it hits the ground probably wouldn't work because you would probably crash into the ground and blow up rock.gif as for the AI, the script will first tell him to stop moving, and then to land, so he won't hesitate to hit the ground biggrin_o.gif . I also modified the countermeasures so that you have a random 1 in 3 chance of dodging incoming missiles.

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Okay. You might want to just test it and try removing the fuel a few meters before the crash, just to see if that helps. I remember having a similar problem with my own tailrotor failure script, and removing the fuel completely just before touchdown reduced or removed the problem, if I recall correctly.

Again, really looking forward to your work! smile_o.gif

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on the video "real apache" you can clearly see ppl just being cut to pieces and well the explosion in OFP would surely blow you up waayy to much...  xmas_o.gif

Ew,closest thing I think we can get to that is the ECP exploding bodies effect,the chaingun needs work yes,I am hoping a modeller will come along and change the gun to be the actual gun,not the BIS default,polycounts are nothin,just look at some of these new releases,their polycount isn't low and we are trying to get the real thing,we are also trying to change the camera like in the pics I posted about 10 or so pages ago.

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About your bounce issue:

Why not just check if the heli's Z (I think it's Z) velocity (velocity _heli select 2) is greater than 0, and if so, do a simple setvelocity to make it lower, that way it shouldnt really bounce.

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About your bounce issue:

Why not just check if the heli's Z (I think it's Z) velocity (velocity _heli select 2) is greater than 0, and if so, do a simple setvelocity to make it lower, that way it shouldnt really bounce.

I did, and it didn't work the chopper still goes up by default, its from setdir and it really doesn't matter (well not to me at least), I will experiment with the fuel suggestion though, and see what happens.

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Why not just cease setdir when it's height is say <1 ? I think that worked for my tail rotor script and the only sideeffect is that it stops rotating for a split second.

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It does cease the setdir at < 3 but it is the ceasing of the setdir that causes the problem. When the chopper comes out of a loop of setdir, OFP things its a bug or something and makes the chopper automaticly climb.

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PS. did you change the sound of the chaingun? On ogrish, and on atwar.net there you can find the allmost famous "hit him" video of the apache missions during op iraqi freedom, then you see the real power of the chaingun... and the sounds of the thing...  crazy_o.gif


I just checked the video, and in the second video you can clearly see dudes flying away full due to the weapon, it looks nice when it explodes but its more like the power of a 500lb bomb that goes off...

on the video "real apache" you can clearly see ppl just being cut to pieces and well the explosion in OFP would surely blow you up waayy to much...  xmas_o.gif

I can't find the "hit him" video,can you post a link?

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Well due to there are more than four AH64 packs coming out, you can have enough time to sit and dev this one till its bug free. This is a much larger pack, no need to rush it out and learn you released a major bug that was overlooked. Maybe cure the MP issues as well, your BETA tester might not catch everything still, without enough time to really spend time on these birds. That and you got crews to compleate, once I hear your ready for them.. I've gotten a lot more work done on em so you will only have little minor things to deal with..

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Well due to there are more than four AH64 packs coming out, you can have enough time to sit and dev this one till its bug free.  This is a much larger pack, no need to rush it out and learn you released a major bug that was overlooked.  Maybe cure the MP issues as well, your BETA tester might not catch everything still, without enough time to really spend time on these birds.  That and you got crews to compleate, once I hear your ready for them..  I've gotten a lot more work done on em so you will only have little minor things to deal with..

Ok, your right. Sounds great. biggrin_o.gif Can't wait for them crews smile_o.gif

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I can't find the "hit him" video,can you post a link?

No, he can't. That movie breaks the forum rules regarding real killing and mutilated bodies.

I PM'ed you the link.

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I allready had that idea... wink_o.gif

but ehm yes well in the video you see three iraqi ppl being shot to pieces for what the apache pilotes say its weapons and you can see them throwing a long object into a field...

But you cannot see if this is a gun, or a rpg, or a wooden stick... Its very graphic you really see the power of such a 30mil weapon... With HE rounds btw... but not that big of a bang though!...

Cant you change the values like atleast the flame is smaller? and well the pressure of the explosion is less, and the direct hit is more? So if you blast in the ground in front of troops they dont fly away but instead you hit a tank full on and you blow it away..??

or make a " light" apache, orrr could somebody tell meh which values to change in order to get such effects? Ive been playing with configs but I cannot get it right, most of the time it doesnt do anything... sad_o.gif

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Cant you change the values like atleast the flame is smaller? and well the pressure of the explosion is less, and the direct hit is more? So if you blast in the ground in front of troops they dont fly away but instead you hit a tank full on and you blow it away..??

I'm aware of no other values you can adjust besides these :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hit=60;



Higher hit-value means a harder "push" on soft targets and you need higher values if the chaingun is going to be effective against armour.

~10 is enough to kill a soldier and he would not be blown away. But having the hit-value on 10 on direct hit would make it useless against heavy armour.

Anyway, the chainguns main task is anti-vehicle, so tweaking it for that purpose is the right way to go even if it means sending soldiers to outer orbit IMO.

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Updates!!!  tounge_o.gif  New AH-64D in black  biggrin_o.gif  plus a few modifications to the model from Franze  smile_o.gif  thank you Franze!  biggrin_o.gif  :







More pics cause it only let me post six at a time:




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